Thursday, April 25, 2013

Terrorists' Trojan Horse

Islamic Trojan Horse to USA
Justin Smith continues his thoughts on the Boston Marathon Bombing and the Tsarnaev brothers.

JRH 4/25/13
Terrorists' Trojan Horse

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 4/24/2013 10:11 AM

Unlike the killing of Osama bin Laden, Barack "Mr. How Did This Happen" Obama had nothing to do with the killing and capture of the two Boston Marathon bombers on April 19, 2013. That honor and America's thanks are reserved for the long intense and tireless hours invested by the good men and women of the Boston Police Department, as they were aided by an FBI that has practically been neutered during the past decade; however, the joint decision to release photos of the suspects and the authorities plea for the public's assistance started a chain of events, beginning with "shots fired" blasting over police scanners at 10:24pm EST, that led to 26 year old Tamerlan Tsarnaev's death and the capture of 19 year old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in a land-locked boat as he bled out. But the back story and entire picture is the definition of complex, and it opens hundreds of questions that demand answers.

The two men are brothers of Chechen descent who had lived in Kazakhstan with their family, as well as Dagestan, where they were schooled in earlier years. They left Dagestan, which is 99% Muslim, at ages 8 and 15, and they received asylum in the U.S. in 2002 with the help of Patemat Sulemanova, an aunt from Toronto, Canada.

Tamerlan grew to adulthood as a devout Muslim, which he expounded on in the article 'Will Box For Passport', highlighting his Golden Gloves boxing career. Somewhere in his journeys, Tamerlan became disillusioned with life in America, due to its policy concerning Chechnyan "rebels"/terrorists; and, according to the FBI, websites he visited show that he leaned heavily towards the radical messages of violent Islamic jihad, as he also influenced his younger brother to join him. If he felt like an outsider in America, as many have suggested, why didn't he just leave?

The Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Cambridge is where Dzhokhar worshipped. Its website states, "We strive to embody the 'middle path' to which the Qur'an calls-a path of moderation that is free of extremism." But moderation is an allusive creature in Islam, and it is almost always far removed from Western civilization's concept of "moderation."

Dagestan is historically an ancient Muslim region with an ever increasing Islamist presence; Chechnya is a breeding ground for fanatical Islamic jihadists, who are presently heavily influenced by Saudi money, Al Qaeda and Wahhabiism. Chechnya's vicious "holy warriors" are the very same islamofascists, serving under Shamil Basayev, who planted a radiological bomb made of 70 pounds of cesium-137 outside of Moscow on November 23, 1995... the same vicious, callous murderers of over 200 school children in Beslan, North Ossetia-Russia in 2004.

Ironically, seven months ago, Dzhokhar raised his hand on September 11th and swore allegiance to these United States of America, as he became a U.S. citizen; in February 2012, Tamerlan, who has a green card, visited his father in Makhachkala, Dagestan, and they both went to Chechnya to visit relatives, according to the father of these two subhuman terrorists. This trip has come under close scrutiny. Why wasn't Tamerlan questioned by the FBI when he returned from a regional hot-bed of terrorism on July 17, 2012, especially since he had already been flagged as an "extremist" by the Russian government?

Yes, in 2011 Russia had asked the FBI to interview Tamerlan, because they knew he planned a visit in 2012, and he had already strongly condemned Russian actions against Chechnya on Vkontakte, a popular Russian website. The FBI questioned and released him, not too unlike what they did with the Islamic assassins Major Nidal Hassan and Carlos Bledsoe. Upon Tamerlan's return to the U.S., it was an incumbent imperative that the FBI question him and attempt to discern if he had met with any islamofascist groups or received any training.

These animals, the Tsarnaev brothers, have a mother who professes their innocence and says, "They were set up...they were good boys." Their aunt from Toronto agrees in the face of enough damning evidence that no jury in their right mind will ever find Dzhokhar "innocent" or "not guilty" when he answers to the U.S. legal system. The aunt said in broken English, "I'm lawyer from back home...give me evidence...only show man's face standing like this... The FBI shows me only this. What else?" Maybe she will believe video from the actual Boston bomb site or later multiple witnesses' statements and police video that show her "innocent" nephews shooting at police and throwing bombs that lit up the night sky; or, perhaps she thinks that police officer Richard H. Donohue critically wounded himself in the leg and MIT police officer Sean Collier killed himself, as part of the conspiracy she suggested. How will she explain the suicide vest worn by Tamerlan?

Remziya Suleyman, director of American Center for Outreach, is a political advocate for Muslims in the Nashville area. She is paraphrased in 'The Tennessean' saying, "there's no justification for their (the Boston bombers) actions. No religion or political belief justifies this kind of violence." She has no credibility, and this statement carries no weight in light of previous comments she has made showing complete disdain for the U.S. Constitution. I don't put anything past her or those like her.

Similarly, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said, "We must remain united as a nation as we face those who would carry out such heinous and inexcusable crimes." These are pretty words and meaningless words from a man who has consorted and conspired with known convicted terrorists, suspected terrorists and active targets of terrorism investigations for decades. This is all documented in FBI and federal criminal court documents.

An uncle, who had little contact with the Tsarnaev brothers since 2005, said that he was ashamed of what they had done. He called for Dzhokhar to turn himself in and "beg forgiveness from the victims", if he was still alive. He said, "This is not what Chechen people are like (maybe he and his friends are exceptions)...we are good people. I love this country America that has given so much good and opportunity to the Chechen people."

Despite the protestations of the bombers' uncle and many Muslims, this is exactly what a huge percentage of Chechens and Muslims are like. They are only peaceful, until violence serves their purpose. This violence is the face of Islam in its purest form, just as Mohammed decreed it in his last teachings... reform of Islam has never been attainable for those who sought such. And all Muslims know it!

Even the Left-Wing Media seemed to cringe in a politically correct fit, and they couldn't even say the word "muslim" in conjunction with this investigation. Yes, America has seen Her share of Una-Bombers, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrns-the Weather Underground terrorists and Timothy McVeighs, but in this decade, 99% of all terrorist acts have been Islamic in origin and Muslim instigated; over and over, MSNBC and CNN reporters pointed to "right-wing extremists", anti-abortionists, Christians, Tea Party members and returning military veterans. They were so afraid of insulting Muslims that they could not even present unvarnished fact as it related to this terror act. This was a travesty and a sham delivery of "the news", and in light of the public safety and national security implications that they so willingly ignored, they must be held accountable! And someone needs to flatly state: The victims of the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013 were murdered by Muslim Chechen islamofascist terrorists!

Why has the Obama administration increased the number of Saudis allowed into the U.S. annually from 12,000 to over 100,000, in each year he has been in office?

Our government seems unable to find solutions or deal with a growing Islamic problem in the U.S., which contains approximately 8 million Muslims, not counting Muslims in the U.S. illegally such as Hezbollah agents; the American people were told a few years ago that jihadists would start using white-European-looking Muslims for their terrorist acts, and while we do not ban the free exchange of ideas in the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment, we do not have to give open access in America to movements, ideas/ideologies that are actively seeking our destruction, such as Islam and communism (we ferreted out Nazis during WWII). Converts are a factor too, but until, and if ever, Islam mounts a real reform in every Islamic nation globally, the U.S. must halt all immigration from Islamic nations; the exceptions would be those who can show they are Christians in need of asylum/refugee status. And going ten steps forward, America should expel all non-U.S. citizen Muslims immediately (for that matter anyone here illegally): Any U.S citizen Muslim with known and proven terrorist ties, unless also guilty of a terrorist act against the U.S., should be expelled with all due precipitous haste to the Islamic nation of their choice: Immigration is the terrorists' Trojan Horse!

By Justin O. Smith
© Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk

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