Thursday, October 31, 2024

Introducing a CBN Aaron-Weaver Halloween Interview

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 31, 2024

Charlene Aaron – Jenny Weaver (video screengrab)


Well it’s Halloween. In my Baby-Boomer childhood I went Trick-or-Treating from house to house like most kids of that era. In my early teens I was even involved in some trick shenanigans my neighbors probably did not appreciate.


Fast-Forward to my early twenties. I became a Born Again Christian (circa 1978). As I became a Bible reader became cognizant that even have so-called innocent fun doing the ghost-goblin-little demons thing is NOT pleasing to the God Almighty Who Redeemed from Satan’s corrupts and transferred me into the Kingdom of Light of His dear Jesus via the Lord’s death on the Cross and the Lord’s Resurrection Life.


With that in mind I share this video interview I discovered at I downloaded it and uploaded it to my Rumble Channel for sharing purposes.


JRH 10/31/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 (one-time or recurring). PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Our Senior Citizen Family Supplements our income by offering healthy coffee products. BETTER YOUR HEALTH with healthy & good tasting COFFEE and enjoy some weight management supplements. Benefits & product INFO – ORIGINAL COFFEE LIMITLESS PRODUCTS & NEW WEIGHT LOSS WELLNESS PRODUCTS. AND HOW-TO REDUCE FAT MANAGEMENT: (Become a Business Influencer and MAKE YOUR OWN CASH [Business Influencers receive their own store link & better discounts with an annual pennies less than $40 membership])


Rumble VIDEO: Charlene Aaron Exclusive Halloween -  and Its Dark Side


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 31, 2024


I actually was linked to this video via a email I read on 10/31/24. The original link:


Here is the descriptive info under the video:


“Celebrating Halloween with decorations and trick-or treating seems harmless enough. But Jenny Weaver tells her story of living on the dark side and how the holiday is more than meets the eye. Watch her testimony of repentance and redemption.”


CBN News has a story with a bit shorter version of the video posted 10/29/24 under the title. “'They Were Releasing Spells Over the Viewers': Ex-Witch Warns Witchcraft Everywhere from Hollywood to Church” (


Here is the first three paragraphs of that CBN News post:


‘When Jenny Weaver watched a movie called The Craft about a group of teen witches, she didn't think much about it. Soon, she started following some of the occultic practices laid out in the film.
"What started off as something innocent where I'm just connecting with energy and the universe and vibes and all these innocent things that we see, took me down a path of just dark desperation," Weaver told CBN News.


"I felt at one point I was living in like a haunted house," Weaver continued. "I was hearing scratches on the wall right next to me. I would feel a brush by me and be terrified that somebody was here in the room with me. I always felt like I was being watched. It took me far into drugs. I ended up being homeless and on drugs, in and out of jails. For nine years of my life, I was in and out of a dark place."’


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

VIDEOS to Inspire to THROW the Bums OUT

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 30, 2024

[Blog Editor: Since this post is highly critical of the Dem-Marxist Agenda vs the MAGA Agenda, I have a suspicion Blogger will make the accusation this post violates Blogger (Google) Community Guidelines. IF YOU are reading this, the post has survived - FOR THE MOMENT.]

This is Election 2024. Many States are participating in Early Election and/or Drop Box voting (the recipe for the 2020 Election Coup). As for me I’m old fashioned, I vote on the designated Election Day which in 2024 is November 5.

In 2020 American Patriots heard the “Red Wave” would sweep Trump into a 2nd Term only to watch key swing States STOP Vote counting while Trump was ahead saw Conservative poll watchers kicked out of buildings and mysterious closed counting install Dementia Biden as President (the Obama closet 3rd Term).


Has anyone noticed even the Mockingbird Media reporting Donald Trump ahead in polls and Early Voting exist polls? It’s beginning to sound like the “Red Wave” repeat.


When the Coup Foxes hold the reigns of power, I will not fully trust a Trump victory until his OATH OF OFFICE takes place.


If another COUP is installed on January 20, 2025; it will be the final nail in our Founders’ American Constitutional Republic. If a Dem-Marxist Globalist-State ruled government is enshrined, I FOR ONE will become a permanent American dissident. At my age that probably means I will join many who will be labelled criminal enemies of the Dem-Marxist State.


HOWEVER, There is always the potential there are enough Americans (loyal to Flag, God & Country) and Americans of power who still love the U.S. Constitution, that Trump will prevail over a Dem-Marxist Coup. Time will tell.


If Trump prevails, he is limited by the Constitution to just one term of Office. THEN WHAT AMERICA?


Below are a collection of videos that hopefully inspire Patriots to flood voting polls to throw the Dem-Marxist bums out of Office. May the brainwashed traditional Dem voters awaken from their support of tyranny in Jesus’ Name.


JRH 10/30/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 (one-time or recurring). PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Our Senior Citizen Family Supplements our income by offering healthy coffee products. BETTER YOUR HEALTH with healthy & good tasting COFFEE and enjoy some weight management supplements. Benefits & product INFO – ORIGINAL COFFEE LIMITLESS PRODUCTS & NEW WEIGHT LOSS WELLNESS PRODUCTS. AND HOW-TO REDUCE FAT MANAGEMENT: (Become a Business Influencer and MAKE YOUR OWN CASH [Business Influencers receive their own store link & better discounts with an annual pennies less than $40 membership])


Rumble VIDEO: Don’t you want a president

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Published October 27, 2024


Thank you New York City. What a turnout! #MSGRally



Rumble VIDEO: Russell Brand on RFK Jr - Military Directive is SHOCKING


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 30, 2024


This is a clip of Russell Brand expounding on RFK Jr speech which focuses on Military DoD Directive to use lethal force against Americans on American soil. Found at Telegram Russell Brand ( Posted on 10/29/24 (


Russell Brand Description:


“What RFK Jr just said about new Military Directive is SHOCKING, Pay Attention!”



Odysee VIDEO: Jocelyn Nungaray Brutally Murdered by Kamala's Illegals


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published October 30, 2024


This 3:17-Minute clip is from Telegram Donald J. Trump ( posted on 10/28/24 ( No description because video says it all.



Rumble VIDEO: Dear Kamala...

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by Rogue Nation Eternal Militia

Published October 27, 2024


It's not women we hate. It is you we hate. You're a piss poor excuse of a woman, and a piss poor excuse of a human being. You're a self-serving, self-centered piece of human garbage, and we don't want you governing us. Voting for you would be like a dog returning to its own vomit, after your last 4 years in office. You are a vile, disgusting, piece of human garbage. In a word, you are a vile piece of human dogshit.



Youtube VIDEO [H/T: The Gateway Pundit]: Enough Is Enough [RFK, Jr]

Posted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Posted on Sep 25, 2024


The Democrats, who claim to be all about health care have stood by watching other countries ban these poisons that make our kids sick. Enough is enough. President Trump and I are going to stop the mass poisoning of American children.



Odysee VIDEO: RFK Jr Explains Ukraine Dem-Money Laundering


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published October 30, 2024


I found this 3:22-Minute clip at Telegram Dr. Judy Mikovits ( posted on 10/28/24 (


Dr. Judy Mikovits Description:


“RFK exposes the absolute truth about Ukraine in 3 minutes”.



Odysee VIDEO: Sam Faddis On Walz-CCP


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published October 30, 2024


I found this War Room Real America’s Voice clip at Telegram WarRoom: Official Telegram Channel ( posted on 10/2/24 (


WarRoom Description:


‘Sam Faddis On Walz: "He Is At A Minimum Completely Compromised By The CCP"’.



Rumble VIDEO: Brannon Howse-Lara Logan on Deep State Plans Election 2024


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 30, 2024


I found this interview on Lara Logan’s Clouthub ( posted there on 10/24/24 ( Howse posted live on 10/23/24.


Lara Logan Description:


“Brannon Howse Live | Lara Logan On Deep State's Plans To Not Accept a Trump Victory”.



Rumble VIDEO: Censorship Industrial Complex: A Rep. Matt Gaetz Docu-Mini


Posted by galacticstorm

Published October 27, 2024


Censorship Industrial Complex: A Rep. Matt Gaetz Docu-Mini | Rep Matt Gaetz Americans are facing an unprecedented attack on their free speech. Big Tech is colluding with the Biden-Harris regime in an effort to control the very nature of truth itself.

Watch our exclusive documentary on the vast web of authoritarianism that is the Censorship Industrial Complex.


Visit for ALL Firebrand content!



Youtube VIDEO: FASCISM EXPLAINED Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep948

Posted by Dinesh D'Souza

Posted on October 28, 2024


In this episode, Dinesh examines the true essence of fascism and exposes how the threat of fascism doesn't come from Trump, but rather from the Left and the Democrats. Drawing on an incident from her days as a California prosecutor, Dinesh reveals how Kamala Harris isn't merely ignorant, she is also very callous.


Dinesh D'Souza is an author and filmmaker. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he was a senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He also served as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.


He is the author of many bestselling books, including "Illiberal Education," "What's So Great About Christianity," "America: Imagine a World Without Her," "The Roots of Obama's Rage," "Death of a Nation," and "United States of Socialism."


His documentary films "2016: Obama's America," "America," "Hillary's America," "Death of a Nation," and "Trump Card" are among the highest-grossing political documentaries of all time. He and his wife Debbie are also executive producers of the acclaimed feature film "Infidel."





Rumble VIDEO: Jimmy Dore-Tucker Carlson: ‘It’s essential to punish and humiliate the Democratic Party’

Posted by SlantRight

Published October 30, 2025


I found this 2:04:34-Hours discussion on Telegram Tucker Carlson Fanbase ( posted on 10/28/24 (


Tucker Carlson Fanbase Description:


“Lifelong Democrat Jimmy Dore on why it’s essential to punish and humiliate the Democratic Party eight days from now.


(1:29) Reacting to Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally

(3:16) The Weaponization of Wokeness

(14:01) Warmongering of the Democratic Party

(24:08) Why the Establishment Turned on Trump

(43:07) The DNC Emails Leak

(59:48) The Deep State Hates Tulsi Gabbard Teaming up with Trump

(1:12:29) Jimmy Dore Being Hacked and Censored

(1:16:35) Are They Going to Let Trump Win?

(1:21:28) Chaos Favors the Establishment

(1:32:42) Bill Gates Nefarious Funding of Scientific Institutions

(1:38:54) The Washington Post Refusing to Endorse Kamala Harris

(1:44:52) Bobby Kennedy Jr.

(1:55:01) The Deep State vs. Crypto

(1:59:17) Who’s Going to Win?”



Rumble VIDEO: Alex Jones on Leftist Q-Tard Plants


Posted by SlantRight

Published October 30, 2024

[Blog Editor: For some inexplicable reason this video failed to embed when I last checked. This is the direct link:]


This segment clip is from Telegram Alex Jones ( posted on 10/26/24 (


Alex Jones Description:


“Will The CIA Controlled Q-Tards Affect This Election?”



Bitchute VIDEO (H/T: This is some commentary on DoD lethal force directive. Telegram We The Ultra Patriots): The Elephant in the Room


Posted by reallygraceful

Published October 22, 2024


This video is about a reissued directive....


MORE DESCRIPTION largely promotional