Saturday, October 30, 2021

COVIDLAND: The Lockdown


INFOWARS bills itself as the most banned network on the Internet. INFOWARS is probably among the top-tier of Leftist hated websites for truth telling. Let’s be fair and honest about INFOWARS and its owner Alex Jones. Prior to COVID, most of INFOWARS news was based on unverifiable sensationalism easily labeled Conspiracy Theory.


Today when it comes to COVID, the majority of INFOWARS reporting is based of verifiable documented evidence. Much of the Leftist venom tossed toward INFOWARS COVID news and documentaries is based on the past rather than the present.


With that intro to INFOWARS, Alex Jones has decided to make Part One of “COVIDLAND.” I believe the documentary is a 5-part series which are for sale. Part One is entitled, “COVIDLAND: The Lockdown”. Here it is on the INFOWARS video platform Banned Video.


JRH 10/30/21

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Banned VIDEO: COVIDLAND: The Lockdown

Posted by COVIDLAND Infowars Original Series

Posted Oct 7, 2021


The latest release from Infowars is finally here! ‘COVIDLAND’ is a riveting and fast-paced movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones that’s designed to break people out of their trance, see the big picture, and take our world back!


Buy COVIDLAND: The Lockdown today! Adding this groundbreaking physical DVD to your library is essential in this age of censorship!


Earn FREE SHIPPING & double Patriot Points when shopping during our early Black Friday sale!


Run Trump Run


UGETube VIDEO: Run Trump Run

Posted by John Houk

Published on 30 Oct 2021


I found this video on Social Media (oops can't remember platform). It downloaded as a mpeg4 so I converted the video to mp4 for this upload.


The video title after the download was one of those numerical-digital names. So I renamed it "Run Trump Run" after the Forrest Gump symbolism. The title could easily be "Trump Won 2020". Enjoy!

JRH 10/30/21

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Please Support SlantRight 2.0

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

One Step Closer to Rule by Decree


Here are some Justin Smith observations on the fraud Biden Administration’s full tilt toward a Soviet/CCP Marxist-Maoist control regime.


JRH 10/28/21

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One Step Closer to Rule by Decree

Joe Biden's Stalinist Aspirations - America: From Freedom to Central Planning Overnight


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 10/28/2021 1:11 AM


Americans have incredulously heard Joe "Xi" Biden often claim he is a Capitalist, to the mainstream media mental midgets and propagandists, who promote this illusion; but, every action he has taken since occupying the White House has been focused on the command and control of the economy and the disintegration of traditional America and the Republic. Despite his claims, he is suppressing Capitalism and employing Socialist tenets that can only bring greater harm to the economy in the long term.


If one sees actual Communists serving the Biden regime, such as Pete Buttigeig and Susan Rice, and his people howling over how best to butcher the body of America's economy for redistribution of the wealth like mad, slobbering wolves; and moving towards Big Centralized Government solutions and redistribution schemes disguised as "Climate Change" bills; enforcing executive orders to force a Marxist view of "competition" in Big Business and Corporate America and determine who gets to participate via Covid Vaccine Passports; and spending trillions of dollars on unsustainable worthless social infrastructure such as the promotion of LGBTQ and Critical Race Theory gibberish -- with every single bit of it aimed at the disintegration of traditional America and the republic -- one can safely say that Biden is not a Capitalist, especially after the recent appointment of Saule Omarova on September 23rd to the Treasury Department as the Comptroller of Currency.   


Biden's July 9th Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy is one more in a long line of federal government power grabs that attempts to direct agencies and private businesses outside its authority, and it represents a usurpation of Congress and state legislatures and the Court in too many respects. As we see the Biden and his regime extend their noses into technology, shipping, transportation, healthcare and even agriculture, along with labor practices they suggest limit wages and mobility and many other areas of the American economy, they completely dismiss the Administrative Procedure Act and "the final rules on guidance" concerning rules for the government regarding various sections of our society, and they have moved America one step closer to rule by decree.


Biden doesn't have one single ounce of care that his policies are exploding the U.S. debt and placing future generations in the gross and unfortunate position of being relegated to nothing more than serfs bound to serve the state -- the Leviathan -- in a debt-based economy. But he and his cronies don't believe they have to worry, since they are reaping the benefits today and leaving the mess to be cleaned up tomorrow and long after they are dead and in the ground. That's the danger that comes with running the Treasury's printing presses day and night and rolling out pallets of money backed with little today and of very little actual worth. 


The Conservatives and Independents, all logical-minded individuals in fact, better start haranguing Congress right now to ensure that Saule Omarova's appointment isn't confirmed by the Senate, since [JRH] Omarova, a radical professor at Cornell University Law School and a 1989 graduate of Moscow State University, supported Marxist Communism in her youth and still endorses them enthusiastically today. She essentially [JRH] supports a total takeover of the U.S. banking system by the federal government.


As reported in a recent Wall Street Journal editorial [or (JRH) HERE if one does not subscribe WSJ]:


"Ms. Omarova believes capital and credit should be directed by an unaccountable bureaucracy and intelligentsia. She has recommended a 'National Investment Authority', with members overseen by an advisory board of academics, to finance a 'big and bold' climate agenda. Sounds like the green infrastructure bank the Senate rejected.


She'd also like a politically and structurally independent 'Public Interest Council' of 'highly paid' academics with broad subpoena power to supervise financial regulatory agencies, including the Fed. The Council, she explained, would not be subject to the 'constraints and requirements of the administrative process'. Ivy League professors know best."


One sees just how radical she is from her justification for a National Investment Authority and again after reviewing her own words written in October 2020 for the Vanderbilt Law Review. She explains how the Federal Reserve Bank would be restructured through an entity she referenced as "The People's Ledger" along with the creation of a digital dollar among other things.


And in the meantime, all Americans are being affected by the rising inflation and higher prices for commodities, food stuff and all retail goods, that serves as a backdoor tax on the people. At the same time, the Democratic Party Communists are seeking to pass a wealth tax and raise taxes on tobacco and elsewhere across the U.S. economy, thus reneging on Biden's promise to only tax those earning over $400,000 a year.


Rising gas and fuel oil prices? To hear him tell it, don't blame him and his closure of the Keystone Pipeline; don't blame his orders to halt fracking and oil extraction and exploration on federal land. Blame those nasty "pandemic profiteers". He offers Americans the same empty words regarding the rising costs of groceries, as he increases his attacks on the private sector, sounding like a cheap and bumbling imitation of Xi, China's dictator.


However, a large part of the problem has also developed from the market panic of the pandemic, when our economy went from being unrestrained, for the most part, to the oppressive command economy and controls under Trump and many states' Democrat governors. Some people were free to work, others weren't, while select groups were still free to work and operate their businesses, if along strict guidelines dictated by politics. America went from Freedom to central planning overnight.


Market-led economic growth has become irrelevant to Biden, if he ever respected it before, and he and his Marxist-Maoist staffers hold the Biden regime up to America as Her new benefactors, who embody the economy and will create new jobs for everyone, new industries even. But his orders and policies completely destroy carbon and fossil fuel industries.   


Biden's regime hasn't taken actual possession of U.S. corporations, but for many intents and purposes his executive orders have had the same effect, as if the Government was calling the shots. [Blog Editor: A Socialist-Corporate-Government system aka Fascism.] At the very least, Biden is an authoritarian despot and a Marxist/ Maoist-minded Cancel Culture Fascist.


The Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen, has suggested that higher taxes here at home levied against the wealthy and globally against corporations are a good thing that will ultimately serve to benefit all those people earning less than $400,000 annually. She notes that higher taxes narrow the imbalance between government revenue and what government needs to spend on investments, and that logic fails to note that the cost of higher taxes on corporations always causes higher costs for goods and hits the poorest Americans the hardest; although to her credit, Yellen did recently oppose the new Billionaire Income Tax proposed by Congress. 


The Biden regime and the Communists in Congress are working as hard as they can through legal and illegal means to package their Communist agenda under their collective false flag of infrastructure investment and budget reconciliation, along the same line as Ol' Uncle Joe Stalin utilized during his Five Year Plan that failed so miserably on the human level. 


The likes of Biden and Saule Omarova seem to believe it worked so well. Naturally they would, because the goal is more oriented toward population control than it is toward bettering the American people's lives, unless one is a Party Member. 


But Yellen's moderate Socialist stance on the economy will seem downright conservative if the Omarova Plan is implemented over the next three years. All of one's earnings will be at the command of a central government electronic vault full of individual accounts to be directed, manipulated, and sums deposited or withdrawn according to some banking council czars' latest schemes for controlling our lives. And no one should take her nomination lightly -- a woman who praises the Stalin Communist regime as more equitable than Capitalism in America -- as we recall how people thought the Bolsheviks had mounted a doomed crackpot coup that ultimately succeeded in 1917 and led to the Bolsheviks upholding their promise to default on the entire Czarist debt, and so too continuing their revolution through the mass murder of millions of Russians and Ukrainians.


Normally, one might believe all of the aforementioned depicts such a horrible future for America that the people will surely reject all of it in the 2022 election, but that notion assumes fair elections will be held, when the same illegal mechanisms still exist that allowed for massive election fraud in 2020 and the theft of the Oval Office. This leaves much in the air and to whatever strength the Republican "opposition" in Congress and state legislatures will bring to bear to counter this Communist agenda, however best they can, which will also depend a good deal on courts and judges, however fair-minded or corrupt they may fall. 


America's survival through these terrible and dangerous times, this Communist assault against traditional America, may ultimately come down to Her people simply standing together and telling Ol' Joe "Hell No" and refusing to comply with anything that damages or interferes with their ability to make a living, just like Southwest Airlines employees did recently. And depending on where one lives, the key may start with the Tenth Amendment and numerous states simply nullifying Biden's Executive Orders, so that their people may live Free.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded source links are by Justin Smith except by the indication “JRH.” Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates Editorial agreement with Justin.


© Justin O. Smith


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Why The Stage Is Set For The End Times


If you are a Bible-Believing Christian (as opposed to a Leftist propagandized diluted Christian), you must recognize the tyranny experienced on a global scale (more and more also in the USA) smacks glaringly of Last Days Signs.


End Times Prophecy is hardly an exact science with all kinds of disagreements on timelines and occurrences. With the only agreement Jesus the Christ wins and transforms a New Heaven and a New Earth that looks NOTHING like the despotic transformation envisioned by a Globalist-Dem-Marxist new social order.


I believe I have discovered an insightful essay by Britt Gillette observing today’s similarities to some Last Days scenarios.


Even with the uncertainty and too often squabbles of prophetic timelines and prophetic occurrences, here is some certainty from the Word of God as excerpted in the Book of Revelation to John the Apostle (Rev. 20: 9-10; 21: 1-8; 22: 1-5 NKJV):


Revelation 20


They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. 10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where[a] the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.


Revelation 21


1Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, [a]John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”


Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said [b]to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”


And He said to me, “It[c] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes [d]shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, [e]unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”


Revelation 22


1And he showed me a [a]pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.


AND NOW, Gillette’s essay.


JRH 10/27/21

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Why The Stage Is Set For The End Times


4 Horseman of Apocalypse



OCTOBER 27, 2021

Prophecy News Watch


As a student of bible prophecy for almost 30 years, and specifically end times bible prophecy, no other time has seemed as close to the end times as right now. Why do I say this? Because, particularly in the past year, the geopolitical and economic stage has been set for the fulfillment of several end times prophecies. 


We now have several potential crises on the horizon. And those potential crises are the same ones the Bible says we'll experience either in the Tribulation or the days immediately preceding the Tribulation. Below are just a few:


The Gog of Magog War


The Bible points to a future attack on Israel known as the Gog of Magog War (Ezekiel 38-39). It says a military alliance that includes Russia, Iran, Turkey, and a number of Muslim nations will attack Israel "in the latter days" (Ezekiel 38:8) when God brings His people home from among the enemy nations (Ezekiel 39:27). 


Today, we see those nations forming an alliance for the first time - an alliance that has never existed in world history. Russia, Iran, and Turkey all have an active military presence in Syria, meaning they're right on Israel's northern border at this moment. Why is this important? Because Ezekiel specifically says this alliance will attack Israel from the north (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). In addition, the ancient territory of Magog covers a number of modern day nations, one of which is Afghanistan. 


Up until recently, it was difficult to imagine U.S. occupied Afghanistan joining the Gog of Magog invasion. But now? With the Taliban back in control, it would be odd if they didn't join this invading alliance. The way nations are aligned today, the Gog of Magog invasion could take place tomorrow. All the pieces are in place. Even just a few years ago, that wasn't the case.


Global War Prospects


While "rumors of war" have been common since the end of World War II, the current situation is different. The world is in the midst of an energy crisis. Europe has seen natural gas prices surge in the past month. China and India are experiencing rolling blackouts of electrical service. Not only will this create problems in an already broken global supply chain, but these are the conditions which often give rise to war. And energy resource issues could provide the spark that ignites the next world war.


For example, China threatens to invade Taiwan on an almost daily basis. If China does invade, the United States claims it will defend Taiwan. If it occurs, such a conflict will devastate the world. Both China and the U.S. are nuclear powers, and both likely have high-tech space weapons, cyberwarfare capabilities, and innovative weapons never before seen on a battlefield. Such a conflict could easily erupt into World War III. Even if it doesn't, the global economy would collapse and the global supply chain would be irreparably broken if the two largest economic powers went to war.


The same is true in regard to Israel and Iran. Both nations have been engaged in a type of "cold war" for years, and with each passing month, the prospect of all-out war only increases. A conflict between the two could pull the Middle East and the entire world into a cataclysmic war.


Throw in India's border disputes with China and Pakistan as well as North Korea's belligerence toward its neighbors and the United States, and the prospects of global war are probably the highest they've been in the post-Cold War era. At any moment, a flare up in any one of several hotspots could cascade into a global war. Yet, contrary to popular belief, the world will survive World War III. 


The death toll will be enormous, but the human race won't be annihilated (Revelation 6:4). The Bible says a global war will kick off the Tribulation and precede the global rule of the Antichrist. Right now, the odds of a devastating global war appear high.


Global Inflation Prospects


Shutdowns, travel regulations, and other COVID restrictions have wreaked havoc on the global supply chain since early 2020, and it's only getting worse. Lack of shipping containers, global port congestion, and a lack of workers to produce, transport, and stock goods have led to shortages in everything from toilet paper and microprocessors to chicken wings and tractor tires. 


Meanwhile, central bank and government policies creating low interest rates and instituting rent/mortgage moratoriums, student loan moratoriums, stimulus checks, and tax credits have only added to demand. Basic economics says if you lower supply and increase demand, you get higher prices. We're seeing that right now, especially at the grocery store. Don't expect it to get better.


The Bible says the world will experience an unprecedented hyperinflation during the Tribulation. Following the global war outlined in Revelation 6:4, the world experiences a time when an entire day's wages will barely buy enough food to survive (Revelation 6:5-6). 


Given the inflation and shortages we're already seeing, how bad will it get if a major war breaks out anywhere in the world, much less an all-out global war like the one foretold in Revelation 6?


The Rising Mark of the Beast System


Throughout the world, governments are pushing COVID vaccines. Those who refuse the jab face a long list of penalties, including loss of employment, healthcare, freedom of movement, and liberty in general. Those pushing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports seek to coerce people into compliance. The goal is to ostracize the unvaccinated from society.


If these coercive policies remain in place, they'll create a mark of the beast system indistinguishable in impact from the true mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16). In doing so, they'll pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist and the actual mark of the beast as outlined in the Book of Revelation.


The Bible says those who refuse the mark of the beast will be shut out of the global economy. They'll be unable to buy or sell anything without it (Revelation 13:17). 


Today, we see the stage being set for the fulfillment of this prophecy. In some places, vaccine passports are required to appear anywhere in public, including grocery stores. Is it really hard to believe they'll one day be required to engage in any buy/sell transactions?


The Days of Noah and Lot


Jesus said when He returns, the world will be "like it was in the days of Noah" (Matthew 24:37). Jesus said, "In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes." Matthew 24:38-39 (NLT)


Is this what we see in the world today? I think so. Even after 19 months of a global pandemic, a global supply chain crisis, and threats of war, people are still enjoying banquets and parties and weddings. In other words, much of life remains normal. After a series of events that should have shaken the world from its slumber, most people continue to go about their daily lives unaware of the times in which we live. 


The times in which we live are clear to anyone who knows the Bible. We are living in the days just before the Tribulation takes place. Jesus will soon return to take His church (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). How can I be so sure? Because Jesus says so. Jesus said when you see all the signs He and the prophets said to look for, you should look up (Luke 21:28), and we see those signs right now. 


The Convergence of Signs


So what are these signs? Jesus and the prophets pointed to dozens and dozens of signs. This article only cites a few, but each one is undeniable. Their convergence for the first time in history tells us the return of the Lord is close at hand. In addition to the events already mentioned, these signs include:


• Israel Back in the Land (Jeremiah 23:7-8; Ezekiel 39:28; Isaiah 11:12; Psalm 107:3; Ezekiel 20:34; Isaiah 11:11-12)

• The Jewish People in Control of Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28)

• The Gospel Preached Throughout the World (Matthew 24:14)

• An Increase in Travel and Knowledge (Daniel 12:4)

• Arrival of the Exponential Curve (Matthew 24:38)

• Israel Surrounded by Enemies (Psalm 83:4; Psalm 83:12; Ezekiel 11:1417; Ezekiel 35:10)

• Israel's Exceedingly Great Army (Ezekiel 37:10; Zechariah 12:6; Zechariah 12:8)

• The Rise of a United Europe (Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 17)

• The Rise of a Global Government (Revelation 13:7-17)

• The State of Mankind (2 Timothy 3:1-4)

• Denial of the Signs (2 Peter 3:34)


Stay Awake


Jesus commanded us to watch for these signs (Matthew 24:42). He scolded the Pharisees and religious leaders when they failed to recognize the signs of His first coming (Matthew 16:3). Will He do any different for those who fail to recognize the signs of His second coming? Jesus warned us not to be caught sleeping when He returns (Mark 13:36). 


Now is the time to point out these signs to others and warn them the end is near. If you've been waiting to share the Gospel with someone, don't wait any longer. You may not have another opportunity. Jesus is coming. The signs are all around us.


Britt Gillette is author of the free ebook Coming to Jesus as well as the books Signs of the Second Coming & Racing Toward Armageddon.


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Monday, October 25, 2021

Biden To Destroy the Republic


There was a time when the old American motto E Pluribus UnumOut of many, one – was an apt description for the American immigration process that included assimilation to American culture and our historical significance. Justin Smith correctly observes the Dem-Marxist transformation agenda is creating a transformed Latin motto - Ex Uno, Multis or OUT OF ONE, MANY.


JRH 10/25/21

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Biden To Destroy the Republic

Out of One, Many - The Biden Formula for America's Transformation


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 10/24/2021 9:46 PM


The Biden regime is tracking right along utilizing one destructive policy after another to destroy the Republic that has stood for over two hundred years, and one of the worse is the policy whereby Biden has allowed his handlers to simply throw open the gates at the border. He's let the barbarians enter unimpeded, to the tune of a confirmed 1.7 million; and these Illegal Aliens aren't held to the same standards or actually required to adhere to the same laws as any U.S. citizen, with a small number of these illegals being returned to their country of origin, which has ordinary Americans wondering what are the benefits of being a U.S. citizen today, as the Democratic Party Communists and their supporters actively work to destroy our language, culture and national sovereignty.


The real Americans who get up each morning and go to work have all the responsibility of financing this mess under the coercive and subversive tactics of the Biden regime, even as our Inalienable God-given Rights are being regularly violated through Covid Vaccine Mandates and many other federal government power grabs, while Illegal Aliens go back and forth across the border, no testing and no requirements to be vaccinated, at will and seemingly with more rights than a U.S. citizen. And in the aftermath, as the Biden regime moves them into U.S. neighborhoods from Tennessee to New York, violating our sacred spaces -- even shooting across the border at Border Agents -- we find our crimes rate climb, along with massive amounts of drug related crime, and our language and common history eroded and  traditions delivered one more damaging blow.


At the heart of many of the current policies is Biden's rejection of the concept of the Westphalian System [Blog Editor: Short & Long Westphalian explanation] utilized by most of the Free World for approximately 350 years, in favor of their version of a New World Order, in which traditional America no longer exists, and the United States acts in a subservient role to the United Nations and the International Criminal Court.


As bad as this is, one sees how terrible any continuation of Biden's insanity at the border will be for America, once one is made aware that forty-five million people within the lower 48 states were not born in America and twenty-seven percent of the entire population of California wasn't born in America either. When we see such an imbalance of people who have been born and raised here and have a strong affinity for America's traditions juxtaposed with so large a number who do not really love America's traditional culture, it becomes very nearly an impossible task to assimilate, integrate and inculcate these "new residents" to the point that they are on the same intellectual and cultural plane with a shared love of traditional America. 


All of this works to further divide our populace into tribes, especially now that we see a strong advocacy of Critical Race Theory from the nation's Communists at all levels of U.S. government and throughout America's schools. These anti-American race-baiters are using open borders and CRT as weapons to destroy American civilization, to revert to something akin to the savagery that existed prior to Western Civilization, based on their notions that most Americans are more concerned with one's race rather than one's character, ability, or skills; and so they now move to cancel White people, whether by simply silencing them and making them unemployable or by actually replacing them, as some actually advocate for killing White people


It's incredible to watch so many in America step backwards in time and reject Dr Martin Luther King's wish for all people of all colors to one day live and work side by side in peace, love and harmony, as they now try to facilitate and advance the notion the skin color is more important than character in our society, and skin color should be the foremost factor in deciding all matters in our society. This is a recipe for further catastrophe and disaster for America, based on pre-civilizational idiocy steeped in foolish, racist gibberish and ideas that many ordinary Americans thought were long abandoned.


Under the Biden Marxist-Maoist Cancel Culture Formula, one need not be a U.S. citizen for anything, or so it does seem to be the case today. No U.S. citizenship is required to join the U.S. Armed Forces or receive entitlements; foreigners, aliens are even being allowed to vote in some parts of America, especially in local school board elections, and as we are currently witnessing on every broadcast channel these days, if one wants to cross our border without a passport or visa -- Well Hell -- No Problemo, Señor, Señorita


Welcome to America. Where the new motto is now "Ex Uno, Multis", "Out of One, Many".


The only thing an illegal alien can't do right now is run for public office, but even that is being debated right now in areas where the Democrats hold a strong backing. 


The absurdity and surreal nature of these anti-American, anti-rule-of-law policies are never so brightly illuminated as in the recent case of the illegal alien who harassed Senator Krysten Sinema all the way to a bathroom stall over "rights" for illegals to stay in America and committed a felony by filming the confrontation and releasing it into the public. [Blog Editor: And again on airline.]


Most Illegal Aliens are just like the young lady, a Dreamer, who harassed the Senator in the bathroom. They first commit the crime of crossing the U.S. border illegally and then they reside here illegally for any number of years, jumping ahead of millions of decent, honest, skilled and intelligent foreigners seeking to come to America through proper and legal channels. They apply and receive identification cards from their respective states, as though that somehow justifies their illegal residency, leaving normal law abiding U.S. citizens both angered and confounded that any administration could allow such to exist unimpeded and unrestrained. 


And all across the globe, these Illegals are seen to be romanticized by America's Leftists, the Useful Idiots, giving real hope to any foreigner, no matter their intentions upon arrival, that they too can come to America and receive exemptions and preferential treatment not even afforded Americans who were born here.


People look on in amazement as they come to see that there's no real difference between an Illegal Alien and a sitting U.S. Senator. In fact, an Illegal Alien who breaks numerous U.S. laws seems to be exempt from all the rules. 


Since Biden and Marx Inc are intent on letting America be overrun by hordes of Illegal Aliens with hundreds of thousands of foreigners from around the globe still on the way, Governor Abbott of Texas and Governor Ducey of Arizona are moving to secure their state's borders through their own initiatives, giving some great leeway to private militias working with local sheriffs and deploying the National Guard to stop and detain any Illegal at the border. Although they are still severely undermanned on this front, they are taking charge and control of their own situation to protect and defend their states and America from this unprecedented wave of Illegal Aliens that is beginning to more closely resemble an invasion force, as the [JRH] Republican governors of the [JRH] Red States also jump in to help their mission.  


However, one must expect the unexpected from the Democratic Party Communists who have thrown all their chips into the pot on the Biden Formula for the success of their transformation agenda, and after years of infiltrating every U.S. institution and public venue from Hollywood to Wall Street and back to Silicon Valley, they will not settle easily for anything less than the complete eradication of our Republic by changing America's demography through the destruction of citizenship and borders. In conjunction with this, all comers will be allowed, despite their lack of skills, finances or understanding of the English language, in order that they will be immediately reliant on the U.S. social services and welfare system and left beholden to the Democratic Party Communists, who will demand their loyalty in return.


Americans are a tolerant bunch overall, but no red-blooded tried and true American has to tolerate a Communist movement and enemies from within mounting an overt and blatant attempt to take down the nation and the Republic in broad daylight, before their very eyes. And as the Biden regime facilitates this mess, it calls for a stronger response from people than has been exhibited to date, or at the very least, it demands the good and decent Americans living along the border and thousands or millions more from the contiguous forty-eight states to convene and descend on the most troubled areas with pistols and rifles in hand, in order to do whatever it takes to turn these hordes back from our border and stop this disgusting invasion of America.


Let's hope the most recent lack of response from the American people isn't a sign that the worse is yet to come. Let's hope Americans don't simply let this Marxist Juggernaut of an Illegal Alien invasion to continuously roll over them from here on out, year after year, until America no longer exists and has become just another in a long list of failed nation states throughout history and one more Third World nation whose people bow before their tyrants. 


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded source links are by Justin Smith excepted by the “JRH” indication. Content embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates Editorial agreement.


© Justin O. Smith

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Let’s Recap – Fauci Lied People Died


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 24, 2021


Since the MSM lies and issues propaganda for the FRAUDULENT Biden Administration (and God help youyour news is derived from the MSM), you may not have a clue of the meaning of Gain of Function (GoF) Research relating to COVID and the Wuhan Institute of Virology whence every expert NOT in the CCP pocket COVID came.


Here are two GoF explanations that even with the science-talk might be simpler for the non-science layman to decipher in understanding:


“Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses. Ostensibly, GoF research is conducted for biodefense purposes.  These experiments, however, are extremely dangerous. Those deadly science-enhanced pathogens can, and do escape into the community where they infect and kill people. What’s more, this line of research  can be used for biological warfare.



GoF experiments have neither prevented a pandemic, nor provided useful information about safe and effective pandemic countermeasures. Numerous prominent scientists argue that these experiments deviate from morally justifiable research, and the experimentally altered pathogens have put the entire human species at risk.


However, GoF research is defended by a closed circle of scientists within government and those who are contracted by government to conduct this line of research.


READ ENTIRETY - What is Gain-of-Function Research & Who is at High Risk? ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION (AHRP); 5/19/20



Gain-of-function research refers to the serial passaging of microorganisms to increase their transmissibility, virulence, immunogenicity, and host tropism by applying selective pressure to a culture.


This is performed in a research context to understand the way in which a pathogen adapts to environmental pressures, allowing disease control measures to be better planned, and potential vaccines and therapies to be explored. Gene editing technology such as CRISPR may be utilized in combination with selective serial passaging to investigate the role of specific genes on protein expression and ultimate organism function.



The high replication and mutation rate of viruses commonly leads to escape mutants, lineages that have acquired changes to their genome that lessen or eliminate the affinity of natural or vaccine-induced antibodies towards the virus, while not notably lowering survival.


Most mutations a virus may acquire are deleterious to virus function, though in some cases mutation can both enhance virulence and allow better immune escape. … READ ENTIRETY -  What is Gain-of-Function Research? By Michael Greenwood, M.Sc. Reviewed by Sophia Coveney; News Medical Life Sciences; Last Updated: 4/9/21


In an effort to cover its Globalist butt and probably exposed LIAR Fauci, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has decided to re-define GoF on their website. Just The News evaluates the NIH science double-speak which you can examine.


I am guessing many are unaware there was a moratorium of GoF research on U.S. soil due to a series of research lab incidents in which researchers were infected. According to Lancet the moratorium was between 2014 – 2017. A host of government funded alphabet science agencies lobbied to end the moratorium seeming led by the NIH and National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB). AND surprise! The NIH in 2017 announced resumption of GoF research. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess that GoF COVID must have been risky enough to transfer the research to America’s military rival Communist China ending up at the Wuhan Institute of Virology often used for CCP military bioweapon research. The CCP government denies militarized bioweapon from Wuhan – DUH, what else would lying Communists say? International Marxist-orient Globalist scientists downplay or deny the Wuhan bioweapon – AGAIN DUH! And of course America’s Dem-Marxist CCP puppets don’t you to believe your eyes believe what they tell you to believe. Here’s some reading political control freaks would rather you avoid:


o   Leaked Chinese document reveals a sinister plan to ‘unleash’ coronaviruses - A leaked 2015 government paper has revealed a discussion by top Chinese scientists who said a virus could be “unleashed in way never seen before”; By Riah Matthews;; 5/8/21 7:45PM


o   RED ALERT Covid is a BIOWEAPON that leaked from Wuhan lab during military ‘Frankenvirus’ tests, claims Chinese whistleblower; By Patrick Knox; The Sun; 6/3/21 19:19 ET UPDATED 6/4/21 5:06 ET


o   Wuhan Scientists Planned to Release Coronaviruses into Chinese Cave Bats 18 Months Prior to Outbreak; By Human Events Staff; Human Events; 9/21/21


o   COVID-19 Is A ‘Planned Bioweapon’ By The Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Report Reveals; By OLIVIA CAVALLARO; Christianity Daily; 10/12/21 06:44 AM EDT


Let us do some thinking. LIAR Fauci said the NIH/NIHAID had nothing to do with funding GoF at Wuhan. The NIH refutes Fauci. The NIH tries to sanitize their view of GoF research in the dead of night. The Wuhan Lab is a CCP bioweapon research facility. If you believe CCP military controlled had a bio accident rather than a purposeful released exposure, I have wet-market property I can sell cheap in Wuhan, China.


The USA has gone to war over far less intrusions into our affairs. BUT the CCP did not control our bureaucracy, elected officials or influence American corporations in those days.


I bring to some cross posts that essentially reflect Fauci LIED and people DIED. Why do Americans trust and listen this creep?


JRH 10/24/21

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Rand Paul Was Right — Fauci Lied

“NIH … categorically has not funded gain-of-function research.” Yes it has.



What Fauci Lockdown Should Look Like



October 22, 2021

The Patriot Post


National Institutes of Health official Lawrence Tabak issued a letter Wednesday admitting that the agency did indeed provide funding for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology via the U.S. nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. That’s a big problem for more than one reason.


Tabak writes that NIH funding went to a “limited experiment” in which a test was conducted to see if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The modified coronavirus did make the mouse “become sicker” than the non-modified virus.


While Tabak avoids using the term “gain-of-function,” it is clear from his descriptions that such research is exactly what he admits the NIH funded. That the NIH was involved in funding gain-of-function research should come as a surprise to no one, as Anthony Fauci himself had been a longtime proponent of the controversial practice.


Back in 2012, Fauci argued in support to gain-of-function research, contending: “Scientists working in this field might say — as indeed I have said — that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.”


Fauci’s clearly favorable views of this research would also explain why he chose not to alert White House officials in 2017 when he lifted the ban on the practice. It also appears to explain why the NIH’s funding of gain-of-function was not direct but funneled through EcoHealth Alliance, giving Fauci the cover to later claim that the NIH was not directly involved in funding gain-of-function research.


Yet when Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) pressed Fauci over NIH funding, an irate and contentious Fauci retorted: “You do not know what you are talking about. … If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you! … You are entirely and completely incorrect. The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”


Just in case someone wasn’t clear, Fauci added, “I will repeat, the NIH … categorically has not funded gain-of-function research to be conducted in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”


We knew this before, but now even the NIH is tacitly admitting that Fauci lied not only to Senator Paul in sworn testimony but to the American public. Fauci “never fully explain[ed] why [the experiments] are not gain-of-function,” Paul observed. “His declination is this: it’s inadvertent, we didn’t know they were going to gain function. That is what a gain-of-function experiment is. You don’t know when you combine two viruses that they will be more deadly but it might be. If you have half a brain, you know if you combine two viruses it might be more deadly. He’s been parsing words.”


Paul has referred Fauci to the Justice Department for investigation, but given how the DOJ has been so politicized by the Biden administration, don’t expect any real action will be taken to hold Fauci accountable. Bureaucrats lying to the American people about the funding of dangerous experimentation that may have resulted in the creation of a global pandemic responsible for the deaths of millions gets little other than a shrug from the elites of the Washington political class. Yet parents daring to protest school board officials for pushing racist curriculum and radical leftist sexual ethics onto their children will be targeted by the creation of an FBI task force. And people wonder how an “America First” Washington outsider like Donald Trump was able to get elected.


Copyright © 2021 The Patriot Post. All Rights Reserved.



Newly Released Documents Show NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in China: Experts



This aerial view shows the P4 laboratory (C) on the campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on May 27, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)



October 22, 2021 Updated: October 22, 2021

The Epoch Times


The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research in China that created a more potent form of a bat coronavirus, according to newly disclosed documents.


An experiment conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, situated near where the first cases of COVID-19 were reported, compared mice infected with the original bat coronavirus to mice infected with a modified strain created by researchers, according to the documents.


The mice infected with the modified version “became sicker than those infected” with the original version, Lawrence Tabak, the principal deputy director at the NIH, told lawmakers in letters (pdf) on Oct. 20.


The “limited experiment” was aimed at seeing if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model,” Tabak wrote, adding that the “unexpected result” was not “something that the researchers set out to do.”


Whether intended or not, the research fits the definition of gain-of-function, some experts say.


“The genetic manipulation of both MERS and the SARS conducted in Wuhan clearly constituted gain-of-function experiments,” Jonathan Latham, executive director of The Bioscience Research Project, told The Epoch Times in an email. “Further, it is absurd of NIH to describe the enhanced viral pathogenicity that was observed in the experiments they funded as ‘unexpected’ when clearly these experiments were expressly designed to detect increased pathogenicity.”


The NIH “corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci that NIH had not funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist with Rutgers University, wrote on Twitter.


The newly released documents primarily consist of the fifth and final progress report (pdf) for the series of grants. The report was submitted on Aug. 3, over two years after the research concluded.


EcoHealth’s final report also contained a description of experimenting on clones of MERS-CoV, a virus that caused an outbreak in the Middle East in 2012 and has a mortality rate of approximately 35 percent, according to the World Health Organization.


The scientists said they used a “similar reverse genetics strategy” that they utilized in studies of the bat coronaviruses and, after constructing a “full-length infectious clone of MERS-CoV,” they replaced the receptor binding domain of the virus with domains from various strains of coronaviruses identified in bats from southern China.


Jack Nunberg, a virologist and director of the Montana Biotechnology Center at the University of Montana, told The Epoch Times in an email that both viruses use the same receptor protein.


“By keeping to the same receptor protein, I’d label the experiment overly risky (due to the pathogenic backbone and their previous findings of increased virulence in some chimeras) but not blatantly” gain-of-function, he said.


Both Dr. Francis Collins, the outgoing director of the NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the agency’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), have denied the agency has funded gain-of-function research in China.


“Neither NIH nor NIAID have ever approved any grant that would have supported ‘gain-of-function’ research on coronaviruses that would have increased their transmissibility or lethality for humans,” Collins said in a May statement.


The term generally refers to any research that increases the pathogenicity or transmissibility of a biological agent like a virus.


The research in question was funded through millions of dollars of grants from the NIH to EcoHealth Alliance, which then funneled money to the lab in Wuhan.


The NIH has repeatedly declined to make documents concerning the research public, only disclosing many after being sued or pressured by members of Congress.


“Thanks to the hard work of the Oversight Committee Republicans, we now know that American taxpayer dollars funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab,” House Oversight Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) told The Epoch Times in an email.


The documents were sent to the Comer and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.


The NIH says a review of EcoHealth’s research plan before it allocated the funding determined it did not fit the definition of research involving “enhanced pathogens of pandemic potential” because the bat coronaviruses “had not been shown to infect humans.” However, “out of an abundance of caution,” language in the terms and conditions of the grant award stated that a secondary review would be triggered by multiple scenarios, including EcoHealth reporting a one log, or 10-time increase, in growth.



Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, appears before a Senate hearing to discuss vaccines, in Washington, on Sept. 9, 2020. (Michael Reynolds/Pool/Getty Images)


“This means EcoHealth should have reported if any of the viruses being tested turned out to grow 10 times faster or more than the control virus would without their new spike proteins,” an NIH spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email.


EcoHealth failed to abide by conditions of the grant, Tabak said, and was notified that it has five days from Oct. 20 to submit to NIH all unpublished data from the experiments and work conducted under the award.


Presented with the accusation by some that the new documents show Fauci and Collins lied to Congress, the NIH spokesperson said that the allegation is incorrect.


The challenge appears to revolve around different definitions of gain-of-function research. The NIH has defined it as research that is “reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to … viruses such that the resulting virus has enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility (via the respiratory route) in mammals.” Its parent office, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), defines “enhanced potential pandemic pathogens” in a framework (pdf) as a highly transmissible and highly virulent pathogen that is enhanced through research.


“While the findings of this limited experiment in mice were somewhat unexpected, NIAID reviewed the progress report and has determined that the research described in the progress report would not have triggered a review under the HHS P3CO Framework because the bat coronaviruses used in this research have not been shown to infect humans and the experiments were not reasonably expected to increase transmissibility or virulence in humans,” the spokesperson said.


The grant is suspended while the NIH conducts a review that includes working with EcoHealth to get more information about its noncompliance.

EcoHealth has not responded to requests for comment, including questions sent last month after another set of documents, detailing other work the nonprofit funded with U.S. taxpayer money, were made public.


The fresh disclosures add to the concern about government transparency, Gary Ruskin, executive director of U.S. Right to Know, told The Epoch Times in an email.


“It has been obvious for decades that our federal government is not transparent enough, that there is not nearly enough congressional oversight and that the Freedom of Information Act badly needs strengthening. We citizens need better transparency tools to uncover all sorts of corruption, mismanagement, waste, fraud, abuse of power, and impending disasters,” he said, adding that NIH in particular has an “abysmal” track record of being transparent.


“Even if the research EcoHealth conducted under the National Institutes of Health grant does not precisely fit the definition of gain-of-function, which is for scientists and not policy analysts to decide, government transparency certainly required the NIH to reveal this information at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this point, it is obvious that the NIH and other government health agencies require reform and far more intensive oversight by Congress, and in some cases outright abolition,” added S.T. Karnick, publications director at The Heartland Institute.


Jeff Carlson contributed to this report.


Zachary Stieber covers U.S. news, including politics and court cases. He started at The Epoch Times as a New York City metro reporter.


Copyright © 2000 – 2021 The Epoch Times



Unvaccinated Hospital Staff Only Ones Telling the Truth Regarding Vaccine Injuries as They Prepare to Leave the Medical System



California Hospital Workers Preparing to Strike. Image source.


By Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News

October 22, 2021

Vaccine Impact


We are looking at a total breakdown and failure of America’s hospital system.

Ethical nurses and doctors are being censored and fired, while those who remain face horrific work conditions due to shortages of staff, and many of them are about to go on strike in California and other places.


The unvaccinated nurses and hospital staff who have not yet left, are coming forward to describe the horror scenes they are witnessing in the hospitals, where the majority of the patients now are fully vaxxed and suffering terrible side effects from the vaccines.


And all of this, other than the coming strikes, is being censored in the pharma-owned corporate media.


The Conejo Guardian, a non-profit independent news publication in Ventura County, California, has just published an article from hospital staff whistleblowers stating that doctors are covering up COVID-19 vaccine injuries, and failing to report them to VAERS.


“They don’t want to report that they’re seeing 80 percent of the people in the ER are vaccinated, but only 40 percent of the county is vaccinated,” says one nurse.


Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle on Crisis in Local Health Care


by Joel Kilpatrick
The Conejo Guardian




Ventura County nurses from differ­ent sectors and specialties are coming forward to blow the whistle on what they deem serious lapses in local health care practices, mostly related to COVID-re­lated protocols, “vaccine” mandates and politically and financially motivated bul­lying of medical staff, which these health care workers say is seriously compromis­ing the general quality of local care.


The Guardian spoke with multiple nurses of various ages and at different stages in their careers, all of whom work in medical care settings or hospitals in Ven­tura County. Each preferred to speak un­der a pseudonym for now. Each described seriously declining standards of care, atmospheres of intimidation and fear in hospitals, and distrust and disillusionment among medical professionals.


“Before COVID, nurses, staff and the community were confident in treatment modalities and in doctors’ competencies,” says one nurse. But now, “People are con­fused.”


“They’re very confused,” agrees a veter­an Ventura County nurse. “I think doctors are confused. … I don’t think the commu­nity’s confident. I’m not. … Because where’s the truth?”


Most shocking, perhaps, is how doctors and administrators refuse to report the rising number of unexplained medical problems in otherwise healthy people as potential adverse reactions to COVID-19 experimental vaccine shots.


To suggest that these shots are the cause of any medical problem — or that they are contributing to the alarming rise in non-COVID-related hospital populations — invites professional ridicule.


“Nobody is considering that [these medical problems] could be vaccine-re­lated,” says an ICU nurse in a county hospital.


“It’s not even in question. You might as well say you want to start treating people with crystals and burning sage. If you say it’s the vaccine, they look at you and say, ‘It’s the safest thing ever produced. Why would you say that?’”


Yet, doctors are at a loss to explain the increase in non-COVID-related ailments, including a reported increase in heart at­tacks in young people, mainly men, who received the COVID-19 vaccines.


Doctors “just chalk it up to genes,” one nurse says.


‘Bury the Bodies in the Parking Lot’


When nurse Daniel first heard of the novel coronavirus spreading in China in December 2019, he immediately bought N95 masks for his family. His superiors told him to prepare for a “worst-case sce­nario.”


“I made a video to each of my kids and my wife, just in case,” he says.


“[Our hospital was] saying, ‘Every floor will have ventilators. There’s not enough PPE. Nurses and doctors are dying in Italy. Somebody’s go­ing to have to bury the bodies in the parking lot because that’s how many people are going to die.’


That’s the picture they painted, all these people you respect and have gone to school a lot longer than I have and have accolades by their names.”


Daniel sent his wife and kids to live elsewhere for a month and a half while he prepared to handle the rush of dead and dying. What happened next, he says, was that “nobody came.”


“I was getting called off a shift almost every other week because there was such a low patient population in the hospital,” he says.


“Not only did ventilators not happen, but we had only six COVID patients in our ICU. The hospital had canceled all these elective surgeries, and we were not getting even a tenth of the ventilated patients they said it would be. Not even close.”

Initial predictions were so off that “it was like they carried the zero several times. That’s the magnitude.”


But by spring 2021, “an interesting thing” happened, he says. In the wake of widespread vaccinations, the number of non-COVID patients “really started pick­ing up.”



“Pneumonia cases, stroke cases,” he says. “We’ve had more strokes than normal. Women in particular with venous sinus embolisms.


We’re seeing a lot of autoimmune issues: rashes on the body, the body attacking the nervous system, producing symptoms like a weakening of the muscles.”


One patient came in with severe respi­ratory distress and went into respiratory failure, with symptoms first showing three weeks after he took the Pfizer shot.


“His lungs were completely destroyed, totally wrecked,” says Daniel. “He had ground-glass opacity on the CAT scan, which is a hallmark of COVID.”


The patient’s doctors insisted it was an exceedingly rare condition, though the man had never suffered respiratory distress before. When the man’s wife brought up the possibility of vaccine-related damage, the doctor simply said, “No.”


“It was a non-starter to the discussion,” Daniel says. “He did not want to talk to her about it. It was just crazy talk [to him].”


One fit, healthy nurse in her twenties whom Daniel knows went into cardiac arrest three weeks after she received the Pfizer shot. An aortic dissection ruptured a portion of her aorta like a balloon.


She was resuscitated, underwent open-heart surgery and made a full recovery. But she could not abide the suggestion that the COVID vaccine shots had caused it.


“She said, ‘It’s not possible. It’s not the vaccine,’” Daniel says of the woman.


“She’s petite and doesn’t have any condition that would lead to this. … Sometimes you can’t accept information because it’s affecting you on a deeply emotional level. People don’t want to admit they were wrong — they were fooled. Some have staked their lives on this decision, and nothing’s going to change that.”


Adverse reactions among those who took one of the vaccines continue, he says, but go virtually unreported.


If you look at our hospital’s reporting on adverse reactions, this vaccine would have no adverse reactions,” he says.


No VAERS Reporting


Angela, a nurse for more than 25 years, confirms that in her hospital’s emergency room, they say they are seeing more heart problems in young adults, which are never reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Re­porting System (VAERS) as potential ad­verse reactions to COVID “vaccinations.”


Another nurse, Jennifer, says ER nurs­es privately say they are seeing:


“all the clot­ting, bleeding and things you would expect from the vaccine six months later — brain bleeds, heart attacks in younger 50-year-olds. No doctor will admit this is from the vaccine. They won’t make the VAERS re­port.”


When Daniel asked fellow nurses and practitioners if they report to VAERS, they looked at him like, “What’s that?”


“I’ve seen people in their thirties [with these problems], and the doctor’s just like, ‘Oh, you have s—y genes,’” he says. “I’m like, are you kidding me?”


All nurses interviewed say they are seeing “ground-glass opacity” results in the CT scans of people’s lungs who recently took the experimental vaccines — and that this is never reported to VAERS.


“Doctors and intensivists [treat it like] a ludicrous thought,” says one ICU nurse. “Nobody is putting it on their differential diagnosis.”


‘Voodoo Statistics’


For that and other reasons, COVID-re­lated data amounts to what one nurse calls “voodoo statistics.” In her particular unit and others, they are no longer testing ev­erybody for COVID. Rather, they began testing only those who are symptomatic — with shortness of breath, for example — and those who say they are unvaccinated.




“They don’t want their numbers to skyrocket when all the vaccinated people come in,” says Jennifer.


“Or they don’t want to report that they’re seeing 80 percent of the people in the ER are vaccinated, but only 40 percent of the county is vaccinated,” adds another nurse.


“That’s an odd statistic. … Is there an adverse effect occurring from these shots that’s not being reported? If they’re not screening people ubiquitously, there’s a slant to whatever numbers are coming in. That stuff is not going to be elucidated in the data.”


But with “vaccinated” people increasingly hospitalized with actual COVID or adverse reactions, the way forward becomes murkier.


“These vaccines are non-sterilizing. They allow you to carry and transmit the virus,” points out one nurse. “It does not solve the contagion issue. The virus is still spreading among the vaccinated.”


For example, in a recent group of COVID patients at one hospital, the sickest ones were double-vaccinated.


“The first to die had both Pfizer shots,” says Daniel, who took care of the patient. “Another guy who had both shots died as well. His lungs were destroyed.”


“But they’re not talking about that,” confirms another nurse.




Rumble VIDEO: COVID Vaccine Injuries & Deaths COVER-UP! Nurse Whistleblowers Speak Out on Pressure to NOT Report

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

[Posted by HealthImpactNews

Published September 23, 2021




Medical Bullying


In the meantime, “Everybody’s getting browbeaten and told they are going to lose their livelihoods” if they don’t receive the vaccines, one hospital nurse says.


“A lot of nurses at the hospital just said, ‘Fine,’ [and took the vaccine], because no­body wants to lose their job,” says Susan, a nurse with more than 30 years of experi­ence.


“But since when in the history of the country have we ever been mandated to do anything like this?”


“Unvaccinated” medical staff also are accused of being “carriers” or of being physically unfit to perform, and in at least one case, one nurse was berated by a doctor in front of colleagues.


“They do this to people like me who don’t want the vaccine,” Angela says.


“They are discriminating against people who refuse the vaccine. They put us down. Pretty much, they’ve been brainwashed.”


One benefit of being tested regularly, says one nurse who will not take the vaccine, is that when “vaccinated” co-workers acquire COVID, they can’t blame their “unvaccinated” colleagues.


“I can always say, ‘Hey, I have my negative [test]. You didn’t get it from me,’” says this nurse.


“Because that’s what the media’s saying, right? [But in reality] this is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated, because you’re not getting it from me because we’re being tested multiple times a week.”


‘Alone and Afraid’


Ironically, vaccinated nurses in non-COVID units remain “terrified” of COVID-positive pa­tients, say a number of nurses. “They’re freaked out. Freaked out,” according to one. As a result, they combine the day’s care into one or two visits, suiting up, ducking in and leaving as quickly as possible.


“The patient is left in the room for the majority of the time alone and afraid,” says Jennifer.


“That’s someone who shouldn’t be alone and afraid.”


During the early days of the viral outbreak in 2020, a number of patients came in with non-COVID-related medical problems, tested positive for COVID and were placed on the COVID floor, sometimes to die, one nurse says.


“A young person was admitted to the hospi­tal for something completely unrelated to COVID. Some type of autoimmune bowel issue,” this nurse remembers.


She then tested positive for COVID and was placed on the COVID floor.


Her condition worsened, and “Nothing was re­ally done” until she went into cardiac arrest and died.


The oversight and advocacy that used to exist:


“is not there anymore because you have that COVID documentation, that positivity, and you’re just put on the floor and left to your own devices,” Daniel says.


“This was a young person, very young and didn’t need to die, but because she had this COVID diagnosis, everyone was, ‘Fine, whatever, whatever.’ She died not from COVID but from nobody treat­ing what she was suffering from.”


Lack of family advocates has led to worse outcomes.


“You bet your butt that if someone’s mom was in there, she would have said, ‘What’s going on? We should run some tests,’” this nurse says.


“How many people have died in the hospitals because no one was there to advocate for them?”


Read the full article at The Conejo Guardian.




Copyright 2021 Health Impact News


Vaccine Impact HOMEPAGE