Monday, June 20, 2022

COVID/Jab Facts NOT Misinformation

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 20, 2022


I was overhearing (yup okay, eavesdropping) a phone conversation between my wife and her son (my stepson by marriage) – she had the speaker-phone on. My pay-attention antennae arose when they began conversing about COVID and the Jab. The son insisted he listened to truth based on facts and my wife (his mother) only listened to misinformation and therefore had no facts. Guess what – I am the primary source of my wife’s information, so my blood began to boil.


I could tell from the conversation the so-called truth spotted from my wife’s son sounded a lot like the misinformation delivered to American Sheeple from the 3-letter government agencies such as the CDC, FDA, NIH and so on. The primary liar being current NIAID head Lord Fauci – a proven greedy liar.


I have posted over time reputed doctors and scientists who have had their reputations tarnished for refuting the 3-letter agencies and Big Pharma’s Globalist control-the-people line of faux-facts. [I ran a search on my SlantRight 2.0 Blog with the words “Actual Science” and a number of posts come up refuting Globalist science: READ HERE. Feel free to do your search looking for vilified doctors and science now propagandized as "misinformation" when in fact it is data with different results from science brainwashers.]


ERGO, here is some science the CONTROL-THE-PEOPLE Globalists will claim is misinformation in the hope you will ignore actual science.


I begin with a Jessica Rose post (recommended by one of those pesky doctors resisting faux-science – sorry I can’t recall which one but he was on Substack) about how DNA can be altered via the mRNA Jab (vehemently denied by Globalist science) complete with data attempted be hidden by Globalist Science and includes something new for me – “self-amplifying RNA” (saRNA).


Next – A short Rumble video featuring Dr. Clare Craig exposing Pfizer twisting clinical data on Jabbing children.


THEN the UK-oriented The Exposé brings up a published Swedish science study (from 2021) which I quote from the first paragraph: “… the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA.” The article was posted 6/19/22.


AND LAST, one of my Wordpress subscriptions (Boudica2015) alerted that the Boudica Rumble Channel had picked up the Hibbeler Productions of their 2020 Documentary entitled, “The Plannedemic.” Boudica does not provide any source info on the Rumble Channel, so I did a little digging. The Documentary is in three parts and was  - GASP! – banned on Youtube. Here is the Hibbeler Productions Youtube Channel. And here is the Hibbeler Productions webpage of assorted videos available for minimal price purchase.


JRH 6/20/22

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When you hear BNT162c(2), run, don't walk, RUN away.

It's already in the clinical 'trials'


By Jessica Rose

June 19, 2022

Unacceptable Jessica


Please head to the document entitled: “INVESTIGATOR’S BROCHURE BNT162/PF-07302048” dated August 12, 2020.


About half a year ago, I suppose, I virtually sat across from a Canadian researcher who was developing a new technology called self-amplifying RNA (saRNA). If you want, you can watch that interview here. My hosts are lovely people. At the time, I found it difficult to listen to my co-interviewee because a) I used to be her and b) I know the dangers associated with what she is developing. It is my opinion that she did not.


I revisited this interview whilst writing this and it is good. How frikkin’ diplomatic am I?


Why do the best solutions and advances, get thrown away into the worst possible hands?” Jello Biafra.



Jello Biafra (nee: Eric Reed Boucher) performing at the 2014 Fun Fun Fun Fest


So the claim is that this self amplifying messenger RNA is awesome because you need to inject less of it. But here’s the thing: it encodes its own replicase enzyme - it makes copies of the RNA (whatever it is) once inside the cells. Does that sound problematic to you? To me, it does. And here’s why. If the other genes in the mRNA encode destructive proteins (like the modified mRNA of the SARS-nCoV-2 spike protein), then… for one, how will it ever be possible to turn off these self-amplifying RNAs? Are the replicases self-limiting?


If you ask me, the people developing and promoting this technology are concerned only about profit, ‘cost’ and initial dose. They claim that adverse event occurrences are proportional to the initial dose of RNA. Hmm. Anna claims in the interview that the menstrual cycle disruptions induced by the COVID-19 mRNA injectable products are temporary, and can also be brought on by viral infections. She also claimed that the vaccinated people won’t get severe COVID-19 in the context of hospitalization. Really? I missed out on that point in the interview. She was pretty sure that since most of the people in Israel had been injected, that this would explains why the majority of COVID-19 hospitalizations were in the context of the injected. But then, if the shots were meant to reduce severity, why would they ending up in the hospital?


On saRNA


So as we all know by now, the messenger RNA in the COVID-19 Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna products, is the mode of delivery of information for the cells in our bodies to make lots and lots of modified spike proteins. That’s what these folks are now calling ‘conventional’ mRNA.1 Well now! That was fast. Now it’s a CONVENTION? Aaaaaaaaaaalrightttttttyyyyy thennnn.



saRNA Diagrams


So do you see the highlighted bit in green? That’s the code for nsP1-4 genes that following in situ translation that form an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) complex resulting in accumulation of antigen within the cell. The nonstructural proteins 1, 2, 3, and 4 (nsP1-4) are essential for replicon activity as they form the RdRP complex.2 The ‘conventional’ modified mRNA is non-replicative because it does not include an RdRP (RdRPs these take pieces of RNA and make copies of it). These enzymes are very specific to the RNA. The UTRs help to maintain this specificity. Apparently, no human RdRP can do this for the conventional RNAs. The saRNAs do replicate, however. And apparently, again, the RdRP that comes with it, is the only one that will allow this to perpetuate. Chicken and an egg?


Here are a few sources of information about this technology.3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Onto the document. Please skip ahead to page 13.



mRNA Diagrams-Rationale-Overview Page 13.


So this saRNA has been on the schedule the whole time. They didn’t even anticipate the possibility that the ‘conventional’ mRNA would be a failure, because, if it was, imagine how bad that would be for the schedule! And guess what, it’s being trialed now.


What do you want to bet that those trial participants have NO IDEA that they are being injected with self-amplifying RNA? This study is active with ‘estimated’ primary completion date April, 2023 (final data collection date for primary outcome measure).


·       BNT162c2 will be administered using a Prime/Boost (P/B) regimen. The vaccine BNT162c2 will also be administered using a Single dose (SD) regimen.


·       Experimental: BNT162c2 (P/B) - Part A 18-55 years of age


·       Escalating dose levels


·       Intervention: Biological: BNT162c2.


·       The primary endpoint is 21 days post injection.


·       Actual Enrollment (submitted: January 12, 2022): 512



Trial Investigating 4BNT162 Jabs


Jab Investigation Study Summary


I find two things to be insane:


1. That I haven’t heard that the saRNAs are already being trialed and


2. That there is no mention of self-amplifying mRNAs in the clinical trial data sheet. There is, however, a very long exclusion criteria list and an informed consent clause as part of it.


Inclusion criteria: Have given informed consent by signing the informed consent form (ICF) before initiation of any trial-specific procedures.


What do you want to bet that this document that required signing said nothing of self-amplifying RNAs?


I put this together today when I opened up the FOIA document attached at the top of this article. I had received an email on June 9th, 2022 (10 days ago) that was addressed to myself and Robert Malone as to what the ‘BNT162c2’ was. I had told the addresser that I hadn’t heard of it before and Robert pointed us both to the clinical trial with Identifier: NCT04380701.


But, I still didn’t know what it was. Maybe it had a different LNP? Nope.


It’s a completely different type of technology. Again.


What’s the encoded antigen? We’re not going to tell you! But we are going to insist that you get injected with it. Or, no soup for you.



Clinical Investigation Jab Candidates & Suspicious Redactions Page 18.


Even though there are peer-reviewed studies on this technology, I cannot stress this point enough: WE NEED LONG TERM DATA WHEN IT COMES TO NEW TECH. Not 21 days. Not 365 days. We need years. We are NOT in an emergency and therefore, we have the time to explore the safety and efficacy of saRNA technology carefully and properly. Like we should have been doing the whole time with our now magically ‘conventional’ mRNA tech.


Sorry, I have to include this screenshot. This is just too precious. It’s so safe. Just inject me now. Wait, I can’t see! Everything turned black! Kind of like the safety data redaction for the product. (Sorry for the very dark humor. Sorry. I did it again.)



Redacted Summary of Safety Page 62.


Oh and they mention in section 7.2 Posology and method of administration, that ‘the vaccine should not be injected into areas where there may be a major nerve trunk’. Ok. Good to know.


And this literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. Look at this.


7.11.2 Non-clinical findings of note


All tested non-clinical and clinical vaccine candidates were immunogenic to highly immunogenic in non-clinical models. The available data demonstrate that BNT162b1, BNT162b2, BNT162b3, and BNT162c2 are capable of inducing robust immune responses in mice, (except for BNT162c2) rats and NHPs.


Why would they include BNT162c2 in this list if it’s not in the list?


So when you order a cheeseburger, because you love cheese, and it comes without cheese on it and you complain, they yell at you that ‘cheeseburger’ is just a word and had nothing to do with a burger having cheese on it, what are you to do? Same logic, yeah?


If we have not learned yet that we need to be cautious with gene-based therapies, then, you know what? I just don’t know what to say.



Einstein Quote on Insanity Definition




1 Bloom, K., van den Berg, F. & Arbuthnot, P. Self-amplifying RNA vaccines for infectious diseases. Gene Ther 28, 117–129 (2021).


2 Kääriäinen L, Ahola T. Functions of alphavirus nonstructural proteins in RNA replication. Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol. 2002;71:187–222.


3 Maruggi, G., Ulmer, J. B., Rappuoli, R., & Yu, D. (2021). Self-amplifying mRNA-Based Vaccine Technology and Its Mode of Action. Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 10.1007/82_2021_233. Advance online publication.


4 Brito, L. A., Kommareddy, S., Maione, D., Uematsu, Y., Giovani, C., Berlanda Scorza, F., Otten, G. R., Yu, D., Mandl, C. W., Mason, P. W., Dormitzer, P. R., Ulmer, J. B., & Geall, A. J. (2015). Self-amplifying mRNA vaccines. Advances in genetics89, 179–233.


5 Geall, A. J., Verma, A., Otten, G. R., Shaw, C. A., Hekele, A., Banerjee, K., Cu, Y., Beard, C. W., Brito, L. A., Krucker, T., O'Hagan, D. T., Singh, M., Mason, P. W., Valiante, N. M., Dormitzer, P. R., Barnett, S. W., Rappuoli, R., Ulmer, J. B., & Mandl, C. W. (2012). Nonviral delivery of self-amplifying RNA vaccines.


6 McKay, P. F., Hu, K., Blakney, A. K., Samnuan, K., Brown, J. C., Penn, R., Zhou, J., Bouton, C. R., Rogers, P., Polra, K., Lin, P., Barbosa, C., Tam, Y. K., Barclay, W. S., & Shattock, R. J. (2020). Self-amplifying RNA SARS-CoV-2 lipid nanoparticle vaccine candidate induces high neutralizing antibody titers in mice. Nature communications11(1), 3523. (Notice the conflicts here.)


7 Ballesteros-Briones, M. C., Silva-Pilipich, N., Herrador-Cañete, G., Vanrell, L., & Smerdou, C. (2020). A new generation of vaccines based on alphavirus self-amplifying RNA. Current opinion in virology44, 145–153.


8 Blakney, A. K., McKay, P. F., Hu, K., Samnuan, K., Jain, N., Brown, A., Thomas, A., Rogers, P., Polra, K., Sallah, H., Yeow, J., Zhu, Y., Stevens, M. M., Geall, A., & Shattock, R. J. (2021). Polymeric and lipid nanoparticles for delivery of self-amplifying RNA vaccines. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society338, 201–210. (Notice the conflicts here.)


9 Lundstrom K. (2020). Self-Amplifying RNA Viruses as RNA Vaccines. International journal of molecular sciences21(14), 5130.


© 2022 Jessica Rose



Rumble VIDEO: BOMBSHELL: Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children

Posted by Chief Nerd

Published June 17, 2022



Gene Therapy: Study finds mRNA COVID Vaccines enter liver and then alter DNA



JUNE 19, 2022

The Exposé


A Swedish study has demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA. 


The findings come after a previous study published in October 2021 from Sweden found the spike protein enters our cells nuclei and impairs the mechanism cells have to repair damaged DNA.


The Highwire made an easy-to-understand video explaining the previous study, including graphics, and so it is a good starting point to help understand the significance of the latest study from Sweden.



[Posted by The HighWire with Del Bigtree

Published November 15, 2021




Earlier Studies


Preclinical animal studies of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid mRNA injection (BNT162b2) showed reversible effects on the livers of rats including: enlarged liver, vacuolation and increased enzyme levels (γGT, AST, ALP). In the assessment report on BNT162b2 provided to EMA by Pfizer, studies in rats demonstrated that the contents do not stay at the injection site and a relatively large proportion (up to 18%) of the total “vaccine” dose ends up in the liver.


Another study in May 2021 by MIT scientists showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells and expressed as chimeric transcripts. Although no one from corporate media or corporate science seemed to ask at the time, the findings of this study give rise to the question of whether this same reverse transcription may also occur with RNA in Covid injections.


ABC 10 News reported on the MIT study shortly after it was published. [Blog Editor: Note Propaganda ABC implies COVID changed DNA not the mRNA Jab, none of which lines up with the reporting.]


Youtube VIDEO: In-Depth: Study suggests COVID-19 can alter DNA


[Posted by ABC 10 News

Posted on May 13, 2021




What is Reverse Transcription?


Pictures speak a thousand words and so rather than try to write an explanation we found a video which introduces the mechanism of reverse transcription of HIV, a retrovirus. It may be a little dated and overly simplistic but it illustrates how HIV infects a cell and replicates itself using reverse transcriptase and the host’s cellular machinery.


Youtube VIDEO: HIV Life Cycle | HHMI BioInteractive Video


[Posted by biointeractive

Posted on Oct 5, 2016




The First Study of Reverse Transcription of Injection Spike Proteins


Because of the findings of the animal studies and the MIT study, a group of Swedish scientists from Lund University conducted a study to investigate the effect the Pfizer/BioNTech injection (BNT162b2) had on human liver cells and if Pfizer’s encoded spike protein RNA can be reverse transcribed into DNA. The study, ‘Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line’, was published on 25 February 2022.


“In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro,” the study authors wrote.


The study found that the mRNA injection is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 and that the injections’ mRNA is reverse transcribed into DNA as fast as six hours after the cells were exposed to it.


“A possible mechanism for reverse transcription is through endogenous [intracellular] reverse transcriptase LINE-1, and the nucleus protein distribution of LINE-1 is elevated by BNT162b2,” the study authors wrote.


“Huh cells are ‘immortal’ liver tumour cells and grow ad-infinitum if you give them love,” Jessica Rose explained, “LINE-1 is a reverse transcriptase that we carry and comprises ~17% of our genome!”


“Our study shows that [Pfizer’s mRNA injection] … can be reverse transcribed to DNA … and this may give rise to the concern if [injection]-derived DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects.”



BNT162b2 Can Reverse Transcribe DNA

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line, Discussion section, Alden et al, Lund University, Sweden, 25 February 2022


In the video below, Dr. Mobeen Syed, host of Dr. Been, explains this study in layman’s terms. We have embedded the video to begin at timestamp 8:17 where he begins to explain, over the next 9 mins, reverse transcription, Huh7 cells, LINE-1 gene expression, LINE-1 protein and what this all means.**


Youtube VIDEO: Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in Liver Cells. (In-vitro Swedish Study) [Full Video: 25:42]


[Posted by Drbeen Medical Lectures

Posted on Feb 25, 2022




The paper concludes: “Our study is the first in vitro study on the effect of Covid-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 on human liver cell line. We present evidence on fast entry of BNT162b2 into the cells and subsequent intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into DNA.”


Referring to the study Dr. Peter McCullough tweeted: “Alden et al, Lund University, Sweden, confirms one of our worst fears. The exogenous [extracellular] genetic material coding for the dangerous Spike Protein is reverse transcribed into the human genome; possible long-term constitutive expression / synthesis of disease-promoting / lethal Spike.”


Was This the Plan All Along?


To answer the question whether this has been planned, below is a selection of excerpts from infamous individuals regarding gene editing, in their own words. No further comment is required, these excerpts speak for themselves, you decide.


In an interview with Charlie Rose, Klaus Schwab said: “You see the difference of this fourth industrial revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing, it changes you. If you take genetic editing, just as an example, it’s you who are changing. And of course, this has a big impact on your identity.”


Youtube VIDEO: Gene Editing - Klaus Schwab - Charlie Rose - 2015


[Posted by Masonic World

Posted on Sep 27, 2021




View more: The Charlie Rose Show, Klaus Schwab


Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, stated, “In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So, we think about it as an operating system. …. So, if you could actually change that, … if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.”


Youtube VIDEO: Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making | Tal Zaks | TEDxBeaconStreet


[Posted by TEDx Talks

Posted on Dec 8, 2017




Read more: Bombshell: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits MRNA Alters DNA, 12 March 2021


During an interview with Anthony Fauci on 30 April 2020, Bill Gates said he was particularly excited about pursuing a new approach called ‘RNA vaccine’. Gates explained, “Unlike a flu shot, which contains fragments of the influenza virus so your immune system can learn to attack them, an RNA vaccine gives your body the genetic code needed to produce viral fragments on its own.”


Around this time Gates made a promotional video for his “RNA vaccines.”


Youtube VIDEO: Bill Gates erklärt Covid-19 und das Rennen um einen Impfstoff [Google translate German-to-English: Bill Gates explains Covid-19 and the race for a vaccine]


[Posted by WELT Netzreporter

Posted on May 4, 2020




Forbes published an article on 29 November 2021 from Steven Salzberg titled, “Yes, The Vaccine Changes Your DNA. A Tiny Bit. That’s A Good Thing.”   And later retitled the article to “Covid Vaccines Don’t Alter Your DNA – They Help Choose Cells to Strengthen Your Immune Response”.


The author changed the headline to emphasise that the vaccines “don’t alter your DNA” without changing any of the article’s content.


Read more: Forbes Admits mRNA Vaccines Alter DNA Then Changes the Headline, 2 December 2021





[Blog Editor: WARNING! The Plannedemic Documentary contains upset people expressing their feelings in profanity.]


Rumble VIDEO: The Plannedemic - Part 1 (Hibbeler Production)

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by boudica001

Published June 15, 2022



Rumble VIDEO: The Plannedemic - Part 2 (Hibbeler Production)

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by boudica001

Published June 15, 2022



Rumble VIDEO: The Plannedemic - Part 3 (Hibbeler Production)

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by boudica001

Published June 15, 2022

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