Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-VA)
John R. Houk
© February 5, 2013
Publicly it is apparent that President Barack Hussein Obama is content to let the State Department to be answerable to all the nefarious decisions regarding Benghazigate. Has anyone noticed that Obama is adeptly dodging the Benghazigate issue by taking advantage of Hillary Clinton’s resignation as Secretary of State and the confirmation/oath of Office by new Secretary of State John Kerry?
Acting on the last days of her Office as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton managed to turn Senate queries about Benghazigate into a swoon-fest by the Democratic Party members. Hillary’s inadequate answers to the few serious questions cast her way can be summed up with her edgy response to one of the questions:
“What difference, at this point, does it make?”
Hillary’s cover-up is becoming classic Obama/Clinton obfuscation to dodge the tough questions. The obfuscation runs something like, ‘How dare you try to connect me to something nefarious when the fall-out has already occurred?’ The next step in a cover-up is to blame someone else for the Obama Administration/State Department decisions that led to the Benghazigate slaughter of Americans including sodomizing and killing Ambassador Chris Stevens (SA by Islamic terrorists that
hate America. The initial blame game was to point fingers at the Republican led House. Those dastardly Republicans cut funding for Embassy security. As if those cuts kept the Clinton led State Department from shoring up a dangerous situation in Libya which undoubtedly included secret meetings between Ambassador Stevens, Libyan Officials, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Islamist rebels trying to topple Syria’s Assad government. The secret talks were about sending Qaddafi weapons to the Islamist Syrian rebels via Turkey financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. There is also a theory that is darker than sending weapons to al Qaeda Syria. This theory is about preventing arms to be sent to AQ-Syria and to rather be redirected to Hamas (SA Freedom Rings 1776) to be used against the Israelis. Either way it is an example of the Obama Administration friendliness toward Radical Islam. That, my friends, is the motive for the Obama/Hillary obfuscation and cover-up of what really happened in Benghazi.
Thank God there are a few Republicans refusing to back down from the Obama/Clinton smoke and mirrors. ACT for America is drumming up support to get behind Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-VA) call for a Select Committee to investigate Benghazigate somewhat on the scale of the old Watergate Hearings that gave the legal vehicle that led to the resignation of President Nixon and ultimate pardon issued by unelected President Ford to keep him out of the judicial process.
Now we can add Republicans Senator Rand Paul and Rep. Jeff Duncan to the list calling for a Congressional Special Investigation relating to the government and Benghazigate. They have sent an official joint letter to the Dem Party and Republican leadership in the House and Senate urging a Special Investigation.
Below is the email I received from ACT for America which provides a link to add your name to an open letter to the House of Representatives backing Rep. Wolfe’s House Resolution 36 to form a House Select Committee to investigate Benghazigate.
JRH 2/5/13
Benghazi Action Alert!
Sent by ACT for America
Sent: 2/4/2013 1:10 PM
It’s time America got answers!
Please sign our letter to Congress calling for a thorough congressional investigation of Benghazi!
Please sign our letter to Congress calling for a thorough congressional investigation of Benghazi!
Last Friday, a terrorist blew himself up at the U.S. embassy in Turkey.
Unfortunately, this likely won’t be the last time this occurs.
This is what happens when American leadership signals weakness, indecision and wavering in response to the threat of radical Islam.
Our enemies didn’t miss President Obama’s mixed-message response to the Benghazi consulate attack.
They watched UN Ambassador Susan Rice blame the attack on a video, which only encouraged militants to riot in front of American embassies all over the world.
They know that no one has yet been arrested for the attack.
They saw Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s outrageous response during her congressional testimony, when she asked, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” regarding why the attack happened.
Unfortunately, this likely won’t be the last time this occurs.
This is what happens when American leadership signals weakness, indecision and wavering in response to the threat of radical Islam.
Our enemies didn’t miss President Obama’s mixed-message response to the Benghazi consulate attack.
They watched UN Ambassador Susan Rice blame the attack on a video, which only encouraged militants to riot in front of American embassies all over the world.
They know that no one has yet been arrested for the attack.
They saw Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s outrageous response during her congressional testimony, when she asked, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” regarding why the attack happened.
While the American people still don’t have answers to many of the questions swirling around Benghazi, our enemies have drawn their own conclusion—they see weakness, confusion and indecision.
And they have become emboldened as a result.
It’s past time America got answers, answers that weren’t forthcoming at the House and Senate hearings.
This is why we’re urging you to sign our open letter to the House leadership demanding the creation of a House Select Committee to thoroughly investigate what happened in Benghazi and why.
And they have become emboldened as a result.
It’s past time America got answers, answers that weren’t forthcoming at the House and Senate hearings.
This is why we’re urging you to sign our open letter to the House leadership demanding the creation of a House Select Committee to thoroughly investigate what happened in Benghazi and why.
Unanswered questions include:
§ Who exactly was responsible for the attack?
§ Why has not even one of the terror suspects been taken into custody?
§ Why did members of the Administration falsely claim on numerous occasions that a low-budget movie was the catalyst for the attack, something known to be untrue?
§ Why was there no immediate military response during the attack to either rescue the victims or recover the bodies?
§ Is it true, as the New York Times reported, that militants involved in the recent attack of an Algerian gas complex also were involved in the Benghazi incident?
Rep. Frank Wolf has introduced H. Res. 36, which calls for the creation of this Select Committee.
The House leadership needs to hear from the grassroots that there is a demand for the creation of this committee to thoroughly investigate what happened in Benghazi.
Please add your name to our open letter to the House leadership, and forward this email to everyone you know.
It’s tragic enough that the families of the four men who died in Benghazi still don’t have all the answers.
But how many more of our embassies are now in the crosshairs of Islamic jihadists as a result?
The House leadership needs to hear from the grassroots that there is a demand for the creation of this committee to thoroughly investigate what happened in Benghazi.
Please add your name to our open letter to the House leadership, and forward this email to everyone you know.
It’s tragic enough that the families of the four men who died in Benghazi still don’t have all the answers.
But how many more of our embassies are now in the crosshairs of Islamic jihadists as a result?
HR 36 – Benghazigate – Investigate It
John R. Houk
© February 5, 2013
Benghazi Action Alert
ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.
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