Monday, September 27, 2010

Solid Snake: Anti-Homosexual Activism Must Exceed Homosexual Activism

John R. Houk
© September 27, 2010

Solid Snake is frustrated with the lack of active action by pro-family groups and Congressional members on both the State and Federal level represent New York State (NYC).

As you read Solid Snake’s frustration let me clear up a few abbreviations:

AFTH – Americans for Truth about Homosexuality managed by Peter LaBarbera. Labarbera is a target of venom by homosexual activists such as the homosexual blogger - Joe. My. God. – who is most often quoted by Solid Snake in making points via email.

FRC – Family Research Council led by Tony Perkins who also I am happy to say is no friend of the homosexual agenda or the Left.

Liberty Counsel This organization is led by Matthew Staver.

The “Pastor from Atlanta” referred to by Solid Snake is a big dog among Evangelicals. This is Pastor Eddie Long who has correctly preached from his pulpit that homosexuality is a sin. Pastor Long’s scandal is the accusation from four male former members of his 23,000 strong mega-Church who claim they were coerced into homosexual sex with their Pastor. I listened to a sound bite last night from FOX News in which Pastor Long denied the allegations from his accusers. I’ll paraphrase what I heard Pastor Long say (mostly because I don’t want to Google for a source): “I may not be a perfect man but I did not do those things the Mainstream Media is saying I did.” Note I did say it was a paraphrase but I believe I wrote the gist of his denial.

As a Christian and an American I am standing with Pastor Long because his innocent until proven otherwise and lying is as Biblically heinous as homosexuality. On the other hand I can understand why the accusation is rocking Conservative Biblical Christianity in America. Not too many years ago another Pastor stood accused of paying for homosexual sex from his masseuse. After Ted Haggard was accused by the masseuse Haggard denied the accusation. Haggard also was a Pastor of a mega-Church which is located in Colorado Springs, CO. It was even worse that Ted Haggard was also a leader in a huge Evangelical association. AND Haggard – AGAIN CORRECTLY – took a strong stand against homosexuality. I know what Christians who want to believe in Pastor Eddie Long are going through merely because Haggard vehemently denied acts of homosexual sex. BUT the homosexual was true and Haggard lied.

[ Editor: I did some editing on the Solid Snake email. I pray I did not skew any of his thoughts.]

JRH 9/27/10
Gay Adoption Now Legal NYS

Sent by: Solid Snake
Sent: Sep 22, 2010 at 10:42 PM

That's what I been trying to tell people no one listens. Either these "pro family" groups lost their balls to fight or became cowards over night due to the onslaught of homosexual activism and homosexual fanatics increasing. AFTH is starting to drown and FRC due to what is going on. Also Liberty Counsel needs to fight more.

Stop with the press releases. The senators for NYS (not sure about 1) have been bought by the homosexual lobby. This is even the case pertaining to congressmen/women too. The congressmen for my District’s chief lapdog/contributor runs a "center" that is a haven for pedophiles and those who like them young and has been investigated with the investigations stalled as pending.

What makes the pro family groups look bad are sick perverts like the Pastor from Atlanta. Gays are looking for any excuse to do all sorts of harm.

Also FRC got a s**t load of $$: Why ask for more $$? Look at what is being put out in gay publications it’s horrific. Obama has been seen with soldiers saluting with a gay flag in background. They even renamed Europe to their vision too.

It’s bad john. I have a document it’s 25mb, but it has enough information to sink a lot of the homosexual lobby friendly Senators and Congress people on DADT. How I got it, you don't wanna know.

JMG got called a liar:

Solid Snake: Anti-Homosexual Activism Must Exceed Homosexual Activism
John R. Houk
© September 27, 2010
Gay Adoption Now Legal NYS
Solid Snake.

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