Here is Part Four of Danny Jeffrey’s “Iran, Obama and Nuclear War.” Danny continues the grand design of the Soros/Obama New World. He touches on how Obama is making the U.S. Military compliant to fire on American citizens, the probable location of where Iran will use stealth to detonate a nuclear weapon, Islamic Terrorism unleashed on American soil and more.
JRH 11/15/13
Iran, Obama and Nuclear War Part FOUR
By Danny Jeffrey
November 14, 2013 1:40 AM
This essay is the forth in a series about my belief that Hussein Obama is intentionally leading us into a nuclear crisis. The following are links to three prior articles on the topic:
Iran, Obama, and Nuclear War-Part Three
I have watched Obama, and his fellow progressives for years, and by rejecting the ever abundant internet tripe that ensnares so many, have gleaned an enormous amount of facts and insight into their behavior, and in doing so feel that my efforts have uncovered most of their diabolical plan, about which I have been writing for so long.
I first concluded three years ago that Obama's policies were going to result in nuclear conflict and at that time related their plan only to the ruin of Israel, already understanding both his and George Soros' hatred of that small nation. Time and yet more facts coming to light have led me to see a much larger picture, one that is nothing less than absolutely diabolical.
So many refer to Obama as a dictator. They are mistaken. That is his goal, but as of yet it has thankfully not come to fruition. Were he indeed a dictator, we would not be communicating freely on the internet, and the DHS would already be rounding up dissidents. That day is planned, but thus far we still have the First Amendment allowing us to communicate amongst ourselves.
There is no doubt that Hussein does indeed plan on implementing martial law when the time is right and declaring himself to be 'The One'. That time is not yet here but is most assuredly part of his planned agenda, and I am now convinced that the success of that plan relies on a nuclear crisis. Were that not so, Hussein Obama would not be expending so much effort to guarantee that Iran is successful in their desire to construct a nuclear bomb.
In previous essays I have discussed the need for Obama to destroy our military before engaging the armed population of America, for our … READ THE REST
Some see, few know, many choose to wander aimlessly in a fog, devoid of sunlight. I seek the light of day and leave the others to their chosen realm of ignorance. They are the ones who have brought this great nation down. I write only for the benefit of those who possess the courage required to restore our birthright.
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