Monday, July 8, 2024

The SHAMEFUL Practice of Antisemitism

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© July 8, 2024


I continue to be astounded by rising Antisemitism across the world and sadly in my USA. It is not surprising that Antisemitism exists among race-bating Dem-Marxists who seem more intent on promoting Islam that is the preponderance of Christian-Hating and Jew-Hating Muslim Terrorists who are simply following the outline of their revered writings (particularly the writings attributed to demonized Muhammad) which demand submission or death to all non-Muslims [SEE: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE]. When Islamic revered writings smear “People of the Book”, those writings are speaking of Christians and Jews. The “People of the Book” smears are even more elevated toward Jews with Christians coming in a close second.


I am saddened by fellow Conservatives and/or Patriots who have adopted the Antisemitic line by including venom toward all Jews because of a history of Jews with a Judaic ancestry turning to Leftist Covenant-Breaking ideology. You will names or peoples such as the Jewish Banking family Rothschild, Communists such as Marx or Trotsky, or the Khazars. [The Khazar thing is hardly an etched in stone documentation. Rather it is more speculation based on how much wants to villainize Jews or not. SEE HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE.]


When post on how much I despise Antisemitism, I typically receive virulent dedicated Antisemites defending their hatred of Jews. I have found it a useless task to point the errors inherent in the dedicated Antisemite narrative. So be forewarned, I’ll be deleting the dedicated hatred and the brainwashed gullible Antisemitism alike. And those Antisemites so blinded by their Jew-Hatred that brandish their lack of intelligence with profanity, those Jew-Haters will be BLOCKED.


That being said… I’m sharing a post by Amir Tsarfati providing a great Christian perspective on Antisemitism under the title, “Few Things Remind Us That There Is A Spiritual War Raging Like The Global Hatred Of Israel” AND a post exposing the United Nations as a pack of liars in their reports that Israel is starving Arabs calling themselves Palestinians in Gaza under the title, “Report: New study exposes UN's skewed portrayal of 'intentional starvation' in Gaza”.


JRH 7/8/24


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Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 8, 2024



Few Things Remind Us That There Is A Spiritual War Raging Like The Global Hatred Of Israel

Israeli Patriots (Harbinger’s Daily Photo)


By Amir Tsarfati

July 7, 2024

Harbinger’s Daily


Few things remind us that there is a spiritual war raging today like the global hatred of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.


Ephesians 6:12 – “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”


Make no mistake, antisemitism is demonic in nature and it is the devil who is the driving force behind the anti-Israel sentiment we see growing today. The most tragic part about this, beyond the obvious manifestations of it we see today, is that hatred has blinded the eyes of millions to the fact that the rebirth of the nation of Israel and their regathering back into their national homeland is nothing short of a miracle. On top of that it is also an undeniable fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Following such a statement, our minds will quickly gravitate to Ezekiel 37 and the vision of the dry bones. But the prophecy of the regathering of the Jews actually has a much longer history than the 2,600 years ago when Ezekiel wrote.


Deuteronomy 30:1-5 KJV – “And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee, And shalt return unto the Lord thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul; That then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee. If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee: And the Lord thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers.”


Deuteronomy predates Ezekiel’s prophecy by some 800 years yet predicts the same event that we are now privileged to see right before our eyes. This should remind us that our God knows the beginning from the end and all that happens in the middle. God has brought His people back into their land and has prospered and multiplied modern Israel more than in time past and both Moses in Deuteronomy and Ezekiel record this prophetically.


In 2003, the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics reported that Israel had surpassed the United States as the nation with the world’s largest Jewish population. Today there are over 7.2 million Jews living in Israel. And though the nation has experienced a brief economic slowdown at the beginning of the war with Hamas, it has largely rebounded in the 1st Quarter of 2024. The nation holds the second strongest economy in the region and 26th in the world.


With so much clear evidence that God is fulfilling His promises to Israel, why would anyone stand against them since God is clearly for them? The answer is where we started. It is spiritual and demonic.


The primary reason we need to get this right is that the world is headed towards the most significant prophetic fulfillment outside of the two comings of Christ and the Rapture of the church. We’re talking about the fulfillment of the seventieth week of Daniel. This alone is the greatest proof that modern Israel is biblical Israel and that the world is headed for a time of unprecedented tribulation like it has never seen.


Since the Great Tribulation is synonymous with the 70th week of Daniel, and the world largely views Jerusalem as a burdensome stone, let’s make sure we’re not joining forces with the adversary and standing against what God has foretold regarding His chosen people and their national homeland.


Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!


Amir Tsarfati is a fmr Deputy Governor of Jericho, Israeli tour guide, author, and the Founder and President of Behold Israel.


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Report: New study exposes UN's skewed portrayal of 'intentional starvation' in Gaza

INSS research reveals significant discrepancies in UN agencies' data, a misrepresentation that has led to severe consequences for Israel. "The fact that there are hungry people in Gaza does not indicate that there is famine in Gaza."


United States Air Force drops humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza City, Gaza Strip, on Saturday, March 9, 2024. | Photo: Mahmoud Essa/AP [Israel Hayom Photo]


By Ariel Kahana

July 4, 2024

Israel Hayom


A groundbreaking study has cast doubt on the United Nations' portrayal of the humanitarian situation in Gaza, revealing substantial discrepancies in reported aid figures and challenging the narrative of widespread famine. The research, conducted by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and first published in Israel Hayom, exposes a pattern of selective data reporting that has potentially misled international opinion and legal proceedings against Israel.


The United Nations and its affiliated agencies operating in Gaza have come under scrutiny for presenting distorted and potentially biased reports on humanitarian aid entering the region since the onset of the conflict. This misrepresentation, according to a new study by the INSS, has played a significant role in fueling accusations of "intentional starvation" against Israel in both international discourse and legal arenas such as The Hague.


Dr. Tammy Caner, the lead researcher, conducted a comparative analysis of aid volume data published by Israel against figures released by UN agencies, including UNRWA, OCHA, and IPC. The investigation uncovered a startling discrepancy: approximately 10,000 aid trucks that entered Gaza during the conflict months were omitted from UN reports. While UN figures cite about 28,000 trucks, the Israeli Defense Forces' District Coordination and Liaison (DCL) reports a significantly higher number of 38,000.

Humanitarian aid trucks entering the Kerem Shalom crossing. / Usage under Israel's Intellectual Property Law Article 27(a) [Israel Hayom Photo]


This substantial data gap stems from several factors. UN representatives failed to account for trucks entering through the Erez crossing, air shipments, and deliveries via the US naval pier. Moreover, aid received by international organizations other than UNRWA and trucks delayed within Gaza due to internal issues were excluded from UN reports.


"The data omits considerable aid, including essential supplies like gas and fuel," Caner notes. "In April alone, the UN reported a daily average of 169 aid trucks, while the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories cited 219. May's records show UNRWA missing over 1,000 aid trucks from UN agencies compared to Israeli records."


Turning a blind eye 


The study further notes that the UN disregards the fact that Hamas attacks the crossings through which aid is brought in and forcibly takes control of convoys. "The UN presents data on the delay of aid missions in a way that portrays Israel as solely responsible for the difficulties. The reports omit crucial facts about Hamas' control over convoy routes and distribution points, which requires aid organizations in the Gaza Strip to coordinate their activities with it. They also fail to mention incidents of looting of aid trucks, storage facilities, and distribution points by Hamas and criminal gangs. There is no mention of Hamas attacking civilian and humanitarian infrastructure, including aid convoys and routes, Hamas' rocket fire on border crossings that necessitated their closure, and the closure of the Rafah crossing by Egyptian orders."


Additionally, Israel is accused of closing crossings following Hamas attacks, without mentioning that it opened three additional land border crossings to facilitate the entry of aid to the northern and central parts of the Strip.


 "The fact that there are hungry people in Gaza does not indicate that there is famine in Gaza"


Perhaps most alarmingly, the study questions the accuracy of UN agencies' famine forecasts for Gaza. "Predictions suggested over 20,000 starvation deaths by now, yet as of early June, only a few dozen such cases have been documented," Caner reports. This discrepancy raises serious questions about the methodology and reliability of these projections.


The implications of these findings are far-reaching. The international community's reliance on these potentially flawed UN reports has led to severe consequences for Israel, including legal actions and accusations of war crimes. "The fact that there are hungry people in Gaza does not indicate that there is famine in Gaza, certainly not that there is intentional starvation of the population. The distorted picture created by the UN has fueled legal proceedings against Israel in international courts, including allegations of genocide," Caner concludes. "It's crucial that judicial bodies examine all available data, including Israel's reports, to form a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the situation in Gaza."


All rights reserved to Israel Hayom

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