Monday, October 18, 2021

COVID Manchurian Brainwashing


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 18, 2021


Have you ever seen the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”? For a little clarity The Manchurian Candidate was first a 1959 novel, then a 1962 movie and finally to date a 2004 movie remake. You will not it this way from the Left-committed Wikipedia which I acquired the dates. NVERTHELESS, the movie (1962 is the best) is about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Communist Soviets brainwashed captured American soldiers in the Korean War to be planted back in the USA with a groomed to manipulate one of those soldiers to become POTUS via Machiavellian politics and assassinations.


The CCP and Dem-Marxists are undergoing The Manchurian Candidate experiment – QUITE SUCCESFULLY in my opinion – upon Americans with COVID brainwashing to accept the will of the transformed Big Brother State making Government-think the only reality.


Time is slipping away now seemingly daily for Americans to reclaim the heritage our Founders initiated.


Below are two relatively recent articles followed by a few videos awakens a few to refuse the brainwashing.


JRH 10/18/21

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COVID-19 Vaccine Facts Media Ignores, Part 3


By Roger Anghis

October 17, 2021

News With Views


Keep in mind that since the ‘vaccine’ came out they have told us that it is 100% safe. Most reporting says the opposite but when people don’t research anything all they do is believe what MSM is telling them. New VAERS numbers should scare the daylights out of anyone who is considering getting the jab. There have been 701,559 adverse events, 60,741 hospitalizations, 80,393 urgent care, 6,637 heart attacks, 5,765 myocarditis, 1,862 miscarriages, 19,210 disabled, and 14,925 deaths. More people have died from the COVID ‘vaccine’ than all other deaths from all other vaccines combined. Remember that these are just America’s numbers. In my last column, I reported that the European Union has reported 26,041 deaths, 2,448,362 injuries.[1] Why is the government demanding that the whole planet gets the ‘vaccine’? It surely isn’t for our health as it seems we’d be a whole lot healthier NOT taking the jab. You’ll also find out that any mention by MSM about these adverse effects is not allowed. This administration does not want the public to know about them.


It is being reported that in many places that there are high numbers of COOVID patients who are fully vaccinated: Israel: “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people”[2]  Scotland: 70% of Covid deaths and 58% of hospitalizations are fully vaccinated.[3] The illegals coming across our southern border are testing up to 20% positive: Over 20 percent of illegal immigrant unaccompanied minors and 18 percent of family units who recently crossed the U.S.-Mexico border have tested positive for COVID-19 prior to being released from U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody over the last several weeks, according to a Department of Homeland Security document prepared for President Joe Biden and reviewed by NBC News Saturday.


The document also said some flights being used to deport illegal immigrants had over 25 percent of the passengers test positive before leaving, forcing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to remove the sick illegal immigrants and place them in quarantine.


“In the last 2-3 weeks, the percent positivity rates among all demographics has increased,” the document says.[4] Biden isn’t requiring them to get the ‘vaccine’ but he’s demanding that the border patrol get it or get fired.  Biden is also shipping the infected illegals to red states with low numbers of cases. Tell me again Biden is demanding people to get the jab for our health’s sake and I’ll have to call you a liar. It’s more proof that the Democrats hate America and will do anything to bring her down.


In an article from the Washington Post, there is a call for anyone traveling from one state to another to show proof of vaccination. Requiring vaccination for travel is hardly radical. The U.S. government has been considering a mandate for people flying into the United States from foreign countries. It’s already required for Americans to fly internationally if they don’t want to quarantine for 10 or more days in Germany, Britain, and other destinations. These policies have allowed international travel to resume. More than a month ago, Canada announced a vaccine mandate for interprovincial travel on all forms of public transport. We should follow our neighbor’s lead.


Such a mandate would be straightforward to create, based on protecting federal employees from the infection risks created by unvaccinated travelers. Transportation Security Administration staff are exposed daily to thousands of unvaccinated people who pass through security checkpoints.


Of course, there will be pushback. But cries of “freedom” and “personal choice” are hollow and politically motivated. Our freedom is not unlimited.[5] This sounds like 1930s Germany with security checkpoints at the border. Notice that they mock our demand for freedoms and personal choice.

Rand Paul questioned Xavier Becerra recently about the science behind the ‘vaccine’ and Paul destroyed Becerra’s defense of demanding everyone get the ‘vaccine’ with common sense but Becerra held to the left’s narrative. Paul even stated that it was obvious that they were just demanding that we comply and ask no questions. The following article, ‘Ignoring the Science’: Sen. Rand Paul Exposes HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra for ‘Lying To People About Natural Immunity’ for COVID-19, was first published on Big League Politics.


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra on Thursday for “lying to people about natural immunity” to COVID-19 as well as “ignoring science.”


“Mr. Becerra, are you familiar with an Israeli study that had 2.5 million patients and found that the vaccinated group was actually seven times more likely to get infected with Covid than the people who had gotten Covid naturally?” Paul asked the health bureaucrat during a Senate Health Committee hearing.


“I’m not familiar with that,” Becerra said in response, feigning ignorance with the well-publicized study.


“I think you might want to be if you’re going to travel the country insulting the millions of Americans, including NBA star Jonathan Isaac, who had Covid, recovered, look at a study with 2.5 million people, and say, well, you know what, I should make the decision. Instead, you’ve called Jonathan Isaac and others, myself included, flat earthers,” Paul clapped back. “We find that very insulting… Are you a doctor or a medical doctor?” the liberty-loving senator asked.


“I have worked for over 30 years on health policy,” Becerra said.


This is when Paul went in for the killshot on the paid shill for Big Pharma.


“You’re not a medical doctor. Do you have a science degree? And yet you travel the country, calling people flat earthers, who have had Covid, looked at studies of millions of people, and made their own personal decision that their immunity they naturally acquired is sufficient but you presume somehow to tell over 100 million Americans who survived Covid that we have no right to determine our own medical care,” Paul said.[6]


There is more and more evidence coming out that this is more than a health issue. It is obvious that the left is making a power play to get all the power they can. Even the Supreme Court is completely ignoring our constitutional rights and their constitutional obligation.  They ignored their responsibility to review the evidence of voter fraud and on October 1st Sotomayor denies New York school teachers the right to make medical decisions for themselves about their own health. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has denied a request by a group of New York City teachers to block the city’s vaccine mandate for Department of Education staff.


Sotomayor did not request an additional briefing and also did not refer the request to the full court.


As the Supreme Court Justice overseeing the Second Circuit, Sotomayor has the discretion to address emergency applications on her own.


Four New York Teachers had claimed in a petition that a vaccine mandate had violated their right to due process and equal protection. 

The roughly 148,000 school employees in New York City had until 5 p.m. Friday to get a least their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination or face suspension without pay when schools open on Monday.[7]


The fourteen days to flatten the curve has turned into almost twenty months with no end in sight, lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and the loss of our right to work and shop unless we take what has been proven to be a very dangerous gene therapy shot not a ‘vaccine’. If we don’t stand now we won’t have that right in a very short time. The Democrats will see to it.


© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


Foot Notes


1. 26,041-deaths, 2,448.362-injuries-following-covid-shots-in-european-unions-database-as-slovenia-suspends-jj-shot-after-death-of-20-year-old-student


2. Israel-85-90-of-the-hospitalizations-are-in-fully-vaccinated-people


3. Scotland-70-of-covid-deaths-and-58-of-hospitalizations-are-fully-vaccinated


4. Illegal-immigrant-coming-into-us-have-covid-19-report-says


5. Biden-must-mandate-vaccines-travel


6. Sen Rand Paul exposes HHS secretary Xavier Becerra for lying to people about natural immunity for covid 19


7. Justice Sotomayor-denies-nyc-teachers-request-to-block-vaccine-mandate


Roger Anghis is the Founder of, an organization designed to draw attention to the need of not just free speech for churches but disseminating correct information through responsible journalism.


Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM



US Set to Pay $712 per Patient for Merck’s COVID-19 Pill


Molnupiravir - Merck's antiviral against COVID-19 is seen in an undated image. (Merck & Co. via AP)


By Zachary Stieber

October 16, 2021 Updated: October 17, 2021

The Epoch Times


Merck & Co. is set to receive $712 per treatment course for its COVID-19 antiviral pill from the U.S. government—even as it costs a fraction of that amount to produce and is reportedly on track for a price of $12 in India.


The gap between production costs and the price for molnupiravir is wide and emblematic of a problem that some say requires Congress or the U.S. government to intervene by implementing price caps, or utilizing so-called march-in rights. Others, though, warn that such measures would curb innovation and lead to fewer drugs coming onto the market.


Merck filed for emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for the oral drug last week, after it said an interim analysis of trial data shows it cut hospitalizations in COVID-19 patients. An FDA advisory panel will consider the drug in November.


The treatment, a collection of pills given over five days, would be the first of its kind since the pandemic started.


Originally developed by Emory University with U.S. government funding, the drug was licensed by Ridgeback Biotherapeutics last year. Efforts to win authorization during the Trump administration were stymied, leading Ridgeback to turn to Merck.


Researchers this month pegged the cost of production for the five-day treatment course at $17.74 (pdf) and estimated that Merck could make a sustainable amount even if it priced a course as low as $19.99.


Melissa Barber of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Dzintars Gotham of the King’s College Hospital used the cost of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and other numbers to calculate the estimate.


The U.S. government committed last year to obtain 1.2 billion treatment courses if the drug received regulatory clearance. According to a contract (pdf) obtained by Knowledge Ecology International, the cost of each treatment would be $712.


“This price is equal to about 35 times the estimated sustainable generic price,” Barber and Gotham said.


It’s also 46 times as much as Indian manufacturers plan to charge for a generic version, according to Leena Menghaney, the South Asia head of Médecins Sans Frontières’ Access Campaign.


“The molnupiravir case illustrates why the ‘TRIPS Waiver’ is so urgently needed, which would waive intellectual property for COVID-19 medical tools during the pandemic and would remove legal barriers so that countries the world over could produce versions of these medicines and more lives could be saved,” she said in a statement, referring to a proposal to waive intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.


Merck officials didn’t respond to requests for comment. After public criticism of the cost of the company’s antiviral, an executive, Dr. Nicholas Kartsonis, said the price it charged the U.S. government isn’t the final figure.


“We set that price before we had any data, so that’s just one contract,” Kartsonis told the Associated Press. “Obviously we’re going to be responsible about this and make this drug as accessible to as many people around the world as we can.”


Merck in a statement on Oct. 11 said it’s “committed to providing timely access to molnupiravir globally, if it is authorized or approved, and plans to implement a tiered pricing approach based on World Bank country income criteria to reflect countries’ relative ability to finance their health response to the pandemic.”



A logo of drugs and chemicals group Merck is pictured in Darmstadt, Germany, in a file photograph. (Ralph Orlowski/Reuters)


Cheaper Than Other Treatments


While hydroxychloroquine and other drugs approved for various afflictions but used as off-label COVID-19 treatments cost much less, they aren’t recommended by federal authorities to treat COVID-19. The few cleared as COVID-19 treatments cost more than Merck’s drug.


Remdesivir, the only approved treatment for hospitalized patients, costs an estimated $5 (pdf) to produce and was sold to the U.S. government for $2,340 a course—a price now pegged as too high for many patients. Monoclonal antibody courses, used to treat mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, cost around $2,100 per course. The cost of production for the monoclonals isn’t clear.


Merck’s drug “is lower than a lot of the other treatments right now for COVID” and “certainly a lot cheaper in the United States of ending up in a hospital,” James Love, director of Knowledge Ecology International, told The Epoch Times.


“On the face of it, that doesn’t seem to be, initially, an irresponsible pricing decision for Merck,” he said.


The average COVID-19 hospitalization costs $34,662 to $45,683, according to data crunched by FAIR Health (pdf).


If regulators do find the drug safe—there are concerns it could lead to the development of cancer—and authorize it in the United States, the calculus could change.


“Suppose that a new variant ended up infecting a significant percentage of the U.S. population and the drug was needed for 1 million, 10 million, or 50 million persons. At some point, the price just isn’t reasonable,” Love said in an email.


Dr. Roger Klein, a health policy expert who currently advises The Heartland Institute, doesn’t see the gap as a big deal, given that developing treatments are “really high-risk endeavors” that cost a lot of money, including millions of dollars just to run clinical trials.


“We don’t know how long these drugs are going to have a market within the United States, which is the world’s most important drug market in many ways,” he told The Epoch Times, adding that he believes the public health crisis from the pandemic is close to being over because of an increasing number of people gaining immunity through vaccination or prior infection.


Every treatment costs much more than vaccines. The shots have all been priced under $20 a dose, according to contracts between vaccine makers and the U.S. government.



A sign is posted in front of Gilead Sciences headquarters in Foster City, Calif., on April 29, 2020. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)


March-in Rights


One possible approach to lowering drug prices is utilizing various provisions of the Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, some experts say.


The act let the federal government retain some rights for inventions produced with government funding. It also enables federal agencies to use known as march-in rights, through which the government in certain circumstances can require a company to grant a license for a drug to an applicant. The government can grant the license itself if the patent owner refuses.


Some experts and advocates say march-in rights can be used to ease drug prices or provide leverage in negotiations on prices.


Thirty-one state attorneys general called last year on the federal government to exercise march-in rights on remdesivir to boost supply and lower its price.


“Here, we think it is clear that Gilead has not established a reasonable price, nor has it met the health and safety needs of the public given the COVID-19 pandemic,” they wrote (pdf).


However, no federal agency has ever exercised the power, according to the Congressional Research Service and opponents say the law has only narrow application.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has said multiple times the act doesn’t authorize it to set prices, Dr. Mark Rohrbaugh, special adviser for technology transfer at the NIH, said during a panel discussion last year held by the Bayh–Dole 40 Coalition and Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. No other federal agency has disagreed with this position, he said.


Both the Trump and Biden administrations have rebuffed those calls and other efforts to cap prices during the pandemic.


“We can’t control that price because we need the private sector to invest,” Alex Azar, the health secretary at the time, said during a congressional hearing in February 2020.


Even if march-in rights can’t be used, the government can negotiate prices, others say.


The government’s funding and involvement with setting contracts with hospitals for remdesivir should have led to price concessions, Dr. Peter Bach, director of the Center for Health Policy and Outcomes at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, said during an Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) panel discussion last year.


Public Citizen, an advocacy group, has urged the Biden administration to use executive authority to impose “a reasonable pricing requirement” so that “taxpayers don’t pay twice for medicine developed with public funds—first funding research and development, and again through excessive prices.”


Gilead and Eli Lilly, which produces monoclonals, did not respond to requests for comment. A GlaxoSmithKline spokeswoman declined to provide information on the cost of production for the antibodies. A Regeneron spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email that monoclonals “are complex to develop and manufacture, requiring time, specialized facilities and expertise, hence the higher cost of this class vs. vaccines.”


“Monoclonal antibodies are intended primarily as treatment, and so also have cost-effectiveness in being administered only to high-risk patients who are otherwise likely to be hospitalized, as opposed to vaccines which are intended to be administered to all,” he added.



A Regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion bag is seen during a news conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Aug. 19, 2021. (Joe Cavaretta/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP)


Quest to Revamp Pricing


Prices can vary based on a number of factors, Merck says in a fact sheet, including value to patients and health care systems and the investment into research and development.


Other factors include what the market is willing to pay and the number of alternatives, according to Joey Mattingly, associate professor and vice chair of academic affairs at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. The volume of sales also plays a role, as do getting large contracts from governments.


Drugmakers have long been accused of charging too much for products, especially drugs for rare diseases. Some experts and lawmakers have pushed to revamp the drug pricing system, but the issue has bedeviled Congress since the 1950s.


An agreement was close in the 1960s on a proposal by then-Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) to implement pricing caps and other ideas currently supported among some members of both parties. But Kefauver couldn’t ultimately secure enough votes, and the Kefauver–Harris Amendment that eventually passed focused primarily on drug safety and efficacy.


“There’s a lot of proposals out there, good or bad, and we’ll just see if it has the votes and the things that don’t have the votes will fall out and we’ll keep talking about it and then depending on how elections go over the next 10 years, maybe there will [be a change], but I’m not holding my breath, just because I know we’ve been on this journey for 60 years,” Mattingly said.


Zachary Stieber covers U.S. news, including politics and court cases. He started at The Epoch Times as a New York City metro reporter.


Copyright © 2000 – 2021 The Epoch Times


Blog Editor: Here are two important videos I found via subscribing to Geri Ungurean’s blog Absolute Truth from the Word of God. As a Hat Tip here’s the title she used: Glazov Gang : HORROR “Vaccine” VIALS Under the Microscope: Vera Sharav: COVID Vaccine Mandates & NAZI Tactics “Auschwitz did not begin with Auschwitz.” THE HORRIFIC TRUTH Finally Being Unveiled and the TRUTH is SCARIER than Any HORROR MOVIE Ever Made (VIDEOS). Lengthy title to a couple of informative videos based on science and experience Dem-Marxist controller/propagandists just as soon you NOT watch.


Rumble VIDEO: Horror: Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by The Glazov Gang

Published October 15, 2021


Horror: Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope.
Dr. Carrie Madej (Osteopathic Internal Medicine Physician)



Rumble VIDEO: Holocaust Survivor on Covid Vaccine Mandates & Nazi Tactics

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by The Glazov Gang

Published October 2, 2021 


Vera Sharav (Founder, Alliance for Human Research Protection)


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