Monday, June 26, 2017

Guns Don't Kill People, The Clinton's DO!

John R. Houk
© June 26, 2017

I was thinking of the Seth Rich murder and the dubious way the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington D.C. are investigating said murder and I ran into this photo of Crooked Hillary pointing a gun. The post is on the G+ Community Liberals Are Destroying America. Here is a direct quote of the caption introducing the photo:

Guns don't kill people, the Clinton's do

The person credited with posting the photo is Moshe Borisoff. I don’t know if the name is authentic or a pseudonym. Either way, AWESOME POST Moshe! I added the text to the photo. 

Frankly, I am unsure Moshe if had Seth Rich in mind or the alleged mysterious Clinton body count of people that might have been able to testify against Slick Willie and wife Crooked Hillary over the years of scandalous and potential crimes stretching prior to the Governor’s house, through the White House and afterwards.

How’s that for an intro to some political humor?

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