Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Is 1984 Becoming a Reality?


Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World


While I was sharing at various Social Media platforms that do not censor Conservative content, I ran into a post sharing an excellent Rumble video. On the Xephula Group Introduce Yourself, a person going by Rogue Nation Eternal Militia shared what can be better described as a video essay with “1984” style scrolling photos to highlight how 2021 is emerging to resemble the George Orwell novel more and more every day.


Normally my custom in embedding videos is to post the video then the description. Due to the essay nature of the video, I am posting the description first followed by the video.


JRH 10/19/21

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Posted by RogueNation

Published October 19, 2021 


1984 is a dystopian social science fiction novel and cautionary tale written by English writer George Orwell. It was published on June 8, 1949 by Secker & Warburg as Orwell's ninth and final book completed in his lifetime.


Thematically, it centers on the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance and repressive regimentation of people and behaviors within society. Orwell, a democratic socialist, modelled the totalitarian government in the novel after Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany. More broadly, the novel examines the role of truth and facts within politics and the ways in which they are manipulated.


The story takes place in an imagined future, the year 1984, when much of the world has fallen victim to perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, historical negationism, and propaganda. Great Britain, known as Airstrip One, has become a province of the totalitarian superstate Oceania, ruled by the Party, who employ the Thought Police to persecute individuality and independent thinking. Big Brother, the dictatorial leader of Oceania, enjoys an intense cult of personality, manufactured by the party's excessive brainwashing techniques. The protagonist, Winston Smith, is a diligent and skillful rank-and-file worker and Outer Party member who secretly hates the Party and dreams of rebellion. He enters into a forbidden relationship with his colleague Julia and starts to remember what life was like before the Party came to power.


Nineteen Eighty-Four has become a classic literary example of political and dystopian fiction. It also popularized the term "Orwellian" as an adjective, with many terms used in the novel entering common usage, including "Big Brother", "doublethink", "Thought Police", "thoughtcrime", "Newspeak", and "2 + 2 = 5". Parallels have been drawn between the novel's subject matter and real life instances of totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and violations of freedom of expression among other themes. Time included the novel on its list of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005, and it was placed on the Modern Library's 100 Best Novels list, reaching number 13 on the editors' list and number 6 on the readers' list. In 2003, it was listed at number eight on The Big Read survey by the BBC.


Ironically enough, those same media outlets are now a co-conspirator in the current nightmare of 1984 as it is playing out in our current globalism cult pandemic.


Rumble VIDEO: Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World

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15 seconds

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