Sunday, September 22, 2024

VIDEOS to Remind Liberty Theft is the NWO Goal

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 22, 2024


The new Communism and the new Fascism is the combination of both in which governments and Leftist Corporations work together to instill Marxist principles and Climate Lies to control the masses for the benefit of the Elitist few. It’s like an old Star Wars movie where the dark-side of the force tells the gullible that Liberty has no value and you will be happy to be controlled.




JRH 9/22/24


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UGETube VIDEO: Google 'Definitely Coordinating' with the Kamala Harris Campaign

Posted by John Houk

Published 21 Sep 2024


This O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) clip is from Telegram O'Keefe Media Group ( posted on 9/11/24 (


OMG Description:


“James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist Dakota Leazer on Google "Definitely Coordinating" with the Kamala Harris Campaign


I don't feel comfortable," states Dakota Leazer, a Google Growth Strategist, when confronted by James O'Keefe and @OKeefeMediaGroup after OMG's release of undercover footage revealing Leazer admitting Google's manipulation of search engine results to favor Kamala Harris' campaign.


When O'Keefe asks Leazer to explain his comments about Google's coordination, Leazer denies his statements, saying, "I’ve never said that," despite O'Keefe showing him video evidence. "You’re on video saying these things," O'Keefe responds, pressing into Leazer's claim that Google is "reorienting the search engine so Kamala is more favored." Leazer continues to backtrack, stating, "I don't want to deal with any of this."


O'Keefe further questions Leazer on the ethical implications of Big Tech interfering in politics, only to be met with silence. Leazer abruptly abandons his date, making a hasty escape to a nearby Whole Foods, avoiding further accountability.”



Rumble VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Tulsa, OK (Dan Bongino)


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 21, 2024


I reside in in Tulsa County in Oklahoma. I was ecstatic that this video posted on Telegram Tucker Carlson Fanbase ( posted on 9/13/24 ( The video begins with some promotional info before getting into the meat of its purpose. Tucker begins with a monologue well worth watching. Then at about the 36-Minute mark Bongino comes on.


Tucker Carlson Fanbase Description:


“Dan Bongino on the presidential debate and how to stay happy in chaos.”



Youtube VIDEO [H/T Substack Kristen Brady 9/11/24]: It's NOW LAW: Digital ID's Required For Travel (Less Than 90 Days)


Posted by ThisisJohnWilliams

Posted on Sep 9, 2024


Are you wondering how you can fix your credit in the shortest period of time possible? Perhaps you want great credit fast so that you can buy a rental property, house, vehicle or get business funding. If that is your goal, look no further than - schedule a call on our website. We offer a FREE credit repair consultation and will review your reports, answer questions and tell you what the process will look like for your specific circumstance and roughly how long it will take.





Rumble VIDEO: Ravikant says the Democrat Party's lawfare against President Trump is ‘disgusting behavior’


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 21, 2024


I found this interview clip of Naval Ravikant by Megyn Kelly at Telegram channel ( posted on 9/6/24 (


FrankSpeech Description:


“.@Naval Ravikant says the Democrat Party's lawfare against President Trump is "disgusting behavior" that could "end the Republic" and lead to a "one-party state better known as a dictatorship."


"If you look at the charges brought against Trump, and I actually read them quite carefully. These were really Trumped-up charges. They were really made up. You violate the statute of limitations. You try to drum things up into a felony when there was no evidence of such. It was a miscategorization of business expenses. It's this selective prosecution."


"If you want the case against Kamala Harris, it's the fact that she was the DA of San Francisco, and San Francisco is a mess. And, in fact, after she advocated for George Gascon, the guy who is destroying LA by basically not prosecuting criminals and going after business owners. This selective prosecution thing is a disaster."


"The moment you start breaking down this wall, you get into weaponizing justice. You know, Hillary Clinton blew up her email server and then wiped it with bleach bit. There are no consequences for that. Turns out the Hunter Biden laptop is real. Who knew? Even though we were told, it was all misinformation by the intel agencies. This is the scary stuff. This is the stuff that ends the Republic or turns it into a one-party state, better known as a dictatorship."


"The weaponization of the justice system and the engagement and willingness to engage in lawfare will lead to violence, disillusionment, a breakup, and something worse for the United States. When these guys start playing with going after their political enemies."


"When Alvin Bragg runs on the explicit campaign to take down Trump and then they go hunting through and looking for anything and drumming up any charge to go after him with the most favorable juries in the most favorable part of the country and then just control the evidence and control the narrative that is the beginning of the end.


And the people who are in Silicon Valley and the donors who are supporting this lawfare, they're dead to me. These people are destroying the ground on which they stand."


[KanekoaTheGreat X/Twitter Link:]



Rumble VIDEO: Dark CIA Operations in Africa – Whistleblower John Stockwell


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 21, 2024


Clip title focuses on Africa, but a significant amount time is spent on Central & South America. The point: The CIA is more bent on war and mayhem than American well-being. Since the end of WWII, the CIA focus appears to be more Globalist oriented than Americentric.


This 7:03-Minute clip of John Stockwell is from Telegram Clown Planet (Ask to Join Channel) posted on 9/8/24 ( forwarded from Telegram Cruel History (


Clown Planet Description:


“Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa.”



Rumble VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Live with Glenn Beck

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by SlantRight

Published September 21, 2024


This 1:12:51-Hour episode is from Telegram TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY ( posted on 9/9/24 (


Tucker Description:


“Glenn Beck: The Importance of Learning Through Failure, God’s Plan For You, and Escaping Cable News”.



Rumble VIDEO: WEF Promoting Fetus Pods to Detach Humanity from God's Natural Order


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 21, 2024


I found this 8:30-Minute clip at Telegram Expose The Cabal (an Ask to Join Channel) posted on 9/9/24 ( The video is about cloning. Expose The Cabal associates the video with the WEF Reset agenda.


Expose The Cabal Description:


“The WEF is promoting fetus pods as a way of detaching humanity from God's natural order.


This isn't new however the elites throughout history have been fascinated with this satanic idea as you will see through this historical evidence. Cloning has always been their fantasy to become reality.


Join, it's not too late!👇



odysee VIDEO: PsyWar- Enforcing the New World Order (Dr. Robert Malone)


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published September 21, 2024


Telegram Dr. Judy Mikovits ( picks up a Hearts of Oak ( interview between Peter McIlvenna and Dr. Robert Malone (1:03:25-Hour) which uses the book PsyWar (Amazon - as a focal point. Posted on 9/9/24 ( Rumble version:  


Dr. Judy Mikovits Description:


“Robert W Malone MD - PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order 'The Battle for Minds and Rights'”.



Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich 9-10-24 Statement

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by SlantRight

Published September 21, 2024


Politically persecuted Dr. Reiner Fuellmich issued a personal statement that certainly is predictive and borders on the prophetic downfall of the Globalist agenda.


I found the statement at Telegram Reiner Fuellmich ( posted on 9/11/24 (


Reiner Fuellmich Description:


“A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, together with thanks for the sympathy of all friends, supporters and companions in difficult times.


‘Without truth there can be no justice and without justice there can be no peace.’


By special request from Reiner 👇🎶


Support for Reiner/ Υποστήριξη για τον Reiner/Die Möglichkeit, Reiner zu unterstützen findest du 👉HIER:



Rumble VIDEO: Elgato Weebee – All Out Nuke War Between USA & Russia


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 22, 2024


Elgato Weebee shared this video on Xephula Group BREAKING NEWS! ( on 9/21/24 (


Elgato Weebee Description:





Bitchute VIDEO: The Committee of 300 Men Who Rule the World


Posted by SlantRight2

Published September 21, 2024


This clip is from Telegram HATS ( posted there on 9/16/24 ( The title is the HATS description. Dr. John Coleman shares what he believes are the Globalists ruling the world. The Club of Rome agenda: LifeSiteNews – 3/30/24 -



Rumble VIDEO: Dr. John Coleman Elaborates the Globalist Agenda


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 21, 2024


This is Dr. John Coleman taking 59:40-Minutes to elaborate on the Elitist Agenda of Globalists which is detrimental to the masses (i.e., the Sheeple). I found this video at Telegram Agents of Innocence ( posted there on 9/16/24 (


Agents of Innocence Description:


“Here is why. 1993 he saw the plandemic being designed.”



Bitchute VIDEO: 1946 Civics on Despotism



Published September 21, 2024


This 2:11-Minute was taught as a warning to NOT accept DESPOTISM. My, things have changed since 1946.


The clip is from Telegram THE WHITE RABBIT ( posted there on 9/18/24 (




“It was 1946 and this lost educational film on despotism was required curriculum at every high school in America.


  The associated test, 11 pages quizzed students on the concepts.  By 1967, this film was removed from all libraries.”

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