Sunday, October 16, 2022

Been Vacationing During Tyranny Days

Visiting Daughter in Marxist-Dominated Washington State from 10/13 to 10/19


By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 16, 2022


I haven’t been posting much lately. The reason: I went on vacation flying from the pretty much still free State of Oklahoma to the Dem-Marxist dominated State of Washington (where I grew up in more free days) to visit my daughter in Eastern Washington (where many ignore the diktats of the State Capitol in Olympia).


Interesting tidbit: I was watching a college football game at my daughter's residence and noticed a political TV ad. It was a hate the Republican candidate ad. Which was unsurprising so I stopped paying attention, BUT what caught my attention was the closing hate the Republican reason to vote Dem-Marxist. The Republican candidate (which I cannot remember because of choosing not to pay attention) would be dangerous for America just like – GET THIS! – Marjorie Taylor Greene. I then wished I had paid closer attention because the Washington Republican candidate MUST BE AWESOME!


ANOTHER tidbit: I actually have had a very miniscule presence on FascistBook. But I have maintained a presence to track old Class of 1975 goings on and a very tiny Conservative group of friends. A while ago I discovered I was Facebook Jail for sharing actual Jab science the censors lied about calling facts misinformation. Initially the jail sentence was to be 5-days. I made the mistake of challenging the “misinformation” tag. So, the FascistBook censors did a deep dig of past posts and decided to keep me in jail for 25 days. That turns out to be about November 5. Since Election 2022 falls on 11/8 I will not be surprised my jail term will be extended past the eighth. No matter, I spend way more time on other Social Platforms, but to the few on Facebook who wonder where I am – now you know. Interesting FB won’t even allow me to LIKE benign no-political posts by friend and family while in jail.


Well anyway … I’m having so much with my daughter, I unsure when I will post again. Thus, I’m sharing a post from Rev. Patti on her blog No Thought Police which has many sentiments I agree with: “We Can Right This Sinking Ship.”


JRH 10/16/22

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We Can Right This Sinking Ship


Lady Liberty Sinking


Rev. Patti

October 15, 2022

No Thought Police


Are you tired of this insane puppet show they call the government yet? No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, or who you’ve voted for in the past, are you finally seeing just where your decisions when you voted has gotten you? Those of us who voted the opposite of many other Americans out there told all of you this is what you would end up with, a puppet show run behind the scenes by those with Marxist beliefs and nothing but hatred for America. Do you believe us now?


From deliberately cutting us off from our own energy independence to the debacle and embarrassment called Afghanistan. From the sky rocketing gas, food, and housing costs to spending all of our taxpayers money on the Ukraine war, and literally being held hostage by Zelenski always demanding more from us on nearly a weekly basis. Over $72 billion now, and he’s still demanding more, all the while Americans are suffering by being forced to lower their normal standard of living. Are you tired of it yet?!


Are you tired of seeing those who have a differing opinion be shut down every time you turn around? Are you tired of seeing people who peacefully protest get thrown in jail, while those who rioted in our streets and burned down cities all across the nation still running free and not being held accountable. How often do you see politician after politician do things you know you’d be in jail for, yet there they are still up there preaching that anyone who doesn’t agree with them are a threat to our democracy, Christian conservative extremists, white supremacists, or even domestic terrorists. Do you really believe parents are domestic terrorists just because they don’t want their children being taught to hate the color of their own skin, hate their country, and not to trust their own parents or push transgender beliefs on their children without permission? Are you tired of it yet?


Are you tired of millions of people flooding over our borders and getting more than your own family gets? Are you tired of being called a bigot just because you want our borders secure? Are you tired of your hard earned tax money going to people who don’t respect the country enough to go through the legal process? Are you tired of our resources going to these same people while our own veterans are struggling with suicide, drug addiction, and homelessness?


Do you still believe that as long as you vote the way that they want you to vote that this will protect you from their continued power grab and stripping your rights from you one by one? They don’t care, they want your vote and will cast you aside once they’ve used you to give them even more power over your individual and private lives. You mean nothing to these people, they don’t care about your problems, how difficult your lives have become, because you’re nothing but a pawn to them and the more they can make you suffer, the more powerful it makes them. And once you’ve had enough and cry out for it all to stop, they will swoop in claiming to have the answer if you only worship the new god of the universe. And who is that god? Them of course, and if people are suffering enough, they’ll accept anything to make the pain stop. Is that what you want for your life, for your children’s lives, for this country? If it’s not, then consider how you might be voting this come November.


Right now, this country is sinking fast, there’s not much time left to save it, and the closer it gets to November, the faster they are going to push all their ideology on us, but especially on those who aren’t paying attention. However, there is no more time left to not be paying attention. It’s time that we all wake up and pay close attention to what’s happening to all of us, it’s not just the right it’s happening to, it’s all of us because we are all Americans first and foremost and it’s time we stop letting them divide us and get back together and stand up and say “Enough is enough!” It’s not too late, there still is time for us to join together as one nation under God and right this sinking ship!


So, how can we do this? It’s easy, no matter how distasteful it might be for some of you, but you are going to have to vote conservative across the board. A message MUST be sent to D.C. that the American people as a whole is fed up and they will no longer stand by and let this tyranny and hatred for America continue! If you still believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights then there is no choice but to vote conservative all the way down the ballot come November 8th. Every eligible person that can legally vote MUST go out and vote, don’t think the other guy is going to be enough to do it for you!


However, something you must be prepared for, if we do send a huge message across this country straight in the face of those in D.C., expect more rioting and burning of cities again by groups such as ANTIFA and BLM. It will happen, so be prepared. Also, be aware that if they lose control of both the House and Senate, they will blame everything that happens on the conservatives and Republicans, because that’s what tyrants do when they lose most of their power. Mark my words. But don’t let that stop you from fighting for this country and for your children’s futures!


Understand this, this November 8th is bound to be history making and if you don’t think it’s important, think of this, the entire world will be watching to see what we as Americans are really made of. That’s how important this election is. The entire world will be watching. So, what are you going to show the entire world that we’re really made of? I know which route I’m taking!


Youtube VIDEO: Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis // "God We Need You Now" (Official Music Video)


[Posted by Struggle Jennings

Sep 8, 2020




No Thought Police – Copyright 2021

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