Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Well looky here. Now you know the rest of the story

Here is a video found from Social Media Platform explorations. Sadly, I cannot remember who shared nor which platform I found it on. I am fairly certain it was NOT Facebook or Twitter.


This just might be one of the most informative COVID-exposé TWO-minute videos you’ve ever watched. The primary culprit is the money-grubbing fake-science of the CDC. And yes, there is a flash ever-wrong science of Anthony Fauci.


JRH 6/22/21

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Rumble VIDEO: Well looky here. Now you know the rest of the story

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by Rogue Nation

Published June 21, 2021 


The CDC PATENTED the CORONAVIRUS in 2003. Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci & company should be arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity.


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