Tuesday, September 10, 2024

HAARP – A Govt Vehicle to Control Lives?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 10, 2024


Project High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is one of those government science projects that we WHO DO NOT TRUST the government have long suspected it exists for nefarious purposes. Much on the same scale as Area 51. That means we the suspicious are relegated to the realm of tinfoil Conspiracy Theory.


So, I just finished reading a Telegram Julian Assange (I have suspicions not the actual Assange) on HAARP. The post focuses on Mind Control and attributes Edward Snowden as the source speaking of Snowden’s revelation of documentation. THE PROBLEM: Telegram Julian Assange provides no documentation. Which relegates the post to unsubstantiated hearsay.


NEVERTHELESS, being the I-DO-NOT-TRUST-THE-GOVERNMENT kind of guy that I am as well as having an awareness these HAARP accusations have been going on for decades. I am going to share the post for YOU the critical thinker to do your own research to dismiss or find credibility.


To Jump Start Your Critical Thinking, A Few Posts:


o   How Alaska’s Creepiest Research Station Got Its Reputation: It all started with caribou walking backward; By Netflix; Atlas Obscura; 7/8/16


o   Calling All Conspiracy Theorists: Alaska’s “Mind-Control Lab” Is Hosting an Open House: Depending on who you ask, HAARP can control minds, weather, and even earthquakes; By Danny Lewis; Smithsonian Magazine; 8/25/16


o   HAARP – The Pentagon’s Ultimate Weapon, Whistleblowers Says; By Jake Carter;; 8/9/21 7:45 am


After the Telegram Julian Assange cross post, I’m sharing a HAARP Documentary posted on Youtube on 9/23/23 that looks at the Mind Control aspect. The primary speaker in the Documentary is Dr. Nick Begich co-author of the 1997 book (167-pages) “ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP” [PDF Copy]


Frankly, some of this information can be difficult to swallow. Yet after the world’s recent experience of COVID lies, deceptions and forced mandates; do some critical thinking before dismissing out of hand.


JRH 9/10/24


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Top-Secret HAARP Facilities Exposed – Edward Snowden Unveils HAARP’s Sinister Global Agenda!


September 8, 2024

Telegram Julian Assange


NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has just blown the lid off a terrifying agenda hidden deep in Alaska. Documents reveal that HAARP, which they claimed was about "scientific research," is in reality a weapon designed to control and manipulate humanity on a global scale.


HAARP’s Dark Purpose:

For years, the military has disguised HAARP as a research station, keeping its true mission hidden from the public. According to Snowden’s leaks, HAARP is no innocent experiment—it's a weapon of mass manipulation, targeting people's brains, causing what seem like natural deaths—strokes, heart attacks. This is more than a conspiracy theory. It's happening now, right under our noses.


Mind Control at an Unimaginable Level:

Snowden revealed that HAARP can remotely control the minds of those who speak out, turning people into irrational, “crazy” individuals in the eyes of the world. Their goal? Silencing dissenters, using these frequency waves to make their opposition crumble from within. Think about it—the world leaders, media moguls, and CEOs you see on TV are just puppets, controlled through advanced technology. Ever wonder why some of the most powerful voices for truth go silent overnight?


Faraday Cage Defense:

Snowden has taken refuge in a Faraday cage, cutting off external radio waves, shielding himself from this global mind-control weapon. Why? Because once you know the truth, you're a target. This technology can destroy lives, discrediting those who dare speak up, reducing them to nothing but “conspiracy theorists.” It’s already happening.


The Smoking Gun – Proof of HAARP’s Control:

These documents aren't just hearsay. Snowden shared secret emails from top military officials confirming the horrific truth behind HAARP’s operations. This is no longer speculation—it’s fact. You’re either awake or you're being played. They want you docile, blind, and submissive, all while the elite pull the strings behind the scenes.


HAARP’s Reach – More Than Just Alaska:

It’s not just Alaska. There are multiple HAARP facilities worldwide. In Sweden, Russia, even beneath the cover of cell towers right here at home. They’ve built a global network to keep their control tight. It's not just a weapon. It's a system of domination, creating chaos, fear, and confusion across the world. Just look at the strange weather patterns, natural disasters, and public figures dropping dead out of nowhere.


The Time To Rise Is Now:

Snowden’s revelations have shown us that the storm is already here. The truth is far darker than we could ever imagine. But now you know—what will you do with this knowledge? Will you sit back and let the global elites tighten their grip, or will you fight back? Your country, your freedom, your very life could depend on it.


Wake Up, Patriots!

This is the moment. The truth is out, and they can’t silence us all. Together, we can expose the shadow government and the military machine that’s been pulling the strings for far too long. The time has come for action—before it’s too late.



Youtube VIDEO: Mind Control: HAARP & The Future of Technology


Posted by Extreme Mysteries

Posted on Sep 23, 2023


(HAARP) is a large antenna array system designed and built in the 1980’s and originally intended as a military defense project against Russian missile attacks. Some of the secondary features of the HAARP system however, proved to be more interesting than simply radar and communications disruption.


In this groundbreaking exploration, we delve into the hidden capabilities of the HAARP system, originally developed as a military defense project against Russian missile attacks. Prepare to be astounded as we reveal how HAARP's resonant frequencies can manipulate the human brain, affecting thoughts, emotions, and even altering our perception of reality. Join us as we uncover the potential positive applications of these technologies, as well as its alarming possibilities.

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