Saturday, July 5, 2014

SPLC Labels the Right all inclusively as Haters

Ergo Agenda 21 Portrait Flawed

splc-propaganda - Mark Potok foto
John R. Houk
© July 5, 2014

Have you heard of United Nations Agenda 21 (usually written as Agenda 21)?

Anti-Agenda 21 Conservatives/Conspiracy Theorists look at the original documents that led to the formulation of Agenda 21. The documentation smacks of a New World Order mentality enveloped in Enviro-Marxism and disguised with positive sounding words designed to gain public support in voluntarily implementing the guidelines of Agenda 21. Yup, I am biased against Agenda 21.

Pro-Agenda 21 Liberals/Leftists/Progressives defend the agenda by first of all trying to smear the character of Anti-Agenda 21 activists as Right Wing Nut jobs that see an absurd unmerited conspiracy under every rock that are allegedly designed to benefit the collective society of humankind. Then the Pro-Agenda 21 typically justify the agenda with the same flowery word descriptors designed to make individuals amenable to changes that allegedly will better the quality of living of humanity collectively.

A good example of what I am writing about can be found in the once great but now Left Wing organization known as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC):

At the conclusion of the June 3-14, 1992, United Nations Conference on Environment & Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, President George H.W. Bush and the leaders of 177 other nations signed a document known as Agenda 21. At the time, it was seen as a perfectly sensible planning paper, a nonbinding statement of intent aimed at dealing with sustainability on an increasingly crowded planet.

But in the 22 years since that day, at the hands of groups like the John Birch Society, Agenda 21 has been transformed in much of the American public mind into a secret plot to impose a totalitarian world government, a nefarious effort to crush freedom in the name of environmentalism. And it isn’t only extremists pushing this conspiracy theory — in January 2012, the Republican National Committee bought into the propaganda, denouncing Agenda 21 in a resolution as a “destructive and insidious scheme” that is meant to impose a “socialist/communist redistribution of wealth.”

To listen to such groups, Agenda 21 will lead to a “new Dark Ages of pain and misery yet unknown to mankind.” It is “a comprehensive plan of utopian environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control,” the “most dangerous threat to America’s sovereignty” yet. It will “make our nation a vassal” of the UN, result in “the destruction of our lives,” force rural areas’ “population [to be] decimated,” and lead to having “90% of the population murdered.” The end, these critics all agree, will be the imposition of “a collectivist world government.”

Agenda 21 is not a treaty. It has no force of law, no enforcement mechanisms, no penalties, and no significant funding. It is not even a top-down recommendation, seeking instead to encourage communities around the world to come up with their own solutions to overpopulation, pollution, poverty and resource depletion. It is a feel-good guide that cannot force anyone, anywhere, to do anything at all.

The fears generated in such places are ridiculous to the point of utter absurdity, but they have had an important real-world impact. …

Virtually none of the outlandish claims about Agenda 21 are true. Yet, as with all such baseless pro-Propaganda, the hysteria over it has had the effect of poisoning any kind of rational discussion of the very real challenges we face — challenges that are essential to tackle head-on in an increasingly complex and stressed world.

It’s time to finally call out the conspiracy theorists. The politicians who spread falsehoods about Agenda 21 and its effects need to be shamed by other politicians, by editorial boards and other commentators, and by the citizenry at large. … (AGENDA 21: The UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory; By staff of Intelligence Project of the SPLC -; April 2014; © Southern Poverty Law Center. All rights reserved.)

The rest of the document is more a smear campaign against the proponents of anti-Agenda 21 activists (aka the Right-Wing Conspiracy) than a refutation of anti-Agenda accusations; i.e. other than the typical justification of the typical amenable nice sounding descriptor words. The primary targets of the SPLC are Tom DeWeese, Senator Ted Cruz and Glen Beck.

This from the executive summary of the SPLC document. In the “About the Report” heading more specific information is given as to who the “staff” is led by in formulating the SPLC document:

This report was principally researched and written by Heidi Beirich, with contributions by Mark Potok, Janet Smith and Don Terry, who wrote about the plan in Baldwin County, Ala. It was edited by Potok. Russell Estes and Sunny Paulk designed the report.

The SPLC in my opinion was once a bastion of civil rights in America, especially during the formative years of the civil rights movement that has led to greater socio-political equality among non-White Anglo-American Protestants. Arguably there still is some racial tension, yet racism is more the acceptance than the rule in American society. In the 21st century the SPLC has joined America’s Fringe Left that has successfully transformed America AWAY from Christian moral principles that this great nation was formed upon. This explains the SPLC’s stance of promoting anti-American denigration of Free Speech, Religious Freedom and Constitutional issues loved by Conservatives in the Bill of Rights and loathed by America’s Left who choose to nullify or transform the Bill of Rights into a moldable Living Constitution that can be adjusted as needed by Leftist utopian principles.

This is the same SPLC that encourages Leftists to silence Conservatives by shouting misleading lies ending with making ALL Conservatives into Right Wing Nutjobs on the same level as the fringe Right (e.g. the KKK, Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, Aryans, White Supremacist organization and you get the idea). This means Family Rights groups promoting Biblical Christian morality, Biblical Christian Churches, Traditional Roman Catholics, Conservative organizations promoting Original Intent Constitutional issues especially the Tea Party movement and so on; are on the same level as actual Right Wing racists.

And thus the SPLC vilifies Conservatives that view the Agenda 21 path as a threat to the U.S. Constitution as Right Wing Conspiracy Theorists.

Since the SPLC engages in unwarranted character assassination to justify their labels Conservatives, let’s look at the nature of the SPLC’s actual character:

An academic study has accused the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) of having an anti-Christian bias in its reporting on hate groups in America.

Once considered the “gold standard” in reporting on violent anti-government or racist groups in America, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s reputation has begun to wither as it has started targeting conservative Christian groups including the Family Research Council (FRC) for what SPLC claims is anti-gay animus.

SPLC says FRC gins up hatred and possible violence against gays because it has reported certain ideas that are taboo to SPLC: that hate-crimes laws will be used to stifle preachers; that because of HIV-AIDS and other diseases gays may not live as long as others; that gay parenting is not as good for children as more traditional parenting; that same-sex attraction is not inborn; and that gays can stop being homosexual. Believing or espousing any of these ideas makes you eligible for the SPLC hate list. [Full disclosure: the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, of which I am president, was just placed on SPLC’s hate list for espousing some of these ideas.]

Professor George Yancey of the University of North Texas says he is not arguing one way or the other about FRC’s inclusion on the list but merely demonstrating SPLC’s outrage is subjective, selective, and never reckons progressive groups guilty of the same things of which READ THE REST (STUDY: SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER IGNORES LIBERAL HATE; By AUSTIN RUSE; Breitbart – Big Government; 3/10/14)

Christian groups are celebrating with the news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation appears to have scrubbed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) from its hate crimes webpage, where the controversial group was listed as a resource and referred to as a partner in public outreach.

A letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, drafted by Lieutenant General (Ret.) William G. Boykin, Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council (FRC), calls such an association “completely unacceptable.”

Signed by fourteen other conservative and Christian leaders, the letter calls SPLC “a heavily politicized organization producing inaccurate and biased data on ‘hate groups’ – not hate crimes.” It accuses the SPLC of “providing findings that are not consistent with trends found in the FBI statistics.” Where the FBI has found hate crimes and hate groups declining significantly in the past ten years, SPLC claims hate groups have increased READ THE REST (FBI DUMPS SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER AS HATE CRIMES RESOURCE; By Austin Ruse; sreaves32 blog – Originally Breitbart; 3/28/14)

When I checked out Heidi Beirich via Google I have to admit in full disclosure a slew of websites and blogs with a White Supremacist and Antisemitic bent came up prior to anything critical of her journalism. I say GO Heidi in exposing those nefarious organizations; nonetheless she too also groups non-hate groups particularly Christians and Counterjihad writers as hate groups while failing to report on Left Wing terrorism and Radical Islamic American individuals-groups as well Islamic terrorist organizations.

Apparently Heidi Beirich was the primary writer of the collated data of the staff of the publication Intelligence Project under the auspices of the SPLC. Beirich as a SPLC writer seems to be the interviewer/interrogator for the Intelligence Project. She has no disguise in her press questions of interviewees.

Heidi Beirich

CNN let the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center brand many right-wing "patriot" groups as "extremist" and racist on Friday afternoon. CNN host Brooke Baldwin simply listened to the SPLC talking points and concernedly asked what was being done to "combat" the "paranoia" of "anti-government activism."

The SPLC had previously placed the Family Research Council alongside Klan members and neo-Nazis in a list of "hate
" groups, but CNN did not question their study then. They continued to accept their liberal "expertise" on Friday, not challenging whether certain groups belonged in the "extremist" category.

Baldwin reported the "exploding" number of "patriot" groups – as labeled by the SPLC – and did not ask how the SPLC determined what constituted an "patriot" group. Included in the list of "extremist" groups were Constitution Parties and militia groups of multiple states.

The SPLC's Heidi Beirich insinuated that racism was alive and well in these groups, without being challenged as to whether some of the groups in the list were really racist. "Obama is an African-American. So there are all these crazy racial theories that you hear about Obama, that he's not really a citizen, that he's maybe a secret Muslim," she noted.

"And all of this has created an incredible amount of paranoia on the far, far right – which is expressed in these kinds of – in this kind of anti-government activism," explained the SPLC's Heidi Beirich."

"So what, if anything, is being done to combat some of this paranoia?" Baldwin worriedly asked.
A transcript of the segment, which aired on March 9 on Newsroom at 3:10 p.m. EST, is as follows:

READ THE REST (CNN Hypes 'Exploding' Number of 'Extremist' Anti-Gov't Groups; By Matt Hadro; News Busters; 3/9/12)

Mark Potok is a Senior fellow with the Southern Poverty Law Center and pertaining Conservative DTN states he says, ‘… the Tea Party “and similar groups” are “shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism”’.

… Potok and SPLC give a free pass to left-wing groups that advocate on behalf of illegal immigrants and open borders, no matter how hateful or race-obsessed those groups' agendas may be. One such entity is MEChA—a “Chicano Students” organization that calls for the people of Mexico to annex the American Southwest, and vows to repel the “brutal ‘gringo’ invasion of our territories.” Not even MEChA's slogan—which translates to “For the race, everything; Outside of the race, nothing”—draws the ire of Potok, who says: “[W]e have found no evidence to support charges that [MEChA] is racist or anti-Semitic.”

According to Laird Wilcox, a researcher specializing in the study of political fringe movements: “In private [Potok] concedes that there’s no overwhelming threat from the far right, and in public [he] says something altogether different.” This, says Wilcox, is because “professionally [Potok] is just a shill. It’s his job. That’s what he’s paid for.” In 2010, Wilcox reported that after having reviewed a list of 800-plus “hate groups” published by Potok and SPLC, he had “determined that over half of them were either non-existent, existed in name only, or were inactive.”

Potok and SPLC routinely conflate racist extremists on the one hand, with respectable conservative scholars, researchers, and journalists on the other. For example, the Intelligence Report's “30 New Activists” article featured numerous profiles of Klansmen, skinheads, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis. Co-mingled with these profiles was one devoted to Frank Gaffney, Jr., founder and president of the Center for Security Policy. Though Gaffney is a scholar devoted to meticulous research and a lucid, reasoned presentation of verifiable facts, the Intelligence Report derided him as “the anti-Muslim movement’s most paranoid propagandist.”[1]

Just as Potok and SPLC conflate individual hatemongers with respectable conservatives, so do they lump hatemongering groups together with legitimate organizations that happen to hold conservative political views. In late 2007, for instance, SPLC labeled
the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)—whose mission is to “improve border security” and “stop illegal immigration”—as a “hate group.” “What we are hoping very much to accomplish is to marginalize FAIR,” Potok candidly confirmed
at the time. “We don’t think they should be a part of the mainstream media.”

SPLC likewise began listing the conservative Family Research Council (FRC) as a hate group in 2010 because, Potok explained: “it has knowingly spread false and denigrating propaganda about LGBT people … [and has made] demonizing claims that gay people are child molesters and worse—claims that are provably false.”

For additional information on Mark Potok, click here

READ ENTIRETY (MARK POTOK; From Discover The Networks [DTN])

Further info on Mark Potok

Janet Smith

Smith is a Research Analyst for the Intelligence Report, the Intelligence Projects quarterly magazine that exposes extremists groups in the U.S. Smith has tracked white nationalist, neo-Confederate, and Holocaust denial groups. Her most recent work has focused on the activities of the anti-immigration, militia/patriot, sovereignty, and tea party movements in the U.S.

Co-director of the UNA Women’s Center, Dr. Anna Lott, invited Janet Smith to speak at UNA.

“We invited her to tell her story about what she has done, and what is still going on. I don’t think people are aware of it,” said Lott. “I think she is an inspiration.” (Member of the Southern Poverty Law Center to speak at UNA; From University of North Alabama; 10/7/09)

Don Terry

Don Terry is a senior writer at the Southern Poverty Law Center and has previously worked for the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times and the New York Times, where he was part of a team of journalists awarded the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for the series “How Race Is Lived in America.” (Brief bio found at bottom page of “Agenda of Fear: The Right-Wing Threat to Urban Planning Everywhere”)

Russell Estes

Design Director Russell Estes (From Acknowledgements – “Agenda of Fear: The Right-Wing Threat to Urban Planning Everywhere”)

Mr. Estes appears to be more a tech guy than a political polemicist (LinkIn Profile).

Sunny Paulk – Designer

Also a person who seems more techy than political.

Of course then in essence the SPLC has become a Left Wing propagandist tool in which the organizations integrity is now questionable.

The founder of the SPLC Morris Dees has also crept into the realm of Leftist polemicist but worse. Dees is a Leftist for profit. See this profile by Charlotte Allen writing for the Weekly Standard (but posted at John Tanton).

JRH 7/5/14
Agenda 21 - In one easy lesson
Earth Summit Agenda 21

By Tom DeWeese

What is Sustainable Development?

According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.  Social Equity (Social Justice) Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.” Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it. National sovereignty is a social injustice. Universal health care is a social justice. All part of Agenda 21 policy.

Economic Prosperity?

Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies.

Local Sustainable Development policies Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.

Who is behind it?

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Addition groups include American Planning Council, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process.

Where did it originate?

The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21.

What gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?

More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing G.H.W. Bush on Agenda 21ceremony at the Earth Summit. US president George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US. In signing, each nation pledge to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21. The EO directed all agencies of the Federal Government to work with state and local community governments in a joint effort “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in Agenda 21. As a result, with the assistance of groups like ICLEI, Sustainable Development is now emerging as government policy in every town, county and state in the nation.

Revealing Quotes From the Planners

“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced    ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Emphases – DR

Urgent to implement – but we don’t know what it is!

The realities of life on our planet dictate that continued economic development as we know it cannot be sustained…Sustainable development, therefore is a program of action for local and global economic reform – a program that has yet to be fully defined.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.

No one fully understands how or even, if, sustainable development can be achieved; however, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is ever to be achieved on a global basis.”
The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.

Agenda 21 and Private Property

Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”
From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.
Private land use decisions are often driven by strong economic incentives that result in several ecological and aesthetic consequences…The key to overcoming it is through public policy…”Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 112.

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” 
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.

Reinvention of Government

We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions, more rapid change, and more sensible use of human, natural and financial resources in achieving our goals.” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development

Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project

We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.”
Dave Foreman, Earth First.

What is not sustainable?

Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.”
UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.
Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people!
Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.
SPLC Labels the Right all inclusively as Haters
Ergo Agenda 21 Portrait Flawed

John R. Houk
© July 5, 2014
Agenda 21 - In one easy lesson

Tom DeWeese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia.

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