Wednesday, June 9, 2021

America: Worth the Sacrifice

 Has anyone dared to wonder the reason behind condemning upset American Patriots willing to resist Dem-Marxist tyranny with arms is condemned (even by many Conservatives), YET Black Lives Matter and Antifa violent riots and looting are called “mostly peaceful protests”?


Personally, I believe confronting the current American tyranny should begin with peaceful – YET LOUD – protests and resistance to laws and bureaucratic (unlegislated) rules. However I suspect a time is soon coming when Biden/Dem-controlled law enforcement agencies will begin confronting Conservative protests with violent enforcement and/or the Communist private paramilitary forces of BLM/Antifa will be unleashed on Conservatives without restraint. IN THAT DAY I will NOT be one to sit idly to get my head bashed in standing up for God-given and Constitutional Rights ignored by a now corrupt three Branches of government. This is the sentiment expressed in the Justin Smith submission.


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America: Worth the Sacrifice

I'll Take Liberty Over Peace Every Time - America Needs Her Hard Men


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 6/6/2021 11:32 PM


"Young man, what we meant in going for those redcoats was this: we always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to. They didn't mean we should."  ~ Levi Preston, Veteran of the American Revolution, 1842 [or 1843 depending who you read]


Reasonable Americans and decent and sane humans in general naturally prefer peace over any violent environment in society, and although one should always strive to preserve the peace, peace isn't worth a damn if it's preserved at the expense of individual liberty, through the coercion and threats of retaliation and violence from the foot-soldiers of an opponent and a regime that governs and manipulates the mechanisms and processes of "the law", through diktats and tyranny and outside the normal rules and understanding of established law.


American Conservative pundits have long noted that our country is in deep trouble, as the nation is repeatedly assaulted by the Communists of the Democratic Party, in their efforts to destroy the Republic and the Founding of the nation. We are in the middle of a cold civil war, that's on the verge of turning hot in rapid fashion, by way of the Democrat's hard left push through Joe Biden's executive orders and Big Tech and the Marxist/Maoist Cancel Culture proletariat in the streets and academia, and as it grows more successful with each passing day and drives America into a new ruthless tyrannical socialist structure, largely due to the useful idiots and the Marxist tools in the ranks of the Millennials, seventy percent of whom find Communism to be an acceptable alternative to Capitalism.


[Blog Editor: My examination shows the 70% refers more to Socialism than Communism. NEVERTHELESS, in this day and age of looking for sanitized words acceptable to the masses (e.g., Progressive rather than Liberal or Leftist), Socialism today is merely a more acceptable term than Communism for the brainwashed masses. Brainwashed Millennials, Gen-Zs and younger need to read some actual history and understand the context of the world’s first Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin who said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” Here is the Lenin context:  Lenin explained, “The goal of socialism is communism”; By American Minute with Bill Federer; Self-Educated American; 12/11/17.


Now some info on that “70%” statistic:


o   FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT ON U.S. ATTITUDES TOWARD SOCIALISM; Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation; 2019 Poll


o   Poll: 70% of Millennials Would Vote for a Socialist; By ALANA MASTRANGELO; Breitbart; 10/28/19


o   Poll Sponsored by Anti-Communists Discovers 70% of US Millennials Ready to Ditch Capitalism for Socialism; By JULIA CONLEY; Common Dreams; 10/28/19


o   1 In 3 Millennials See Communism As Favorable, Survey Finds; By Mary Margaret Olohan; Daily Caller; 10/28/19 9:33 AM ET


o   We Must Educate Future Generations on the Myths and Realities of Socialism; By Kay C. James; Heritage Foundation; 9/7/20]


Full of a desire to exact vengeance from Conservative America for a litany of delusional and fallacious reasons, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party Communists are advancing a grudge-filled aggressive policy toward traditional America and every fine thing accomplished by Her people since our War of Independence and the Founding of America. They hate all that America represents across the span of history and the immense expanse of America's Flyover Country where Her patriots are found.


Anyone who accepts the premise that violence can never be the answer to tyranny, as recently suggested by Trevor Loudon in his March 4th [UPDATED 3/11/21 – premium subscribers] Epoch Times article, is already permanently defeated and a prisoner of his own cowardice. 


Loudon writes [For non-subscribers, Loudon’s article can be read on We The People Convention]: 


"Violence will not save America ... (continuing four paragraphs later to say) ... the Second Amendment must be preserved at all costs. An armed populace is at least some check on tyranny ... Americans should keep their guns and work everyday to ensure they never have to use them against their own people."


Loudon's reasoning is based on the politicization and weaponization of the military against conservatives and the idea that the Left will welcome any right-wing violence as an excuse to lock the nation down tighter, as he prefaced his aforementioned words with:


"This country will be saved peacefully or not at all. If significant violence breaks out, it's over."


Well Damn! I guess it's over then. Only a fool could make Loudon's statement and believe it to be true.


What are we supposed to do? Keep showing up at protests with our firearms, as if role-playing -- suspecting it's all for show and thinking not one person will ever use those AR-15s for their real purpose -- knowing that most of these summer soldiers and sunshine patriots will "shrink from the service of their country"? Just wait quietly counting our ammo 'til the ATF and the FBI demand our firearms upon Uncle Joe's orders and we meekly hand them over? Wait silently while Biden and his regime consolidate and solidify their power and America descends into a thousand years of darkness and tyranny?


The Democratic Mayors and Governors managing the recent race-riots of the Communist Black Lives Matter, supported by self-loathing white Antifa Communists, certainly didn't shy away from violence as a tool for achieving their Marxist agenda in their areas of control. They sanctioned violence to subvert the law and set the nation on edge as they demanded the Oval Office be placed at their command, rather than in any righteous defense of anything. 


One should recall that in December of 1776, with General George Washington and some 2000 fighting men braving a bitter cold in the face of a superior numbers and a small pox epidemic, Thomas Paine wrote:


"These are the times that try men's souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." [Full Pamphlet “THE AMERICAN CRISIS, No. 1, 1776” published 12/19/1776 and read to Washington’s Troops prior to crossing the Delaware River for the Battle of Trenton 12/24/1776.]


America faces a similar crisis today, and truth be known, given our situation, our Founders would already have been shooting by now, and that's no exaggeration.


After the Biden regime took hold of the reins of power, America saw an increase in the demands for defunding the police, along with the continued trampling of individual and property rights through mask mandates and business lockdowns, as rioters continued to loot and burn. Biden also hamstrung U.S. energy production; and Biden declared Whites in general, White supremacy and White initiated systemic racism to be the nation's number one problem, while Democrats continue to subvert election laws and weaponize and politicize the federal agencies against conservatives and Christians.


[Blog Editor: In case you were unaware, Chairman Biden came to my neck of the woods in Tulsa, OK to infuse race-baiting division rather than the LIE of uniting the nation to fuel hatred over White Supremacists going ballistic over false charges a Black teen raped a White elevator operator in 1921 Tulsa – 100 YEARS AGO. The massacre was a horrendous evil, but I wasn’t there in 1921. I understand there are only 3-centanarion Black individuals who were little children alive from 1921. But what the heck, let’s fuel some Dem-Marxist hate on June 1st:


o   Biden Uses Tulsa Speech to Promote His Progressive Agenda; By Steve Byas; New American; 6/1/21


o   America Is Racist, But Not The Way The Media Tells Us; By KEVIN DOWNEY JR.; PJ Media; 6/2/21 8:29 PM ET


o   Biden's disgraceful exploitation of the Tulsa race massacre; By David Limbaugh; SOUTHEAST MISSOURIAN; 6/5/21


And Now for the race-baiting hypocrisy that took place in Tulsa before Chairman Joe arrived (WARNING: there is some profanity afoot since Black Communists seem to have abandoned family values cultural norms as perhaps too White to maintain:


Youtube VIDEO: USA: Black activists commemorate victims of 'Tulsa massacre' in armed march

Posted by Ruptly

Posted: May 30, 2021


Black activists, many of them pro-Second Amendment and armed, marched in Tulsa on Saturday to commemorate the victims of the 'Tulsa race massacre' in Oklahoma.


Organised in part by Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club of Austin, Texas and The New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, the armed march paid tribute to Black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa who were attacked, injured or killed by members of a white mob during one of the most violent episodes of racial violence in the US history.


Organised under the banner of "Reparations Now", the march marked a century since the Tulsa massacre which took place from May 31, 1921, to Jun 1, 1921.



Posted by Based Backup

Published June 2nd, 2021 17:53 UTC


Armed Black activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday. Organizers held a Second Amendment “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.




Rumble VIDEO: This HORRIFIC Chant Coming from the Black Panther Group will TERRIFY You [May wish fast forward through the pay the bills ads]

Posted by NextNewsNetwork 

Published June 3, 2021 




Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit reports, Black activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday. Organizers held a Second Amendment “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.


Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse:]


In the meantime, a very real type of violence is currently being conducted against America through Biden's Open Border Policies that allow an invading army of Illegal Aliens -- too often criminals and terrorists --  to freely enter the country along with tons of meth and deadly fentanyl, to rape, rob and murder, or otherwise simply roll across the land like a horde of ravenous locusts. 


Far from a crisis in any normal sense of the word, no one should mistake the situation on America's southern border for anything other than Biden's Open Border policy and manufactured "crisis" that is a part of the Democratic Party's Marxist agenda to complete the "fundamental transformation of America" through aliens who hold no real loyalty to America and Her traditions, to be used to erode and subvert the fabric of democratic mechanisms in local communities, while drawing checks from taxpayer funded welfare programs.


[Blog Editor: Chairman Biden’s Illegal Aliens:


o   Hundreds Of Sheriffs Call On Biden To Finish Trump’s Border Wall, Stop ‘Gangs, Guns, Dangerous Drugs’ Entering U.S.; By Tim Pearce; Daily Wire; 4/9/21


o   Why Is The Biden Regime Sending Planeloads of Illegal Immigrant Minors To Red States? Why Are They Keeping Members Of Congress In The Dark About Their Covert Operations? By Patty; 5/25/21


o   Report: Biden Plans to Hide Gang History of Foreign Nationals Seeking Green Cards in U.S.; By JOHN BINDER; Breitbart; 5/27/21


o   TX Gov. Abbott issues disaster declaration over border crisis; says Biden policies allow gangs, cartels, traffickers into US; By LIZ GEORGE; American Military News; 6/2/21]


If the Federal Government and the Biden regime are not going to secure our borders, pray tell, just what is wrong with armed American militias within the border states stopping the illegal alien hordes at the border and forcing them back towards Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo or wherever from whence they came?


But don't dare let any Conservative suggest that an armed defense of America against these domestic terrorists of the Democratic Party, the Enemy From Within, may be somehow justified in the pursuit of restoring and following current laws on the books in the U.S. codes or even the U.S. Constitution. Don't dare suggest a defense of America's borders, culture and language, even in a peaceful manner and in favor of E Pluribus Unum[***], unless one wishes to hear unhinged fringe lunatic tirades from all corners of the Marxist Democrats, along with the bleatings of the wimpish weak-kneed Republicans-In-Name-Only.


[***Blog Editor: Looking at E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One:


The original concept of E Pluribus Unum was conceived of 13 newly independent sovereign Colonies uniting into One Nation focused on Liberty. As time went on for the USA, Liberty became a magnate for people to immigrate here. For the USA to remain a successful nation united E Pluribus Unum began to be viewed as the melting pot of an immigrant nation adopting one American culture of Liberty. The Dem-Marxists are destroying the melting pot of unity to create the divisiveness of tossed salad. A diverse America will become a banana republic America replacing Liberty with tyranny.


o   E PLURIBUS UNUM: Origin and Meaning of the Motto
Carried in the Beak of the Bald Eagle on the Great Seal


o   E Pluribus Unum Only Works If America Remains A Melting Pot; By Andrew J Guinosso; White Beard Wisdom; 5/24/20]


It is not simply the ideas of Adam Smith, Charles Montesquieu, John Lock and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison that are being rejected and abandoned by the Democratic Party Communists and their supporters, but they are also abandoning the bedrock of civilization, as it was developed by the Greeks, Romans and Christians, and all the individualism that emanated from the philosophers of classical antiquity and through the Enlightenment to create a spirit and a sense of rugged independence in Americans, that still resides in many of us to this day.


As noted by Mark Levin on April 25th:


"We have allowed the mob and the Democratic Party to define who we are as people. They defame us, slander our ancestors in history, trash our founding documents and principles. They are mostly reprobates who hate the country in which they live and have contributed nothing towards [its] betterment. Indeed, they live off the sweat and toil of others, while they pursue a destructive and diabolical course for our nation, undermining and sabotaging virtually every institution in our society."


Our current conflicts are actually being waged between two extremely different economic systems. Republicans largely pursue a Capitalist system, even though our current system still more closely resembles a Crony-Capitalist system (thanks to Woodrow Wilson), while the Democrats desire something akin to Marxism and/ or the sort of economic fascism reminiscent of the Red Fascism of the Bolsheviks and Black Fascism of the National Socialists, where everything is produced for and owned by the state. These are diametrically opposed systems, antithetical to one another, with the Democrats' Marxist "utopian vision" incompatible with out Founding's premise of inalienable God-given rights and individual liberty, and they cannot coexist any longer; and preferably, the side of liberty must emerge victorious on the other side of this battle.


[Blog Editor: This a good spot to examine Democrat (and probable closet-Marxist) Woodrow Wilson as the launching pad for Leftists ending Liberty in the USA. Dr. James Finck wrote an essay about American Presidents who pushed the envelope of dictatorship in American governance. When he got to Woodrow Wilson, Finck wrote:


In the Twentieth Century, one of the presidents who had the charge of dictator leveled at him was Woodrow Wilson. As a true progressive, he believed in a strong federal government and did everything in his power to strengthen and enlarge it. It was Wilson who pushed an Amendment to create an income tax to fund the federal government. Wilson also passed the Espionage and Sedition Acts. As under Adams, it became a criminal act to criticize the government, the president, or the war. It was Wilson who created the Committee on Public Information that turned into the nation’s first propaganda machine. If any president seemed prepared to become a dictator, it was Wilson. When he tried to push the League of Nations through Congress (even many Democrats opposed it), he spoke of running for a third term so he could force it through.  We will never know if he would have followed through. He suffered a stroke making it difficult to even finish his second term. – Dictatorship; By Dr. James Finck; The Roanoke Star; 10/7/19


Finck’s paragraph is the short version. I sense some Wilsonian seeds of control in the early 1900s is baring the fruit of tyranny in the 2020s:


o   Woodrow Wilson: America’s Worst and First Fascist President; By Tony Listi; Conservative Colloquium; 5/29/08


o   There’s No Such Thing as ‘Crony Capitalism’; By BEN SHAPIRO; The Patriot Post; 9/7/11 (Shapiro thinks there is a better term for Crony Capitalism which he calls Corporatism – for me it’s like tomāto-tomăto.) 


o   The Left Purges Woodrow Wilson, But Not His Progressivism; By JARRETT STEPMAN; Breitbart; 11/22/15


o   The American Left Really Does Want To Destroy America As It Was Founded; By Black3Actual;  ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS; 8/24/20]


The Democratic Party's embrace of Collectivism and Cancel Culture denies Individual Liberty, and anyone who denies individualism and Individual Liberty also denies Western Civilization.


There isn't any compromise to be had between Liberty-minded individuals who love Freedom and Communists who demand tyranny and submission to the state.


America's Conservative and Republican pundits, not one in the same these days, are good ones for speaking about the "peaceful transition of power" and bragging about how they will win in 2022, as if everything is settled and it's business as usual in the face of the stolen 2021 election. This braggadocio falls flat in light of the fact that nothing has yet been done to remove illegal election mechanisms from the voting system in the various Democratic Party strongholds that played an integral part in the treason, and this last election had more earmarks of an outright soft coup than any "peaceful transition of power".


And yet, no matter the slim margin of their majority in Congress, the red radicals of Democratic Party remain in a constant stage of rabid rage and hysteria aimed at Conservative America, who desire more than a simple victory over the Election Weeks. More than a simple victory, these red radical Marxists/Maoists are howling for Conservative America to be completely silenced in the political arena and suppressed as a movement, definitively and clearly obliterated.


Just how far is any one American supposed to let this tyranny go before saying, "Hey Y'All -- Open Fire"?


America's answer to the howls for our destruction will determine whether America is ruled by its Big Tech oligarchs, American plutocrats, the racists running academia and the feeble children of Marxists or governed by Free Born Americans -- a Great People -- who put this America we love so well above all else other than our God, without the unnatural and obsessive desire for the accumulation of massive amounts of wealth and power exhibited by the Marxists of this nation.


America needs something far superior to Her summer soldiers and sunshine patriots, those self-described "happy warriors" who are more interested in fighting for deregulating businesses, lower capital gains taxes or paying out American tax-dollars to fight foreign wars, against the advice of our Founders, rather than fighting the real and necessary wars right here for the preservation of Freedom and Liberty for all Americans. For the real fight for Liberty at home, America needs Her hard men willing to do the hard tasks to defend U.S. and individual sovereignty, traditional America and its heritage and all that means -- men who will not fade in the fight but will stand firm and true to their last dying gasp should it be asked of them to go so far.


No one is suggesting running right out this very minute or hour and starting the next full blown hot civil war. Certainly, we must see if there is any way left to find a peaceful path forward, even though it does look highly doubtful, once one considers the current mission and platform of the Democratic Party is nothing less than the full destruction of the United States Republic, to be rebuilt in the image and vision of Marx and Mao. And with that in mind, if one cannot even hint that a day and a time may soon arrive that demands a righteous and violent armed response in defense of all that America is founded upon, then I suggest the cowards should go ahead and cower and die, with their heads stuck in their nether regions, while the rest of us pick up our rifles and prepare to fight for traditional America and the restoration of real freedom and liberty. 


Writing as I am on the evening of the anniversary of D-Day, I consider that so many fine, decent, honorable and brave Americans from Antietam to the Normandy invasion, generation after generation, have been willing to sacrifice everything in the name of Liberty and for this America we love so well and Her Founding Principles, in the face of enemies both foreign and domestic. Many fine young American men and women, hundreds of thousands and well over one million in number, have taken their last dying gasps believing that America embodied all the best ideas man has to offer and was worth the sacrifice it required to defend Her.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded links and text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates this Editor’s agreement with Justin.


© Justin O. Smith


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