Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 2 - 5

On January 22nd I cross posted a Rick Joyner video and a part one article on “Second American Revolutionary/Civil War”. In this post I’m sharing the Joyner/MorningStar articles for parts two – five.

JRH 1/29/19
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The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 2

Week 2, 2019

Heaven’s perspective of war can be very different than our human perspective. We tend to see the battles, which side prevails, and then which side exerts its will over the other. Heaven tends to look at them as how justice or injustice prevails. War is an ultimate evil, but war is inevitable until the end of this age, just as we see them right to the end of the Book of Revelation.
There are times when an even worse evil would prevail without war, and so there are righteous wars. In these it would be unrighteous, and even evil, not to fight for what is right. However, in most wars there is a mixture of good and evil intent, prosecution of the war, and outcomes. In this age, there will be a mixture of good and evil in virtually everything. Because of this, if we wait to have perfect motives or perfect conditions, we will likely not do anything. The best solution to an issue can be just a little better than the worst solution. It takes wisdom to know what to do, but it often takes even more to know when to do it.
I fully understand that without having the experience that I had in the dream, you are not likely to have the level of conviction that I might have about some of these things. Some you may agree with inherently, and some you may disagree with. However, because of the nature of this dream, I must be bolder than I’ve ever been about some things I am going to share.
The first part of this dream I was given was for understanding the strategy that will be successful in this war. There will be champions raised up that will go out to attack the specific evil strongholds in our nation. These evils were things like bigotry, greed, selfish ambition, hatred, rebellion, pride, etc. In the dream, all of these evils were in trees, which speaks of them having roots and branches. To defeat them, one must not waste time flailing at the branches, but rather put an ax to the root of the tree.
America is not the kingdom of God or the New Jerusalem. I have searched our history for evidence that we had a special covenant with God, and I have not found it. Men have made covenants with God for the nation, but that is not the biblical criteria for a covenant God is obligated to, even if made by a leader of a nation. Every covenant of God originated with God not man, and there is a clear and supernatural demonstration that He made the covenant. I may have missed it, but I could not find this in our national history.  
That being said, there is much evidence that America was dedicated to God. Dedications can originate with man, and everything dedicated to God is holy, or sanctified. There are special benefits and judgments that come with a dedication. The favor of God is worth more than any earthly treasure or other resource. However, because everything dedicated to God is holy, a nation dedicated to God cannot do some things other nations may be able to get away with.
Purpose is the greatest favor of God that we have received for this dedication. We were given a purpose to be a nation that demonstrated the liberty and justice that all people were created to have. It is written that “where the Spirit of The Lord is there is liberty” (see II Corinthians 3:17). This is why The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was put in the Garden. There could be no true obedience unless there was the freedom to disobey. Freedom and free will is at the core of what we were created to be.
Our founding documents are not Scripture, but they were inspired by God in order to reveal and lead us to our destiny. It is because we have this calling that when we drift from it, troubles come. Having a clear vision of our destiny and getting back on the path to fulfilling it is crucial to our continued existence.
Our discord increases the more we deviate from our purpose. As discussed, one of our basic purposes as a nation was to establish a place where it is understood that “all men are created equal” and also practiced. In heaven, this, not independence, was the main issue with the Revolutionary War. Because our main purpose was compromised and hypocritically disregarded after the Revolutionary War, the Civil War became inevitable. If the American Republic had really believed that all men were created equal, then slavery, and even discrimination based on race, could not have remained possible.
The Civil War may have eradicated slavery, at least in its most diabolical form, but it did not go as far as establishing that “all men are created equal.” This is just one factor in our mandate that has yet to be fulfilled. We can be thankful for the progress that has been made in eradicating discrimination in America, and there has been notable progress, but it is still far from the place we are called to be. We have now come to the point where increasing conflict is inevitable until we recover a clear vision of the mandate we were given as a nation and resolve to fully obey it.
What does that look like?
The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 3

Week 3, 2019

What I was shown in my dream was specifically for “The American Republic,” but I was also shown that many of the same battles we will be fighting will also be common to many nations. Basically, these battles in the nations are for determining whether they will be a “sheep” or a “goat” nation. The Great Commission was to disciple nations, not just individuals, not just teaching them to believe all that He commanded, but also to obey all that He commanded.

The Reformation was a major step forward in recovering biblical truth, but its emphasis was more on believing the right things than actually doing them. All nations have fallen short of their purpose, including Israel, as the Scriptures make clear. One reason the nations have fallen short is because there is so little demonstration of what actual obedience to the truth looks like by the church. This is why “judgment begins with the household of God” (see I Peter 4:17).

As heaven’s perspective on history and current events can be very different from ours, our basic devotion must be to see with The Lord’s eyes, hear with His ears, and understand with His heart. This was what The Holy Spirit was given for, and this is how we are led into “all truth.”

Most of us have witnessed spiritual battles that resulted in everything from church splits to divorces, and God was on both sides. God hates divorce, and He hates war. He usually has sons and daughters on both sides, and in many ways He can be on both sides. He’s not confused about the issues, but He is for people more than politics.

God is not a Democrat or a Republican, a liberal or a conservative. We can be right in our political beliefs, but be wrong in spirit. We can likewise be wrong in our politics but have a right spirit of love, faith, and humility that pleases The Lord more than those who have right politics. This is why, to the confusion of many historians, there can be evidence of divine favor on both sides during a war. Abraham Lincoln discerned that our Civil War was God’s judgment on both sides. This might explain why the Union was obviously on the right side of some of the crucial issues being fought over, but the Southern armies experienced some of the greatest revivals in American history during the war.

Perhaps The Lord moved so mightily upon the Southern armies because “where sin abounds grace does that much more abound” (see Romans 5:20), and He was seeking to change their hearts on the issues. Perhaps it was because it is often true that those who can be right on issues are wrong in spirit, and God will always resist the proud and give His grace to the humble. It was likely a combination of both. The point is that we like to have all issues neatly in black and white, but human issues are far more complicated than that. We are in desperate need of heaven’s perspective. The higher the place that we can see from, the more sense it all makes.

In the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, both sides were fighting for parts of the divine mandate. It was the arrogance of the victors in both of these wars that blinded them to just and righteous issues for which the other side was fighting. Neither side was totally right or wrong, but the victors disregarded the consideration that the losers might have been right about some of the issues. Such is human politics. Since the victors always write the histories of such conflicts, the just issues on the losing side are often buried after the war. We can bury them as deep as we want, but when they are a divine mandate they will not go away. Rather, they will rise again and be in our face until they are resolved by our obeying them.

It is also easy to see how these same principles might apply to all human relationships. We can win an argument because we are mostly right, but be wrong about some of it. Those issues will very likely surface again later, and often as a bigger problem. The revelation of the great conflict of our times includes principles that may illuminate the basis for our conflict in other more personal relationships, such as our families, jobs, or neighborhoods. We cannot expect to resolve the great national and international conflicts if we cannot solve them in ourselves, our families, or in the church.

When I spoke to a number of senators and congressmen in Washington a few years ago, entreating them to show courage, one of them took me aside and said, “You would see a lot more courage in Washington if we saw any in the church.” He was right.

It’s been said that “Courage is the first principle of leadership, because without it nothing else will stand.” We have come to a time when courage is rare, and that makes it even more valuable. Perhaps this is why the cowards are the first to get thrown into the lake of fire at the end of the Book of Revelation. We may think that love and faith are more important, and they are, but courage is the evidence that one has love and faith.

As we are told in I Corinthians 13:8, “Love never fails.” This could have been interpreted as “Love never quits.” We will quit for any other reason but love. This is why the foundation of those who will be on the winning side will be love for their country and for their countrymen. However, most of all it will be love for God who has given us something so wonderful, even if it yet has flaws.
The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 4

Week 4, 2019

Wars have been fought for different reasons. There have been religious, political, and economic wars. Some have been just for conquest. Some have been fought because one monarch was insulted by another, which is why Napoleon invaded Russia. Many have been fought over combinations of the above. Some of the most ugly and devastating of all have been racist wars.

Every war is the result of some failure in human relations. Potentially great and devastating wars have also been avoided by remarkable statesmanship. The Lord has a special heart and place for the peacemakers. These should be esteemed more in our history than those successful at war, but they are not. Even so, as we are told in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for war and a time for peace. If it is time for war, then those who do not fight are the ones out of step with the times.

As we see in Scripture, there will be war until the end of this age. It is right to seek peaceful conclusions to our disputes, until war begins. Then we must fight, and we must fight to win. If we are going to win from heaven’s perspective, we must also fight the right way.

Some of the most touching stories of war are things like the troops on both sides in our American Civil War and in World War I, singing Christmas carols to their enemies in the trenches. It brought a poignant realization that brothers in Christ were facing each other, and the next day would try to kill each other. How could this be right?

War is an ultimate human failure. War is one of the devil’s biggest victories. His intent is to kill and destroy, and nothing accomplishes this in a bigger way than war. So why don’t we refuse to fight them? Because the devil, and those controlled by him, will not. To refuse to fight in an inevitable or right war is not choosing to do what is right. Rather, it is to submit to evil. There are righteous wars. When it is right and time to fight, we will be in rebellion if we do not do our part.

Even The Lord says repeatedly in Scripture that He, our Leader, is a Warrior. Israel left Egypt as “a great mixed multitude,” or a mob, but before they even got to the Red Sea they were “marching in martial array,” or military order. Presently, the body of Christ is one big mob, with some groupings and associations but lacking in overall definition and discipline. This will soon change for the remnant that is left.

In every civil war, Christian leaders from both sides have claimed that theirs was the right side. This can be confusing. We must resolve to be sure we are fighting on the right side and for the right cause. When this is established, the most merciful way is to fight to win decisively and as quickly as possible.

Harry Truman was right when he said that “Most people are defeated by their secondary successes.” This means that they got distracted from their ultimate objective after achieving lesser ones. There are many examples of this in history, and Truman was likely correct to say this happens to “most people.” It was true in our Revolutionary and Civil Wars. How do we avoid this deadly trap? We must determine now what the ultimate objectives are—anything less than these would be a defeat.

I have an opinion of what ultimate victory in the unfolding Revolutionary/Civil War looks like, but I don’t want to share it and I don’t even want to have it. What we need, and what I’m begging for, is heaven’s perspective on this. My dream on December 14, 2018 was just a small beginning of this for me. It does not matter how mature we are in Christ or how successful we have been as a steward of His mysteries—it is a terrible presumption to think that He is just like us and that His opinions are the same as ours. I am a religious conservative, and I try to keep in mind that it was the religious conservatives that were the worst enemies of Christ when He walked the earth. Why?

If you look at their doctrine, the Pharisees were generally correct in most of their beliefs. They were the most devoted to being faithful to the Scriptures and were carrying the greatest hope for the Messiah. Yet, they resisted Him more than any other group when He came! Why?  

Again, we can be right in our politics, our policies, and our beliefs, but have pride that is more deadly than the evil we are fighting. Pride caused the first fall and virtually every fall since. We can be right but not be righteous. For winning the present war, it is crucial to not just fight for what is right, but to do it in the right spirit. We must fight for right and we must do it right.

In the Revolutionary War, the “Patriots” who wanted independence were about 30% of the population. The “Loyalists” who wanted to remain British subjects were also about 30%. The other 40% were undecided, or tended to switch sides according to who was winning. Today, we have about 30% who are liberal, 30% conservative, and the 40% that are still undecided or wavering. Soon all will have to choose a side. Now is the time to resolve what we believe in.
The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 5

Week 5, 2019

In the dream that I was given about the “Second American Revolutionary/Civil War,” the first part was about the strategy for this war. The symbolism may seem odd, but if you stick with me for a little bit, it gives important insights into what we must do now.

The dream began with a long line of people waiting to tee off at a golf course. After each one teed off, they were told about the enemy they were to look for to destroy. This enemy was in the trees along the fairway. I was waiting in line for my turn when an angel came up to me and said I had a different assignment. That’s when I was taken to the device that revealed the history of the American Republic from heaven’s perspective.

Golf, like many games, can mirror an aspect of life. The goal is to get the ball in a hole that has a flag, or standard, over it. Each hole on the course is different from the others. No two shots will be the same, so you must judge several conditions on each shot, such as distance to the hole, wind, and elevation. You may know exactly what you should do, but actually doing it the way you want is another matter. To be successful, you need to stay in the fairway, or let’s say “the way.” If you go too far to either the right or left, you will go out of bounds and that brings a serious penalty.

I don’t want to bore you with a golf lesson here, but having played golf for many years, this part of the dream made perfect sense to me as a strategy for winning the Revolutionary/Civil War. To some degree, if we are going to understand prophetic symbolism, we must learn that The Lord likes to use puns. We are told in Psalm 2:4 that He “sits in the heavens and laughs.” This may be because He thinks they are funny, but they can also powerfully convey understanding.

In this dream, those who were teeing off were going to find the enemy they were assigned to destroy. This is insight about what “tees us off” will be what we are called to fight. For example, those who are the most disturbed and agitated by human trafficking should take that as a sign that they are called to fight this enemy. For others, it could be things like racism, or the sowing of immorality in school curriculum. These are not random provocations intended to irritate us; they are calls to action. We must all consider how we can be a part of fighting what provokes us the most and what Scripture defines as evil.

 Again, for Christians the Scriptures are clear that our battle is never against people, but rather against the demonic forces that are manifested through ideologies and deceptions that bind, and ultimately, destroy them. Our victory is not to kill and wound, but to heal and lead people to the path of life. We are not fighting to conquer people or to just win the argument, but we fight to establish the truth that sets people free.

How does that work when a spiritual or philosophical war breaks out into violence? These are the kinds of issues we need to settle in our hearts now, because the confused are almost certain to be casualties in what is unfolding.

We may also think that if God hates war then His people should stay out of the conflict. God does hate war, but as we touched on before, He is declared to be a warrior in a number of Scriptures. No doubt that if we followed Him more fully, our disputes would not come to war. However, as we are told in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for war. There are times when war is inevitable, and times when it is right to fight. What I was shown in the dream is that this Second American Revolutionary/Civil War is inevitable, it is right, and it will be successful.

At this writing, I do not know now what or how it happened, but in this dream,  I knew that somehow we had just crossed a line that made this second Revolutionary/Civil War inevitable. There will not be a peaceful solution to the conflicts that have arisen in our country. Even so, I will continually pray that this be won decisively and with the fewest possible casualties and the least damage as possible.

Why this is called a Revolutionary and Civil War is important. Much of what we need to understand the great battles of our times lies in understanding these conflicts because so many of them were fought over in these wars, but not settled.

Also, wars come in many forms. The Cold War brought about the greatest geopolitical change in history, but it was not fought with traditional weapons, but rather with banks and currencies. It was an economic war more than a political or military one. Just as in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, many of the issues that the Cold War was fought over were not decisively defeated, and now they have risen to face us again.

We must not forget that the most powerful weapons of all are the “divinely powerful weapons” that we have been entrusted with. Truth articulated under the anointing is more powerful than any bomb. Though there will be physical conflict in what is now unfolding, the most important issues will be the spiritual and moral ones, especially our devotion to liberty for all—that everyone be treated equally and fairly under the law and with opportunity.
A Personal Note from Rick

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