Sunday, August 2, 2020

A Long Hard Road

Like it or not, the United States of America is in the midst of a Civil War with wide-spread acts of violence perpetrated in the name of BLM/Antifa Communist revolution and Dem-Party controlled areas winking at the violence as the acts of peaceful Protestors while simultaneous utilizing COVID fearmongering to control the lives not involved in violence. Justin Smith lays out the situation and stakes under threat that could eradicate any Liberty lingering in America.

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A Long Hard Road
Too Many Americans Prefer the Sacrifice of Liberty

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 8/1/2020 1:34 AM

"They're selling postcards of the hanging, they're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors, the circus is in town
Here comes the blind commissioner, they've got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker, the other is in his pants
And the riot squad they're restless, they need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight, from Desolation Row~ Bob Dylan

America and all of Her institutions have been under a constant, withering attack, since before the 2016 elections, and those attacks have grown more fierce and intense to this day, as the Marxists, fascists, nihilists and anarchists of America proceed with their cultural leveling and cancel culture agendas. They seek to force equality of outcomes for all, through mob rule and the redistribution of wealth and property that is not theirs and a campaign of intimidation, fear and widespread violence across the land, with the intent to destroy America's heritage, everything good and decent about Her, from Her traditions and principles to Her very exceptional existence.

The Founders full well understood the dangers of democracy, of majority rule in general, and they had no qualms whatsoever in issuing warnings about those dangers, as noted in the following quotes:

"Mankind will in time discover that unbridled majorities are as tyrannical and cruel as unlimited despots." ~ John Adams, the Second President of the United States, correspondence to John Stockdale, May 12th 1793

"An elective despotism was not the government we fought for ..." ~ Thomas Jefferson, the Third President of the United States, Notes on Virginia Q.XIII, 1782. ME 2:163

James Madison, the Fourth President of the United States, was more specific, in Federalist Paper 10, as he noted:

"Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

Today's uneducated, ill-informed, envious frenzied collective masses, within the ranks of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, as well as all others seeking their own happiness through the prism of "what can government do for me", rather than seeking to be truly free, independent, free-thinking proponents of their own happiness and success, fail to understand that all men and women are not equal in attitudes or individual capabilities. The only true equality for mankind is seen in the equality found under the moral rule of law, designed to protect and defend one's inalienable rights, and expand those rights under individual liberty, that does no wrong to others.

Their so-called "solutions" are nihilistic, in that they have no solutions. They have no concrete demands other than vague calls for "social justice", specific calls for privilege and an end to "Systemic Racism" (read "racism aimed at Blacks and Hispanics") that does not exist in America today, despite all their screaming claims to the contrary. Although there isn't any racist law, rule or practice within government and corporate America today, other than Affirmative Action laws biased against Whites and Asians, they continue to advance the notion that America is a racist nation, so long as even one individual commits a racist act, raising the bar for America on the whole to an unattainable standard. 

In the meantime, during one interview, America witnesses Hawk Newsome, a 6 foot 6 inches tall Black Lives Matter leader in New York, tell Fox News, that "We don't want white people in the Bronx, otherwise we'll burn the place down." This scenario has become reality in too many cities across America, as Black Lives Matter and Antifa both have brought out lethal weapons and tactics, in their agenda aimed at causing a major confrontation, possibly reminiscent of Kent State, that will finally bring down the Trump administration and place the reins of power in the hands of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden, which will start us on our way to a nation of extremely impoverished people all made "equal" by illegal diktats, from the new regimes communist czars, in a wholly un-American program. 

On July 25th, more mayhem and chaos and violence was the rule of the day, in Portland, Oregon, and despite the temporary "truce" achieved by the Trump administration and Homeland Security with Mayor Ted Wheeler and Governor Kate Brown, no one should believe or expect this to be the end of violence and the campaign of fear and intimidation in the area. The same goes for places like Louisville, Kentucky that witnessed a member of the radical Not F****ng Around Coalition accidentally shoot another member, and Austin, Texas, where one BLM member was shot and killed after he pointed his AK-47 at someone in a car.

And, on this same weekend, America saw Seattle's Antifa smash windows of businesses, set fires and destroy the Seattle Police's East Precinct building, with 45 arrested for rioting, assault and other charges, while 21 police officers were injured. Down the coast, Antifa broke into the Federal Bureau of Prisons Detention Center in L.A. , while rioters in Richmond, Virginia were setting fire to a city dump truck.

Abide by the law and one is still likely to have one's property destroyed or their life threatened or even taken by murder most foul, as America recently witnessed when some Marxist coward shot and killed Bernell Trammell, a Trump supporter, outside his store sporting Trump campaign signs, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 23rd. People are also being shot in their cars now, simply trying to conduct daily affairs, and so, gun sales are sky-rocketing.

Bernell Trammell – Trump Supporter

Most Americans buying firearms currently envision themselves defending life and property within a system of laws, but in too many cities, police have been told to stand down and they have been politicized during the Obama years. What happens when decent patriotic Americans realize the "system of laws" -- the rule of law -- is now non-existent? For the silent majority, slipping into the minority, it would seem as though there isn't any political option to end the current madness.

There really isn't anything any sane and logical person can give to these anti-American radicals, since with every concession there comes ten more demands. They will not relent or stop until they have completely cowed and defeated conservative America into total submission to the new collective agenda, whatever that may be. No one knows what their vision for "social justice" or an end to "systemic racism" looks like, other than it doesn't include traditional American values and morality, since their pointless slogans and chants are, by and large, simple-minded idiocies borrowed from the grievance studies programs of America's universities, those hot-beds of subversive, anti-American propaganda and indoctrination.

For all their touted intelligence and brilliance, it cannot have escaped a cogent thinking person's notice, that most of these Antifa and BLM disruptors and destroyers reject the reality that the system currently favors those in society who produce, and simultaneously, they reject private ownership of property and the reality that some achievements and experiences, for any variety of reasons, are open only to some people and not everybody in the country. And as such, their push for a pure democracy with a Marxist ideological base is founded in their premise that every single person must have the same exact "right" as the next person to enjoy the exact same things, a premise based in a deep hatred for America and toward success and anybody who has attained a level of success, on a social, intellectual and economic level, through their own choices, free will, independent drive and hard work. [Blog Editor: Justin Smith is exactly correct the apparent sentiment of the Dem Party, BLM and Antifa a “push for a pure democracy with a Marxist ideological base”. The thinking is a bit of a deceptive smoke and mirrors oxymoron operation. Historically Communist Pure democracy concepts to validate violent mobocracy (mobs pretending majority when actually a minority) YET without fail a Communist government is NEVER one-man/one-vote. Communist rule is ALWAYS a small oligarchical elite often dominated by a brutal individual telling citizens how to think, live and believeOR ELSE]

To achieve such an end, these Marxists necessarily have to move against free thought and individual liberty, as they "rebuild" America to reflect this resentment and hatred. No individual can be allowed to exhibit views superior to the average man, and so, according to Antifa and BLM, all our institutions must be reduced to the lowest common denominator of intelligence, morality and opinion in society. To this end, government must, in the eyes of Antifa and BLM, cripple and oppress any superior being in our society, while stamping out any original thought and utterly destroying free-thinking dangerous men capable of true logic and reason and exposing the fallacies and lies behind the Marxist ideological tyranny they intend for all America. 

The success of these anti-American radicals hinges on eliminating any center or person of power that is not subservient to their own power. This is the reason we have seen a marked increase in attacks against Christianity and Judaism in the nation and a rolling tide of vicious diatribes against any politician, especially Conservatives, who oppose the false narrative of Black Lives Matter and the Marxist worldview.

So intent are they to create a world of men who are all alike and "equal", they must ostracize all men capable of superior reasoning and those men guilty of thinking unpopular thoughts. Once anyone is accused of such heresy, the subsequent proceedings take on the nature of a lynching, since no one can stray from the Party Line and anyone who does so stands in contempt and has no rights under their notion of what constitutes "the law". 

The politics of Antifa and BLM are nothing less than the politics of envy. They can't stand seeing anyone in America having a better time than they are, or pocketing a few extra dollars than they might have. Their bitterness, prejudices and envy are formed in minds that haven't developed much farther, emotionally and intellectually, than the average adolescent's mind.

They seek the end of the Republic without offering anything concrete and of real substance to replace it, or "solutions" so extremely inferior to what is currently in place, that they represent nothing worthy of one's time and consideration. And nothing appeases them, as they continue to loot and burn cities, and the Democratic Party cheers on the lunacy and the radical's reckless behavior that completely ignores the consequences of their actions.

The election itself is another front in this ongoing civil war, this insurrection in the streets, and if Rep. John Lewis's funeral gave us any indications, there is a smell of desperation to unseat President Trump hanging thick in the air, as Obama tried to present an image of "peaceful protesters" having their rights violated by this administration, which is one of the Biggest Lies of 2020. Most Americans have seen the massive bricks, concrete filled pvc pipes, frozen bottles of water, nail-filled M-80s and Molotov cocktails flying through the air at conservative counter protesters and police. Such a naked subversion of the truth suggests that the former president is using the mobs to Mau Mau the country, to ensure he and his minions don't land in prison, for the traitors they are, as Attorney General Barr appears to be turning the screws a bit more, evidenced in July 28th's Congressional hearing.

Going into November's election, thirty-five Senate, 435 House and eighty-six of ninety-nine state legislatures and eleven governor seats are up for grabs, along with many other elected positions. The state legislatures will draft the legislative agendas for the states and the House of Representatives. With the Republicans controlling fifty-nine percent of state legislatures and both the legislative and executive branches in forty-three percent of the states and the Democrats having complete control in thirty-one percent of the states and complete control of thirty-eight percent of the legislatures, it is most certain that the Republicans have the most to lose in November. But, regardless of the results, an already emboldened Marxist insurrection will only grow larger and more violent, especially if President Trump is re-elected.

The answer lies in seeking men and women for offices who believe in limited and fiscally responsible government, rolling back many bad "laws" rather than creating thousands more and for all Americans to stop asking government to intercede in their lives. But too many Americans from all spectrum and both sides of the political aisles seem to prefer to sacrifice freedom and liberty in order to gain some material advantage and a false guarantee of one's happiness from Big Brother. They long for the herd and a false security, as they sacrifice their dignity and pride, everything of real worth, for the most disgraceful peace of an environment comparable to a well-managed prison, that they hold more dear than their own liberty.

AG William Barr is offering a highly accurate assessment, in stating that mail-in ballots are invitations to fraud. But the Leftstream mass media is running a campaign to intensify the fear of "the Virus" in a manner designed to ensure that this mail-in scam can succeed. Wait for it, but hope, pray and work to keep it from coming to fruition, since the most likely result would be an election that cannot be resolved even by the Supreme Court. And then, with some 32 million plus out of work, thousands of small businesses forced to close, and many penniless, homeless and hungry, it may be left to the military to step in until matters get sorted, giving way to America's Pinochet moment and all manner of hell breaking loose in America. 

It's quite a troubling juxtaposition in time from the days of our Founding, based on freedom and individual liberty, to today and the harsh reality of the extraordinary advancements the Progressive Democratic Party Communists' movement has made against freedom and liberty in America. And given the depth and breadth of our nation's current political divides and the Marxist radicals' insistence for nothing less than the eradication of America's Founding, whatever transpires in November, it will not be enough to stop this rapidly moving trajectory to an all-out hot civil war.

Any real hope for a return to the principles of limited government and the virtues that grew America and made Her so strong and exceptionally seems to have flown the coop many years ago. They will be reclaimed along a long hard road, and only after many hard fought, bloody battles. 

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Text embedded by brackets and embedded links are by the Editor. Bold Text is an indication of enthusiastic agreement by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

1 comment:

  1. Justin, do you, or any of our other friends, have ANY ideas on how we can get The Universal Individual Rights Project some major funding and mentorship?
