Monday, September 23, 2019

Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals & How They Are Being Applied Today

Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.

Many Conservatives who pay attention to how government and politics affects their lives are aware of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Those same Conservatives are aware of prominent Dems living the Rules for Radicals (cough ahem – Crooked Hillary, Deep State Obama, among others).

Alinsky’s Rules are a Socialist agenda to transform America AWAY from its Founding Principles and Christian heritage. Take from the Ocensor article cross posted here about how much the present Dem Agenda smacks of old uncle Saul.

JRH 9/23/19
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Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals & How They Are Being Applied Today

Sep 23, 2019

Many of us have heard of Saul Alinsky, his rules for radicals, the left scoffs at our looking to this, but is there any truth that this is being applied to the US political landscape today, and if it is, who is applying it?

To understand what these rules are we have to look at what he asked for and what was his goal. Alinsky was a socialist who lived in the 1900s in the US, graduated from the University of Chicago with a Ph.D. in Psychology. He went on and worked for the State of Illinois for a short time, then went on to be a community organizer, writer, political activist.

He is looked to as an author of socialist ideology, something that many on the left aspire to follow, and much of his “Rules for Radicals,” published a year before his death is seen as a guideline of how to bring about a social change in America to set it up for socialist rule.

So what is this “Rules for Radicals” and what did it advocate? The whole document was set up to show how to bring a nation to its knees so a socialist change could come to the land and would bring about socialism to the state. Here are the items and what they were set up for:

1)   Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.

2)   Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3)   Debt  Increase the debt to an unsustainable level.  That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4)   Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5)   Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Water, Electrical power, Housing and neighborhood demographics, and Income).

6)   Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.  (Common Core?)

7)   Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8)   Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.  This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take Tax from the wealthy with the support of the poor.

So how does this list apply today? I would say if you look at the actions of the last president, then of the left today, with people like AOC, Sanders, along with her squad and many from the left you see this in full effect today. So let’s look at each item and see if it is in workings today.

·       Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.

                                                     i.               We saw two activists within the Democratic party, one that was very much of an activist in her school days, one that went from activist and community organizer to the White House, Clinton and Obama pushed from their times in the White House to put in place socialized medical care, Clinton failed when she was the first lady, Obama partially succeeded, but has much of what he pushed now being stripped by Trump.

                                                 ii.               Even though Trump has pushed back on this, today you see the whole Democrat party pushing for universal healthcare, the more left-leaning or outright socialist the candidates are, who is running for president, we see idea’s being presented from strengthening of Obamacare to outright shutting down private healthcare insurance and putting in a Canadian style social healthcare, where the state controls all.

                                             iii.               We now hear that healthcare is a fundamental human right, this is used as a means of pushing that there should be no choice in this, the government, as a guarantor of our rights should be the one to take charge of our health care, it should never be in the hands of private business or individuals. The far-left socialist, Sanders and Warran are pushing this; when asked if our healthcare insurance will be taken, both are equal in their moves to deflect from the question and never answer.

                                              iv.               By demanding that universal healthcare is given to all, including illegals, the left is demanding that our nation be changed to what they demand, if you are not willing to change the structure of our government the left labels and then attacks, as they do with everything.

·       Poverty – with the way the economy is going under Trump this is getting harder and harder to exploit, so instead of trying to exploit poverty, instead the left pushes to scare people to think it is coming, or to openly wish for a great recession, such as Bill Mahr did.

1.       We have seen that some within the left want to see a recession, turn to any paper, turn on the news, you are now bombarded with stories of a recession coming our way. The fact that our economy is the strongest it has been in years, that is a considerable inconvenience for the left, they know then the only way to push this today is not to say people are worse off, instead, bad times are coming, when they do, it is all Trump’s and the Right’s fault, so you need to come to us today so we can protect you against this when it happens.

2.     The second thing you see is the left turning to very radical ideas that will radically transform our economy and is guaranteed to bring about complete and total poverty, thus you have the Green New Deal. When the left is unable to feed off the fear of people of things turning sour, they then look for ways to bring about an economic downturn. The dream of the left is to see our economy fail, the benefit for them is two-fold: First, they get rid of the arch-enemy who they see as standing in their way for the idea of a socialist paradise. That would be the conservative right and Trump.

·       Debt – Debt is not bad, but when it is used to push a nation to the point of poverty, it is. We saw with Obama claims that we needed more than one trillion dollar stimulus to bring back the economy of the US, but the question has to be asked if this was supposed to help our economy, why then did Obama pass this on to businesses outside our nation and to other countries?

                                                     i.               One of the ways to bring people and nation to poverty is to rack up their debt. We had two trillion dollar stimulus given to Obama, but instead of our economy thriving, unemployment going down with this, instead, our economy got worse, our unemployment figures continued to rise.

                                                 ii.               Under Obama, we saw our deficit double, and one has to ask, what was accomplished? Our growth never exceeded 2%, he told us jobs were not coming back, he fell back on his socialist ideals when he demanded that more and more of our lives and our dependence be given to the state.

                                             iii.               While the debt is growing under Trump, and I would love to see a reverse of this, we also have to understand, with all these trillions that Obama was given, our national defense was left in shatters, Trump had little choice but to pick up the budget just to build back up a tattered force, many of our jets were unable to fly, it got so bad the Navy was raiding museums to get spare parts. Trump’s moves were never to set this nation in debt; he is moving to pick up the economy to cover spending, an increase in the economy means there are more funds available to be taxed.

·       Take Away Our 2nd Amendment – no party has done more to try to restrict our right to bear arms, something that is part of the American fabric in life, it is a right granted to all Americans, although I now see this right slowly being stripped frequently on almost a daily basis. The left knows a well-armed population is not so quickly forced to go with government programs and forced ideology, take away the guns you take away the ability to resist.

                                      i.               While I can’t say for certain that these school shootings are far too convenient, but I must ask if you are so concerned about school shootings, why aren’t you willing to secure the schools that house our children so this does not happen? As terrible as this sounds, I am at the point that I believe the left thinks these children being lost are worth the sacrifice if they can take our guns in the end. That is why the left refuses to act to protect our schools if we do that, then they will see no more shootings to use as a backdrop to press their taking of our guns.

·       Welfare – no place is the dependence the left wants on display than in our inner cities. The grand experiment by Johnson has laid our cities to waste; families are not in multiple generations where not a soul has worked, their dependence of the state is total. When you create a whole class that is dependent on the state, you have an almost entire class of people who are easily controlled.

                                                     i.               The inner cities in America, parts that are where the primary population of our African American demographic lives, you have a whole group that is told they need to vote as they are told, it is best for them, even though little can be shown to back this up.

                                                 ii.               Today the growth of African American’s leaving the Democratic party is quickly bringing the far left to the point of panic, so what did they do? They moved on from these people, still demand that they support them, all while turning on them and moving their support for illegals that have no say in government affairs. This is why there is such a strong move now to give illegals the right to vote.

·       Education – the plan here was to use our school’s as a means not to teach, instead, indoctrinate. I must say, no place is it evident that this is being applied in America today than in our whole mess of an education system. We send our children to school to get an education so they can better their lives, yet starting now in grade schools are children are under a constant barrage of liberal ideology.

                                                     i.               No place are these ideas in its entirety shown more than in schools. You have young people that are poor, they are going through school, so the concept of social handouts is very appealing to them, they care not about taxes, they aren’t paying any, instead they are living off the graces of the taxpayer, thus they feel in many cases they are entitled to these handouts.

                                                 ii.               We also see the lack of freedom of speech, of different ideas, this is something these young people think is unacceptable. Thus you have riots and using the heckler’s veto when they wish to shut up opposing views. As was with Russia in their revolution, China too, the leaders or activist go for the youth, they are less able to see what this will lead to in the future, only care about the present.

·       Religion – Religion or faith, it gives hope to a people, that is why socialism, in every nation it has been implemented in, religion was either controlled by the state or was stomped out, or at least the effort was to do this. If you have a people without hope, they need to look to someone or something for hope; if you put the government in place to give this hope, they will turn to it.

                                      i.               The colleges, the stronghold of this movement are also moving to push this. If you look at the teachings of evolution, global warming, you don’t see a science, where all can be questioned, it is OK to challenge theories to see if they stand up to the questions presented. Instead, you are attacked by zealots, with every bit as much zeal as you see from other faiths when you question their core doctrines. The left has moved to replace religion with science, they seem to fail to understand, they are two separate things, but when you do this, you still accomplish what you were seeking to do, taking away hope outside of what socialist is trying to present.

·       Class Warfare – To control the masses, as was seen in Germany, Russia, China, and other nations, you need to create an enemy, for the socialist, it is the elites, the ones driving the economy. They push that somehow these people are gifted, they have earned nothing, gotten what they have due to their taking it from the less fortunate, but is this the case? Let’s look at that:

                                                     i.               We have heard it said that people with too much money should be forced to hand it over to people that have little or none, this is the groundwork of socialism, but is really good practice. You have Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, and others, tech giants that have amassed unheard-of wealth, but did they steal? No, they created a product, one that had a need, they used this need to create wealth, no one was stolen from, people paid for this, this was passed on to these people that created these items.

                                                 ii.               Socialist countries start off by stripping the wealthy of their wealth, this may seem like a good thing, but when this is the class creating jobs, handing down wealth to people under them due to this creation, what happens to jobs when they are taken out of the equation? Suggest you look to Venezuela and see what happens. A large oil producer, a wealthy nation, but the standards of the nations around it, now is in utter poverty, the people are in the streets looking for some means of survival. All they have done is stopped upwards mobility and made all people poor.

We may not think that Alinsky’s playbook is in play, sites like Snopes go out of their way to try to discredit where the practice of this is shown, but it is very much in play, it is just being done in secret. What they fail to state is that communism or socialism is exactly what Alinsky was pushing.

We are all in a big chest match, pieces are being moved, many times not in a way that we suspect, but the results will be the same, either we move to counter this or sit and watch it happen.
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