Thursday, June 16, 2022

LGBTQ Child Brainwashing Exposed

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 16, 2022


My wife and I celebrated 32 years of marriage on June 5 by going to Branson, MO. Inevitably in the hotel the TV was turned on. We don’t watch much broadcast television these days for reasons I won’t go into now. Yet in that Branson hotel room I had the unwilling moments to endure TV ads which leaned more toward brainwashing than marketing.


AND what was the brainwashing pushing?


It was pushing Americans to accept as normal and valid what God Almighty has labeled in no uncertain terms an ABOMINATION. That abomination is the same-sex lifestyle. By extension any lifestyle practice that is not according to the design of the Creator is UNNATURAL should be reversed (that is what Christians call repentance) and line up with God’s design WHICH can be discovered in the Word of God.


In the case of the LGBTQ-whatever extra letter added these days, I posted some Bible Scriptures both on God’s view of LGBTQ missing-the-mark (aka sin) AND the Scriptural path to God’s Grace, Mercy and Salvation in Christ Jesus on June 8: Reject June-Pride & Embrace God’s Way.


I share this as a precursor to a Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rumble video which was livestreamed on June 15. The video might lead one to think the focus was on a pop singer, but really the pop singer was actually the launching pad to display how the Left is publicly brainwashing adults and – GOD HELP US – children to embrace the God-condemned LGBTQ lifestyle. MTG briefly incorporates video clips of public LGBTQ functions some of included consumption for young children’s minds.


When we talk of child-brainwashing, it is essentially child-grooming for the LGBTQ lifestyle! Can you say Disney?


o   Disney’s Child-Predator Problem; By Christopher F. Rufo; City-Journal; 3/31/22


o   Disney’s Obsession With Grooming Children Is Nothing New, But Their Openness About It Is; By BAILEY DURAN; The Federalist; 4/5/22


o   This Is America's 'Line In The Sand': Disney Pedophiles And 'Grooming Support' Are Direct Attacks Against Our Children And Nation As More Proof Emerges 'Disney Is Demonic'; By Susan Duclos; All News Pipeline; 4/7/22


I am adding MTG corroboration posts pushed on Americans and their children in cross post fashion:


o   'BABIES Can Choose Their Gender?' Fox Under Fire for Pro-LGBT Special on Helping 5-Year-Old Girl Become a Boy


o   Tucker Carlson Continues To Spotlight Horror Of Child Sex Changes After Fox News’ Shocking Pro-Trans Segment


o   WHAT? Michigan Attorney General Says There Should Be A ‘Drag Queen In Every School’


o   Former LGBT Individuals Celebrate Deliverance Through Christ During DC Freedom March: 'There Is Hope'


JRH 6/16/22

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Rumble VIDEO: MTG:LIVE Ep. 9 - Christina Aguilera's New Low

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by Marjorie Taylor Greene 

Published June 15, 2022


Tonight on MTG:LIVE, Marjorie Taylor Greene lifts the lid on Pride Month, including suicide-inducing hormone therapy, drag queens giving sex shows to kids in Idaho, and a new low from Christina Aguilera.



'BABIES Can Choose Their Gender?' Fox Under Fire for Pro-LGBT Special on Helping 5-Year-Old Girl Become a Boy


Fox News logo


By Steve Warren

June 14, 2022

CBN News


Conservative commentators and viewers are speaking out after Fox News aired a controversial story about two California parents who helped their 5-year-old biological daughter transition to become a boy named Ryland.


The report was part of a Fox News series titled "America Together: LGBTQ+ Pride Month."


Fox News Correspondent Bryan Llenas explained in his report that Ryland's parents Jeff and Hillary Whittington determined that, "Before Ryland could even speak, 'he' managed to tell his parents that he is a boy."


"It wasn't him trying to be a brat," Ryland's mother Hillary said as the video showed Ryland wearing girl's clothes. "It was really painful for him to have to wear feminine clothing and for us constantly telling him you're a girl." 


The LGBT agenda in schools is just one reason people are choosing to homeschool. Kirk Cameron spoke to CBN's Quick Start Podcast about it. Listen here:


PODCAST: Economy Crumbles as Biden Touts 'Unprecedented' Progress, Seismic Rise in Homeschooling (Kirk Cameron Interview)

"And unlike some trans kids, when Ryland came out at the age of 5 a few years later, he had the full support of his parents," Llenas stated in his report.


Ryland's mother also spoke about why she and her husband decided not to push back against Ryland's gender identity.


"And I guarantee that if we had pushed back and done what a lot of parents do, I don't think that we would have either one of the kids before you here today," Hillary said motioning to Ryland and his sister.


The family is not new to the spotlight. Ryland's story went viral in 2014. Hillary wrote a book titled Raising Ryland: Our Story of Parenting A Transgender Child WIth No Strings Attached.


After Llenas's report aired, the network received almost immediate backlash on social media. 


Commentator Matt Walsh from The Daily Wire wasted no time calling for everyone at Fox News who had anything to do with Llenas's report to be fired.


"I know for a fact that many people at Fox do not approve of this and never would have agreed to air radical far left trans propaganda," Walsh tweeted on Friday. "But Fox reporter Bryan Llenas chose to do this story and someone at Fox chose to put it on the air. Everyone involved should be fired immediately."


"The poor kid is 14 now with a permanently altered body, condemned to live forever with an identity imposed as a small child. It is horrifying, evil, and sick. And it is what Fox chose to promote," he added.


In several follow-up tweets, Walsh wrote, "The reporter says that the child announced a new gender as a toddler. Does Fox want us to believe that BABIES can choose their gender? This is the most extreme, radical, dangerous form of gender ideology. And it's being promoted on Fox News."


Walsh also accused the network of promoting the practice of child transitioning.


"Today Fox ran a long segment for Pride Month celebrating a 'trans kid' who 'came out as a boy' at the age of five. The piece did not simply report on the controversy surrounding child transitioning. It outright promotes the practice."


Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro mirrored Walsh's statements, tweeting: "Every element of this video is propagandistic, dangerous garbage. The report states that this biologically female child was choosing her gender BEFORE SHE COULD SPEAK. This is madness."


Shapiro also called the Fox News story "child abuse" and "absolute, horrifying propaganda."


Conservative podcaster Allie Beth Stuckey also responded to the report, writing: "I'm stunned that Fox News ran a segment celebrating a girl whose parents 'transitioned' her into a boy when she was 5 because she apparently told them she was a boy 'before she could talk.' Absolutely maddening & heartbreaking."


"I hated dresses and bows as a child and insisted on only wearing jeans and a white t-shirt," Stuckey added. "Thank God my parents didn't see my 'discomfort' as a sign that I'm actually supposed to be a boy. 'Transitioning' a child is abusive. Let them grow up."


Fox News viewers also let their voices be heard.


"If I was 5 and declared I identify as a pirate, should my parents cut-off my hand & leg so I can get a hook for a hand, and a peg for a leg?" one viewer responded sarcastically. "I mean whatever a child identifies as is reality now, right? The only way to save me from suicide is pirate transition, right?"


Another viewer directly addressed Llenas, writing, "Hopefully you will be working at @MSNBC soon because that is where you belong."


One user also replied to Llenas by quoting Jesus Christ from the Bible: "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6."


Another viewer commented, "This is a documentary of a crime."


One user wrote, "Are you kidding me right now...? Why would you promote 5 year olds changing their gender on Fox News...?"


CBN News has reached out to Fox News for comment. We'll post it here if we hear back. 


© 2022 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization.





Tucker Carlson Continues To Spotlight Horror Of Child Sex Changes After Fox News’ Shocking Pro-Trans Segment



Tucker Carlson – Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images


By Amanda Prestigiacomo

Jun 15, 2022


A shocking Fox News report promoting radical gender ideology sparked intense backlash from conservative media, but based on past and current programming, the cable news network’s biggest primetime star is not on board with the narrative.


The segment, which ran Friday on Fox News, featured a child named Ryland Whittington who was socially transitioned as a boy at just age five by her parents. Reporter Bryan Llenas heaped praise on Ryland, whose mother wrote a book about the experience, for having the “extraordinary courage” to share the story, “particularly at a time when trans gender issues have been politicized.”


Tucker Carlson, who dominates in the ratings for Fox, has long used his platform to expose real dangers and inequalities from the transgender movement — and he’s showing no signs of slowing down.


Carlson on Monday evening had author Abigail Shrier on his program to discuss the trans kid contagion. Shrier has become a frequent target of de-platforming efforts over her best-selling book, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” which explores the tentacles of the trans movement and the danger in transitioning our children.


“It does nobody any help to lie about this, and the media has participated in non-stop whitewashing of this issue, as if all that happens to children — as long as they have good parents who love them — you just sprinkle magic pixie dust and they just go from girl to boy,” Shrier told Carlson, a seeming reference to Llenas’ segment about Ryland, the minor who was transitioned at age five.


“In fact, what you’re setting them up for is a lifetime of infertility, sexual dysfunction, and surgery after surgery, many of which fail,” the author continued. “And the last thing I’m going to do is lie to the American public about that.”


“Amen,” Carlson responded.


The host then showed a clip from a documentary he’s been working on about the transgender contagion and aftermath, titled, “Transgressive.”


The maverick host, who has previously shown a willingness to buck the cable news juggernaut when he disagrees with its editorial slant, is not alone.


“The Ingraham Angle” host Laura Ingraham, another big-time ratings grabber for Fox News, ran a segment on Wednesday taking on “trans lies,” specifically focusing on children and gender transitions, which Ingraham bluntly deemed as “child abuse.”


As the chyrons screamed “Exposing Trans Lies,” Ingraham welcomed guest Scott Newgent, a biologically female transgender man who angrily spoke out against gender transitions in The Daily Wire’s groundbreaking documentary “What is a Woman?


The defiant host even posted the segment to her personal Twitter account, captioning the video, “Truth about the Trans-formation of our kids: Where ‘puberty blockers’ were readily available, suicide actually rates went up.”


Some frequent Fox News guests, including Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro, podcast host and author Matt Walsh, and BlazeTV’s Allie Beth Stuckey, called out Fox News by name after the woke segment ran.


Shapiro bluntly called the report “absolute, horrifying propaganda,” condemning the actions of Ryland’s parents as “child abuse.”


Walsh, a frequent “Tucker Carlson Tonight” guest, encouraged other conservatives to “call this evil lunacy out wherever we see it. Especially on our own side.”


“I have appeared on Fox News many times,” he said in a tweet. “I appreciate the platform they’ve given me. If what I’m about to say ruins that relationship, so be it.”


Stuckey said she was “stunned” by the “maddening & heartbreaking” report.


“I’m stunned that Fox News ran a segment celebrating a girl whose parents ‘transitioned’ her into a boy when she was 5 because she apparently told them she was a boy ‘before [she] could talk,’” she posted to Twitter. “Absolutely maddening & heartbreaking.”


© Copyright 2022, The Daily Wire



Former LGBT Individuals Celebrate Deliverance Through Christ During DC Freedom March: 'There Is Hope'


Image Source: Anthony Nunez/Freedom March


By Andrea Morris

June 14, 2022

CBN News


A group of ex-LGBT Christians rallied in our nation's capital recently to share their testimonies of how they've found healing and freedom in Jesus Christ.


As CBN News has reported, members of the Freedom March group have been touring the country for years, sharing the Good News with others, and offering hope to anyone else who might be seeking salvation from LGBT lifestyles.


This year's event, which took place on Saturday, included live worship, testimonies, prayer, and a march from the Sylvan Theater to the Lincoln Memorial.


The Freedom March was started in 2018 by Jeffrey McCall, a former transgender who has come to know Christ and His unfailing love.


"Jesus died for them and loves them and wants to give them a new life," McCall told CBN News in his ongoing quest to offer hope to LGBTQ individuals. 


The movement concentrates on liberation from LGBT lifestyles, as well as learning how to begin a relationship with our Lord and Savior.


"I continue to be amazed by how the march has grown and how it has created a safe place for former LGBTQ members to gather," McCall told Charisma News last week. "I never foresaw how the Freedom March attendees would become such a close family of believers. We love each other and we love our common goal of sharing Jesus' sacrifice and love to the LGBTQ community."


Worshippers and speakers at the events acknowledge that God loves everyone, but that we must accept Him into our hearts before our lives can change.


"The reason I started the Freedom March was because I felt like all of these stories of people that left the LGBT lifestyle needed to be heard. It sends a statement and gets these stories out there," McCall previously told CBN News.


"This movement has created a family of overcomers that understand and went through the same things, so it's built this close-knit Christian family," McCall stated. "It has brought light to this topic and it's been talked about by people who actually lived through it."


Web Capture of Facebook Freedom March Post [6/8/22]


Some Freedom March participants have even shared stories about their tragic past before leaving the LGBT lifestyle and coming to Christ.


Luis Javier Ruiz and Angel Colon are survivors of the massacre at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando in 2016, where 49 people were killed.


Colon was shot six times and survived, and Ruiz says he was nearly trampled to death as people fled the gunshots in the club.


"Just watching the news, as I was in the hospital bed in pain and seeing the names going by, God started working in my heart," Colon previously told CBN News. "I could have been number 50, but now I'm alive and I have a chance to share my story with the world...that Jesus can change anyone."


McCall says it's important for people to know that the movement is not about suppressing anyone, rather it's about God's unwavering love for everyone.


"I really want to send the message to the LGBTQ community that there is hope. To say, 'Hey, we were in the same lifestyle you were in and we came out of that and followed Christ and there's a whole 'nother life. A life that we didn't even know was possible. A life with joy, and peace, and freedom,'" he said.


Freedom March has a second event planned on October 29 at Piedmont Park in Atlanta, Georgia.


To find out more about Freedom March, click here.


© 2022 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization.





WHAT? Michigan Attorney General Says There Should Be A ‘Drag Queen In Every School’


Drag Queen Story Time


Posted by Nwo Report

By Adam

June 16, 2022

NWO Report


Michigan Attorney General Dirty Dana Nessel’ is known for making controversial statements and her overzealous prosecution of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s alleged kidnappers, who were egged on by federal agents.


Today, Nessel inserted herself in to the culture war by saying that drag queens should be in every school. She also said that drag queens ‘make everything better.’


Her statement comes after a drag show went viral in Dallas, Texas this week after children were seen at the event with a vulgar sign in the background.


“Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel reportedly said that “drag queens make everything better” and that there should be “a drag queen for every school” while speaking at an event on Wednesday.


Nessel’s remarks came one day after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced that she is introducing a bill to make it illegal to bring children to drag performances.


The Attorney General made the comments while speaking at a civil rights conference in Lansing, according to Craig Mauger of The Detroit News.


Mauger tweeted, “‘Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun,’ Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says at a civil rights conference in Lansing while speaking out against what she describes as efforts to divide people. ‘A drag queen for every school,’ she adds.”


According to the reporter, Nessel added that the “drag queen for every school” line had not been poll tested.”


Nessel is no stranger to controversy.


In April, she joked about being blackout drunk at an MSU game after attacking Trump supporters.


Nessel said that people should vote for her in the 2018 elections because she didn’t ‘have a penis.’



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