Monday, September 20, 2010

Beware of Radical Islamic Connections in America

John R. Houk
© September 20, 2010

I am still convinced that a majority of Muslims (particularly in the USA) are the kind of moderates that have turned their back on the extremist-violent theo-political ideology espoused by Islam’s founder Mohammed. However, Cleric/Mullah indoctrination has convinced this same violent, murdering, raping and pillaging Mohammed is the perfect man representing the omnipotent god they call Allah.

The real reform movement going on globally is not a continued moderation bringing Islam into the 21st century. Rather the real reform movement is the theopolitical ideology of Wahhabi/Salafi Islam. Wahhabi/Salafi Islam calls all Muslims to return to the brutal intolerant days of Mohammed and the so-called Rightly Guided Caliphs.

Considering that a majority of American Mosques and Muslim-American organizations are tightly connected to Wahhabism/Salafism such as is found in Saudi Arabia or the biggest purist Islamic reform movement of the present day in the Muslim Brotherhood (aka Ikhwan or MB) then it behooves Americans to look beyond the feelings of the majority of Muslims calling themselves moderate and realize much of the proselytizing and Cleric messages in America derive from Wahhabi/Salafi sources. To that end this is a must see YouTube video: “Busted - Orlando Mosque Finances Hamas Fundraiser”.

JRH 9/20/10 (Hat Tip: Nancy Bonus, PhD. San Fernando Valley ACT! for America Chapter)

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