Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Vaccine Exposés

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 16, 2021


My fellow Americans and people of the world – YOU ARE BEING LIED TO BY YOUR GOVERNMENTS AND MEDIA SOURCES in relation to COVID-19 and experimental Jab called a vaccination to combat COVID-19!



Posted by wil paranormal

June 15th, 2021 14:57 UTC 


This is a compilation video concerning the covid-19 injection and what doctors around the world are calling "Medical Malpractice".
Get ready for Project BLUE BEAM.


You are being told critics and whistleblowers of the experimental Jab showing adverse effects up to and including death are Conspiracy Theorists providing false information. THE REAL TRUTH is being videotaped coupled with doctors, nurses and scientists sharing the truth. The lying Left’s response to facts is character assassination rather than refuting what you can see or refuting reputable science.


BELOW (in no particular order) are some articles and videos showing facts that Dem-Marxists, Globalist-Marxists and control despots DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE AWARE OF. There is now so much info available to refute the lies being told that what you read and watch here is only a fraction.


Keep in mind there is still a 99% (perhaps down to 97% for senior citizens) survival rate for the COVID infected AND if therapies ridiculed by Big Pharma science were used, EVEN FEWER people would have died. There are other therapies but Ivermectin, HCQ and Azithromycin come to mind according to recent 2021 studies.


Read, learn, defend yourself and share with others. RESIST TYRANNY!


JRH 6/16/21

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Most Who Took COVID Vax will be dead by the year 2025. We now know the following facts . . .





By Admin

June 14, 2021

The 2nd News


Most of the people who took a COVID “vaccine” will be dead by the year 2025.  The proof is now available for all to see.


Thanks to the people who participated in this first ever human experiment with a mRNA gene-therapy, fooled into thinking it was a “vaccine” for a phony “pandemic” allegedly caused by the never-isolated “COVID-19,” we now know the following based on fact-based, post-vaccine research:

1.) It’s not a vaccine. The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine does not provide immunity to Covid or it’s variants so you can still catch Covid and transmit it to others making you asymptomatic. You will likely need a booster shot every 6 months, so get ready to roll up that sleeve every six months once that system rolls out.
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2.) The 95% efficacy is the RRR (Relative Reduction Risk) where the real reduction rate ARR (Absolute Reduction Risk) is less than 2% as per this scientific Lancet study.
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This means you are really not protected much at all, as the architects of this phony pandemic would like you to ‘believe.’

3.) The lipid nanoparticles in the vaccines do not remain in the intramuscular region of the deltoid muscle.  They seep out into the cardiovascular system infecting the entire body with spike-protein. Something the manufacturers claimed would never happen, yet it does and is why the adverse-side effects are so bad with this shot.
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4.) The spike-protein itself is toxic and a part of the disease pathology being the cause of inflammation, ACE2 deregulation and opens up immunity pathways. This means Myocarditis (heart inflammation), Encephalitis (brain inflammation ) and hepatomegaly (liver inflammation) are huge risks and confirmed by many adverse-reactions reported to VAERS and EuroVigilance.
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This means the spike-protein itself is enough to damage the cardiovascular system and organs, some of which can have harmful events in the future and is like injecting someone with Covid-19 damaging the inside of the body rather than the lungs.

5.) The synthetic spike-protein itself has coding errors and a 5 GxxxG motif placing it in the category of a prion which could pose a long-term risk of neural degenerative diseases.
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6.) The lipid nanoparticles after injection bulk in Ovaries in women followed by bone-marrow. Dr. Robert Malone the inventor of mRNA covers these findings in lay terms for stupid people who can’t process scientific data easily.
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If it wasn’t for the gullible and naïve idiots who jumped on an experimental gene-therapy shot which skipped any real, meaningful, trials that would have presented the above findings, we now have this data and evidence from the human lab-rats running around gleefully and ignorantly celebrating their Eugenics shot, completely blind to the short-term and long term consequences that this data all points to:  MOST of them will die from one or more of the conditions outlined in the reports above, and MOST of those deaths will take place by the year 2025.

Enjoy your harmful spike-protein that you will never get out of your body, and the neural degenerative, long-term risks, which ultimately could lead to untreatable deadly neurological illnesses as your brain slowly rots and deteriorates from the prion causing misfolded proteins that damage your neurons slowly over time.

Your sacrifice for the safety of others, which will likely kill most of you, was based on your ignorance, your failure to research things for yourself, and your willingness to simply accept what other (ignorant) people – like politicians – told you.


World population of 500 million coming; just as the Georgia Guide Stones suggested, and the psychotic maniacs who believe humans need to be culled from the planet, took literally.


How about we blame the real culprits who created this in the first place:

Fauci with his gain-of-function research that was banned in the US so he moved it the lab in Wuhan where this took place.


Bill Gates with his depopulation agenda and ties to pedophile Jeffery Epstein.

The CDC/WHO/Rockefeller Foundation and John Hopkins, who ran Event 201SparsLockstep,  planning all of this for their globalist new world order.


Have a nice day!




Copyright © All Rights Reserved.

The 2nd News Homepage



Researcher: 'We Made a Big Mistake' on COVID-19 Vaccine


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

June 14, 2021




Ø Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., has gained access to Pfizer’s biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. The research, previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines


Ø The assumption that vaccine developers have been working with is that the mRNA in the vaccines would primarily remain in and around the vaccination site. Pfizer’s data, however, show the mRNA and subsequent spike protein are widely distributed in the body within hours


Ø This is a serious problem, as the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. It also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries


Ø Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. When that happens, it can cause platelets to clump together, resulting in blood clots, and/or cause abnormal bleeding


Ø Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency also show the company failed to follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies and that key studies did not meet good laboratory practice standards


PODCAST: On Point With Alex Pierson (Interview with Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology)

[Published May 27, 2021 6:49 PM




Alex talks with Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph about new peer-reviewed studies that suggests there may be terrifying reasons side effects such as heart inflammation, VITT, and other serious issues may occur in those who have been vaccinated.


Let's get talking.]


The more we learn about the COVID-19 vaccines, the worse they look. In a recent interview1 with Alex Pierson (above), Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., dropped a shocking truth bomb that immediately went viral, despite being censored by Google.


It also was featured in a “fact” check by The Poynter Institute’s Politifact,2 which pronounced Bridle’s findings as “false” after interviewing Dr. Drew Weissman,3 a UPenn scientist who is credited with helping to create the technology that enables the COVID mRNA vaccines to work. But, as you can see below, unlike Bridle, Politifact neglected to go beyond interviewing someone with such a huge stake in the vaccine’s success.


In 2020, Bridle was awarded a $230,000 government grant for research on COVID vaccine development. As part of that research, he and a team of international scientists requested a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) access to Pfizer’s biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. The research,4,5 previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines.


“We made a big mistake,” Bridle says. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”


This toxin, Bridle notes, can cause cardiovascular damage and infertility — a claim echoed by researchers such as Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., whom I’ve interviewed about these issues.


Pfizer Omitted Industry-Standard Safety Studies


What’s more, TrialSite News reports6 that Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency [EMA] reveal the company “did not follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies … as key studies did not meet good laboratory practice (GLP).”


Neither reproductive toxicity nor genotoxicity (DNA mutation) studies were performed, both of which are considered critical when developing a new drug or vaccine for human use. The problems now surfacing matter greatly, as they significantly alter the risk-benefit analysis underlying the vaccines’ emergency use authorization. As reported by TrialSite News:7


“Recently, there has been speculation regarding potential safety signals associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Many different unusual, prolonged, or delayed reactions have been reported, and often these are more pronounced after the second shot.


Women have reported changes in menstruation after taking mRNA vaccines. Problems with blood clotting (coagulation) — which are also common during COVID-19 disease — are also reported. In the case of the Pfizer COVID mRNA vaccine, these newly revealed documents raise additional questions about both the genotoxicity and reproductive toxicity risks of this product.


Standard studies designed to assess these risks were not performed in compliance with accepted empirical research standards. Furthermore, in key studies designed to test whether the vaccine remains near the injection site or travels throughout the body, Pfizer did not even use the commercial vaccine (BNT162b2) but instead relied on a ‘surrogate’ mRNA producing the luciferase protein.


These new disclosures seem to indicate that the U.S. and other governments are conducting a massive vaccination program with an incompletely characterized experimental vaccine.


It is certainly understandable why the vaccine was rushed into use as an experimental product under emergency use authority, but these new findings suggest that routine quality testing issues were overlooked in the rush to authorize use.


People are now receiving injections with an mRNA gene therapy-based vaccine, which produces the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in their cells, and the vaccine may be also delivering the mRNA and producing spike protein in unintended organs and tissues (which may include ovaries).”


Toxic Spike Protein Enters Blood Circulation


The assumption that vaccine developers have been working with is that the mRNA in the vaccines (or DNA in the case of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca’s vaccines) would primarily remain in and around the vaccination site, i.e., your deltoid muscle, with a small amount draining into local lymph nodes.8


Pfizer’s data, however, show this isn’t the case at all. Using mRNA programmed to produce luciferase protein, as well as mRNA tagged with a radioactive label, Pfizer showed that the majority of the mRNA initially remain near the injection site, but within hours become widely distributed within the body.9


The mRNA enters your bloodstream and accumulates in a variety of organs, primarily your spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and, in women, the ovaries. The spike protein also travel to your heart, brain and lungs, where bleeding and or blood clots can occur as a result, and is expelled in breast milk.


This is a problem, because rather than instructing your muscle cells to produce the spike protein (the antigen that triggers antibody production), spike protein is actually being produced inside your blood vessel walls and various organs, where it can do a great deal of damage.


“It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination,” Bridle told Pierson.10


“Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting … We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein.


It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation … The spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation.”


The Spike Protein Is the Problem


Indeed, for many months, we’ve known that the worst symptoms of severe COVID-19, blood clotting problems in particular, are caused by the spike protein of the virus. As such, it seemed really risky to instruct the body’s cells to produce the very thing that causes severe problems.


Bridle cites research showing that laboratory animals injected with purified spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 straight into their bloodstream developed cardiovascular problems and brain damage.


Assuming that the spike protein would not enter into the circulatory system was a “grave mistake,” according to Bridle, who calls the Japanese data “clear-cut evidence” that the vaccine, and the spike protein produced by it, enters your bloodstream and accumulates in vital organs. Bridle also cites recent research showing the spike protein remained in the bloodstream of humans for 29 days.


Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. As explained by Bridle, when that happens, one of several things can occur:


1.    It can cause platelets to clump together — Platelets, aka thrombocytes, are specialized cells in your blood that stop bleeding. When there’s blood vessel damage, they clump together to form a blood clot. This is why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with both COVID-19 and the vaccines


2.    It can cause abnormal bleeding


3.    In your heart, it can cause heart problems


4.    In your brain, it can cause neurological damage


Importantly, people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 absolutely should not donate blood, seeing how the vaccine and the spike protein are both transferred. In fragile patients receiving the blood, the damage could be lethal.


Breastfeeding women also need to know that both the vaccine and the spike protein are being expelled in breast milk, and this could be lethal for their babies. You are not transferring antibodies. You are transferring the vaccine itself, as well as the spike protein, which could result in bleeding and/or blood clots in your child. All of this also suggests that for individuals who are at low risk for COVID-19, children and teens in particular, the risks of these vaccines far outweigh the benefits.


The Spike Protein and Blood Clotting


In related news, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted an article11 on his website June 3, 2021, in which he discusses the links between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and vasculitis, a medical term referring to inflammation (“itis”) in your vascular system, which is made up of your heart and blood vessels.


There are many different types of vasculitis, including Kawasaki’s disease, antiphospholipid syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and Sjogren’s disease. According to Kendrick, all of them have two things in common:12


1. Your body for some reason starts to attack the lining of your blood vessels, thereby causing damage and inflammation — The “why” can differ from one case to another, but in all cases, your immune system identifies something foreign in the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to attack. The attack causes damage to the lining, which results in inflammation.


Blood clots are a common result, and can occur either because the platelets clump together in response to the vessel wall damage, or because your anticlotting mechanism has been compromised. Your most powerful anticlotting system is your glycocalyx, the protective layer of glycoproteins that lines your blood vessels.


Among many other things, the glycocalyx contains a wide variety of anticoagulant factors, including tissue factor inhibitor, protein C, nitric oxide and antithrombin. It also modulates the adhesion of platelets to the endothelium. When blood clots completely block a blood vessel, you end up with a stroke or a heart attack.


A reduction in platelet count, known as thrombocytopenia, is a reliable sign that blood clots are forming in your system, as the platelets are being used up in the process. Thrombocytopenia is a commonly-reported side effect of COVID-19 vaccines, as are blood clots, strokes and lethal heart attacks — all of which are pointing toward spike proteins causing vascular damage.


2. They significantly increase your risk of death, in some cases raising mortality by 50 times compared to people who do not have these conditions.


The take-home message Kendrick delivers is that “If you damage the lining of blood vessel walls, blood clots are far more likely to form. Very often, the damage is caused by the immune system going on the attack, damaging blood vessel walls, and removing several of the anti-clotting mechanisms.” The end result can be lethal, and this chain of events is exactly what these COVID-19 vaccines are setting into motion.


SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein May Damage Mitochondrial Function


Other research suggests the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can have a serious impact on your mitochondrial function, which is imperative for good health, innate immunity and disease prevention of all kinds.


When the spike protein interacts with the ACE2 receptor, it can disrupt mitochondrial signaling, thereby inducing the production of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. If the damage is serious enough, uncontrolled cell death can occur, which in turn leaks mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) into your bloodstream.13


Aside from being detected in cases involving acute tissue injury, heart attack and sepsis, freely circulating mtDNA has also been shown to contribute to a number of chronic diseases, including systemic inflammatory response syndrome or SIRS, heart disease, liver failure, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis and certain cancers.14 As explained in “COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective”:15


“Apart from its role in energy production, mitochondria are crucial for … innate immunity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and apoptosis; all of these are important in COVID-19 pathogenesis. Dysfunctional mitochondria predispose to oxidative stress and loss of cellular function and vitality. In addition, mitochondrial damage leads to … inappropriate and persistent inflammation.


SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) … enters cell by attaching to angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors on cell surface … Following infection, there is internalization and downregulation of ACE2 receptors.


At vascular endothelium, ACE2 performs conversion of angiotensin II to angiotensin (1–7). Thus, a low ACE2 activity subsequent to SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to imbalance in renin-angiotensin system with relative excess of angiotensin II.


Angiotensin II through binding to its type 1 receptors exerts pro-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, and prothrombotic effects, while angiotensin (1–7) has opposing effects … In addition, angiotensin II increases cytoplasmic and mitochondrial ROS generation leading to oxidative stress.


Increased oxidative stress may lead to endothelial dysfunction and aggravate systemic and local inflammation, thus contributing to acute lung injury, cytokine storm, and thrombosis seen in severe COVID-19 illness …


A recent algorithm showed that majority of SARS-CoV-2 genomic and structural RNAs are targeted for mitochondrial matrix. Thus it appears that SARS-CoV-2 hijacks mitochondrial machinery for its own benefit, including DMV biogenesis. Manipulation of mitochondria by virus may lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress ultimately leading to loss of mitochondrial integrity and cell death …


Mitochondrial fission enables removal of the damaged portion of a mitochondrion to be cleared by mitophagy (a special form of autophagy). Metabolomic studies suggest that SARS-CoV-2 inhibits mitophagy. Thus, there is accumulation of damaged and dysfunctional mitochondria. This not only leads to impaired MAVS [mitochondrial antiviral signaling] response but also aggravates inflammation and cell death.”


The author, Pankaj Prasun, points out that the virus’ impact on mitochondria helps explain why COVID-19 is so much deadlier for older people, the obese, and those with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.


All of these risk factors have something in common: They’re all associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. If your mitochondria are already dysfunctional, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can more easily knock out more mitochondria, resulting in severe illness and death.


The Spike Protein Is a Bioweapon


In my interview with Seneff and Mikovits (see earlier hyperlink), they both stressed that the key danger — both in COVID-19 and with the vaccines — is the spike protein itself. However, while the spike protein found in the virus is bad, the spike protein your body produces in response to the vaccine is far worse. Why?


Because the synthetic mRNA in the vaccine has been programmed to instruct your cells to produce an unnatural, genetically engineered spike protein. Specific alterations make it far more toxic than that found on the virus itself. Mikovits goes so far as to call the spike protein a bioweapon, as it is a disease-causing agent that demolishes innate immunity and exhausts your natural killer (NK) cells’ ability to determine which cells are infected and which aren’t.


In short, when you get the COVID-19 vaccine, you are being injected with an agent that instructs your body to produce the bioweapon in its own cells. This is about as diabolical as it gets.


In her paper, “Worse Than The Disease: Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19,” published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research in collaboration with Dr. Greg Nigh,16 Seneff explains why the unnatural spike protein is so problematic.


In summary, normally, the spike protein on a virus will collapse on itself and fall into the cell once it attaches to the ACE2 receptor. The vaccine-induced spike protein does not do this. Instead it stays open and remains attached to the ACE2 receptor, thereby disabling it and causing a host of problems that lead to heart, lung and immune impairment.


What’s more, because the RNA code has been enriched with extra guanines (Gs) and cytosines (Cs), and configured as if it’s a human messenger RNA molecule ready to make protein by adding a polyA tail, the spike protein’s RNA sequence in the vaccine looks as if it is part bacteria,17 part human18 and part viral at the same time.


There’s also evidence suggesting the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein may be a prion, which is yet another piece of really bad news, particularly as it pertains to vaccine-induced spike protein. Prions are membrane proteins and when they misfold, they form crystals in the cytoplasm resulting in prion disease.


Since the mRNA in the vaccines has been modified to spew out very high amounts of spike protein (far greater than that of the actual virus), the risk of excessive buildup in the cytoplasm is high. And, since the spike protein doesn’t enter into the membrane of the cell, there’s a high risk that it can become problematic if indeed it works like a prion.


Remember, the research cited by Bridle at the beginning of this article found the spike protein accumulates in the spleen, among other places. Parkinson’s disease is a prion disease that has been traced back to prions originating in the spleen, that then travel up to the brain via the vagus nerve. In the same way, it’s quite possible COVID-19 vaccines may promote Parkinson’s and other human prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s.


What Are the Solutions?


While all of this is highly problematic, there is help. As noted by Mikovits, remedies to the maladies that might develop post-vaccination include:


o   Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments. Ivermectin appears particularly promising as it actually binds to the spike protein. Please listen to the interview that Brett Weinstein did with Dr. Pierre Kory,19 one of Dr. Paul Marik’s collaborators


o   Low-dose antiretroviral therapy to reeducate your immune system


o   Low-dose interferons such as Paximune, developed by interferon researcher Dr. Joe Cummins, to stimulate your immune system


o   Peptide T (an HIV entry inhibitor derived from the HIV envelope protein gp120; it blocks binding and infection of viruses that use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells)


o   Cannabis, to strengthen Type I interferon pathways


o   Dimethylglycine or betaine (trimethylglycine) to enhance methylation, thereby suppressing latent viruses


o   Silymarin or milk thistle to help cleanse your liver


From my perspective, I believe the best thing you can do is to build your innate immune system. To do that, you need to become metabolically flexible and optimize your diet. You’ll also want to make sure your vitamin D level is optimized to between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL (100 nmol/L to 150 nmol/L), ideally through sensible sun exposure. Sunlight also has other benefits besides making vitamin D.


Use time-restricted eating and eat all your meals for the day within a six- to eight-hour window. Avoid all vegetable oils and processed foods. Focus on certified-organic foods to minimize your glyphosate exposure, and include plenty of sulfur-rich foods to keep your mitochondria and lysosomes healthy. Both are important for the clearing of cellular debris, including these spike proteins. You can also boost your sulfate by taking Epsom salt baths.


To combat the toxicity of the spike protein, you’ll want to optimize autophagy, which may help digest and remove the spike proteins. Time-restricted eating will upregulate autophagy, while sauna therapy, which upregulates heat shock proteins, will help refold misfolded proteins and also tag damaged proteins and target them for removal. It is important that your sauna is hot enough (around 170 degrees Fahrenheit) and does not have high magnetic or electric fields.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.


The conference's theme was "Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century" and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.


In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.


Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.




End Notes:


1, 10 June 2, 2021

2 Politifact May 31, 2021

3 Penn Medicine News December 23, 2020

4 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine BNT162 Biodistribution Study

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Trialsitenews May 28, 2021

11, 12 June 3, 2021

13, 14 F1000 Research 2017; 6: 169

15 DNA and Cell Biology April 19, 2021 DOI: 10.1089/dna.2020.6453

16 International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research May 10, 2021; 2(1): 38-79

17 Appl Environ Microbiol. 2010 May;76(9):2846-55

18 Trends Cell Biol. 2019 Mar; 29(3): 191–200

19 Youtube Bret Weinsten interviews Dr. Pierre Kory June 1, 2021


© 1997-2021 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.


Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.


If you want to use an article on your site please click here. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use  is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.





June 11, 2021

America’s Frontline Doctors


LOS ANGELES, CA – America’s Frontline Doctors released the following statement today in response to the announcement by the Centers for Disease Control that they will hold a June 18th emergency meeting of The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) to address increased rates of inflammation of the heart muscle and heart lining after COVID-19 vaccination, particularly in young people. In a June 10th meeting the CDC disclosed, as of May 31, 475 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis were reported to VAERS of Americans age 30 and younger. The conditions called myocarditis and pericarditis can cause permanent heart damage. AFLDS is currently suing the Dept. of Health and Human Services to prevent additional emergency use authorizations of COVID-19 vaccines


“It’s long past time that the CDC acknowledged there are hundreds of cases involving young people who have been vaccinated. Almost all of these children require hospitalization and 20% have reduced heart function. The children/youths will need to be on heart failure drugs and no physical activity for 3-6 months to try to prevent permanent heart failure. The CDC must immediately suspend any additional authorizations for the use of COVID-19 vaccines in children. If an otherwise healthy 12-year-old suffers heart damage after receiving these vaccines, their life will never be the same. These conditions can change a young person’s healthy heart to that of a frail 70 year old overnight. It continues to be unfortunate that the CDC refuses to acknowledge risks and mounting adverse events until they are forced to by rising cases.


“Pediatric Medical Director for America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr Angie Farella submitted a letter to CDC for review on this very issue. She wrote, “Vaccines take years to safely test. Its not only the number of people tested but the length of time that is important when creating new vaccines. These experimental agents must not be rushed and licensed early, before the completion of all trials.”


“The risk to children from COVID-19 is statistically insignificant, yet the nation’s medical bureaucracy and Big Pharma continue to put our children at risk to push an experimental agent that is not medically necessary. Parents, physicians and elected officials must stand up for our nation’s children now before we find more damage has been done at the hands of politicized science.”


MEDIA NOTE: To book an AFLDS member physician on your media outlet or program, please send requests to Sarah Absher at or call 336-392-5850.




America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization. AFLDS stands up for every American looking for the best quality healthcare by empowering doctors working on the front lines of our nation’s most pressing healthcare challenges. Our growing community of member physicians come from across the country representing a range of medical disciplines and practical experience. To learn more about America’s Frontline Doctors, visit


Copyright © 2021 – America’s Frontline Doctors, a project of the Free Speech Foundation. 



Posted by BNN

June 15th, 2021 14:23 UTC


The Alex Jones Show


Jennifer Bridges of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how she lost her job as a nurse after refusing to sign a waiver and take a mandatory covid injection and being ordered to cover up vaccine injuries and death.




odysee VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough on the COVID 19 Vaccine

Posted by Vaccines & Health!

June 14th, 2021


Rumble VIDEO: Sucharit Bhakdi Warns Parents: 'If You Give That Jab To Your Child You are Committing a Crime'

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by RAIRFoundationUSA 

Published June 9, 2021 


Read the full article at RAIR Foundation USA:


GabTV VIDEO: The Deep State's Dangerous COVID Censorship Unraveling

Posted by StarCrestSoloist

June 9, 2021


After a year of fiendishly censoring everyone who suggested COVID may have come from a communist Chinese lab in Wuhan, the truth is starting to come out. In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman breaks down the dangers of this Orwellian Censorship regime that has included efforts to silence the President of the United States and some of the nations most important governors. Somebody must be held accountable for this. Oh yeah, and Dr. Fauci is a liar!



Must-listen interviews of the week: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and JR Nyquist



Robert F Kennedy Children’s Health Defense


By Mike Adams


News Target


The oblivious masses who aren’t tuned in to are missing out on the best interviews and video content found anywhere on the planet. The platform features the very best cutting-edge video content on vaccines, covid-19, politics, prepping and more.


This past week, I posted two bombshell interviews on my own channel (HRreport), featuring conversations with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and JR Nyquist. These interviews are absolutely packed with bombshell after bombshell, such as Bobby Kennedy stating that Anthony Fauci is “the single greatest mass murderer in the history of our planet,” or JR Nyquist warning that China has accelerated its plans to attack the United States in “a matter of months” instead of years.


If you wish to stay up on current events and acquire critical information about what’s coming, listen to these two interviews and also consider the Greg Caton interview from a previous week, also shown below. Monitor the HR Report channel on Brighteon for daily Situation Update podcasts as well as new interviews each week:


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (“Bobby”) is the author of a groundbreaking new book called, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” It’s available for preorder on Amazon at this link.


Although we don’t support Amazon, in this case pre-ordering the book is important because it helps push the book onto bestseller lists and earns it more attention that the media will find difficult to ignore.


In addition to exposing the science fraud of Fauci, the book also takes a critical look at Bill Gates and his seemingly nefarious global vaccine/population reduction schemes.


Watch the full interview here. The most powerful quotes are toward the end, so watch all the way through:


Brighteon VIDEO: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sounds the alarm over genocidal crimes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates

[Posted by Health Ranger Report



JR Nyquist warns that China is accelerating its timetable to attack the United States via cyber war, biological war and eventually kinetic war


This interview left me sleepless. JR Nyquist is a brilliant researcher with an extraordinary grasp of history. In this latest interview, he reveals that we are already in a war with communist China, and that China’s military stance prefers the use of nuclear weapons as part of a first strike barrage on the USA (most likely targeting military installations).


You can read his blog site at


Learn about China’s stealth drones and total infiltration of the Pentagon, FBI and CIA in this mind-blowing (and frightening) interview that will undoubtedly have you accelerating your preparedness and survival plans.


Brighteon VIDEO: JR Nyquist interview: China planning to launch attack on America "in a matter of months"

[Posted by Health Ranger Report



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Posted by The Truth Seeker

June 15th, 2021 18:13 UTC


Prof Dolores Cahill Is A Member Of The World Doctors Alliance.


Bitchute VIDEO: DR. "ZEV" ZELENKO: JAB DEATH COUNT, DEATH BY GOVERNMENT TYRANNY, CENSORED REAL SOLUTIONS (1OF2) [As of 6/16/21 Part Two has not made it to Bitchute]

Posted by Sarah Westall - Business Game Changers Radio

June 16th, 2021 03:14 UTC


Dr. "Zev" Zelenko discusses the reality with the experimental gene editing "vaccine" that is killing thousands of Americans while our health agencies are paying for propaganda to lie to citizens on its safety and effectiveness. Unfortunately, the jab is neither safe nor effective. He claims the right to informed consent is no longer being respected worldwide. Dr. "Zev" is the creator of the Zelenko protocol that has saved hundred of thousands of lives worldwide. He has been nominated for the Noble peace prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and now provides counsel to multiple governments, hospitals, physicians, and public figures. You can learn more about him and his work at


Dr. "Zev" also wrote the forward to the book "Globalist Predators: We are the Prey" - You can purchase your own copy at



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