Sunday, December 9, 2012

Forget Palestine – It’s Time for a Greater Israel

Israel speck map 2 circled
John R. Houk
© December 9, 2012

Dovid Efune writes about the seemingly growing isolation of the only Western style democracy in the Muslim world. Of course that isolated nation is Israel. If you look on a map the Land of Israel looks like a speck on the globe. Israel is surrounded by Jew-Hating Muslim nations that have tried to destroy Israel since its modern manifestation in 1948. It is evidence of God’s miracle that Israel has withstood, pushed back and recaptured some of its Biblical land in seemingly eternal moments of Muslim hatred to remain a free Jewish haven from persecution of Jewish people.

Here we are in the twelfth year of the 21st century and Israel’s detractors have expanded beyond Muslim Jew-Hatred. Western style nations as in the EU, USA, Australia and others have began lining up on the Muslims side. Not so much because of a glowing love for the despotism inherent in Muslim nations, rather the Western nations are lining up because many Muslim nations control significant portions of the world’s oil deposits. Since the European Union has become so secular that its Christian heritage has begun to vanish, geopolitics and geo-economics leads them to abandon the Jewish State of Israel and to support the Jew-Hating Muslim nations.

Even though academics try to downplay the fact that the USA is still the world’s preeminent hyperpower, Americans still feel an affinity to their Christian heritage and supporting Israel as an underdog against a sea of haters. Unfortunately most Americans that are supportive of Israel’s predicament are anesthetized to the Obama Administration’s agenda to support the Muslim agenda.

So we must ask ourselves, what is the reason that President Barack Hussein Obama would stick to the deception of land for peace to a people that hate America almost as much as they hate Jews? The USA is not as secular as the EU and Americans still consider themselves Christians even if numerous Christians are not religious Christians. So even though Leftists HATE the appellation of America being a “Christian nation,” we Americans live in a nation we consider being Christian by majority. This leads us to the possible answer for Obama’s reasoning for siding with Jew-Hating Muslims.

Let’s examine a bit of Obama’s past that he cannot hide yet American voters evidently refuse to consider.

President Barack Hussein Obama attended a Church that preached Black Liberation Theology for twenty years. While Obama attended a Church that preached hatred of White people and that God should damn America, BHO palled up with like-minded Marxists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and the Jew-Hating/White-Hating Nation of Islam (NOI) leader Louis Farrakhan.

President Bush was under the same delusion that a non-people who call themselves Palestinians rather than Arabs should have their own sovereign nation. Obama has not only followed in that delusion but has done so in such a way that isolates Israel from the West to force Israel to accept a Jew-hating nation called Palestine to come into existence.

Here are some facts to look at pertaining to Israel’s existence. Iran has been saber rattling against Israel’s existence since the Khomeini revolution. The problem is Iran is about to become a nuclear armed nation. A nuke armed Israel adds a little reality to Iran’s threat to Israel’s existence. Adding to Iran’s threat is the threat of Iranian client States and transnational terrorist organizations that spout Jew-Hatred.

Those clients are the waning Assad regime of Syria and Hezbollah and to a certain extent Hamas as well. Assad’s regime might end due to the Syrian civil war; however his regime probably will be exchanged for an equally Jew-Hating Sunni-Islamist government sympathetic to al Qaeda.

Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority pretends to be an agent of peace but the reality is the PA’s Jew-Hatred media and the PA’s looking the other way as Islamic terrorists murder Jews that have a legitimate claim in Judea-Samaria. The land of Judea-Samaria is the land that would be stolen to create a Palestinian State.

Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood tool that openly calls for Israel’s destruction from the tiny Gaza Strip (could be renamed Hamastan).

The Muslim Brotherhood is making a grab for the control of Egypt to make that nation the Sunni version Iran. Even with the Jew-Hatred inherent among Egyptian Muslims there is currently rioting in the streets to prevent a Sharia based Constitution.

European nations are again beginning to be infected with the Antisemitism that has persecuted Jewish Europeans for thousands of years that reached its high point of hatred in the Nazi Final Solution of Adolf Hitler. Frankly I blame this resurgence of Antisemitism in Europe on the Muslim immigrants that have refused to adapt to the West and are becoming more and more radicalized under the influence of purist Islam.

I am with Dovid Efune in supporting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s response to the United Nations General Assembly bringing a Palestinian State closer to existence: “Build, Bibi, Build”. The anti-Israel elements of the globe are working the circumstances that will result in an attack on Israel, so build more Jewish housing in the eastern half of Jerusalem. For that matter build more Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians out of the Biblical land of Israel.

JRH 12/9/12

Promised Land - Eretz Israel

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