Saturday, October 12, 2024

Elitist Geoengineering Does NOT Care About YOU!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 12, 2024


Hurricanes have assaulted the U.S. East Coast. Notably Helene and Milton.


I’ve noticed a lot of Online speculation of Government Geoengineering/Weather Manipulation under various motives. NONE of the speculative motives are for the benefit and safety of American citizens. RATHER the motives are quite nefarious ranging from influencing the outcome of Election 2024 in heavily Republican voting areas, providing a scenario to displace residents to enable Lithium Mining (Lithium is the necessity for EV Tech) and/or just the downright evil Green-Climate Elitists controlling their NARRATIVE to instill fear among the masses to prop up the Climate Agenda. ALL NEFARIOUS!


As you can guess, I’m one that finds this speculation to be in the realm of credibility.


So, this is how I’m going to build a credibility case for nefarious Geoengineering. FIRST, I’m sharing a rather lengthy yet must read Substack post with the only purpose to show Geoengineering has been going for quite a while (“So You Want to Learn Geoengineering?”). The post makes nefarious claims or Climate hysteria accusations. The primarily dispels the notion of Conspiracy Theory.


THEN I will share a series of videos that do point to a Geoengineering nefarious agenda. The video titles:

o   The Silent Weather War On Humanity, InfoWars


o   Weather Wars – FEMA - and Equitable Mass Murder, Reese Report


o   How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium, Reese Report


o   Lithium Wars, SlantRight


o   Ex-CIA Director John Brennan on Weather Modification, SlantRight2


o   Where's the Money for Hurricane Victims? UNDERSTANDING THE LIES


o   General Flynn EXPOSES The Dark TRUTH About What's Happening In Appalachia: 'THOUSANDS Are Dead...', Benny Johnson


I have long lost trust in the Government to act for the benefit of We-The-People and act more in line with a Globalist ONE-World agenda – particularly under Big Government Dem-Marxist control.


YOU decide what YOU want to put up with or reject.


JRH 10/12/24


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So You Want to Learn Geoengineering?

The public deserves 100% transparency, and the public should be engaged in learning about the history and risks of geoengineering.


By James Lyons-Weiler

October 10, 2024

Popular Rationalism


So You Want to Learn Geoengineering? An Introduction to Weather Manipulation and Climate Control for Curious and Skeptical Public.


NB: Whether you think Helene was made worse, or guided, on it 500-mile path of destruction is up to your assessment of the evidence. In this article, we’ll review the history of geoengineering. We know of no evidence supporting or contradicting that weather modification played a role in Helene’s severity or path. We hope that providing some facts with a bit of perspective on the mishandling of public skepticism might help people refocus on helping those in need. For now, we’ll leave space mirrors to Bill Gates (the RAND Corporation article mentions them).


Geoengineering is not a conspiracy theory—it is a scientifically researched and government-backed field aimed at combating climate change and modifying weather. From cloud seeding to reflective aerosols, geoengineering methods have been explored for decades by credible scientific bodies like NOAA and NASA (RAND; Westcott, 2011). However, because of the potential global impact and the ethical complexities involved, the public deserves 100% transparency regarding these technologies. This is not just about academic or governmental decisions; geoengineering could affect everyone, so the public must stay informed and engaged. Without transparency and oversight, these powerful tools could lead to unintended consequences or, worse, be used without broad societal consent. All must share the future of the planet’s climate and the responsibility for its stewardship.


A Brief History of Weather Manipulation


If you have ever wondered whether humans can control the weather, you are not alone. Weather manipulation, also known as geoengineering, is a very real and controversial field. It involves intentional interventions in atmospheric processes to alter weather patterns, mitigate disasters, or address climate change. The history of weather manipulation is filled with massive-scale experiments, some of which have resulted in significant scientific discoveries, while others were met with failure—or worse, unintended consequences.


Project Cirrus and Project Stormfury


Weather modification is not a recent concept. Efforts began in earnest after World War II when scientists and governments began exploring ways to manage natural disasters like hurricanes or droughts. One of the earliest projects was Project Cirrus in 1947, in which the U.S. government attempted to weaken a hurricane by dropping 80 kilograms of dry ice into its swirling clouds. Instead of dissipating, the storm redirected and caused over $2 million in damages in Georgia (Earth Magazine; RAND). Though controversial, this early experiment sparked a series of projects exploring ways to manipulate weather more effectively.


Another notable project was Project Stormfury (1962-1983), where researchers tried to reduce the strength of hurricanes by seeding them with silver iodide. Although some success was reported—winds reduced by up to 30% on certain days—the results were inconsistent, and ultimately, the project was deemed ineffective (AOML). Nevertheless, the lessons learned from these early trials were used to find more refined methods in geoengineering.

USAF Above Hurricane (Popular Rationalism Photo)


In recent years, interest in weather manipulation has surged, particularly as a potential tool in the fight against climate change. From cloud seeding to efforts to reflect sunlight away from the Earth, geoengineering is breathtaking in its potential planetary impact and is thereby justifiably controversial.


Cloud Seeding: Making It Rain (or Snow)


Cloud seeding is one of the most widespread methods of weather manipulation in use today. It has been employed by governments and private entities alike to induce precipitation—making it rain or snow—especially in areas suffering from drought or where water resources are scarce. The process involves dispersing small particles, known as cloud condensation nuclei, into clouds to encourage the formation of raindrops or ice crystals.


The most common chemicals used in cloud seeding are silver iodide, dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), and occasionally aluminum hydroxide. These materials provide surfaces around which water droplets in clouds can coalesce and freeze, making it easier for them to fall as rain or snow.


Global Applications


Cloud seeding has been used for decades across the globe. One of the most notable countries leading the charge is China, which has carried out extensive cloud seeding programs, particularly in the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The Chinese government deployed cloud seeding to ensure clear skies during the event, earning widespread attention for their weather-modification efforts (RAND). Other countries, such as the United States, have also used cloud seeding in states like California and Colorado to enhance water supplies during droughts (Westcott, 2011).


Another country heavily invested in this technology is the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Facing significant fresh water scarcity, the UAE has adopted cloud seeding to enhance rainfall, particularly in its desert regions. The country’s National Center of Meteorology has conducted numerous cloud seeding operations, using aircraft to disperse seeding agents into promising cloud formations (Westcott, 2011).


Environmental Impact and Public Concerns


While cloud seeding may be seen by some as having clear benefits, especially in water-scarce areas, there are concerns about its environmental impact. Chemicals like silver iodide and aluminum hydroxide could accumulate in ecosystems, leading to potential long-term effects on soil and water quality. Additionally, the potential for altering natural weather patterns has raised questions about the unintended consequences of widespread cloud seeding (Westcott, 2011).


Public reaction remains mixed, ranging from ambivalence to outrage. Some see cloud seeding as a valuable tool to combat drought and ensure water security, while others are concerned about the environmental risks and the ethical implications of manipulating the weather on a large scale.


Government Geoengineering Programs: Ambitious Attempts to Control the Skies


When it comes to geoengineering, the U.S. government has a long history of trying to harness the power of weather for strategic and practical purposes. Starting with early attempts to weaken hurricanes, the U.S. launched a series of ambitious programs to modify extreme weather events. One of the earliest and most notable was Project Cirrus in 1947, where the government attempted to disrupt a hurricane by dropping dry ice into its clouds. This led to unintended consequences when the storm redirected and made landfall in Georgia, causing $2 million in damages (Earth Magazine)(RAND).


Project Stormfury: The Next Big Effort (1962-1983)


Undeterred by the missteps of Project Cirrus, the U.S. launched Project Stormfury in 1962, an experiment aimed at reducing the intensity of hurricanes by seeding them with silver iodide. The theory was that by injecting silver iodide into the eyewall of a hurricane, convection could be stimulated in the surrounding clouds, weakening the storm’s central winds (AOML). While some experiments showed promise with wind reductions of up to 30%, the project ultimately struggled to produce consistent results. By the time Stormfury ended in 1983, scientists had concluded that hurricanes naturally contained too much ice and insufficient supercooled water for effective seeding (AOML).

Hurricane – Outer Space View (Popular Rationalism Photo)


Funding and Support


Both Project Cirrus and Project Stormfury were backed by significant government funding. The U.S. Navy and the National Weather Bureau (now known as the National Weather Service) played central roles in supporting these projects, providing millions of dollars and extensive research resources (Earth Magazine). Despite discontinuing direct hurricane modification efforts, these programs offered insights that informed later climate intervention projects.


Modern Programs and Renewed Interest


Though large-scale government programs like Cirrus and Stormfury had ignoble endings, efforts to manipulate weather have not stopped. Today, cloud seeding continues in various U.S. states to enhance precipitation and mitigate drought, while discussions about more ambitious geoengineering strategies are ongoing. For example, injecting particles into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight (similar to what happened naturally during volcanic eruptions like Mount Pinatubo in 1991) is being explored to mitigate global warming.


Public Reaction


Public reaction to government-led geoengineering projects has been mixed. While some see these projects as vital scientific endeavors to combat natural disasters and climate change, others worry about unintended consequences and the ethics of altering natural weather systems. After the controversial outcomes of Project Cirrus, many became skeptical of weather modification efforts, and that skepticism has continued into the modern era (RAND).


Modern Methods for Hurricane Mitigation


Though direct attempts at hurricane weakening like Stormfury have been abandoned, scientists today are exploring more advanced approaches. Some modern ideas include:


§  Pre-formation cloud seeding: Seeding clouds to reduce storm intensity before a hurricane forms, though still in experimental phases (AOML).


§  Artificial Upwelling: This involves bringing cooler water from the ocean depths to the surface to deprive hurricanes of the warm water they need to fuel their strength.


These ideas are still largely theoretical, but ongoing research explores how hurricanes might be mitigated in the future.


Ethical and Environmental Concerns


While hurricane modification is a tempting solution, the ethical dilemmas are significant. Disrupting the path or intensity of a storm could inadvertently shift damage to other regions, raising questions about liability and the unintended consequences of altering natural systems (RAND).


Albedo Modification: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Planet


One of the most widely discussed geoengineering strategies to combat climate change is albedo modification. This method revolves around increasing the Earth’s reflectivity (albedo) to reduce the amount of sunlight absorbed by the planet. The principle is simple: by reflecting more sunlight back into space, we can reduce global temperatures and potentially slow down the effects of global warming.


How Does Albedo Work?


Albedo is the measure of how much sunlight a surface reflects compared to how much it absorbs. Bright, reflective surfaces like snow, ice, and clouds have a high albedo, meaning they reflect most of the sunlight. Darker surfaces, such as forests or oceans, have a low albedo and absorb more heat (RAND). The effect is so great that a single asteroid on the surface of a glacier can cause massive amounts of melting.


In polar regions, the high albedo of ice and snow plays a crucial role in regulating temperature. As ice melts due to global warming, it's replaced by darker ocean water, which absorbs more heat, creating a feedback loop known as the ice-albedo effect. This amplifies warming in the Arctic and Antarctic regions (Westcott, 2011).


Geoengineering Proposals to Modify Albedo


Several geoengineering techniques have been proposed to increase the Earth’s albedo, including:


Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI): One of the most promising yet controversial methods, SAI involves injecting tiny reflective particles like sulfur dioxide or aluminum compounds into the upper atmosphere. These particles scatter sunlight, cooling the Earth much like large volcanic eruptions do. For example, the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 released vast amounts of sulfur dioxide, lowering global temperatures by about 0.5°C for over a year (RAND).


Marine Cloud Brightening: This approach involves spraying sea salt or other aerosols into low-lying clouds over the ocean to make them more reflective. By increasing the brightness of marine clouds, more sunlight is reflected, which could cool the Earth's surface, particularly over the oceans.


Surface-Based Albedo Enhancement: Proposals include covering deserts with reflective materials or painting urban surfaces white to increase albedo. These ideas are generally considered more localized, but they may still contribute to global cooling (RAND).


Benefits and Risks


While albedo modification offers the potential for relatively quick reductions in global temperatures, there are significant concerns about its long-term risks. The biggest issues include:

Unpredictable Weather Changes: Increasing the Earth’s albedo could have unintended effects on global weather patterns, potentially leading to droughts in some regions and flooding in others.


Termination Shock: If albedo modification were ever stopped abruptly, the rapid influx of solar radiation could cause a dramatic spike in global temperatures, potentially causing more harm than good (Parker and Irvine, 2018).


Ethical Concerns: The question of who controls the climate is fraught with ethical issues. If one country implements large-scale albedo modification, the impacts could be felt globally, leading to geopolitical tensions. This was seen when China was a odds with plans to influence typhoons; Japan would benefit from freshwater from rainfall but the mainland devastation could be significant.


Public Perception and Governance: Who Decides How We Control the Climate?


One of the most significant challenges in geoengineering isn't just technical—it's ethical. Who gets to decide whether we intentionally modify the climate? What are the long-term social, political, and environmental consequences of these decisions? These questions are central to public debates about geoengineering, especially as large-scale proposals like albedo modification become more feasible.


Public Perception: Skepticism and Support


The public's view of geoengineering is highly mixed. On one hand, people see the potential benefits, such as mitigating climate change, reducing the impacts of natural disasters, and creating more sustainable weather patterns. On the other hand, there's a great deal of skepticism and fear about the risks. Large-scale projects like Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) or cloud seeding can sound like science fiction ?) to many people, evoking fears of a dystopian future where governments control the weather.


Moreover, as the public became aware of aerial spraying, efforts to dismiss the reality as misinformation and conspiracy theories—such as chemtrails realities—further fueling public distrust. Geoengineering does involve spraying aerosols (in some cases), but these activities are now far from secret and are discussed and reviewed openly in the scientific community.


Public opinion surveys on geoengineering have revealed that many people support research into climate interventions but are hesitant about large-scale deployment until more is known about the risks (RAND).


Ethical and Legal Considerations


The ethical implications of geoengineering go beyond public perception. Who controls the technology? Who decides where, when, and how it is used? If a country or corporation undertakes large-scale geoengineering, its effects will inevitably cross borders, potentially benefiting some regions while harming others. For example, stratospheric aerosol injection could cool the planet but might also alter precipitation patterns, leading to droughts or flooding in different parts of the world (Wei et al., 2018).


There are no comprehensive international treaties governing the use of geoengineering. Existing agreements, such as the Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) of 1976, prohibit weather modification as a weapon, but they do not address peaceful uses like climate mitigation. The Law of the Sea and other environmental treaties could provide some guidance, but deterrents for abuses of geoengineering are lacking.


Scientists and policymakers have called for the development of international regulations to govern geoengineering activities. These regulations would need to address not only the technical aspects but also issues of consent, liability, and transparency. Realistically, however, they would lack enforceability if certain nations decide to ignore them, and they would not likely be trusted by sovereign peoples in many nations.


Geopolitical Risks and the Future of Geoengineering


The potential for geopolitical conflict over geoengineering is real. For example, if one country decides to implement large-scale albedo modification, it could unintentionally cause severe weather disruptions in neighboring countries, sparking political tensions or even conflict. The international community has yet to develop the kinds of guardrails needed to manage these risks, making geoengineering a high-stakes issue on the global stage.


As research and technological development in geoengineering continue, the need for a robust ethical and legal framework becomes more urgent. International cooperation, transparency, and public engagement will be crucial in ensuring that when used, geoengineering, benefits humanity as a whole without causing unintended harm.


The Future of Geoengineering- Direct Depends on Public Input


Geoengineering is no longer the realm of science fiction. The techniques being researched today could, in theory, mitigate some of the worst effects of climate change. But the risks are significant, and the ethical questions are complex. The future of geoengineering will depend on scientific advances and our ability to navigate these moral, legal, and political challenges. Public understanding and international collaboration will be essential to ensure that geoengineering is used responsibly, if at all.


The Complex Ethics of Geoengineering: Why the Public Must Stay Informed and Engaged


Geoengineering, the intentional manipulation of the Earth’s climate to mitigate the effects of global warming, poses a unique ethical dilemma. The potential for large-scale interventions—whether through cloud seeding, albedo modification, or carbon capture—offers hope in the fight against climate change. Still, it also raises profound moral, legal, and social questions. For these reasons, it is essential for the public to remain informed, engaged, and part of the conversation surrounding these technologies.


The Ethical Dilemma: Balancing Risk and Reward


One of the core ethical challenges in geoengineering is balancing potential benefits and unintended consequences. Technologies like stratospheric aerosol injection could, in theory, cool the Earth quickly by reflecting sunlight, but at what cost? What if cooling the planet in one region results in catastrophic droughts or floods elsewhere? How do we weigh the pressure for ways to mitigate climate change against the long-term risks of altering complex global systems?


Another ethical issue is the inequity of geoengineering. The impacts of climate interventions will not be distributed equally across the globe. For instance, one country’s decision to modify the weather might improve conditions for them but devastate neighboring nations, raising concerns about sovereignty and consent. Who has the right to decide when and how the climate is manipulated? And who is responsible for any unintended consequences?


Public Engagement: Why It’s Critical


Public engagement in the geoengineering debate is crucial for several reasons:


Transparency and Trust: Governments and scientists need public trust to move forward with any large-scale geoengineering projects. In the past, according to advocates of geoengineering, public backlash against weather modification programs, such as Project Cirrus and Project Stormfury, slowed the development of these technologies (AOML; Earth Magazine). By keeping the public informed, and involving them in discussions, we can bring these efforts into alignment with cultural norms, mores, and values.


Ethical Governance: Given its potential for widespread effect, geoengineering is not just a scientific issue; it's a democratic one. Decisions about the future of the planet should not be left to a handful of experts or government officials. The public must be part of the decision-making process, especially given the global nature of these technologies. Ethical governance demands transparency, participation, and accountability. Without public oversight, there’s a risk that decisions about geoengineering could be made in secret, further eroding public trust.


Informed Consent: The ethical principle of informed consent—the idea that people should understand and agree to actions that affect them—is central to the geoengineering debate. If the public isn't aware of the risks and benefits, how can they give their informed consent? A well-informed public is essential to ensuring that decisions about geoengineering are made democratically, not imposed top-down.


Staying Informed: The Role of Media and Education


The public's understanding of geoengineering is often clouded by misinformation and sensationalism. Labeling emerging awareness as conspiracy theories like "chemtrails" has alienated the most informed segments of society, making it difficult to have reasoned, informed discussions about the real science behind weather manipulation (RAND)(SpringerLink). For the public to stay engaged, media outlets, educational institutions, and scientific organizations must provide accurate, unbiased information about the state of geoengineering research and its potential impacts.


Additionally, scientists and policymakers must work to demystify geoengineering and explain the technologies in accessible ways. By fostering a well-informed public, we can create the conditions for meaningful dialogue and collaborative decision-making.


An Engaged Public for a Better Future


Geoengineering may - or may not- become a part of our climate future, but it’s not a decision to be made lightly or in isolation. The complexity of the ethics surrounding climate manipulation means that everyone—not just scientists and politicians—has a stake in the outcome. Staying informed, questioning policies, and participating in discussions will ensure that geoengineering is considered with objectivity, transparency, and genuine, not manufactured, broad societal consent.


The future of our planet depends not just on the technologies we develop but also on how we choose to use them—and whether we include everyone in that choice.






Marquadt, M. 2016. Benchmarks: October 13, 1947: A disaster with Project Cirrus Earth Magazine


Parker, A. and PJ Irvine. (2018). The Risk of Termination Shock From Solar Geoengineering. Earth's Future 6:456-467.


RAND Corporation. Manipulating the Climate: What Are the Geopolitical Risks? Dec 2021.


Wei, L., Ji, D., Miao, C., Muri, H., and Moore, J. C.: Global streamflow and flood response to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 16033–16050,, 2018.


Westcott, N. (2011). A Perspective on Weather Modification: Planned and Inadvertent. In: Brunn, S. (eds) Engineering Earth. Springer, Dordrecht.


© 2024 James Lyons-Weiler

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[Blog Editor: The important information is roughly the first 4:15-Minutes. The rest of the video is Alex Jones pay-the-bills information. H/T Elgato Weebee Xephula]


Rumble VIDEO: The Silent Weather War On Humanity

Posted by Infowars

Published May 24, 2024


The silent war against humanity is escalating. Storms are being manipulated by radar arrays and cloud seeding that has reached its technological zenith. The NWO manipulates these storms to increase death, steal land, and insist on implementing their agenda.


Rumble VIDEO [H/T: Elgato Weebee Xephula]: Weather Wars – FEMA - and Equitable Mass Murder


Posted by Reese Report

Published October 8, 2024



Rumble VIDEO: How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium


Posted by Reese Report

Published October 1, 2024



Rumble VIDEO: Lithium Wars

Posted by SlantRight

Published October 11, 2024


I found this 5:09-Minute clip on Telegram on a Channel I belong to (Stand Against Tyranny World Wide - When I forwarded it to my Telegram Saved Folder on the Telegram user Kris came up. It was posted on 10/8/24 ( There is no description. As you watch you should comprehend this is a possible reason North Carolina hurricane victims are not being allowed to return to their homes. THE KEY: Climate Tyrants & Weather Modification to exert control.



Bitchute VIDEO: Ex-CIA Director John Brennan on Weather Modification


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 11, 2024


I found this clip of Obama stooge (former CIA Director) John Brennan detailing government weather modification at Telegram Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ( posted on 10/7/24 (


Here are some Links showing Brennan Spook Thuggery:


o   A Reply to Ronald Radosh’s Smear; By Victor Davis Hanson; National Review; 6/4/18 -


o   John Brennan, a Security Risk from the Start; By George Neumayr; The American Spectator; 8/17/18 -


o   Jesse Watters on X (Twitter); 2/13/24 -


RFK Jr Description:


“Yes they can control the weather.


Here is Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan talking about it.


Anyone who says they don’t, or makes fun of this, is lying to you.


By the way, the people know it and hate all of you who try to cover it up.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Where's the Money for Hurricane Victims?



Published October 7, 2024


"In the last two years, the Biden-Harris administration spent a BILLION dollars of FEMA money on illegal aliens," and now they don't have enough funds “to make it through the season.”


The billion spent on illegals includes things like Xboxes, free hotel rooms, and culturally-appropriate food.


Meanwhile, as Jesse Watters pointed out, “Half a million of the migrants here are criminals, rapists, convicted murderers.”


“And the Biden-Harris administration gave people like that money before they gave hurricane victims money.”


This is so disgraceful that Kamala should be disqualified from ever holding public office again.


If we had an honest media, this scandal would be front and center. The thing is, we don't.



Rumble VIDEO [Content Warning: Flynn is animated over Federal Govt Failure in Appalachia]: General Flynn EXPOSES The Dark TRUTH About What's Happening In Appalachia: 'THOUSANDS Are Dead..


Posted by Benny Johnson

Published  October 4, 2024



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