Sunday, December 29, 2024

EXCITING Diana Wellness Store for Incoming New Year

John & Diana Houk

© December 29, 2024

Friends & Readers:


We are nearing the end of 2024 as we watch the emergence of 2025.


Did you spend a lot of cash on presents for loved-ones and friends? Perhaps you indulged in a bit of too much holiday feasting?


Today I take a step back from politics Patriot-style and share how my wife Diana and I tackle the above questions about spending and getting back to health-consciousness.


We belong to a superior Network marketing company that gives us our own Online store that we direct people toward for GREAT TASTING HAPPY-HEALTHY COFFEE and several health-oriented supplements focused on weight management and well-being.


Diana went and bought a domain name that redirects to our Online Store: Diana Wellness Store.


Diana sent me a Youtube video that provides a QUICK OVERVIEW of what is available:


Youtube VIDEO: Legacy Builders~ Beneve Opportunity

In these testimonials you heard products related to Limitless Trio and Wellness Trio. As well as 65% compensation plan if you want to stretch beyond a customer by becoming a Business Influencer with your own Online Store.


If you feel the need to subsidize your income to help cover your Christmas spending, a 65% Compensation Plan should spark your interest. The Chief Operating Officer highlights the 65% Compensation Plan in this video:


Youtube VIDEO: Beneve Compensation Plan

Diana and I are looking to grow our Network team. WE are Looking For 1200 People! Who Could Use Some Extra Cash? And it’s Coffee & a Watermelon Berry Drink and MORE! You Don’t Have to Teach People How to Drink Coffee!! They Already Know How!




Within the Beneve platform, Influencers are empowered with 13 distinctive methods for earning income, each offering unique opportunities for financial growth and sustainability.


Customer Referral Rewards

Earn when you personally enroll Customers and support them: Customers and support them


1. New Customer Bonus (NCB)


2. Customer Retention Bonus (CRB)2. Customer Retention Bonus (CRB)


3. Limitless Xperience Seller Bonus3. Limitless Xperience Seller


Team Building Rewards

Earn when you build a team of Influencers who personally enroll Customers and support them:


4. Limitless Xperience Upline Commissions


5. Fast Start Bonuses (FSB)


6. Power of 3 Xcelerator Bonuses (First 90 Days)


7. Unilevel Commissions


8. Unilevel Check Matching Bonuses


9. Rank Advancement Bonuses


10. Lifestyle Bonus


11. Health Benefit Bonuses


12. Star Pool Bonus


13. Ambassador Pool Bonus


Diana will receive your contact information whether you choose to be a customer or choose to be a Business Influencer to supplement your income. When Diana welcomes you, you can begin a conversation to answer any questions you might have.


JRH 12/29/24

Saturday, December 28, 2024

I Don’t Trust Putin Who Is In The CCP Orbit

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 28, 2024

Vladimir Putin, right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping - photo during an official welcome ceremony at The Grand Kremlin Palace, in Moscow, Russia 3/21/23 [Photo from Courthouse News Service]


I suspect my opinion of Vladimir Putin will irritate many Conservative Americans for placing him on a pedestal for his anti-Globalist image.


Putin is an ex-KGB agent that pushed the old Soviet line of Communist tyranny especially when he was stationed in then Communist East Germany. AND SO, I do not trust anything Putin devises because there is no way a Putin agenda is American friendly.


On the other hand, I do believe Putin’s agenda is a Make Russia Great Again agenda. Which for me translates into Putin focusing on regional power and security more than the old Soviet international concept of spreading Communism globally.


As long as now independent former USSR satellite States tow the Putin-Russian regional agenda, their independence is probably secure. A deviation from a Russia stance will bring a Putin military intrusion. HENCE the Ukraine-Russia war.


Russia’s war with Ukraine is the result of Globalist (EU) and Dem-Marxist USA gambits into Russia’s sphere of influence.


I don’t know about you, but I have become extremely weary of Globalist/American-Military-Industrial-Complex FOREVER WARS. On a personal level, I advocate returning to the USA’s Isolationist policies militarily while maintaining a superior military to confront Globalists who desire to end America’s National Sovereignty.


That would kind of be a modified Reagan era Peace Through Strength. BUT NOT to engage in foreign wars that have zero to do with the USA’s National Sovereignty.


Rumble VIDEO: Ronald Reagan – Peace Through Strength

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by SlantRight

Published December 27, 2024


I found this clip of President Ronald Reagan while research “Peace Through Strength”. I found it at (


Putin’s regional agenda coupled with EU-(Biden-led)USA-NATO intrusion into Ukraine has pushed Russia into an alliance with Communist China. AND CHINA is definitely has an agenda to end the USA because the CCP views American Liberty as threat to its Communist rule.


If there ever was a reason to rebuild the U.S. Military might with a purge of Obama/Biden military officers and doctrine, Communist China is that reason.


AND NOW I want to share a post from The Federalist that I believe gives impetus to my way of thinking. It is entitled: “Report: China Rapidly Builds Up Weapons And Psychological Warfare Operations”.


JRH 12/28/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 (one-time or recurring). PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Our Senior Citizen Family Supplements our income by offering healthy coffee products. BETTER YOUR HEALTH with healthy & good tasting COFFEE and enjoy some weight management supplements. BUY Happy Coffee & Weight Loss Supplements at the Diana Wellness Store:



Report: China Rapidly Builds Up Weapons And Psychological Warfare Operations

CCP Military Buildup - Defense Intelligence Agency/Public Domain (The Federalist Photo)


By Chuck DeVore

December 27, 2024

The Federalist


China’s military buildup and cognitive warfare strategy are clear indications of its intent to defeat the U.S. and its allies by any means necessary.


The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is undertaking an unprecedented military buildup aimed at challenging America and its allies, particularly in the Indo-Pacific. And, like Nazi Germany’s buildup in the 1930s, the militarization program ordered by the Chinese Communist Party isn’t simply a great power buildup — it’s a weapon in service of a deadly ideology.


The 2024 Department of Defense China Military Power Report and recent analysis by Bill Gertz in the Washington Times reveal this buildup as part of a broader strategy by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to position itself as a global superpower. Meanwhile, the U.S., having spent $5.4 trillion on the global war on terror and attendant, futile nation-building, has left itself strategically vulnerable by diverting critical resources while underestimating the threat from China.


Missile Expansion and Strategic Modernization


China has rapidly expanded the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) arsenal, adding, that we know of, some:


§  50 new intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) capable of striking the continental U.S., for a cumulative total of 400.


§  300 medium-range ballistic missiles and 100 long-range cruise missiles.


§  More than 600 operational nuclear warheads, projected to surpass 1,000 by 2030.


§  Hypersonic missiles like the DF-27, capable of evading U.S. missile defenses and targeting Guam, Hawaii, and Alaska.


§  China’s navy, already the largest in the world with 370 ships and submarines, is expected to grow to 435 by 2030.


Cognitive Warfare and Psychological Operations


Beyond its conventional forces, China’s adoption of “cognitive warfare” poses a significant threat. This doctrine focuses on manipulating information to undermine adversaries’ decision-making processes. Cognitive warfare features tactics right out of a sci-fi film, all enabled by powerful AI tools. For instance, deepfakes to mislead military and political leaders during crises and psychological warfare to demoralize U.S. troops and polarize society — the latter including efforts to erode trust in U.S. leadership among regional allies via tool such as TikTok.


PLA researchers are also developing advanced voice synthesis tools for low-cost, high-impact disinformation campaigns. These operations reflect a strategy designed to win conflicts without direct confrontation, targeting the minds of adversaries rather than their forces Sun Tzu would approve.


Questionable Timelines and Strategic Deception


The CCP’s stated military objectives include readiness for action against Taiwan by 2027, achieving strategic dominance by 2035, and fielding a world-class military by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the CCP’s victory over the Nationalists in China’s civil war. However, these timelines should be treated with skepticism. They are likely deliberate deceptions aimed at lulling adversaries into complacency or disguising China’s actual state of readiness. The pace of China’s missile expansion and cognitive warfare preparations suggests that Beijing’s capabilities likely exceed what is required for these projected milestones.


Unfortunately, the DoD’s China report featured a special section on corruption in China’s military that was seized upon by those who have consistently downplayed the China threat.


America’s Fiscal Crisis and the Need for Budget Reform


While China accelerates its military growth, even as it faces what appears to be a weakening economy, the dire state of American finances threatens our national security. The federal deficit and ballooning national debt place immense pressure on defense spending. To effectively counter China’s ambitions, the U.S. must rebuild its fleet, modernize its nuclear arsenal, expand missile defenses, and restore maritime lift capability. However, this cannot be achieved without serious budget reform and strategic cuts within the Pentagon itself. These necessary actions will likely face strong opposition from some in Congress who seek to defend the status quo.


In short order, President-elect Donald Trump’s national security team must start to rebuild the Navy with more surface combatants, submarines, and support vessels to counter China’s maritime dominance. America’s aging nuclear arsenal requires upgrades to ensure credible deterrence against China’s rapidly growing stockpile of advanced warheads and delivery systems.


Lessons learned from Israel and Ukraine show that we must also invest in next-generation missile defense systems to protect the homeland and key assets in the Indo-Pacific. And, lastly, we must invest in strategic sealift capacity to ensure rapid deployment and sustainment of forces during a conflict. This will require a decade of focused effort to rebuild America’s shipbuilding industry, including training tens of thousands of highly skilled workers.


Finding Savings Within the Pentagon


Despite the need for increased capability, the solution is not simply more spending. The Pentagon’s budget, currently burdened by inefficiencies, mismanagement, and bloated bureaucracy, must be scrutinized. It will be difficult, as every dollar cut will have an advocate as well as friends in Congress, but support for the needed investments will be hard to come by without serious savings in the Pentagon.


Savings can be found in cutting redundant programs and eliminating outdated or overlapping initiatives. Reforming the acquisition process will likely be a big lift as Congress will need to approve enabling legislation, but a proper streamlining of procurement can prevent cost overruns and delays and, if done right, can greatly accelerate weapons acquisition and innovation. And lastly, reducing the DoD’s bureaucracy, including the massive bloat in generals and admirals, will not only save money but also speed up decision-making.


The Strategic Realignment Imperative


China’s military buildup and cognitive warfare strategy are clear indications of its intent to defeat the U.S. and its allies by any means necessary. Ignoring this threat or trusting Beijing’s stated timelines risks leaving the U.S. unprepared for a conflict that may arise sooner than anticipated.


To safeguard national security, the U.S. must adopt a strategy of fiscal discipline and targeted investment. Reallocating resources within the Pentagon to prioritize naval strength, nuclear deterrence, missile defense, and logistics will ensure the United States remains ready to meet the challenge posed by China.


Strategic competition demands both financial responsibility and military readiness — two imperatives that cannot be delayed.


Fortunately, President-elect Trump has assembled a team that understands this threat. With Pete Hegseth at the helm of the Pentagon, and other key positions filled by people who understand the danger and the urgency of the situation, it comes down to whether Congress will join in the effort to preserve peace through strength.


Chuck DeVore is chief national initiatives officer at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a former California legislator, and a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel. He's the author of The Crisis of the House Never United—A Novel of Early America.”


© 2024 The Federalist, A wholly independent division of FDRLST Media. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Irritate the American Left:

Shine a Light on Their Dark Nefarious Deeds THEN Work to Strike Those Deeds Down

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 26, 2024


“And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and her offspring.
He will strike[a] your head,
    and you will strike his heel.”
(Genesis 3: 15 NLT)


I want to share Maj. Gen. Paul E Vallely’s (Ret.) Substack post because He nails how the American Left has been insidiously destroying what has made America Great for decades. Gen. Vallely offer’s a suggested hope the incoming Trump Administration gives Americans who cherish our Founding will provide steam to reverse this Leftist curse waged on American heritage,


BUT FIRST, I’m sharing President Trump’s “Merry Christmas” to the enemies of Making America Great Again I found posted on ®️ Telegram channel on Christmas Day. The message is in true Trump style which is sure to irritate the Never-Trump Left and Never-Trump RINO Establishment. (I found a commentary on Trump’s Merry Christmas posted at The Daily Wire on 12/25/24 entitled, “Trump Releases Special Christmas Day Message: Trump's statement highlighted the aggressive foreign policy tone he is setting for his incoming administration”.)


And as a bonus after the MG Vallely post, I’m sharing a short video of Trump telling listeners his intentions for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investments.


I suspect the American Left has Deep State nefarious plans to keep the Fundamental Leftist Transformation of America flowing. I pray God Almighty empowers President Trump to overcome such wicked evil in Jesus’ Name.


JRH 12/26/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 (one-time or recurring). PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Our Senior Citizen Family Supplements our income by offering healthy coffee products. BETTER YOUR HEALTH with healthy & good tasting COFFEE and enjoy some weight management supplements. BUY Happy Coffee & Weight Loss Supplements at the Diana Wellness Store:




President Donald Trump Merry Christmas

Donald Trump

December 25, 2024 Telegram channel


Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in “repair” money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about “anything.” Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World. Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will!


Merry Christmas to the Radical Left Lunatics, who are constantly trying to obstruct our Court System and our Elections, and are always going after the Great Citizens and Patriots of the United States but, in particular, their Political Opponent, ME. They know that their only chance of survival is getting pardons from a man who has absolutely no idea what he is doing. Also, to the 37 most violent criminals, who killed, raped, and plundered like virtually no one before them, but were just given, incredibly, a pardon by Sleepy Joe Biden. I refuse to wish a Merry Christmas to those lucky “souls” but, instead, will say, GO TO HELL! We had the Greatest Election in the History of our Country, a bright light is now shining over the U.S.A. and, in 26 days, we will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. MERRY CHRISTMAS!



"America's Transition: Working to Make America Great Again"


By MG Paul E Vallely

December 26, 2024

Beyond Treason

Beyond Treason screengrab (MG Vallely Substack Photo)


There was a time when differing political opinions meant an excellent discussion at the dinner table or workplace. In those days, political business conducted itself through compromise. After all, they all believed in the fundamental values of America: freedom, love of God, country, family, and hard work through private enterprise. We were all in it together. No longer. After all, the Left controls most of the media, education, Hollywood, Big Tech, Big Pharma, big business, and much of the federal government through their deep state. If you try to computer research a political question, your answer will come from the New York Times, NPR, the Boston Globe, Time, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and The Daily Beast. You will have to scroll way down to get anything approaching objectivity.


You would think the Left was the majority. The Left in America has co-opted loyalty to America for allegiance to the tribe. And this tribe is anti-America, pro-democratic socialism (whatever that is), pro-censorship, transgenderism, open homosexuality, open borders, a universal basic income, and faith in science, not God. And their science has no room for diverse opinions, including God's. Secretly, to them, all science has a political objective. Climate change will require massive societal change as long as one can change one's gender. Climate change has become the outing of natural gas: the introduction of digital ID, central bank digital currency, 15-minute cities, no private transportation, lab-grown meat, no dairy, no private property, no privacy. The elimination of billions of people. Did they tell you that? Yes, they did, but you weren't listening. It will be to your detriment if you don't believe this.


The wholesale crime we see on the news every day is no accident. It has been planned to create chaos. What is happening in the United States is also happening worldwide. Elites, political and government leaders, academics, and business leaders have gotten together to 'solve' the world's problems, like the phony issue of climate change or the series of diseases they have planned for us.


Globally, power will be centralized, elitism will run amok, national sovereignty will be lost, and the middle class will disappear. We will have technocratic governance. Everyone will be 'tagged,' vaccinated, and monitored.


This domestic tribe is no longer interested in enhancing the American experience. Its priority is to trash the American way of life and start over. They have already begun by tearing down statues, renaming schools and public buildings, opening our borders, and even dropping the great West Point motto: Duty, Honor, Country.


The Left sees a world filled with victims. Hence, we have a welfare state where expectations are off the scale, and we're still doing it. Ten million illegal migrants in just three years have entered our country and broken our laws. Many of them were already criminals. In New York City, migrant families get $1440 monthly in pre-paid debit cards, free healthcare, housing, and food. The NY Post is reporting that migrants are quietly receiving welfare. They are taking good care of our 'replacements.' It's similar in Europe. Now, does anyone believe these migrants are going to stop coming or want to see the gravy train come to a halt anytime soon? The WOKE agenda has taken over government, education, workplaces, and social mores. Many of our churches pretend it doesn't exist, not unlike Nazi Germany, where they played along until the jackbooted thugs came for them. We agree on little to nothing. And it's not like conservatives have immediately departed elsewhere, unwilling to live alongside those with diverse opinions. But Liberals have thrown them to the curb. As a result, red states now see an influx of new residents, unlike any other generation. States like Florida, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and South Dakota are seeing housing prices rise to new levels. Try to get a job in Hollywood as a conservative, and you run into a brick wall. Annemarie Wiley was fired from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for what cast members said was "off-putting personal and political views."


Ronna McDaniel, former chair of the Republican National Committee, was hired and fired by NBC as a contributor after only five days because the NBC team said her views were not in 'alignment' with theirs. In essence, they were not interested in what she had to say. In both cases, the employees were in charge.


Admittedly, McDaniel tried to play on both teams—a wrong decision. She was 30 years late. The middle, these days, is treacherous. She criticized Trump's fight to expose the fraud in the 2020 election and the Patriots trying to get their voices heard on January 6. Foster care has rejected parents due to their Christian conservative beliefs. States like Washington would rather see children without loving homes than deliver them into Christian homes with conservative values.


Traditional liberalism, like during the Kennedy years, has undergone radical change. In those days, they believed in freedom of speech. Now it's censorship and a 'Ministry of Truth'. They talk an excellent democracy line until you realize they are destroying it with their fraudulent elections, a weaponized justice system, no ID voting, voting machines that are connected to the internet, and weeks of voting instead of one day. There is now plenty of time to forge a win. Certainly, equality before the law is not one of their favorite principles unless you're on their side. Traditional liberals fought for limited government. Now it's the more, the better. Equality used to be a goal, now it's equity.


The Left has abandoned most Americans. They don't want to hear from us, hire us, consider us, or even talk to us unless it is a one-way conversation. And we are the majority! If you don't live on either coast, you are in a fly-over country.


Now, here's the wrong part. How can we continue being one country, our E Pluribus Unum, our One Nation Under God? We can't, and it's their choice! But divided, THEY fall. Unfortunately for the whiney Left, it's the fly-over country that produces most of everything the blue coasts need to survive—food and energy.


America’s Founders established the United States on rock-solid principles, positioning our country as the world's strongest and most prosperous bastion of freedom and liberty. These principles include limited republican government of, by, and for the people; private property; a written Constitution; equality of man before God and the law; and individual rights from God, not government. Those rights include freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and due process of law.


These founding principles led to developing a set of values unique to America and Americans. They include individualism, personal responsibility, equal opportunity, looking to the future, learning from the past, achievement, a positive work ethic, efficiency, practicality, informality, upward mobility, success, humanitarianism, and patriotism. The founding principles, coupled with these traditional American values, set our country apart from all others in ways benefitting not just our citizens but the entire world and made the United States the destination of choice for immigrants worldwide.


Sadly, beginning in the 1960s, Leftist, progressive ideologues rejected everything America stood for and everything that made our country. They initiated a war on God and the United States aimed at replacing our founding principles with Marxism and our traditional values with secular humanism. These Left-wing progressives are determined to destroy America as we know it and rebuild it in their own dystopian, totalitarian image. Yes, they are changing America forever. To this end, they have taken over the K–12 education system as well as our colleges and universities and have transformed these critical institutions into educational gulags for indoctrinating successive generations of Americans in Leftist orthodoxy. They have driven God out of the schools, government, and the public square. With every step forward these Leftist ideologues have made in advancing their nefarious agenda, America has taken a step backward.


Patriotic Americans are beginning to say, “Enough is enough.” In early 2023, we wrote America’s End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country to provide a game plan for patriotic Americans who reject the Marxist agenda. Our blueprint for saving America contains seven critical strategies for defeating Leftist ideologues and restoring our country to the principles and values that made it great. These strategies include:


§  Achieve an American spiritual revival.


§  Preserve the Constitution and Bill of Rights


§  Reject historical revisionism and refute the big lies of the secular Left.


§  Preserve capitalism and reject socialism.


§  Restore patriotism and love of the country.


§  Overcome specific domestic threats to Americas end game.


§  Overcome specific foreign threats to Americas end game.


Do we need a new and revised Constitutional Government to guide America’s future?


Our political parties, Republican and Democrat, should be abolished because they no longer have value to America. Greedy, Uniparty politicians have corrupted the parties to achieve their common goal: acquiring wealth. The Marxists, hidden within the Democrat Party, aim to undermine America while getting rich in the meantime. Collectively, as the “Uni-Party,” aka the “Deep State” or the Bureaucratic state, they are kept in line by the Intelligence agencies who occupy a position that controls all. Government politicians moving in lockstep to fundamentally change America has become a criminal enterprise that, to survive, has resorted to Gestapo, KGB-style tactics to suppress descent.


Today’s political turmoil exists because of Trump's shocking 2016 election victory that revealed many career politicians as greedy creatures devoted to self-enrichment and personal aggrandizement while ignoring Constitutional restrictions and the actual needs, not the imagined Woke needs, of America. Rules of wealth transfer have been rigged in their favor. They have even removed themselves from standard government retirement and healthcare systems to survive the coming financial disaster that Bidenomics is conferring upon us. They survive by yielding to worldwide corporations that thrive on taxpayer-funded government contracts, especially weapons providers. The needs of the military-industrial complex have focused government needs into uniparty thinking, telling us they are working in the best interest of Americans. In fact, by their very processes of skirting the bounds of legality, they operate together toward one goal: a Socialist America. Rarely do any of them go to jail.


Suppose Republicans had any interest in retaining the trust of Americans. How can they excuse Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger’s willing participation in Pelosi’s rigged 06Jan kangaroo court or the twelve Republican Senators who voted with Democrats to pass the 4,155 pages-long 2022 $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill that does not benefit America one iota? The bill was a scheme to lock in ridiculous spending for a whole year of a House in Republican control. Their latest attempt will not pass the house without a border fence. Pelosi is gone, and this latest doomed attempt represented Schumer’s grand scheme to loot the treasury before the 2024 election. An alert electorate does not want any funding bill without a border fence, and Ukraine must get in line. Leading the charge, of course, was GOP Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky), who happily just announced his decision to give up leadership. The Republican base loathes the old RINO GOP and rejoices at Mitches’ decision. The conservative base will support President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign without further meddling from McConnell. The clue is: if Mitch thought the pro-Trump political sands were not shifting beneath his feet, he would not have given his notice.


It is Ukraine’s borders that warmongers want to protect, but not one dime for our porous southern border. The border fence was explicitly prohibited in Schumer’s bill. We have a values problem! Ukraine’s border plight, i.e., the Invasion by Russia, is a difficult one to address, but not so the invasion of America. The New World Order wants Russia debilitated using the Ukraine to do it. The New World Order crowd wants America to be nonwhite, and Biden and progressives are seeing to that. What are Biden’s priorities? He does not know, of course, but Americans are suffering from rising crime rates, drug deaths, rising inflation, and a lack of readily available energy. Wind and sun do not measure up to America's needs, but it makes no matter to totalitarian mandates. With the collapse of the USSR, Russia had a chance for a democratic resurgence and an open window to prosperity with capitalism. Putin ended that, and like Mitch, he is the last of the old Bolshevik Stalinists who brutally ran their country into the poverty that only socialism can provide. That is where Biden’s (Obama’s) government is also taking us, including the GOP. We need Trump!


What will America look like when patriots save our country from the demonic schemes of the Left? We pray you join us in this critical battle for America’s soul. Our founders took great care when defining treason in the Constitution. They were traitors to the British crown. It had to be well-defined and documented. Because Treason in America is historically rare, we have not, nor do we intend to, take the accusation of treason lightly.


America’s political position today is unlike anything ever seen in our history, or world history, for that matter. An influential group of elite globalists has succeeded in recruiting, training, and equipping an army of traitors and operatives (including well-armed militias and cartels) in America and the world to subvert the normal operations of government and move toward the globalist’s goals of corrupting those governments and individual social contracts in such a way as to destroy those governments and the fabric of the societies those governments represent. This imposes alternative governments without freedom, public choice, or legal recourse.


To bring our national establishment to heel and to counter provocative actions taken by foreign and domestic enemies, we must Establish honest 2024 and future elections. Paper ballots, voter ID, same-day voting, and voting systems that cannot connect to the Internet or any outside control or influence must be set up. Election Fraud or interference is a criminal act. We cannot allow foreign governments to control our elections.


We must update the definition of Treason to specifically include non-kinetic war, including Mind War, Unrestricted War, Cyber Warfare, and Bio-War. We must end foreign donations to elected officials through family or corporate connections. Severe criminal penalties for this new form of treason need to be enacted urgently.


We must stop the security state from being weaponized against political opponents. NSA and CIA activity against citizens must be halted pending an overhaul of the system. FBI kill teams must be held accountable. Raids on churches, priests, and ministers must stop. Government censorship or propaganda must be banned. There is no “Ministry of Truth.” This is not Stalin’s Russia. Obama’s legislation allowing propaganda in the United States must be canceled. It smothers the First Amendment. The stolen 2020 Election and the J6 coup need to be investigated entirely (with criminal penalties) before the next election. The CCP elected Joe Biden, not the American people. Borders must be controlled, and dangerous illegals must be deported or jailed. Enact legislation and an Amendment to our Constitution prohibiting any foreign influence, treaty, or Executive Order that will endanger or weaken our national sovereignty. We also need local Patriots to assist police in ensuring “law and order” and personal safety.


Happy New Year

Paul E. Vallely - Chairman of The Stand Up America Foundation, MG, US Army (Ret)


C: 406 249 1091;; website: (Sign up for our weekly newsletter here)


Order now: Our books. On Amazon and


·        Betrayal and Treason in America

·        The Dismantling of America

·        Beyond Treason

·        Invisible Treason in America

·        America's Endgame for the 21st Century


© 2024 Paul E Vallely

Beyond Treason HOMEPAGE




Rumble VIDEO: Trump Promises to ‘Ban Insidious’ Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)


Posted by SlantRight

Published December 26, 2024


I found this Trump speech on ESG investments at Telegram Trump Source ( posted on 12/25/24 (


Trump Source Description:


‘Trump promises to "ban insidious Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) investments in order to protect Americans' hard-earned savings and investments from woke financial scams. President Trump’s bold actions set the example for Republicans across the country to follow his lead in fighting ESG."


In Trump's own words: "The entire ESG scheme is designed to funnel your retirement money to the maniacs on the radical left. The rule we issued under my leadership was the first ESG ban anywhere in the world. And I'm delighted that Republicans in Congress and across the country have been waking up to this threat and following my lead."


"You're paying the price for all of this, and it's destroying our country. When I'm back in the White House, I will sign an executive order and with Congress’ support, a law to keep politics away from America's retirement accounts forever.


I will demand that funds invest your money to help you, not them, but to help you. Not to help the radical left communists, because that's exactly what they are. I will once again protect our seniors, just like I did before, from the woke left and the woke left is bad news. They destroy countries."’