Sunday, October 20, 2024

If Coup-Minded Dems Call YOU an Enemy of the State

BEWARE the Lethal Force DoD Directive!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 20, 2024


If you are an American Patriot (considered an enemy of the State by installed Biden Administration & the Dem-Marxist Bureaucracy), you are probably aware of the recent and infamous Department of Defense (DoD) Directive allowing the U.S. Military to use lethal force on American Citizens.


Which should bring to mind the Congressional enactment of Posse Comitatus. Which essential prevents the U.S. Military from being the enforcer of U.S. Laws on American soil. has a good history of the 1878 enactment of Posse Comitatus by a Dem-Party Majority Congress to benefit reconstituted States after the Civil War.


A ThoughtCo post from 2021 has a pretty good run-down of the Dos and Don’ts of the Posse Comitatus law under the title, “Posse Comitatus Act: Can US Troops Be Deployed on American Soil?


So it appears the DoD has issued a memo that contravenes the still on books 1878 law preventing the U.S. Military from executing enforcement of the laws on American soil. AND WORSE, the U.S. Military has deigned to give itself the right to kill American citizens perceived to be lawbreakers. Ahem, that means those citizens deemed Enemies Of The State by Coup-Installed governments!


Below are a few cross posts I hope get your attention:


o   DoD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans: Live free or die; By Greg Reese; The Reese Report (Substack); 10/18/24


o   Alex Jones Issues Terrifying Post-Election Prediction: Let’s hope he’s wrong about this; By Vigilant Fox; VNN; 10/17/24


o   DOD Shreds All Remaining Constitutional Protections From Posse Comitatus Act in Anticipation of Post-Election Civil War 2.0; Ethan Huff; Discern Report (News Aggregator); 10/18/24


JRH 10/20/24


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DoD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans

Live free or die


By Greg Reese

October 18, 2024

The Reese Report


Rumble VIDEO: DoD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans

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15 seconds

[Posted by Reese Report

Published October 18, 2024




Government officials are threatening to not certify a Trump 2024 win Effective on September 27th, 2024, DoD Directive 5240.01, states in section three-point-three, that “Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger”


Authorization for lethal force simply requires the approval of the Secretary of Defense, and would provide, “Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury.”


This could include another protest over rigged elections, or another fake pandemic.


It is important to remember that the military follows orders. The US Army Delta Force, who were involved with murdering American women and children at Waco, were all in with helping the Justice Department in going after protesters during the W.T.O. protests in Seattle.


Joe Biden says he expects violence after the election. And he recently extended the national emergency declared on September 12, 2018, to continue beyond the 2024 election, “with respect to the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.”


A recent article published by AP, stated that “the No. 1 predictor of being classified as a mass casualty offender was having a U.S. military background.” and falsely claimed that “Since 2017, nearly 100 people have been killed or injured” by US veterans.


The demonetization of US patriots has been going on for decades. Just as Government agencies were behind orchestrating the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot and January 6th, they were behind the Oklahoma City bombing.


After 9/11, the Patriot Act redefined “Domestic Terrorism” to include those who attempt to influence government policy by intimidation, but did not define what exactly “intimidation” means.


In 2009, Homeland Security issued a report that listed returning Afghanistan and Iraq military vets as potential terrorist risks. And that “rightwing extremism” may include groups opposed to abortion and immigration.


A leaked bulletin from the U.S. Coast Guard described militia members and patriots as “white supremacists” and potential terrorists.


The Department of Justice released a memo saying that people who have conspiracy theories that “the CIA arranged for 9/11 to legitimize the invasion of foreign lands." Need to be considered as potential terrorists.


This has been brewing for decades. And it appears that the stage is now being set for rounding up those who seek to preserve the US constitution.


© 2024 Greg Reese

The Reese Report HOMEPAGE




Alex Jones Issues Terrifying Post-Election Prediction

Let’s hope he’s wrong about this.


By Vigilant Fox

October 17, 2024

Vigilant News Network (VNN)


Alex Jones (VNN Photo)


On Thursday’s episode of the Alex Jones Showthe popular newscaster laid out a chilling warning to America. He forecasted that once Trump becomes president, “Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and all these Islamic hordes that are allied with the left” will “engage in massive civil unrest.”


The possibility is certainly real. And this scenario becomes even more terrifying when you realize that Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) is working on a bill to cripple Trump’s ability to respond to civil unrest. Specifically, Blumenthal is introducing legislation to limit unchecked presidential authority under the Insurrection Act ahead of Trump’s forecasted victory.

Senator Richard Blumenthal D-CT (VNN Photo)


What the bill means, if passed, is that Trump will be severely handicapped in the face of widespread violence and unrest. Blumenthal’s legislation is designed to handcuff the president by requiring approval from Congress before the military can be deployed to deal with domestic threats.


Adding to the possibility of civil unrest, Bill Gates, the man who seems to always financially profit when disaster happens, said in 2022 that America’s “political polarization may bring it all to an end.”


He predicted that at some point, “We’re going to have a hung election and a civil war.”


Bill Gates Civil War Headline (VNN Photo)


The trigger to civil unrest could be the election, of course. However, Alex Jones warned that an incident like the one we saw with George Floyd in 2020 could be exploited again to spark widespread riots. Jones pointed out that while the Democrats accuse Trump of planning to use the military on the American people, the government is already making moves to do just that.


[Blog Editor: VNN uploaded an excerpt of an Alex Jones X-video at this point. I’m uploading that excerpt to my Bitchute Channel.]


Bitchute VIDEO: Alex Jones Excerpt of Leftist Violence When Trump Elected


[Posted by SlantRight2

Published October 19, 2024




DoD Directive 5240.01

DoD Directive 5240.01 & Martial Law (VNN Photo)


Adding to all the things that can go wrong is U.S. Department of Defense Directive 5240.01, which is an absolute nightmare.


What that directive does is that it gives the DoD the power to step in and use lethal force within U.S. borders, even against its own citizens, when it deems lives are at risk.


Don’t want to wear a mask? You’re putting lives at risk. Lethal force could technically be used against you. Don’t want to take a vaccine? The same story exists. The potential for abuse is limitless here.


The scope of this authority is chilling because the directive specifically states that the decision to use lethal force only needs the Secretary of Defense’s approval. Once lethal force is approved, anything can happen.


Green Med Info reports:


Imagine waking up to discover that the U.S. military has quietly been granted the authority to assist in domestic law enforcement activities—including the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens in certain circumstances. Now consider that this change was enacted just weeks before an election, already surrounded by concerns about unrest, civil liberties, and potential government overreach. This is the reality of DoD Directive 5240.01, reissued on September 27, 2024.


This directive, reissued under the authority of the Secretary of Defense as per standard Department of Defense procedures, carries significant weight in shaping military operations and intelligence activities. While DoD Directives are typically internal policy documents, the implications of this particular update extend far beyond the walls of the Pentagon, potentially affecting civilian life and constitutional rights.


The timing of this update—just six weeks before the election—raises concerns. With debates surrounding election integrity, civil unrest, and political manipulation, the expanded powers granted by the directive could lead to military intervention in domestic affairs if civil unrest arises.


Adding to the concern is the Department of Homeland Security’s recent expansion of what constitutes domestic terrorism. The DHS has flagged individuals questioning COVID-19 origins, vaccine efficacy, or election integrity as potential threats.


This raises questions about how the DoD’s new authority to use, or assist civil law enforcement to use, lethal force might be applied in future domestic situations.


Homeland Security List of Terror Threats (VNN Photo)


For years, Alex Jones warned about martial law and domestic military control, and now we’re seeing that terrifying scenario unfold right before our eyes.


Watch the full report:

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DOD Shreds All Remaining Constitutional Protections From Posse Comitatus Act in Anticipation of Post-Election Civil War 2.0


By Ethan Huff, Natural News

October 18, 2024

[a version]

Discern Report


(Natural News)—In anticipation of rioting or even a second civil war following the upcoming election, the Department of Defense (DoD) is preliminarily gutting the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 to allow for the U.S. military to execute law, i.e., martial law, on American soil.


As it was written, Posse Comitatus does not allow for any constitutional exceptions. The U.S. military is not supposed to be involved with law enforcement activities in any capacity whatsoever, and yet the Congress-passed bill has been so watered down over the past 50 years or so that armed soldiers could soon become commonplace on the streets of America.


“The law allows only for express exceptions, and no part of the Constitution expressly empowers the president to use the military to execute the law,” explains the Brennan Center about how Posse Comitatus is supposed to work.


“This conclusion is consistent with the law’s legislative history, which suggests that its drafters chose to include the language about constitutional exceptions as part of a face-saving compromise, not because they believed any existed.”


Despite all this, the DoD has decided that there are constitutional exceptions of Posse Comitatus. And because nobody with any power is willing to do anything to stop the DoD, the militarization of America’s police forces will continue to expand like a frog boiling in a pot.


“The Department has long claimed that the Constitution implicitly gives military commanders ’emergency authority’ to unilaterally use federal troops ‘to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances’ when doing so is ‘necessary’ and prior authorization by the president is impossible,” the Brennan Center further says.


“In the past, the department also claimed an inherent constitutional power to use the military to protect federal property and functions when local governments could not or would not do so. The validity of these claimed authorities has never been tested in court.”


(Related: Did you know that the U.S. Army is already violating Posse Comitatus by manning illegal alien “migrant” hotels in New York City?)


No, the DoD cannot legally override Congress


The DoD chipped away at what is arguably the last remaining power of Posse Comitatus with the recent implementation of Directive 5240.01, which appears to expand the power of the executive branch, in this case the Biden regime, to weaponize the U.S. military against American citizens.


Instead of only being allowed to deploy troops overseas to fight wars under the direction of Congress, the White House will now, it seems, be able to deploy troops to the streets of America to crack down on whatever nightmare is about to erupt as a result of the nation’s irreparable political divide.


The following new provisions were implemented under Directive 5240.01:


1. While assassination of Americans is strictly forbidden, the directive’s language allows for lethal actions to be used against Americans who are deemed as “imminent threats.”


2. The directive expands the definition of “national security threats,” aligning with the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) broader definition of domestic terrorism threats.


3. Any intelligence-sharing that could result in lethal force being used must first be approved by the Secretary of Defense. However, Component Heads are still allowed to act immediately using lethal force for up to 72 hours before obtaining approval.


“Imagine waking up to discover that the U.S. military has quietly been granted the authority to assist in domestic law enforcement activities – including the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens in certain circumstances,” reports, citing GreenMedInfo.


“Now consider that this change was enacted just weeks before an election, already surrounded by concerns about unrest, civil liberties, and potential government overreach. This is the reality of DoD Directive 5240.01, reissued on September 27, 2024.”


More related news coverage can be found at


Sources for this article include:






© 2024 Discern Report – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


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