Wednesday, September 15, 2010

TPE – Sweep the RINOs OUT

John R. Houk
© September 15, 2010

The Tea Party Movement is a political force stomping for Conservative values and Conservative principles in America. The Tea Party Movement began as an anti-exorbitant tax movement and anti-big government movement. It seems where the various Tea Party organizations diverge from each other is on minor issues such as embracing Christian values and Original Intent of the Constitution. Not that any Tea Party organization is against Christianity or Original Intent but may not wish to wade into the waters outside of taxes and big government. Bill Lindner wrote about Tea Party differences and agreements of which I don’t necessarily agree with; nonetheless he provides a decent picture of the minor disagreements among Tea Party organizations.

Whatever differences that exist among Tea Partiers one thing is evident. The Tea Party Movement is reawakening Conservatism as a focus in America. The Tea Party influence I find most gratifying is the cleaning of house within the Republican Party. The politicians who are Republicans (i.e. Conservatives) in name only (RINO) are being swept out of Office as incumbents and as candidates in general during the various State Primaries in the present 2010 election climate leading up to November 2nd.

I am on the list of a Tea Party organization that was given the boot from the largest Tea Party umbrella association known as the National Tea Party Federation. That expelled organization is the Tea Party Express (TPE). The TPE was expelled because one of its leaders was foolish enough to be politically incorrect by writing a parody of the NAACP which was promptly condemned as racism undoubtedly to preemptively stave off a Leftist gotcha moment.

I am a supporter of TPE because of their involvement with the Republican Party. Many Tea Partiers wish to aloof from both America’s two major Political Parties to express grassroots over political affiliations. I on the other hand believe Conservatives need a Political Party to remove the Obama transformation of his view of a changed America. The obvious choice is a Tea Party caucus dominating the Republican Party giving RINOs the boot. The Tea Party Express so far has been the major ingredient (with a lot of Sarah Palin mixed in) behind every Constitutional friendly Republican candidate victory in recent 2010 primaries nationwide.

Below are a series of Emails from the Tea Party Express from the last two days that focuses on their most recent backed candidate victory of Delaware Republican Christine O’Donnell who won over RINO and Republican National Senatorial Committee (RNSC) favorite Mike Castle. The reason the RNSC refused and refuses to support O’Donnell is because they believe she is unelectable. Yet the voters of Delaware should consider this. O’Donnell was considered unelectable and Castle a shoo-in only a month ago.

JRH 9/15/10
Tea Party Express Congratulates Christine O'Donnell!!!

Sent by: Levi Russell
Sent: 9/14/2010 8:29 PM

Tea Party Express Congratulates Christine O'Donnell on Stunning Victory!

The Tea Party Express congratulates Christine O'Donnell on a stunning victory in the Delaware Republican Primary campaign for U.S. Senate.

"Yes! Congratulations, Christine O'Donnell, you did it, and all of us in the tea party movement are so proud of you!" said Amy Kremer, Chairman of the Tea Party Express.

"Christine O'Donnell overcame the entire political establishment to achieve victory tonight because she stood for the constitutional conservative principles that voters are craving during this election cycle.

"As recently as one-month ago everyone wrote off Christine O'Donnell, but she defied the pundits and the political establishment. Now she is positioned to shock the so-called political experts in November once again.

"Christine kept her focus on the message of a return to a constitutionally limited government. That message will resonate with voters in November, just as strongly as it has today. If all the king's horses and all the king's men of the political establishment couldn't defeat Christine O'Donnell today, what makes anyone think they will beat her in November as the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate?

"Wake up corrupt politicians in Washington, D.C. Change is coming like a tidal wave, sweeping across this country. It's time to call the moving company, start packing up boxes, and look for new career opportunities. We The People have had enough, and we've got a message for you: You're Fired!" Kremer concluded.
The Scoreboard: Tea Party Express Celebrates Victories

Sent by: Levi Russell
Sent: 9/14/2010 8:44 PM

Tea Party Express Celebrates Successful Primary Season

The Tea Party Express celebrated another election victory tonight, marking the end to a very successful primary campaign season.

Below is a list of those who we’ve endorsed as ‘heroes’ or spent money.

The Tea Party Express also targeted a number of candidates who ultimately ended up losing/retiring. We launched a $250,000 “Defeat Bart Stupak” campaign and brought our Tea Party Express 3-bus convoy into his district with 6 tea party rallies in his congressional district (the most we’ve ever held in a politician’s district).

After spending $60,000 on radio and TV ads, Stupak announced his retirement, right while we were in the middle of a rally against him in Escanaba, MI (in the Upper Peninsula, and again in Stupak’s district). We announced we were targeting Arlen Specter, and produced a TV ad for Pat Toomey, and then Specter left the GOP and then lost in the Democrat Primary.

We also announced we were targeting Democrat Congressman Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, and he lost too. And most notably, beyond spending over $550,000 supporting Sharron Angle’s GOP primary campaign (launching it when she was at just 5% in the polls), we’ve also waged $500,000 campaign against Harry Reid and expect to spend at least several hundred thousand dollars more to defeat him too.

Here’s our Heroes’ list of the candidates we’ve endorsed – most of them big winners:


    • AK Joe Miller (R)

    • NV Sharron Angle (R)

    • DE Christine O’Donnell (R)

    • MA Scott Brown (R)

    • KY Rand Paul (R)

    • UT Mike Lee (R)

    • CA Chuck DeVore (R)

    • FL Marco Rubio (R)

    • KS Todd Tiahrt (R)

    • PA Pat Toomey (R)

    • SC Jim DeMint (R)


    • CA-4 Tom McClintock (R)

    • GA-6 Tom Price (R)

    • ID-1 Walt Minnick (D)

    • IN-6 Mike Pence (R)

    • MN-6 Michele Bachmann (R)

    • SC-2 Joe Wilson (R)

    • TN-7 Marsha Blackburn (R)

Tea Party Express Responds to NRSC

Sent by: Levi Russell
Sent: 9/14/2010 9:45 PM

The Tea Party Express issued the following statement in response to preliminary reports that the National Republican Senatorial Committee would not support their own nominee for U.S. Senate in Delaware:

"The National Republican Senatorial Committee has reportedly said they will not support their own nominee for U.S. Senate in Delaware. This is a rash statement that hopefully they will reconsider once good judgment sets in.

"The NRSC tried to meddle in the vote recount for liberal Republican Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. Now they say they aren't committed to supporting their own nominee in Delaware? When will this insanity stop?

"We encourage the NRSC to take a night off, get some sleep, and reconsider their rash statements. It is because of inexcusable conduct in Delaware and Alaska that so many conservatives have turned to the Tea Party Express, offering their support and their donations. These people have lost faith in the NRSC as just another big-government, Washington, D.C.-based organization that has contributed to the problems this country currently faces.

"If the NRSC is committed to defeating Democrats in November, then it is time for them to honor their mission statement and do just that. If they fail to do so, then they can expect millions of conservatives to continue to steer their donations and volunteer hours elsewhere.

"Wake up NRSC, the reason the tea party movement has grown into such a powerful force is because of the failures of establishment organizations such as yours to honor the principles of the Republican Party platform. You tried to force through the most liberal Republican in Congress on the voters of Delaware and they rejected you. Wake up, you are defying your own base, and will end up an irrelevant and impotent organization that serves to only amuse the corrupt political establishment in Washington, D.C.

"The Tea Party Express will back Christine O'Donnell in the general election along with every other candidate we've endorsed. We trust adults at the NRSC will come to their senses and realize that the people have spoken, and it's time for the NRSC to represent the Republicans it is supposed to represent."
Need Your Help - NRSC Refuses to Back O'Donnell

Sent by: Tea Party Express
Sent: 9/15/2010 6:56 AM

We Need Your Help as NRSC Refuses To Back Their Own Nominee in U.S. Senate Race

On Tuesday night, Conservative Republican Christine O'Donnell won the nomination for U.S. Senate fair and square in the Republican Primary.

The problem? While in the middle of her victory speech, representatives of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) said they would refuse to support O'Donnell in the General Election because their favored candidate, Liberal RINO Mike Castle, did not win.

This is absurd and unacceptable. Please help us deliver a powerful message to the NRSC that we will not stand for this, and we expect them to abide by the wishes of Delaware Republicans who voted for Christine O'Donnell as their nominee for U.S. Senate.

Sign our petition demanding that the NRSC reverse course - HERE.

Please be sure to forward this to your friends as well - we need as many signatures as possible.

TPE – Sweep the RINOs OUT
John R. Houk
© September 15, 2010
TPE Emails

Paid for and authorized by the Our Country Deserves Better PAC/, a federal political action committee, which is responsible for the content of this message. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions are not tax detectable for tax purposes.

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