Thursday, October 10, 2024

VIDEOS: Medical Tyranny Memory Lane PT 1


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 10, 2024


For many COVID Tyranny is a recent history that was so distasteful, one would just as soon forget Americans were forced into Medical decisions based on fear or control-mandated government edicts.


I don’t watch live TV much where I have to endure Leftist propaganda commercials. But I am addicted to football. I’ve noticed the ad-LIES still promoting the “Safe and Effective” mRNA Jab. For that hocus pocus to exist it means people have failed to get the information that COVID deaths were inflated to instill fear and the mRNA Jab has promoted so many side-effect Medical Injuries (with way too many SUDDEN DEATHS), that in the days before COVID hysteria, such a drug would have been pulled from the market.


ALAS! We now live in a political age where Globalists and Corporatist Elitists want an agenda that requires the masses to obey.


Below are a series of videos that I hope sparks a memory lane of what We-The-People have lost via political despotism AND if yet another Dem-Marxist regime is installed on November 2024, We-The-People can expect more tyranny to follow.


JRH 10/10/24


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Bitchute VIDEO: The COVID & Jab Lying Narrative Explained in Animation

Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 9, 2024


A bit of violence in humorous animation reveling the idiocy behind COVID Deaths and mRNA Sudden Deaths.


I found this 1:58-Minute animation at Telegram HATS ( posted there on 10/9/24 (


HATS Description:


“Hilarious cartoon sums up the insanity of the Covid era PERFECTLY.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Covid-19 Vaxx Injury Figures From the US


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 9, 2024


I found this 50-Second excerpt clip at Telegram COVID19 VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES ( posted there on 10/6/24 (}.




“Update on Covid-19 vaccine injury figures from the US:


▪️Myocarditis - 2800% increase

▪️Cancer cases - increase of 300% to 900%

▪️Infertility (both sexes)- increase 500 %

▪️Miscarriages - increase of 300 %

▪️Neurological disorders - increase of 1000 %

▪️Demyelinating diseases - increase of 500 %

▪️MS - increase of 600 %

▪️Guillain Barré syndrome - increase of 500 %

▪️HIV infections - increase of 500 %”



Odysee VIDEO [H/T: Conservative Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialist -



Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published October 9, 2024


I acquired this video from the Bitchute Channel Conservative Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialist -

Starblazer692003 posted there on 10/7/24 (


Starblazer does not provide a description of the Documentary. I decided to cross post the Documentary in case there is a copyright complaint from the Children’s Health Defense (CHD - which originated the Documentary on a pay-to-view basis. The Odysee platform is more oriented to Fair Use doctrine than Bitchute.


NEVERTHELESS, CHD is worthy of your support ( for their work is speaking the truth versus the Medical Tyrants FALSE SCIENCE NARRATIVE.


The CHD website Vaxxed III viewing tickets on 9/18/24 (


Here’s a description from the CHD Vaxxed III website (


“Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.


What we discovered was nothing short of staggering. We listened to harrowing accounts of COVID hospital protocols that shook us to our very core. The consistency of these stories was alarming.


People also shared their experiences after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, revealing tragic outcomes of either death or serious injury. Now, fueled by these powerful firsthand testimonies, we are creating a documentary by the people, for the people.


Learn what we uncovered on the road. You can’t afford to miss it.”


The NARRATIVE is lying science. There is NOTHING ‘Safe & Effective” about the mRNA Jab! The NARRATIVE accomplished two things: A demonstration of Government Power to CONTROL the masses and the Depopulation of Globalist-considered useless humans.



Rumble VIDEO: Karen Kingston's Documented Proof The 'FDA' Authorized & Concealed 'Myocarditis' Experiments


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 9, 2024


Karen Kingston is interviewed by Brannon Howse about the FDA authorizing THEN concealed MPox/Myocarditis experiments on Military personnel. The interview was found on Telegram  Sound of Freedom Redpilling ( posted on 9/25/24 ( The only description is the title.



Rumble VIDEO: FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Ryan Cole Echoes FL Surgeon General mRNA Concerns


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 9, 2024


This 6:33-Minute clip was found at Telegram COVID-19 Up ( posted on 9/25/24 (


COVID-19 Up Description:


“Recently, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo advised against the use of mRNA COVID-19 shots. Here, FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Ryan Cole shares his support, and echos his concern for these products. Watch now.


"Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Any provider concerned about the health risks associated with COVID-19 for patients over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment." Read full update from Florida Health here:



Bitchute VIDEO: Nobel Laureate SLAMS Fauci in Resurfaced Video


Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 9, 2024


Hopefully you have seen or are aware of this clip of Kary Mullis (Britannica Bio: sharing his feelings on corrupt Fauci. Length: 2:05-Minutes.


The clip is from Telegram Truth Seekers (an ask-to-join Channel) posted on 9/23/24 (


Truth Seekers Description:


“Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Kary Mullis slams Fauci in the 1990s: "Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn't know anything, really, about anything and I'd say that to his face. Nothing.... They've got a personal kind of agenda, they make up their own rules as they go, they change them when they want to and they smugly, like Tony Fauci, does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera."



Bitchute VIDEO: Same People Who COVID Lied Claim Climate Change Kills – Christine Anderson

Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 9, 2024


I found this 1:58-Minute clip at Exposing The Darkness Substack ( posted there on 9/25/24 ( ORIGINAL TITLE: “Christine Anderson, MEP: The Same People Who Lied to You About Covid Are Now Trying to Tell You We're All Going to Die of Climate Change: ‘Question EVERYTHING your Government is doing or saying...’”.


Exposing The Darkness Description:


"Question EVERYTHING your Government is doing or saying, or not doing or not saying. And do not only question and mistrust your government. Most of all you need to distrust the EU commission. It’s a hell hole, it’s the headquarter of spreading fake news and disinformation…Nothing they tell us we need to do to save the planet will actually save the planet... but it will abolish freedom, democracy and the rule of law."



Rumble VIDEO: Reject Propaganda Terms!


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 9, 2024


This 16:10-Minute clip of Dr. Peter McCullough on Rebel News was found at Courageous Discourse Substack ( posted there on 9/25/24 ( FULL TITLE: “Reject Propaganda Terms! Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation, Anti-Vaxxer, Anti-Science, Conspiracy Theorist--Verbal Weapons Used Against Opponents”.


Courageous Discourse Description:


I caught up with Rebel News Canada Senior Editor, Tamara Yugolini [] in metro Toronto recently and she asked me on TV, what is going to happen to those on the wrong side of history? They have weaponized propaganda to force a particular point of view or narrative onto others who may disagree with them.


I told her we are in for a 20 year cycle before there is capitulation and a new group understanding of wrongdoing. There are countless examples of when the orthodoxy digs in deeply, for example on COVID-19 vaccines, there will be a slow correction that will take decades and after the termination and or retirement of leaders who propagandized the disastrous infodemic campaign.”



Odysee VIDEO: What Is In Our Blood?


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published October 9, 2024


I found this episode (53:47) of Good Morning CHD ( at ( streamed live on 9/25/24 ( Begins with Weather Geoengineering. Then Clots found by embalmers in the dead, Finally Mihalcea talking about mRNA infused nanobots in the blood. Description:


Could this be yet another conspiracy theory come true? We’ll let you be the judge. Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D. and her peers put several COVID shot vials under a microscope to find out what is really inside these injections. What they discovered is absolutely shocking. Hear the shocking details on “Good Morning CHD.”


Also…Korey began investigating strange clots found by embalmers in dead bodies following the rollout of COVID shots. He was invited to see these in person and took his investigation to the local news which ultimately led to threats towards the funeral workers and reporters. Korey tells the story, today, on CHD.TV.

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