Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Diana’s Store New Weight Loss & Health Management Products

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Diana Houk, Health Store Consultant (and Loving Wife)

© July 30, 2024

Diana & John 2024


My wife and I have embarked on our Senior Citizen portion of our lives. We are nearing our 70s both born in the year 1956 (chuckle – she’s the older & wiser half). We are both on a fixed income. As such, these days we often look for alternate paths to supplement our income.


For us Multilevel Marketing (MLM) has worked off and on with both successes and disappointments. Diana typically does the big lifting on the MLM moneymaking.


Now I realize the MLM path does not work for everybody. Honestly, on a personal level I suck at working an MLM. I simply do not have the talking personality my Honey has. I check out the knowledge and Diana graciously shares the benefits usually based on personal experience. In the MLM world, that’s called sharing your testimony.


We have great success sharing the products (BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME!) in Diana’s Online store. For us – and until recently – that has been Happy-Healthy Coffee, Watermelon Berry Drink and the Power of Three Capsules (Can be purchased:


Typically MLM companies frown Individual (as Independent Contractor) Reps pushing the company when personally advertising their products or Online store. However, by looking at Diana’s store link (, you don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to figure out the name of the parent company.


AS OF July 29, 2024 – Diana’s company is adding THREE MORE products focused on weight loss and health management. The previous Coffee-related trio was more a weight management than weight loss. People lost weight while enjoying the health benefits. But my suspicion was each individual’s personal regimen to lose weight as they consumed the healthy ingredients.


BUT NOW! The healthy ingredients have evolved from weight management to weight loss.




The new era of weight loss is bundled by THREE products (


§  XCELERATE Electrolytes






BELOW are Parent company photos that gives you glimpse of the packaging and the health ingredients to maximize your healthy life choices.


BUT FIRST a quote from the parent company (with Diana’s store link added) on this Trio Package:


“We are thrilled to announce that Beneve has just added three "Best-In-Class" products to further Xcelerate your health and wellness journey. Each product is designed with your needs in mind, combining cutting-edge science with the highest quality ingredients. These revolutionary products were rigorously tested in a 30-day focus group, where participants experienced incredible results. Their success stories affirm the effectiveness and benefits of our new offerings. To help you maximize savings and benefits, these products are featured in both our Wellness Duo & Trio bundles. By combining these products, you can enhance your overall well-being more effectively. As you scroll down through the remainder of this email, many on the benefits for each product are highlighted.

For more information, or to place an order, please visit, or contact the person who shared Beneve with you. Thank you for being a valued part of the Beneve community. We can't wait for you to experience the benefits of our new products!”


XCELERATE Electrolytes (




--Electrolytes Comparison Chart







--Understanding GLP-1 - STACK 3 - GLP-1 BENEFITS








--G3 - Holy Grail of Gut Health



JRH 7/30/24

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