Friday, October 28, 2022

DEPOPULATION: The Will of the Elite

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 28, 2022


DEPOPULATION is not a novel or new concept. The Depopulation ideology as a concept for the good of the planet has been around at least since Thomas Malthus began his oft proven erroneous predictions with his first publication in 1798. In the 20th and 21st centuries Global Leftists have adopted the Malthus theories on overpopulation and lean on depopulating humans from the Earth to maintain a sustainable food paradigm for the living. OF COURSE, these same Global Leftists ALSO use erroneous climate science to preserve the Earth for the Elites enjoyment and damn the masses who only exist to serve the Elites. Four critical posts of the Malthus ideology:


o   7 Billion Reasons Malthus Was Wrong; By Lara Hoffmans; Forbes; 10/31/11 10:32am EDT


o   Malthus is still wrong: we can feed a world of 9–10 billion, but only by reducing food demand; By Pete Smith; Cambridge CoreCambridge University Press; 10/16/14


o   The Curse of Thomas Malthus; By Andrew Curry, originally published by thenextwave; Resilience; 8/3/18


o   Yes, Thanos Was Evil: Why Advocates Of Population Control Are Always Wrong, From Malthus To Marvel; By Tim Hains; Real Clear Politics; 8/15/18


The premise behind these four criticisms of Malthus, is Malthus failed to consider the variable of technological innovations that increase food production to match population growth. ERGO, Depopulation-minded Left-Wing Globalists decided to help Malthus along by destroying technology/industry that is involved in food production (Take note food processing plants mysteriously burning to the ground globally, Bidenflation shutting down fertilizer plants, steel mills etc. and so on). AND SHAZZAM! The cabal of Left-Wing Globalists (an odd combination Fascist-Corporatist-Marxist-Globalist eclectic principles) create the conditions that transform Thomas Malthus from a dunderhead to a genius.


Unsurprisingly, a depopulated Earth is an easier to control the people Earth to maintain the Elitist Utopia of ecological-societal transformation.


Here are some articles and videos that tap into the words and/or writings of the Elites’ desires to rule whether humanity likes it or not.


I for one say, “NOT!”


JRH 10/28/22

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Globalists making final push for depopulated one-world order: How do we resist?


Global Depopulation Eugenics Agendas


By Leo Hohmann

October 25, 2022


§  Are you still trying to make sense of all the insanity in the world, or maybe trying to help a friend or family member make sense of it?


§  Drag queens in schools, libraries, even churches and other settings targeting children and families.


§  The seemingly unhinged attacks on everything that is good and necessary for a healthy society and the celebration of everything that is evil.


§  Food prices rising out of control, with whispers of famine on the horizon (See herehere and here).


§  The suicidal war on so-called “fossil fuels” like coal, oil and natural gas, when it’s becoming obvious (look at Europe) that no nation can survive without them.


§  The fact that the U.S.-led NATO and Russia-China are on a collision course toward World War III, with both sides threatening nuclear strikes.


For answers, consider reading and sharing my post from back on May 26, “Globalists have entered the kill phase of the Great Reset.”


A relatively small entourage of self-appointed globalist elites are using engineered famine, engineered pandemics, vaccines, and World War III to accomplish their long-stated goal of depopulation.


That’s why we call them global predators. These globalists are in the final phase, the kill phase, of destroying the post-World War II liberal world order, which must be accomplished before they can implement a new world order based on a cashless digital economy tied to a digital ID that tracks every person and assigns them a social credit score.


Before you can “build back better,” you must eliminate every trace of the old world order. Burn it all down. Destroy families. Destroy economies. Destroy currencies. Make people suffer.


And the most critical component of their deconstruction plan is depopulation.


Everything you see going on in geo-politics today is meant to drive depopulation. From LGBTQ mania (they don’t reproduce) and food shortages to endless genetically engineered viruses and the fanatical religious fervor for ever-expanding abortion rights, and the introduction of deadly “vaccines” — it all points toward one thing – more death.


And now we have found yet another smoking gun comment from a key globalist figure, Dennis Meadows.


Meadows authored the 1972 book Limits to Growth, which was endorsed by the Club of Rome and is still sold on its website today. The Club of Rome was the originator of the goals contained in United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, and chief among those goals was the need for fewer human beings on planet Earth. Meadows argued in his book for a drastic depopulation program.


Two years later, in 1974, Henry Kissinger authored the Kissinger Report, which followed up on the same theme put forth by Meadows, advocating a systematic reduction of the population of Third World countries through the introduction of birth control (including abortion), fomenting civil wars and orchestrated famine. Now those same strategic weapons are being turned inward on the United States and the West, with the addition of poisonous medical treatments disguised as “vaccines.”


Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and all of the global predators of today are committed to this same agenda.


That’s why Schwab told us last year that “nobody is safe unless everyone is vaccinated.” On its face, such a statement makes no sense. Why would no one be safe unless everyone is vaccinated? If it’s a true vaccine, each individual who receives it should be inoculated, right? Until you understand that these vaccines were never intended to save lives but to destroy them, you can’t make sense of what these psychopaths are saying. It’s not about your health, it’s about killing some and making others sterile. That’s why they say you MUST get them. To refuse them makes you no better than a criminal. No other vaccine has ever been marketed with that kind of all-or-nothing bravado.


Bill Gates, in his 2010 TED Talk, also revealed his overriding agenda when he said the key to achieving “net zero” carbon emissions, was depopulation.


Gates said:


“So you’ve got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero, and that’s going to be based on the number of people, the services each person is using on average, the energy, on average, for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy. So let’s look at each one of these, and see how we can get this down to zero. Probably, one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.


“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”


So it’s not like we needed another confession, another confirmation, from yet another globalist insider. We already had Kissinger, Gates, Schwab, King Charles and many others. But in case you did need another, here is Dennis Meadows spilling his guts and shedding crocodile tears while saying how badly he wants the vast majority of us dead.


It’s truly amazing how these monsters speak in such warm and friendly tones as they’re telling their fellow human beings they need to die.


Meadows says the world’s population needs to be reduced from 7.5 billion down to 1 billion, but he “hopes” that we will all just agree to somehow be eliminated without becoming violent!


He knows damn well there’s no way to achieve that level of depopulation, we’re talking 87 percent, without spilling a lot of blood, on top of the blood that’s already being spilled on a daily basis through abortion and Big Pharma poisons.


As horrific as the abortion and Big Pharma industries have become, they can’t, on their own, get the global population down to 1 billion. They must trigger the next Great War. The preliminary phase of that war was kicked off when they released the deadly mRNA “vaccines” and pressured everyone to get them. It’s very telling that China isn’t giving its people the mRNA shots.


No, they are keeping their population strong while watching the Western nations weaken themselves. When we are sufficiently weakened by repeated jabs, look for China to make its move. Russia will draw us into war first, in Ukraine, and when enough of our military is deployed over there, that’s when China will make its move against Taiwan and possibly more.


They know the U.S., even before the shots were introduced and mandated on our military, was not prepared to fight on two fronts.


The runup to World War III will be gradual, collapsing our already weakened economy in the process. But civil war could break out sooner than world war, as it seems the U.S. deep state is already laying a narrative to accuse somebody, either the Russians or the Republicans, of somehow stealing the November 8 midterm elections.


So while many are predicting nuclear holocaust and World War III, I’m of the belief that civil war and economic collapse could come first.


Regardless of the order, most Americans today, unlike in the Great Depression, lack the resourcefulness and the skills to survive during an extended period of extreme economic hardship.


A friend who is an Iraq War veteran once told me that the one thing he learned in a war zone was that folks you thought were friends could turn on you overnight if it meant taking something you have in order to feed their starving children.


In the meantime, remember that we are the resistance to the Great Reset (aka global slave state). No politician, police force, no military unit is going to ride to our rescue. We defeat them through prayer, networking together and dedicated civil disobedience. [Blog Editor Bold Emphasis]


What do I mean by civil disobedience? Everything you hear the establishment “authorities” telling us to do through their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, do the opposite.


§  They say that to save grandma you must get another shot. Refuse.


§  They say cover your face with a mask. Refuse.


§  They say that to save the planet it’s time to trade in your gasoline-fueled car for an electric car. Refuse.


§  They say it’s better to buy things online, so buy in person whenever possible.


§  They say it’s more sustainable to eat bugs for protein. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to give up control over your thermostat. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to give up your right to defend yourself and your family with firearms and only the “authorities” should have guns. Refuse and take responsibility for your own security.


§  They say burning wood is bad, so fill your woodshed and burn baby burn.


§  They say it’s time to sell your land in the country and move into a smart city. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to trade paper dollars for digital dollars. Refuse.


§  They say it’s time to get that digital health passport on your cellphone. Refuse.


§  Above all, refuse to remain silent. Speak truth to power in whatever circles you run.


You get the picture. We must become the refusniks of the 21st century.


Refuse their techno-totalitarian digital dark age, where they have told us that we will own nothing, not even our own bodies, and somehow learn to like it.


So prepare accordingly. And pray for a breakthrough that will get the world off this collision course it’s currently on, where both sides seem to want war.


And remember: We are not each other’s enemy. Your Democrat neighbor is not your enemy.


The enemy is the globalist predators driving a wedge between you and your neighbor. Because they are so few, they can only win if they divide us off from each other and get us to start killing each other. Don’t take the bait. Help your neighbors. Love your neighbors.


The fact is, these elites know they can never fully control 7.5 billion people. They need fewer of us and what better way to eliminate the freedom fighters – those who’ve adopted a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual warrior mentality – than to poison them with vaccines and send them to the front lines of the next big war.


Fear not. Our God laughs at the futility of those who think themselves greater than He, the one and only, the Almighty. is 100 percent reader supported, meaning we don’t accept any corporate ads or sponsorships, which is why we can independently bring you the real news, along with useful analysis. To help keep us going, you may send donations of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or electronically HERE [Blog Editor: If the donation link does not work on blog, it will work on Leo Hohmann’s website].



The World Has Been Witnessing & Will Continue To Witness The Reincarnation Of How The Nazis Targeted The Disabled – Unless It Is Stopped (Videos)


By Tim Brown

October 25, 2022

The Washington Standard


Over the past few years, we have seen how what masquerades as American government has targeted the elderly and the disabled. We’ve witnessed a holocaust dwarfing anything that happened in Europe with the murder of the unborn in the US. However, these things are not new. They are some of the oldest sins in human history only devised with new means of committing them. Consider just the targeting of the disabled during CONvid-1984. Remember, the first victims of the CONvids, after the truth of course, were the elderly in nursing homes and many who were disabled.


In 2021, 19-year-old Grace Schara was targeted because she had Down Syndrome. To gain some insight into Grace’s story, Scott Schara came on The Sons of Liberty radio with me. In our first interview, he laid out what happened and had suspicions of premeditated murder. He soon gathered enough documentation to know that the doctors and nurses in charge of caring for Grace were actually her executioners. Later, he would join up with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav.


Were Hospital Protocols Responsible For Murder Of This Man’s Teen Daughter?


Rumble VIDEO: Were Hospital Protocols Responsible For Murder Of This Man's Teen Daughter?

Documents Indicate Premeditated Murder Of Teen Daughter With Down Syndrome By Wisconsin Hospital (Video)


Rumble VIDEO: Documents Indicate Premeditated Murder Of Teen Daughter With Down Syndrome By Wisconsin Hospital

From Nazi Germany To The World: The Fight Against The New Holocaust (Video)


Rumble VIDEO: From Nazi Germany To The World: The Fight Against The New Holocaust

Now, compare what Scott presented with what Vera presented and then consider the following two videos that deal with that targeting of the disabled in Nazi Germany.


Disability Awareness Month: Remembering the Nazis’ First Victims of Mass Murder


Youtube VIDEO: Disability Awareness Month: Remembering the Nazis’ First Victims of Mass Murder


Youtube VIDEO: Hitler's Extermination Program for the Disabled - Aktion T4 | Professor Graeme Yorston


Tim Brown is an author and Editor at and He is husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows", jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on GabMindsMeWeSpreelyMumbl It and Steemit






Posted by Tim Truth

First Published October 25th, 2022 18:10 UTC 


I somehow lost some info about the Rockefeller funding of Sanger which has now been included in the first 5 minutes of this updated version.






Posted by BANNED.VIDEO - Infowars

First Published October 27th, 2022 07:44 UTC


Alex Jones breaks down the globalist plan to eradicate humanity and become AI gods as Noah Yuval Harari [Blog Editor: It’s actually Yuval Noah Harari, but for the “Noah’s Ark” analogy; I suspect the first and middle names were purposely transposed.] recently claimed that a digital 'Noah's Ark' will replace human consciousness after eradication of the population.


See the original tweeted video here:





Rumble VIDEO: The Depopulation Agenda UNCENSORED

Posted by George Christensen

Published October 14, 2022


Former Australian politician George Christensen -- now editor of -- outlines the globalist 'elite' agenda for the depopulation of humanity. It's all part of the Great Reset being pushed by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum minions.



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