Sunday, October 30, 2022

Dr. McCullough Fights to Keep his Board Certifications


Dr. Peter McCullough


In case you are a blinded Sheeple, you might be unaware that Dr. Peter McCullough has been one of the most revered Cardiologists and accomplished science peer-reviewed author. BUT when Dr. McCullough’s expertise began to contradict the CONTROL-THE-PEOPLE mostly bad science edicts, Dr. McCullough went from revered to smeared. EVEN THOUGH nobody discredited his science dissent with actual facts, but used the typical Leftist baseless ad hominem attacks of bad claims of false, misinformation or disinformation.


With no cited proof other than the baseless ad hominem, Dr. McCullough is now facing Board Decertification. Substack and book co-writer to Dr. McCullough - John Leake – comes to Dr. McCullough’s defense against this Medical Tyranny with a great historical analogy of past absolutely correct scientists yet were vilified, persecuted and some cases tortured to death for not recanting truth in favor of bad science.


JRH 10/30/22

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Dr. McCullough Fights to Keep his Board Certifications

A doctor who publicly questions COVID-19 vaccine orthodoxy is severely punished


Image Caption: Giordano Bruno is burned at the stake for heresy on the Campo de Fiori in Rome, February 17, 1600.


By John Leake

October 30, 2022

Courageous Discourse – Substack


Imagine the history of medicine if—every time a new disease emerged or was described for the first time—an Official Cure was quickly imposed by government authorities, and any doctor who questioned this Official Cure was branded a dangerous spreader of misinformation.


To students of history, such a scenario is reminiscent of the Roman Catholic Church’s Holy Office of the Inquisition, founded to prosecute anyone in the church’s jurisdiction deemed to have publicly uttered or written statements that questioned Church orthodoxy on spiritual and temporal matters. In the scientific realm, the Inquisition’s most notorious prosecutions were of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Both were convicted of heresy for their heterodox views. The former was first publicly humiliated by being hanged upside down on Rome’s Campo de Fiori and then burned at the stake. His ashes were then thrown in the Tiber River. The latter spent the last nine years of his life under house arrest.


For a while I lived in Rome in the Via Tor di Nona, in an apartment on the site of the Tor di Nona prison in which Giordano Bruno was incarcerated for seven years before he was put to death, and I often walked past his stately monument on the Campo de Fiori—a monument to his life and death, and also to the inhumanity, illiberality, and shame of the Holy Office.


By all accounts, Bruno was an exceedingly adventurous and courageous man. At his trial, upon receiving his dreadful sentence, he reportedly gazed directly into the eyes of his judges and said, “Perhaps you pronounce this sentence against me with greater fear than I receive it.”


Because the US Constitution was so ingeniously framed, the American people lived in a free republic for over two centuries. Sometime during the last ten years or so, we lost sight of the fact that the great advances our people have made in science, technology, and medicine were entirely predicated on free speech and the free exchange of ideas. James Madison, the author of our constitution, understood that the danger of infringing free speech greatly exceeded the danger of people making erroneous utterances. The reason for his conclusion is simple: The only way to correct erroneous perceptions and beliefs is to discuss and debate them.


Six months ago, Dr. Peter McCullough received a letter, dated May 26, 2022, from Richard J. Baron, M.D., who is President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine. The letter was a formal notice that the ABIM was considering potential disciplinary sanction of Dr. McCullough. As Dr. Baron stated:


ABIM has learned that you have made numerous, widely reported and disseminated public statements about the purported dangers or lack of justification for Covid-19 vaccines.


Because of Dr. McCullough’s statements—which the Board deemed to be misinformation—the Board was considering revoking Dr. McCullough’s ABIM certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease. In other words, the ABIM has assumed the function of maintaining/defending the official orthodoxy of Covid-19 vaccines.


It doesn’t matter that these are a based on a novel gene transfer technology, developed at Warp Speed, and deployed on the public by means of an Emergency Use Authorization. According to Dr. Baron, the ABIM’s understanding of these products and how the body reacts to them is a completely settled matter. Therefore, doctors who question the safety and efficacy of these products are, in effect, committing scientific heresy and subject to disciplinary action.


As Dr. McCullough and I document in our book, the COVID-19 vaccines—especially the mRNA products developed by Moderna and PfizerBioNTech—were (already in March of 2020) heralded as the solution to the pandemic, even before they were tested. As Bill Gates proclaimed in a press interview on April 6, 2020, he considered it imperative that mass manufacturing of these vaccines commence even before they were tested. This and countless other statements by Gates and his friends in public health agencies and the mainstream media indicated that the forthcoming vaccines and their mass deployment were a fait accompli.


As a medical scientist and treating physician, Dr. McCullough knew all too well the history of drugs that initially seemed safe and effective, but were later revealed to cause adverse reactions. OxyContin is a notorious recent example. Since SARS-CoV-2 arrived in the United States, Dr. McCullough has been at the forefront of researching the COVID-19 syndrome it causes and how to treat it. When the new vaccines were rolled out, he was at the forefront of investigating their safety and efficacy in the general public.


In the late spring of 2021, Dr. McCullough grew increasingly alarmed about the emerging vaccine safety data. According to the CDC, 6,207 deaths of people who’d received the COVID-19 vaccine were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) up to July 26, 2021. This was a staggering number. By comparison, the 1976 Swine Flu mass vaccination program was shut down after about 25 deaths and 550 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome were reported. [Blog Editor Bold Emphasis]


McCullough pointed this out in his media interviews to the consternation of his hospital administrators who regarded his statements as grounds for termination. Since then, he has been systematically stripped of three professorships, multiple editorial positions at academic medical journals, and a host of other professional memberships and benefits. All that remains of his long and distinguished career are his Texas Medical License and his Board Certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease. Now the ABIM wants to strip him of his certifications.


In a letter dated October 18, 2022, the ABIM gave Dr. McCullough notice that its Credentials and Certification Committee (CCC) had “determined to recommend that your board certifications be revoked.”


The ABIM’s CCC claimed that Dr. McCullough’s primary offenses were:

1). Understating the risk of COVID-19 death for people under the age of 50.


2). Overstating the risk of death from COVID-19 vaccines.


In making this determination, the ABIM ignored the obvious fact that both of these risks are highly complex and multifactorial and are therefore matters of ongoing inquiry and debate. Again the ABIM made the erroneous assertion that its understanding of these complex phenomena is final, settled, and therefore codified in official orthodoxy.


By inflicting this grave punishment, the ABIM ignores the other salient fact that Dr. McCullough has, in the course of his career, achieved decades of perfect clinical performance, board scores, and hundreds of peer reviewed publications. His patients—including a growing body of vaccine injured patients—consistently give him glowing reviews as a healer.


Since I started working with him over two years ago, I have gotten to know him not only as a compassionate doctor (who frequently takes calls from sick patients in the evening and makes house calls) but also as a devoted family man and loyal friend. Beyond his boundless passion for medical scholarship, he is deeply interested in the entire human condition and the integrity of our Constitutional Republic. In the two years I've known him, I've never once heard him complain. He has borne his ongoing persecution with perfect stoicism and dignity.


He and his lawyer are doing everything they can to challenge the ABIM’s determination, but doing so is an extremely time-consuming and costly endeavor. If his stripping is finalized, it will impair his status with medical insurers and therefore his ability to be paid for his services as a physician. Welcome to the New American Inquisition.


AUTHOR’S NOTE: If you found this post interesting, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to Courageous Discourse with Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake. For only $5.00 per month, you can really help to support us in our efforts to investigate and report what is going on in our increasingly strange and confusing world. As is evidenced by the ABIM’s action, every day is a costly battle against censorship and reprisal. Please also consider purchasing our book, The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, which has received almost 800 Five-Star Reviews on Amazon.


John Leake: True Crime Writer. Coauthor with Dr. Peter McCullough of "The Courage to Face COVID-19.: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Biopharmaceutical Complex."


© 2022 Peter McCullough MD MPH

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Intro to ‘A Slow-Motion Nightmare’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

By Ray DiLorenzo

October 29, 2022


Ray DiLorenzo posting at the Canada Free Press (CFP) has Part III to his Elections Have Consequences series (All three parts are linked in the post): “A Slow-Motion Nightmare.”


It’s a relatively short post speaking the truth deficient COVID-science, deficient Jab-science, on LIES about effective COVID remedies, WEF intentions for world control and controlling the masses of people and on ALL boiling down to a Cloward & Piven Strategy for a Fascist/Marxist New World Order.


Like I wrote, it is concise and I pray enlightening enough for you to do some of your own research-digging to leave or stay away from the matrix of Sheeple obedience.


JRH 10/29/22

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A Slow-Motion Nightmare


Elections Have Consequences Part III: In just two short years, with Trump out of the way, the world has descended into chaos, a slow-motion nightmare. This doesn't make Trump indispensable, but it does prove that Elections Have Consequences!


Nuked City


By Ray DiLorenzo 

October 29, 2022

Canada Free Press


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

Any of us that have been following events of the last several years have seen what we can only be described as nightmarish. The world has changed to such a degree in such a short time, it makes us wonder who or what is behind it.


Related: Elections Have Consequences Part I | Part II | Part III


Eminent physicians are and have been censored, fired, and harassed for speaking out against the carnage


We’ve witnessed a president, a very effective president, hounded and schemed out of office by a political party not remotely concerned with God, family, & country. It has become apparent that they had foreign assistance from individuals and nations unable to benefit from Trump’s presidency.

We’ve gone through a pandemic that, according to all indications, points to a manufactured virus followed by an unproven, unapproved vaccine that has killed and/or injured thousands of people. There are responsible people who claim the number of killed and injured is actually in the millions. The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has exposed billions of people to what they were charged with protecting us from. And they made billions doing it.

The vaccines don’t even casually do what the ‘experts’ said it was going to do. Eminent physicians are and have been censored, fired, and harassed for speaking out against the carnage. We’ve read and watched news of healthy athletes, students, children, once robust people in the prime of life dropping dead for no apparent reason. Every month it gets worse. Even life insurance companies are becoming concerned with the excess death, last reported as a rise of 40%. 

Never in our history has the medical profession continued vaccinating people with a vaccine that has killed and injured thousands. And yet, the vaccinations continue. And to top it off, Boston University decided to do ‘gain-of-function’ research on COVID-19 to make it even more deadly, as much as 80% fatal - Forbes. Who thought this was a good idea?


Gates, the WEF, and Soros are advocates of eugenics


Unbelievably, the medical profession has cashed in all their patient-trust chips early in the pandemic saying there was no treatment for COVID. Meanwhile, other doctors were prescribing Hydroxy and Ivermectin, curing their patients, until they were stopped cold. Instead, the government decided on Remdesivir, a highly toxic drug that, according to COVID-19 Reporter, is allegedly killing 25% of patients treated with it. Remdesivir was developed for hepatitis C. It didn’t work. It was ‘repurposed’ for Ebola and Marburg. That didn’t work either. It was repurposed again for COVID. That proved ineffective for severe COVID patients, but it didn’t stop the powers that be from prescribing it at thousands of dollars per dose.

The government put hundreds, if not, thousands of elderly COVID infected people in senior care facilities to infect others. The vaccine, oh, the vaccine…what COVID was really all about. President Trump, unfortunately was duped by Fauci, Birx, and others. How could he have known different? He trusted them.

Meanwhile, there are billionaires and elites like Bill Gates, the self-proclaimed vaccine expert, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) whose family had close ties with Hitler, Yuval Harari, a close associate of Schwab who believes we don’t need the vast majority of the world population, and let’s not forget George Soros, the anti-Semitic Jew who collaborated with Nazis to relieve Jews of their property. These are some of the upstanding proponents of the ‘Great Reset’. They claim it is vital to the planet’s survival. These globalists are determined to reset the world economy, destroy the sovereignty of every nation, and alter the lifestyle of every person on the planet to that end. They are supported by the Democrat Party with apparent promises they have received from this evil cabal that they will remain in power indefinitely.

And yet, we find that Gates, the WEF, and Soros are advocates of eugenics, the depopulation of earth and the gene editing of whoever is left alive, to make a more perfect human being. They have discussed the fusion of the physical, digital and biological world, implanting chips in the skin or brain to be able to communicate directly with the digital world. Can you imagine a body implanted with chips and software, complete with bugs. Don’t worry, it will be supervised by Bill Gates. You’ll probably have to report to a trans-human center every other week for a software update. I have built dozens of computers for myself and friends. I have learned through experience that the weakest link was almost never the hardware. It was the software, the operating system, compliments of Bill Gates. These are people whose faith is in technology, not God.


The crime and blight in major cities is becoming ripe for martial law


Our economy just a few short years ago was strong, strongest in 50 years. Inflation was zero. Gas was less than $2.00/gal and we were energy independent! We didn’t need to crawl to any nation. Store shelves were full. The supply chain was humming along. Our southern border was secure. Crime was down. Democrats weren’t burning cities to the ground. Interest rates were low. 401Ks were at record values. Unemployment was at record lows. Home ownership was at record highs, even for minorities. And let’s not forget, North Korea was no longer testing missiles. The Russian Federation was not invading Ukraine. They were safe to continue their laundry services for every corrupt politician. And China?...China was wondering how they were going to stop Trump from cutting into their plans for world domination.

I’m not falling for just about everything the Democrats are overselling. I’m not falling for the COVID ‘Black Death’, an ailment marginally more fatal than the flu and their overreaction to it. By the way, what happened to the flu? I’m not falling for the climate change hoax. The planet’s climate will change no matter what we do or don’t do. Gates wants to block the sunlight by depositing into the atmosphere sulfate particles. What could possibly go wrong? Gates and those like him look at themselves as gods, knowing good and evil. In reality they are atheists who look at everyday people as just things for amusement, experimentation and service for their selfish needs. Gates spends billions backing projects he knows little about. He is not even college educated. They are evil at their very core.

I’m also not buying the LGBTQ movement. I knew early on it wasn’t acceptance they were demanding, it was approval. Now that they think they have it they are frantically looking everywhere for followers, especially among the very young…your children and grandchildren. And they are being assisted by our education system all over the country.

The crime and blight in major cities is becoming ripe for martial law. What are Democrats doing about it?...Nothing! Why? They need the chaos and are hoping people will soon agree to any solution they propose. How? It’s called Weaponized Governmental Failure. Urban governments are not stupid nor are they completely incompetent. They don’t fix the potholes on purpose. They don’t solve the crime issue on purpose. They don’t rid the cities of the homeless on purpose. They don’t clean up the garbage on purpose. The last thing these cities want is to clean up their turf and have middle-class voters moving in, disturbing the political balance. Middle-class voters, as a whole, do not put up with governmental nonsense. 


Much of this madness is found in the Cloward & Piven Strategy


This Biden government has openly ignored our immigration law. Over 5 million unvetted illegals have crossed our borders just in the last two years. This alone is grounds for impeachment and dismissal of the entire Executive Branch.

Much of this madness is found in the Cloward & Piven Strategy. Cloward and Piven were political activists in the 60s. Their Marxist strategy was to destroy the culture, and overload the system with social welfare, open borders, and taxes until the system collapses, replacing it with socialism. Their political descendants are in Washington, D.C. now. Any student of history knows you cannot have the evil pair, open borders and a welfare state, but we have both, don’t we?

In spite of its slick name, the Build Back Better program is already a bust. The trillion dollar plus infrastructure building program that, a year later, has only broken ground on a $20 million heated sidewalk in a small town in New Hampshire, and a $25 million foot bridge in Phoenix that goes nowhere. These are your Democrats. Where the money has gone or been diverted to is a mystery.

The Democrat and RINO warmongers now want a war. The Military Industrial Complex is hungry for orders and the globalists are anxious to be rid of a few billion people while they wait for the vaccines to do their dirty business. The 101st Airborne is now in Romania, training for war with Russia three miles from the border. The globalists are in cahoots with the Democrats and are determined to bring America to its knees, knowing that the rest of the world will soon follow.


The Western world apparently has aligned itself with the globalists


We found out just yesterday, as reported by Fox News, that the U.S. has only about 3 weeks of diesel fuel stockpiled. If we do run out, trucks will not run, gasoline will not be delivered to stations, food deliveries to stores will not happen, fire engines and police will not answer calls, aircraft will not fly for fuel will not be delivered. The country will come to a halt. The possible scenarios are endless.

The Western world apparently has aligned itself with the globalists. Nothing is as it seems. Decisions are being made within governments void of the loyalties you would expect.

Every state governor that has the resources should be drilling for oil, disregarding the edicts coming from Washington. The 10th Amendment allows them to do what is best for their states and the country. 

The deep state, the establishment, worked tirelessly against President Trump and America. In just two short years, with Trump out of the way, the world has descended into chaos, a slow-motion nightmare. This doesn’t make Trump indispensable, but it does prove that Elections Have Consequences!


Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire). He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret).


Site Copyright 1997-2022 Canada Free Press.Com 

Friday, October 28, 2022

DEPOPULATION: The Will of the Elite

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 28, 2022


DEPOPULATION is not a novel or new concept. The Depopulation ideology as a concept for the good of the planet has been around at least since Thomas Malthus began his oft proven erroneous predictions with his first publication in 1798. In the 20th and 21st centuries Global Leftists have adopted the Malthus theories on overpopulation and lean on depopulating humans from the Earth to maintain a sustainable food paradigm for the living. OF COURSE, these same Global Leftists ALSO use erroneous climate science to preserve the Earth for the Elites enjoyment and damn the masses who only exist to serve the Elites. Four critical posts of the Malthus ideology:


o   7 Billion Reasons Malthus Was Wrong; By Lara Hoffmans; Forbes; 10/31/11 10:32am EDT


o   Malthus is still wrong: we can feed a world of 9–10 billion, but only by reducing food demand; By Pete Smith; Cambridge CoreCambridge University Press; 10/16/14


o   The Curse of Thomas Malthus; By Andrew Curry, originally published by thenextwave; Resilience; 8/3/18


o   Yes, Thanos Was Evil: Why Advocates Of Population Control Are Always Wrong, From Malthus To Marvel; By Tim Hains; Real Clear Politics; 8/15/18


The premise behind these four criticisms of Malthus, is Malthus failed to consider the variable of technological innovations that increase food production to match population growth. ERGO, Depopulation-minded Left-Wing Globalists decided to help Malthus along by destroying technology/industry that is involved in food production (Take note food processing plants mysteriously burning to the ground globally, Bidenflation shutting down fertilizer plants, steel mills etc. and so on). AND SHAZZAM! The cabal of Left-Wing Globalists (an odd combination Fascist-Corporatist-Marxist-Globalist eclectic principles) create the conditions that transform Thomas Malthus from a dunderhead to a genius.


Unsurprisingly, a depopulated Earth is an easier to control the people Earth to maintain the Elitist Utopia of ecological-societal transformation.


Here are some articles and videos that tap into the words and/or writings of the Elites’ desires to rule whether humanity likes it or not.


I for one say, “NOT!”


JRH 10/28/22

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Globalists making final push for depopulated one-world order: How do we resist?


Global Depopulation Eugenics Agendas


By Leo Hohmann

October 25, 2022


§  Are you still trying to make sense of all the insanity in the world, or maybe trying to help a friend or family member make sense of it?


§  Drag queens in schools, libraries, even churches and other settings targeting children and families.


§  The seemingly unhinged attacks on everything that is good and necessary for a healthy society and the celebration of everything that is evil.


§  Food prices rising out of control, with whispers of famine on the horizon (See herehere and here).


§  The suicidal war on so-called “fossil fuels” like coal, oil and natural gas, when it’s becoming obvious (look at Europe) that no nation can survive without them.


§  The fact that the U.S.-led NATO and Russia-China are on a collision course toward World War III, with both sides threatening nuclear strikes.


For answers, consider reading and sharing my post from back on May 26, “Globalists have entered the kill phase of the Great Reset.”


A relatively small entourage of self-appointed globalist elites are using engineered famine, engineered pandemics, vaccines, and World War III to accomplish their long-stated goal of depopulation.


That’s why we call them global predators. These globalists are in the final phase, the kill phase, of destroying the post-World War II liberal world order, which must be accomplished before they can implement a new world order based on a cashless digital economy tied to a digital ID that tracks every person and assigns them a social credit score.


Before you can “build back better,” you must eliminate every trace of the old world order. Burn it all down. Destroy families. Destroy economies. Destroy currencies. Make people suffer.


And the most critical component of their deconstruction plan is depopulation.


Everything you see going on in geo-politics today is meant to drive depopulation. From LGBTQ mania (they don’t reproduce) and food shortages to endless genetically engineered viruses and the fanatical religious fervor for ever-expanding abortion rights, and the introduction of deadly “vaccines” — it all points toward one thing – more death.


And now we have found yet another smoking gun comment from a key globalist figure, Dennis Meadows.


Meadows authored the 1972 book Limits to Growth, which was endorsed by the Club of Rome and is still sold on its website today. The Club of Rome was the originator of the goals contained in United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, and chief among those goals was the need for fewer human beings on planet Earth. Meadows argued in his book for a drastic depopulation program.


Two years later, in 1974, Henry Kissinger authored the Kissinger Report, which followed up on the same theme put forth by Meadows, advocating a systematic reduction of the population of Third World countries through the introduction of birth control (including abortion), fomenting civil wars and orchestrated famine. Now those same strategic weapons are being turned inward on the United States and the West, with the addition of poisonous medical treatments disguised as “vaccines.”


Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and all of the global predators of today are committed to this same agenda.


That’s why Schwab told us last year that “nobody is safe unless everyone is vaccinated.” On its face, such a statement makes no sense. Why would no one be safe unless everyone is vaccinated? If it’s a true vaccine, each individual who receives it should be inoculated, right? Until you understand that these vaccines were never intended to save lives but to destroy them, you can’t make sense of what these psychopaths are saying. It’s not about your health, it’s about killing some and making others sterile. That’s why they say you MUST get them. To refuse them makes you no better than a criminal. No other vaccine has ever been marketed with that kind of all-or-nothing bravado.


Bill Gates, in his 2010 TED Talk, also revealed his overriding agenda when he said the key to achieving “net zero” carbon emissions, was depopulation.


Gates said:


“So you’ve got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero, and that’s going to be based on the number of people, the services each person is using on average, the energy, on average, for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy. So let’s look at each one of these, and see how we can get this down to zero. Probably, one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.


“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”


So it’s not like we needed another confession, another confirmation, from yet another globalist insider. We already had Kissinger, Gates, Schwab, King Charles and many others. But in case you did need another, here is Dennis Meadows spilling his guts and shedding crocodile tears while saying how badly he wants the vast majority of us dead.


It’s truly amazing how these monsters speak in such warm and friendly tones as they’re telling their fellow human beings they need to die.


Meadows says the world’s population needs to be reduced from 7.5 billion down to 1 billion, but he “hopes” that we will all just agree to somehow be eliminated without becoming violent!


He knows damn well there’s no way to achieve that level of depopulation, we’re talking 87 percent, without spilling a lot of blood, on top of the blood that’s already being spilled on a daily basis through abortion and Big Pharma poisons.


As horrific as the abortion and Big Pharma industries have become, they can’t, on their own, get the global population down to 1 billion. They must trigger the next Great War. The preliminary phase of that war was kicked off when they released the deadly mRNA “vaccines” and pressured everyone to get them. It’s very telling that China isn’t giving its people the mRNA shots.


No, they are keeping their population strong while watching the Western nations weaken themselves. When we are sufficiently weakened by repeated jabs, look for China to make its move. Russia will draw us into war first, in Ukraine, and when enough of our military is deployed over there, that’s when China will make its move against Taiwan and possibly more.


They know the U.S., even before the shots were introduced and mandated on our military, was not prepared to fight on two fronts.


The runup to World War III will be gradual, collapsing our already weakened economy in the process. But civil war could break out sooner than world war, as it seems the U.S. deep state is already laying a narrative to accuse somebody, either the Russians or the Republicans, of somehow stealing the November 8 midterm elections.


So while many are predicting nuclear holocaust and World War III, I’m of the belief that civil war and economic collapse could come first.


Regardless of the order, most Americans today, unlike in the Great Depression, lack the resourcefulness and the skills to survive during an extended period of extreme economic hardship.


A friend who is an Iraq War veteran once told me that the one thing he learned in a war zone was that folks you thought were friends could turn on you overnight if it meant taking something you have in order to feed their starving children.


In the meantime, remember that we are the resistance to the Great Reset (aka global slave state). No politician, police force, no military unit is going to ride to our rescue. We defeat them through prayer, networking together and dedicated civil disobedience. [Blog Editor Bold Emphasis]


What do I mean by civil disobedience? Everything you hear the establishment “authorities” telling us to do through their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, do the opposite.


§  They say that to save grandma you must get another shot. Refuse.


§  They say cover your face with a mask. Refuse.


§  They say that to save the planet it’s time to trade in your gasoline-fueled car for an electric car. Refuse.


§  They say it’s better to buy things online, so buy in person whenever possible.


§  They say it’s more sustainable to eat bugs for protein. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to give up control over your thermostat. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to give up your right to defend yourself and your family with firearms and only the “authorities” should have guns. Refuse and take responsibility for your own security.


§  They say burning wood is bad, so fill your woodshed and burn baby burn.


§  They say it’s time to sell your land in the country and move into a smart city. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to trade paper dollars for digital dollars. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to get that digital health passport on your cellphone. Refuse.


§  Above all, refuse to remain silent. Speak truth to power in whatever circles you run.


You get the picture. We must become the refusniks of the 21st century.


Refuse their techno-totalitarian digital dark age, where they have told us that we will own nothing, not even our own bodies, and somehow learn to like it.


So prepare accordingly. And pray for a breakthrough that will get the world off this collision course it’s currently on, where both sides seem to want war.


And remember: We are not each other’s enemy. Your Democrat neighbor is not your enemy.


The enemy is the globalist predators driving a wedge between you and your neighbor. Because they are so few, they can only win if they divide us off from each other and get us to start killing each other. Don’t take the bait. Help your neighbors. Love your neighbors.


The fact is, these elites know they can never fully control 7.5 billion people. They need fewer of us and what better way to eliminate the freedom fighters – those who’ve adopted a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual warrior mentality – than to poison them with vaccines and send them to the front lines of the next big war.


Fear not. Our God laughs at the futility of those who think themselves greater than He, the one and only, the Almighty. is 100 percent reader supported, meaning we don’t accept any corporate ads or sponsorships, which is why we can independently bring you the real news, along with useful analysis. To help keep us going, you may send donations of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or electronically HERE [Blog Editor: If the donation link does not work on blog, it will work on Leo Hohmann’s website].



The World Has Been Witnessing & Will Continue To Witness The Reincarnation Of How The Nazis Targeted The Disabled – Unless It Is Stopped (Videos)


By Tim Brown

October 25, 2022

The Washington Standard


Over the past few years, we have seen how what masquerades as American government has targeted the elderly and the disabled. We’ve witnessed a holocaust dwarfing anything that happened in Europe with the murder of the unborn in the US. However, these things are not new. They are some of the oldest sins in human history only devised with new means of committing them. Consider just the targeting of the disabled during CONvid-1984. Remember, the first victims of the CONvids, after the truth of course, were the elderly in nursing homes and many who were disabled.


In 2021, 19-year-old Grace Schara was targeted because she had Down Syndrome. To gain some insight into Grace’s story, Scott Schara came on The Sons of Liberty radio with me. In our first interview, he laid out what happened and had suspicions of premeditated murder. He soon gathered enough documentation to know that the doctors and nurses in charge of caring for Grace were actually her executioners. Later, he would join up with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav.


Were Hospital Protocols Responsible For Murder Of This Man’s Teen Daughter?


Rumble VIDEO: Were Hospital Protocols Responsible For Murder Of This Man's Teen Daughter?

Documents Indicate Premeditated Murder Of Teen Daughter With Down Syndrome By Wisconsin Hospital (Video)


Rumble VIDEO: Documents Indicate Premeditated Murder Of Teen Daughter With Down Syndrome By Wisconsin Hospital

From Nazi Germany To The World: The Fight Against The New Holocaust (Video)


Rumble VIDEO: From Nazi Germany To The World: The Fight Against The New Holocaust

Now, compare what Scott presented with what Vera presented and then consider the following two videos that deal with that targeting of the disabled in Nazi Germany.


Disability Awareness Month: Remembering the Nazis’ First Victims of Mass Murder


Youtube VIDEO: Disability Awareness Month: Remembering the Nazis’ First Victims of Mass Murder


Youtube VIDEO: Hitler's Extermination Program for the Disabled - Aktion T4 | Professor Graeme Yorston


Tim Brown is an author and Editor at and He is husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows", jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on GabMindsMeWeSpreelyMumbl It and Steemit






Posted by Tim Truth

First Published October 25th, 2022 18:10 UTC 


I somehow lost some info about the Rockefeller funding of Sanger which has now been included in the first 5 minutes of this updated version.






Posted by BANNED.VIDEO - Infowars

First Published October 27th, 2022 07:44 UTC


Alex Jones breaks down the globalist plan to eradicate humanity and become AI gods as Noah Yuval Harari [Blog Editor: It’s actually Yuval Noah Harari, but for the “Noah’s Ark” analogy; I suspect the first and middle names were purposely transposed.] recently claimed that a digital 'Noah's Ark' will replace human consciousness after eradication of the population.


See the original tweeted video here:





Rumble VIDEO: The Depopulation Agenda UNCENSORED

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by George Christensen

Published October 14, 2022


Former Australian politician George Christensen -- now editor of -- outlines the globalist 'elite' agenda for the depopulation of humanity. It's all part of the Great Reset being pushed by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum minions.



Wednesday, October 26, 2022



John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 26, 2022


I am sharing the Bitchute Channel Coronavirus Plushie:THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI, PART 2. My suspicion is after the free preview website ends and the digital sale begins, a copyright complaint to Bitchute will end all copies. Currently “The Real Anthony Fauci” parts 1 & 2 is scheduled to end sometime on 10/28/22:


Part Two focuses on Fauci lies (both past & COVID) including the lying cooperation of Big Pharma (specifically Pfizer), MSM lying propaganda, & Depopulation Globalists like Bill Gates.


In case the copyright complaint catches up to Bitchute and the video embed ceases to operate, UGETube seems to be off the copyright target (but doesn’t embed well on all blog platforms). Here’s my UGETube upload of the Bitchute video:


And here is my UGETube “The Real Anthony Fauci” Part One:



Posted by Coronavirus Plushie

First Published October 26th, 2022  07:25 UTC


Part 2 of Jeff Hays Documentary based on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestselling book
"The Real Anthony Fauci" is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.

During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research and interviews, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed shocking truths  about collusion, deceit and manipulation affecting the freedom, health and safety of our families.

And, despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci is a New York Times bestseller with over 1,000,000 copies sold.


Watch Part 1 here


I posted Part One on my Blog under the title “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Documentary: ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’” which includes a link to the RFK, jr. book if you choose to purchase it.


JRH 10/26/22

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Intro to ‘The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 25, 2022


UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030, Cub of Rome and so on. These are scenarios relegated for decades as Conspiracy Theories that calling the critics of these despotic agendas nutcases. HOWEVER! The so-called Great Reset empowered by a planned pandemic virus (that could have been easily vanquished with vilified inexpensive therapeutics) is the Globalist New/One World Order in action ending Individual Liberty, forcibly decreasing the world’s population and ending the sovereignty of individual nations.


To what end?


I found this video of Yuval Noah Harari speaking of an Ark to preserve the Elite while masses drown on Telegram (FrankSpeech Channel -



To empower the Global wealthy Elitist Left to control the masses according to the whims and desires of those Elites. Essentially it is the new Master (Globalist-Leftist-Elites) and Slave (impoverished by policy of dependence) order.


The vehicle of control is an odd combination Corporatist-Fascist-Marxism with a transhumanist technocracy controlling lever. In America the integrity (or lack thereof) of the 2022 and 2024 Elections just might be the measuring stick if this snowball of tyranny can be vanquished peacefully. If November 2022 and 2024 are as corrupt or more so than the 2020 Election cycle, a massive uprising might be the last great hope for Individual Liberty. If the Election is corrupt and too many Sheeple exist for an uprising, THEN the only hope is the return of Jesus.


F. William Engdahl’s “The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset” is a great mini-history explains how we got to today’s seemingly expanding tyranny.


JRH 10/25/22

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset


World Economic Forum-Great Reset


By F. William Engdahl

October 24, 2022

Activist Post


Book by F. William Engdahl: “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order Paperback – October 10, 2009


Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the notion of Stakeholder Capitalism a product of Schwab. Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick PR agent for a global technocratic agenda, a corporatist unity of corporate power with government, including the UN, an agenda whose origins go back to the beginning of the 1970s, and even earlier. The Davos Great reset is merely an updated blueprint for a global dystopian dictatorship under UN control that has been decades in development. The key actors were David Rockefeller and his protégé, Maurice Strong.


In the beginning of the 1970s, there was arguably no one person more influential in world politics than the late David Rockefeller, then largely known as chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank.


Creating the new paradigm


At the end of the 1960s and into the early 1970s, the international circles directly tied to David Rockefeller launched a dazzling array of elite organizations and think tanks. These included The Club of Rome; the 1001: A Nature Trust, tied to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF); the Stockholm United Nations Earth Day conference; the MIT-authored study, Limits to Growth; and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.


Club of Rome


In 1968 David Rockefeller founded a neo-Malthusian think tank, The Club of Rome, along with Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King. Aurelio Peccei, was a senior manager of the Fiat car company, owned by the powerful Italian Agnelli family. Fiat’s Gianni Agnelli was an intimate friend of David Rockefeller and a member of the International Advisory Committee of Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. Agnelli and David Rockefeller had been close friends since 1957. Agnelli became a founding member of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission in 1973. Alexander King, head of the OECD Science Program was also a consultant to NATO. That was the beginning of what would become the neo-Malthusian “people pollute” movement.


In 1971 the Club of Rome published a deeply-flawed report, Limits to Growth, which predicted an end to civilization as we knew it because of rapid population growth, combined with fixed resources such as oil. The report concluded that without substantial changes in resource consumption, “the most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.” It was based on bogus computer simulations by a group of MIT computer scientists. It stated the bold prediction, “If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years.” That was 1971. In 1973 Klaus Schwab in his third annual Davos business leader meeting invited Peccei to Davos to present Limits to Growth to assembled corporate CEOs.


In 1974, the Club of Rome declared boldly, “The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.” Then: “the world is facing an unprecedented set of interlocking global problems, such as, over-population, food shortages, non-renewable resource [oil-w.e.] depletion, environmental degradation and poor governance.” They argued that,


‘horizontal’ restructuring of the world system is needed…drastic changes in the norm stratum – that is, in the value system and the goals of man – are necessary in order to solve energy, food, and other crises, i.e., social changes and changes in individual attitudes are needed if the transition to organic growth is to take place.


In their 1974 report, Mankind at the Turning Point, The Club of Rome further argued:


Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence. Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system.


That was the early formulation of the UN Agenda 21, Agenda2030 and the 2020 Davos Great Reset.


David Rockefeller and Maurice Strong


By far the most influential organizer of Rockefeller’s ‘zero growth’ agenda in the early 1970s was David Rockefeller’s longtime friend, a billionaire oilman named Maurice Strong. Canadian Maurice Strong was one of the key early propagators of the scientifically fraudulent theory that man-made CO2 emissions from transportation vehicles, coal plants and agriculture caused a dramatic and accelerating global temperature rise which threatens “the planet”, so-called Global Warming.


As chairman of the 1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference, Strong promoted an agenda of population reduction and lowering of living standards around the world to “save the environment.” Strong stated his radical ecologist agenda: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” This is what is now taking place under cover of a hyped global pandemic.


Strong was a curious choice to head a major UN initiative to mobilize action on the environment, as his career and his considerable fortune had been built on exploitation of oil, like an unusual number of the new advocates of ‘ecological purity,’ such as David Rockefeller or Robert O. Anderson of Aspen Institute or Shell’s John Loudon.


Strong had met David Rockefeller in 1947 as a young Canadian high school dropout of eighteen and from that point, his career became tied to the network of the Rockefeller family. Through his new friendship with David Rockefeller, Strong, at age 18, was given a key UN position under UN Treasurer, Noah Monod. The UN’s funds were conveniently enough handled by Rockefeller’s Chase Bank. This was typical of the model of “public-private partnership” to be deployed by Strong—private gain from public government.


In the 1960s Strong had become president of the huge Montreal energy conglomerate and oil company known as Power Corporation, then owned by the influential Paul Desmarais. Power Corporation was reportedly also used as a political slush fund to finance campaigns of select Canadian politicians such as Pierre Trudeau, father of Davos protégé Justin Trudeau, according to Canadian investigative researcher, Elaine Dewar (Elaine Dewar, op cit. p. 269-271. )


Earth Summit I and Rio Earth Summit


By 1971 Strong was named Undersecretary of the United Nations in New York and Secretary General of the upcoming Earth Day conference, United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Earth Summit I) in Stockholm, Sweden. He was also named that year as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation – who financed his launch of the Stockholm Earth Day project (Elaine Dewar, op cit. p.277). In Stockholm the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was created with Strong as its head.


By 1989 Strong was named by the UN Secretary General to head the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development or UNCED (“Rio Earth Summit II”). He oversaw the drafting of the UN “Sustainable Environment” goals there, the Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development that forms the basis of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, as well as creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the UN. Strong, who was also a board member of Davos WEF, had arranged for Schwab to serve as a key adviser to the Rio Earth Summit.


As Secretary General of the UN Rio Conference, Strong also commissioned a report from the Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, authored by Alexander King which admitted that the CO2 global warming claim was merely an invented ruse to force change:


“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”


President Clinton’s delegate to Rio, Tim Wirth, admitted the same, stating, “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (Elaine Dewar, Cloak of Green: The Links between key environmental groups, government and big business, Toronto, James Lorimer & Co., 1995, pp. 259-265. )


At Rio Strong first introduced the manipulative idea of “sustainable society” defined in relation this arbitrary goal of eliminating CO2 and other so-called Greenhouse Gases. Agenda 21 became Agenda 2030 in Sept 2015 in Rome, with the Pope’s blessing, with 17 “sustainable” goals. It declared among other items,


“Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlement, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership also is a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice…Social justice, urban renewal, and development, the provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only ‘be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”


In short private land ownership must become socialized for “society as a whole,” an idea well-known in Soviet Union days, and a key part of the Davos Great Reset.


At Rio in 1992 where he was chairman and General Secretary, Strong declared:


It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable(emphasis added)


Strong did not heed his own call. What Strong did not tell his environmentalist allies at Rio was that he had also made a huge purchase of the Colorado Land and Cattle Company, from Saudi arms dealer and CIA asset, Adnan Khashoggi.


By that time Strong was at the very center of the transformation of the UN into the vehicle for imposing a new global technocratic fascism by stealth, using dire warnings of planet extinction and global warming, merging government agencies with corporate power in an unelected control of pretty much everything, under the fraudulent cover of “sustainability.” In 1997 Strong oversaw creation of the action plan following the Earth Summit, The Global Diversity Assessment, a blueprint for the roll out of a Fourth Industrial Revolution, an inventory of every resource on the planet, how it would be controlled , and how this revolution would be achieved.


At this time Strong was co-chairman of Klaus Schwab’s Davos World Economic Forum. In 2015 on Strong’s death, Davos founder Klaus Schwab wrote, “He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board.”


Before he was forced to leave the UN in disgrace over an Iraq food-for-oil corruption scandal, Strong was member of the Club of Rome, Trustee of the Aspen Institute, Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Rothschild Foundation. Strong was also a director of the occult Temple of Understanding of the Lucifer Trust (aka Lucis Trust) housed at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, “where pagan rituals include escorting sheep and cattle to the alter for blessing. Here, Vice President Al Gore delivered a sermon, as worshippers marched to the altar with bowls of compost and worms…”


This is the dark origin of Schwab’s Great Reset agenda, where we should eat worms and have no private property in order to “save the planet.” The agenda is dark, dystopian and meant to eliminate billions of us “ordinary humans.”


Source: Global Research via Truth Unmuted


F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine Global Research Centre for Research on Globalization