In Part FOUR of Danny Jeffrey’s series, “Obama, Iran and Nuclear War,” I excerpted Part FOUR encouraging you to go to Danny’s blog Fix Bayonets to read the rest and I provided a link to Part FIVE. I am going to cross post Part FIVE in its entirety. It is that good!
Part FIVE touches on how Obama desires a nuclear detonation on U.S. soil combined with the unleashing of Islamic Terrorist cells erupting simultaneously on a national scale will give our Leftist-in-Chief an accepted reason for declaring Martial Law to take personal control of all policing to end a national chaos erupting in a post nuke detonation and Islamic terrorist assault.
Of course such a usurpation of big government power means the end of the U.S. Constitution and the end of Federalism on a local-State basis.
I should note that Danny has posted a Part SIX and Part SEVEN of this title. I have not read them yet, BUT I WILL.
JRH 11/17/13
By Danny Jeffrey
November 15, 2013 1:18 AM
This is Part Five in a continuing series of essays regarding the Obama policy of allowing Iran to continue its quest to obtain nuclear weapons, the threats that Iran has made against the small state of Israel, and what I feel
to be the very real danger to the people of the United States.
Iran, Obama, and Nuclear War-Part Four
In Part Four, I discussed the hatred that Islam holds for not only Israel, but even more so for the U.S. and the fact that Islam always seeks soft targets for their mass killings. The attack of 911 could not possibly have happened in Israel as they are forever on alert against the ravages of terrorism.
We, on the other hand, were easy prey for the likes of Osama bin Laden, as we had the idea that it could never happen here. In regards to terrorists bringing a nuclear weapon to our shores we suffer the same mistaken belief. Let me assure you that it truly can happen here, and with Obama in the Oval Office, it most certainly will. Barrack Hussein Obama wants a nuclear weapon to detonate here, and that is why he is encouraging Iran and restraining Israel's intent to disable Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Brief note from author. If you are reading this as your first exposure to this series, the statement that Obama wants a nuclear weapon to used (sic) against us may seem a bit over the top but such an occurrence will give him ample reason to declare martial law. Explored in detail in Iran, Obama, and Nuclear War-Part Four.
Pause for a few moments to consider the ramifications of a nuclear blast taking place on a ship in New York's harbor. There are many desirable targets for a nuke on continental U.S., but none with the appeal of NYC. First and foremost, the death toll would be horrendous. Following that in importance would be the total ruin of our economy; look at how many of our major corporations are based in NYC. Next consider the loss of a major transportation hub. Most of the traffic and trade of the East Coast is routed through that one city. Take away the bridges, the tunnels, the thoroughfares and the freeways, and our economy grinds to an immediate halt.
Last but not least consider the sheer panic that will possess the people of this nation. We all witnessed the horrors of 911 but people memories tend to dull with time, and apathy sets in. While I have no desire to diminish the great loss, that was only 3000 people. Imagine the shock and awe when the death toll hits a half million and double that number are showing signs of radiation sickness.
Recall those gallant first responders to 911? Do not expect a repeat of that performance. They had to deal with dust and debris when the towers fell...Not radiation. Any still alive in the blast area will make it out of there on their own terms or they will die there. Other than on the very outskirts of the city there will be virtually no rescue effort due to the presence of intense radiation.
Instead of heroes trying to effect a rescue, they will be trying to get their families out of the radiation field. Those foolish enough to attempt to aid the stricken will die along with those they are trying to save.
Since Obama first took office we have seen a relentless assault on our economic system. The loss of this one city would be the final death blow, from which we would not recover. I quite naturally hope that I am in error about everything I have written about Iran's and our administration's intentions, but know that I am not. Somewhere in Tehran there lies a map of NYC and on that map is a bullseye, or perhaps the image of a mushroom cloud.
"Never let a good crisis go to waste." I would like to further append that Alinsky logic with "and if you can worsen the crisis, you will add to your chances of success.
In the last installment of this series I brought up the topic of all of the dormant cells of terrorists scattered throughout the United States. There are known terrorists training camps at strategic positions within this nation, and many more Hezbollah operatives are daily crossing our southern borders. With the vast number of Jihadists among us one would tend to think we would have already been subjected to many small acts of terrorism, and yet we have seen almost nothing. If you have wondered why, the answer is that they await orders. Until then they walk among us feeling contempt, patiently waiting.
Their patience will be rewarded when those orders come as New York City is being vaporized.
We all know that Obama seeks martial law and total control of this entire nation, and the grounds for that will come from terror and total anarchy. All of America will be suddenly subjected to one massive terrorist attack, and terrified people will naturally turn to the government to solve the problems; the problems that the government itself created.
Many fear the revoking of the Second Amendment will occur any day now with one sweeping executive order. It is not going to happen until Islamic snipers nationwide beginning a killing spree such as this nation has never known.
Our police departments are being turned into military assault units with armored vehicles to match their purpose. Picture a sniper on a roof top in Boston cheerfully killing all who venture out. The SWAT team is dispatched. They get him. Case closed. Now imagine thirty such snipers all around Boston while the same scenario is taking place in every city across this nation. This is when guns will be outlawed, and the public will gladly endorse another power grab.
Snipers, car bombings, suicide bombings, bridges and tunnels destroyed, forest fires, rape and torture. This is the agenda of those Jihadists that Obama has brought among us. Every Friday they are radicalized in the Mosques that are springing up everywhere, and the administration has declared those mosques to be beyond the surveillance of law enforcement.
Meanwhile, as Islamic terrorist are spreading chaos, an army of young militant blacks and Latinos will be looting and burning. The fires will be big enough to be seen from outer space. Targeted will be white Americans and Jews.
I am not painting a pretty picture but then, I do not see a pretty future.
Quoting from Part One of this series:
"A knowledge of history, combined with a familiarity of current events, coupled with logic, and a willingness to accept those logical conclusions, is what led me to the internet. I have a driving need to fully understand and write of what I see coming at us like a freight train out of control."
Look to history to see what Obama must do to wrest the absolute power that he craves. Go with me back to 1938 and Kristallnacht, better known as "The night of broken glass", when Germany was subjected to utter mayhem, leaving Adolph Hitler no choice but to declare himself as dictator
Out of chaos comes order, and that order comes most quickly if the chaos had been planned and choreographed. This would be an appropriate time to call in UN peace keeping forces to disarm an unruly America public.
It is strange and horrifying what men will do for power, as the quest for power and greed totally strips a man of all morals. One such man is Secretary of State John Kerry, a worthy replacement for his equally amoral predecessor Hillary Clinton. Lately he has been doing the politically correct thing of criticizing and attempting to suppress Israel, while promoting the terrorist regime of the Iranian mullahs.
I have seen so many comments about how those who are in control of this nation are incompetent morons. Do not allow yourself to believe this. They are not incompetent, nor are they morons. They are evil men and women seeking absolute power over your life, and the authority to end that life if they see fit. Their greatest weapon is deception, even if it makes them look like a moron.
Obama has completely surrounded himself with the most anti-Semitic and anti-American diplomats of Washington, Kerry is but one of a long line, and he wields a power that should be possessed by no one who believes as he does.
We are all aware of the danger of our progressive media. Israel struggles to maintain its freedom and they are not bound by the terms of political correctness, and so I often link to their publications in search of the truth.
This from The Algemeiner...
Report: 2009 John Kerry Letter Backed Anti-Israel Gaza Flotilla Activists
That letter, by the way, bore the official U.S. letterhead of the U.S. Senate, and thus the weight of the U.S. government.
This from Arutz Sheva...Senators Told To 'Ignore Israel' on Iran
It is strange and horrifying what men will do for power, as the quest for power and greed totally strips a man of all morals. One such man is Secretary of State John Kerry, a worthy replacement for his equally amoral predecessor Hillary Clinton. Lately he has been doing the politically correct thing of criticizing and attempting to suppress Israel, while promoting the terrorist regime of the Iranian mullahs.
I have seen so many comments about how those who are in control of this nation are incompetent morons. Do not allow yourself to believe this. They are not incompetent, nor are they morons. They are evil men and women seeking absolute power over your life, and the authority to end that life if they see fit. Their greatest weapon is deception, even if it makes them look like a moron.
Obama has completely surrounded himself with the most anti-Semitic and anti-American diplomats of Washington, Kerry is but one of a long line, and he wields a power that should be possessed by no one who believes as he does.
We are all aware of the danger of our progressive media. Israel struggles to maintain its freedom and they are not bound by the terms of political correctness, and so I often link to their publications in search of the truth.
This from The Algemeiner...
Report: 2009 John Kerry Letter Backed Anti-Israel Gaza Flotilla Activists
That letter, by the way, bore the official U.S. letterhead of the U.S. Senate, and thus the weight of the U.S. government.
This from Arutz Sheva...Senators Told To 'Ignore Israel' on Iran
Republican senators who were briefed about talks with Iran were reportedly told by Kerry to 'disbelieve' what the Israelis say.
Now I find that to be totally fascinating, especially in light of this revealing article:
This from The Clarion Project...Rouhani's Deceptive Tactics to Advance Iranian Nuke
When he was Iran's top nuclear negotiator, he bragged about how skillfully he manipulated the West to advance the program.
Now factor in the following:
This from The Algemeiner...
Seven Reasons Why Obama Isn't Serious About Stopping Iran Nukes
Some years ago there was a term in common usage; 'credibility gap'. It was a polite way of saying that one of our diplomats were lying. Lately that term has fallen out of usage as they are all lying and we know it. Truth has become irrelevant having long since been replaced with blatant propaganda, and that propaganda works best on the ignorant, and we have many of those among us.
Take the four issues in the links above and find some semblance of truth. One shows that Kerry supported the anti-Israel flotilla. The next that he is denying that Israel has any credibility and should be ignored. The next is Iran's 'moderate' president openly acknowledging that he manipulate our bureaucrats, and the forth indicates Obama's plan to allow Iran to go nuclear.
I look to history for wisdom, to current events for knowledge, and through the smoke and mirrors for the truth. I am connecting the dots and those connection reek of pure unadulterated evil. If I am correct in my conclusions then what we see taking place around us is the most diabolical plot that has ever been hatched on the face of Earth.
The next installment will take us to the worldwide effect of this agenda.
This series of essays is now complete with a total seven articles on this topic (Unless breaking news forces me to update the series). The following is an introduction to the entire effort with links to all seven different pages:
Suggested Reading
Iranium (The video)
Some see, few know, many choose to wander aimlessly in a fog, devoid of sunlight. I seek the light of day and leave the others to their chosen realm of ignorance. They are the ones who have brought this great nation down. I write only for the benefit of those who possess the courage required to restore our birthright.
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