Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Gift of God is the Birth of Jesus the Christ

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

December 24, 2024


As I write this it is Christmas Eve 2024,


This what I’m sharing today:


Some Christmas political humor from the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE): “The Story of ‘Santa’s Last Journey’”. Some humor probably more relevant today than when it was originally penned 50 years ago.


A Christmas message from Rev. Rick Renner I received via email yesterday, but was probably written a while ago: “The Real Reason for Christmas”.


A Christmas message from George Christensen from his Substack Nation First, by George Christensen entitled “The Light Shines in the Darkness”.


AND last, a Youtube audio of the actual voice of C.S. Lewis in a lecture essay of “C. S. Lewis - What Christmas Means to Me” (about 4:14-Minutes). H/T: Substack The Truth Barrier posted by Celia Farber on 12/24/24.


Be Blessed in the Risen Savior of Whom we celebrate God becoming a man in Bethlehem to Redeem the Fallen Nature of EVERY person who simply chooses to Believe.


JRH 12/24/24


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The Story of ‘Santa’s Last Journey’

50 years later, this satirical commentary is as relevant as ever.

Santa Out of Business (FEE Photo) Image Credit: Ann Koopman


By Roger Koopman

December 23, 2024

Foundation for Economic Education


It was exactly fifty years ago. A young, swashbuckling fruit rancher from Sunny Slope, Idaho, named Steve Symms was serving his first term in the US House of Representatives. He was a political newcomer whom no one took seriously—except the voters. A devotee of Leonard Read, FEE Seminars, and freedom, Steve took the primaries and general election by storm with his resonating message of free markets, non-interventionism, and constitutionally limited government. To this day, his television ads have never been equaled. Looking into the camera with a luscious Symms apple in his hand, Steve would declare, “Vote for Steve Symms and take a bite out of government!” Then, crunch! Who could resist such an appeal?


Once elected, it wasn’t long before this freshman upstart was challenging the sacred cows of Big Government, introducing bills that would abolish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and open the delivery of First-Class Mail to private competition. My wife Ann and I, still in our early twenties, were privileged to serve on Steve’s Washington staff at that time. Ann handled some of his toughest constituent letters—all of which he signed with his trademark “Yours for a free society” closing. I was his all-around “scribe” and press secretary, kicking out news releases, weekly columns, floor speeches, and assorted commentaries on his favorite topic—liberty.


It was approaching Christmas, his newsletter was soon to go out to all the district households, and we needed something special in keeping with the season. “Santa’s Last Journey” was just the ticket! Sprinkled with satire, the piece carried an important message about the unrelenting growth of government and the degree to which the federal leviathan had reached its regulatory tentacles into every area of our private and business lives. How could Santa continue to withstand all of these bureaucratic edicts? He couldn’t, we concluded. This would doubtless be Saint Nick’s last year of operation. It was hopeless.


It wasn’t long before our little ditty went viral, with congressmen using it in their own districts, and various organizations reprinting and distributing it. The printing below was produced by Knott’s Berry Farm, and I’m told was given out at their entrance gate.


Reproducing this story fifty years later delivers an especially poignant message. It is just as relevant now as it was in 1974, and none of the federal harassments Santa faced back then have gone away! They have only grown more pervasive and more crushing of our liberties.


Steve Symms served the cause of freedom with great distinction for many years, eventually defeating the “invincible” Frank Church and becoming a distinguished US Senator. Tragically, this courageous voice of liberty went silent last summer at age 86. Reading “Santa’s Last Journey” this Christmas would be a fitting tribute to a great man, who never gave up on the hope and promise of the “free society” he so loved and cherished.


Santa’s Last Journey


Rumors are flying around Washington to the effect that this may be Santa Claus’ last year of operation. Sources within the Federal bureaucracy are privately indicating that the jolly old man is in big, big trouble!


Apparently from the Federal government’s point of view, Santa has been “getting away with murder” for years now, “breaking every law in the book,” as they put it. And indeed, the time has come to crack down on this “unconscionable situation.”


Here is the inside scoop on Santa’s long list of infractions:


1. Operating a flying sleigh in absence of certification by the CAB, a clear violation of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938.


2. Unlawfully competing with the U.S. Postal Service on air mail deliveries.


3. Violating EPA requirements for emissions control devices on his reindeer.


4. Defying the Sherman Anti-Trust Act by maintaining a strict monopoly in his profession.


5. Violating the Fair Labor Standards Act by failing to pay his elves the minimum wage or proper overtime benefits.


6. Engaging in unfair promotional advertising, designed to prey on the defenseless minds of children, a violation of Federal Trade Commission regulations.


7. Failing to secure an ICC permit and an assignment of certified routes by the Interstate Commerce Commission.


8. Violating numerous Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations by operating an “unsafe workplace.”


9. Passing out candy canes and goodies not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


10. Ignoring the edicts of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by failing to institute a quota system in his workshop based on race, religion, sex and size (too many elves, not enough giants).


11. Making toys which have not been approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.


12. Failing to declare the cookies and milk that are put out for him as taxable income with the IRS.


13. Transporting firearms across state lines as Christmas presents.


14. Avoiding state and federal taxes on his sleigh, not to mention licensing, registration, and having an operator’s permit.


15. Violating various National Labor Relations Board regulations, including the maintenance of a non-union shop and unfairly competing with the chimney sweeps’ union.


It is said that these are but a sampling of Santa’s more serious Federal offenses, which taken in total will almost certainly put the man in red out of business for good. At present, we are told Saint Nick is frantically searching for a lawyer, but that no one as yet is willing to come to his defense. Apparently it is an open and shut case!


Meanwhile, there is another Santa Claus of sorts in this country which operates the whole year ’round. It has served us well for many, many years but is presently in the same predicament as Saint Nick. As a result, it is being pushed to the brink of extinction. It’s called the American Free Enterprise system. Will anyone come to its defense?


[Blog Editor: At this point FEE has a snapshot of the original then Rep. Steven D. Symms Christmas message to his Idaho constituents.]


Roger Koopman recently retired from the Montana Public Service Commission, having represented PSC District 3 for 8 years.  He has also served two terms in the state House of Representatives from Bozeman.



FEE About Page



The Real Reason for Christmas

By Rev. Rick Renner


And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
— Philippians 2:8


Do you plan on taking the time this Christmas to tell your children or friends about the purpose of Christmas? If so, what will you tell them?


Although we usually meditate on the birth of Jesus at this time of the year, His purpose in coming to earth was not to give us the sweet picture of a baby in a Bethlehem manger. That little baby was born to die for you and for me and thus pay for the forgiveness of our sins. He was born to die on the Cross that we might be reconciled to God.


For this reason, I always told our sons when they were young, “Don’t just think of a baby in a manger at Christmastime. Christmas is about much more than that. It is about God coming to earth in human flesh so He could die on the Cross to pay for your salvation and destroy all the works of the devil in your lives! That is what Christmas is all about!”


People rarely think of the Cross at Christmastime because it is the time set aside to celebrate Jesus’ birth. But in Philippians 2, Paul connects the two thoughts. As Paul writes about God becoming a man, he goes on to express the ultimate reason God chose to take this amazing action. Paul says in verse 8, “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Because today is Christmas Eve, I want to use this Sparkling Gem to discuss the real reason for Christmas, which is contained in the truths found in this verse.


Philippians 2:8 says that Jesus was “…found in fashion as a man….” That word “fashion” is the Greek word schema. This is extremely important, for this was precisely the same word that was used in ancient times to depict a king who exchanged his kingly garments for a brief period of time for the clothing of a beggar.


How wonderful that the Holy Spirit would inspire the apostle Paul to use this exact word! When Jesus came to earth, it really was a moment when God Almighty shed His glorious appearance and exchanged it for the clothing of human flesh. Although man is wonderfully made, his earthly frame is temporal dust and cannot be compared to the eternal and glorious appearance of God. However, for the sake of our redemption, God laid aside all of His radiant glory, took upon Himself human flesh, and was manifested in the very likeness of a human being.


This is the true story of a King who traded His kingly garments and took upon Himself the clothing of a servant. But the story doesn’t stop there. Jesus — our King who exchanged His royal robes for the clothing of flesh — loved us so much that He “…humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross”!


The word “humbled” is the Greek word tapeinao, and it means to be humble, to be lowly, and to be willing to stoop to any measure that is needed. This describes the attitude God had when He took upon Himself human flesh. Think of how much humility would be required for God to shed His glory and lower Himself to become like a member of His creation. Consider the greatness of God’s love that drove Him to divest Himself of all His splendor and become like a man. This is amazing to me, particularly when I think of how often the flesh recoils at the thought of being humble or preferring someone else above itself. Yet Jesus humbled Himself “…and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”


The word “obedient” tells me that this was not a pleasurable experience that Jesus looked forward to in anticipation. To humble Himself to this extent required Jesus’ deliberate obedience.


As preexistent God, Jesus came to earth for this purpose. But as man dressed in flesh, He despised the thought of the Cross (Hebrews 12:2) and could only endure its shame because He knew of the results that would follow. For Jesus to be obedient as a man, He had to choose to obey the eternal plan of God.


The word “obedient” that is used to describe Jesus is the Greek word hupakouo, from the word hupo, which means under, and the word akouo, which means I hear. When these two words are compounded together, they picture someone who is hupo — under someone else’s authority, and akouo — listening to what that superior is speaking to him. After listening and taking these instructions to heart, this person then carries out the orders of his superior.


Thus, the word hupakouo tells us that obedient people are 1) under authority, 2) listening to what their superior is saying, and 3) carrying out the orders that have been given to them. This is what the word “obedient” means in this verse, and this is what obedience means for you and me.


You see, even Jesus had to come to this place of obedience. Although He knew that He was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, that didn’t mean His flesh was excited about dying as the Lamb of God on the Cross. According to this verse in Philippians 2:8, Jesus had to humble Himself and become “obedient” in order to follow God’s plan. He wasn’t looking forward to the experience of death on a Cross; He made a choice to humble Himself and to go to any measure in order to accomplish the Father’s plan.


Part of the Father’s plan was for Jesus to humble Himself “…unto death, even the death of the cross.” The word “unto” is from the Greek word mechri, which is a Greek word that really means to such an extent. The Greek word mechri is sufficient in itself to dramatize the point, but the verse goes on to say that Jesus humbled Himself unto death, “…even the death of the cross.” The word “even” is the Greek word de, which emphatically means EVEN! The Greek carries this idea: “Can you imagine it! Jesus humbled Himself to such a lowly position and became so obedient that He even stooped low enough to die the miserable death of a Cross!”


I heartily recommend that you take the time today to read the April 24 Sparkling Gem in order to refresh your memory on the full process of crucifixion. It was genuinely the worst death a person could ever endure. For Jesus to humble Himself to the point of death, EVEN the death of the Cross, demonstrates how much He was willing to humble Himself to redeem you and me.


Just think of it — Almighty God, clothed in radiant glory from eternity past, came to this earth formed as a human being in the womb of a human mother for one purpose: so that He could one day die a miserable death on a Cross to purchase our salvation! All of this required humility on a level far beyond anything we could ever comprehend or anything that has ever been requested of any of us. Yet this was the reason Jesus came; therefore, He chose to be obedient to the very end, humbling Himself to the point of dying a humiliating death on a Cross and thereby purchasing our eternal salvation.


So as you celebrate Christmas tonight and tomorrow, be sure to remember the real purpose of Christmas. It isn’t just a time to reflect on the baby boy who was born in Bethlehem so long ago. That baby was God manifest in the flesh. He was born to die for you and for me. Jesus was so willing to do whatever was required in order to redeem us from Satan and sin that He humbled Himself even unto death on a Cross! That is what Christmas is all about!


My Prayer for Today


Lord, I thank You for coming to earth so You could redeem me. When I think of the extent to which You were willing to go in order to save me, it makes me want to shout, to celebrate, and to cry with thankfulness. You love me so much, and I am so grateful for that love. Without You, I would still be lost and in sin. But because of everything You have done for me, today I am free; my life is blessed; Jesus is my Lord; Heaven is my home; and Satan has no right to control me. I will be eternally thankful to You for everything You did to save me! I pray this in Jesus’ name!


My Confession for Today


I confess that Jesus Christ loves me! He demonstrated His love to me by leaving behind Heaven’s glory and taking upon Himself human flesh. And He did it for one purpose: so that one day He could go to the Cross and die for me and thus reconcile me unto God. There is no need for me to ever feel unloved or unwanted, because Jesus went the ultimate distance to prove that He loves me! I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!


Questions to Answer


1. When you compare Jesus’ ultimate act of obedience to God with your own willingness to obey God in every area of your life, are you satisfied with your level of obedience to Him? Or do you find yourself falling far short of what He requires?


2. What can you do on this Christmas Eve to more fully “let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5)? Are there specific ways you can show humility toward others or prefer someone else above yourself?


3. Now that you’ve read today’s Sparkling Gem, what will change in the way you talk to your children or your friends about the real purpose of Christmas?


© 2024 Rick Renner Ministries. All Rights Reserved.



The Light Shines in the Darkness

Nation First issues a Christmas call for faith, family and freedom.


By George Christensen

December 24, 2024

Nation First, by George Christensen


Dear friend,


I wish I could deliver just a good news message to you this evening. But, as we count down the hours to Christmas, there is no denying we stand at the edge of a world in turmoil. The forces of darkness are marching boldly, seeking to corrupt every corner of creation. We see it in the erosion of liberty, the celebration of evil, and the assault on faith, family, and freedom—the cornerstones of Western civilisation.


Indeed, the world around us feels darker than ever. Truth is shackled. Morality is mocked. Our values and, more often than not, our morale are battered about, bruised, and broken. Everywhere we turn, it seems the darkness gains ground. Digital IDs loom over us like chains forged in a technocratic hell. Free speech is suffocated under the guise of combatting “misinformation.” Manufactured inflation crises rob families of their dignity and security.


Make no mistake—this isn’t chaos by accident. The globalist elites, the self-appointed rulers of this world, are waging war on truth itself. They seek to control you, your family, and your faith. They want to rewrite creation, erase virtue, and extinguish the light of hope from society.


But here’s the truth they can’t rewrite, erase of extinguish: the darkness does not win. It never has, and it never will.


But Christmas reminds us of a truth so profound it shakes the foundations of every wicked scheme: the light of Christ cannot be overcome. Two thousand years ago, in a humble stable in Bethlehem, the Creator of the universe entered His creation—not as a warrior king, but as a vulnerable child. This was no accident. In the face of worldly power and empire, God sent His Son as the ultimate act of defiance against evil and the ultimate act of love for us.

Nativity Illustration (Nation First Photo)


The Holy Bible tells us that:


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John 1:1-5


Other modern translations use the term “overcome” rather than comprehend. The traditional Catholic Jerusalem bible uses the term “overpower”. Whatever word you wish to use, let those verses of scripture resonate deeply. This isn’t just a comforting story for hard times; it’s a declaration of war against every force of evil that seeks to destroy what is good, true, and holy.


Think about it. The rulers of the age sought to destroy Him from the moment of His birth. Herod sent soldiers to slaughter innocent children in a desperate attempt to snuff out the Saviour of mankind. But the light was not comprehended, overcome or overpowered then, and neither will it be now.


Today, we face our own Herods—tyrannical forces who seek to impose control, strip us of our freedoms, and wage war on our faith. They try to convince us that the darkness is winning. They want us to give up, to believe the lies, to abandon hope. That’s because the Enemy works tirelessly to shroud humanity in despair.


But yet, like Christ, we must not be overcome or overpowered for “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”.


When I reflect on this eternal truth, I think of my own family. Given both my wife and daughter are Filipinas, I’m always outvoted, so tonight we’ll celebrate the Filipino tradition of Noche Buena; a massive feast prepared in the final hours of Christmas Eve. At midnight, surrounded by food, drink, and love, we’ll share in the joy of the season. Wish me luck with my diet!


But this year is different. My little girl is fighting off a cold, and as an asthmatic, it’s been slow going. Still, I know her spirits will lift tomorrow morning when she sees the mountain of gifts waiting for her to unwrap under the Christmas tree. Yes, I spoil her, but isn’t Christmas a time to demonstrate the extravagant, unrelenting outpouring of love for which Christ was known? That love emanates from the very same light that shattered the darkness in Bethlehem some 2,024 years ago.


Not just Bethlehem. With those words, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” the Bible indicates that the light penetrated the entire weary world and still does to this very day. That light burns within you and me right now.


The Creator of the cosmos didn’t just send His Son to shine light into the darkness—He sent Him to break its grip entirely. And because He dwells among us, we are called to carry that light forward.


This Christmas, don’t just celebrate the light—be the light. Stand boldly for your family, for your faith, and for what is right and good and true. Especially for what is true. Speak the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. Teach your children the eternal message of Christ. Every candle lit, every carol sung, every act of love is a defiance of despair.


The rulers of this world want you to feel powerless. They want you to bow to their schemes. But their empires will crumble. Their lies will unravel. And their darkness will flee for:


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John 1:5


The victory is already won. It was born in Bethlehem, lifted high on the cross, and echoes for all eternity because of the empty tomb. This is the message of Christmas: the light of Christ shines, and no force of darkness can extinguish or overcome it.


May the light of Christ fill your heart, home, and nation. And may it embolden you to stand firm, knowing the battle is won, and the victory is His, and through Him, it’s also ours.


Merry Christmas.

God bless you, your family, and your nation.


Take care,
George Christensen


George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.


George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:


“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”

— George Christensen.


Find more about George at his website.


© 2024 George Christensen

Nation First HOMEPAGE




Youtube VIDEO: C. S. Lewis - What Christmas Means to Me

Posted by C. S. Lewis essays

Posted on Aug 4, 2018


Buy the audiobook: [Amazon:]


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