Saturday, April 30, 2016

Another Perspective of LaVoy Finicum Murder

John R. Houk
© April 30, 2016

I came across a video interview of a lady protestor in Burbank California protesting the murder of LaVoy Finicum in late January 2016. The method of the interview was the Mark Connors Show. You hear the audio of Connors – I believe – communicating to the lady via an onsite correspondent who seemingly relays Connors’ questions from what is heard in the correspondent’s ear bud. It is quite emotional!

Sadly, on my part, I moved on after reading about the Bundys, other ranch protest leaders of the Mahleur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns and pro-protester Youtube investigator Pete Santili being arrested by Oregon State Police and the FBI. I knew the railroad of the Justice system was about to commence. Normal Conservative outlets that were covering the standoff in Oregon also moved on so it was a bit of out-of-sight/out-of-mind for me.

The emotion of the protestor brought back a flood of memories about this government injustice toward American citizens making a living from the land even after government appropriation of that land.

The lady interviewed in this video is absolutely correct. My fellow Americans, don't believe everything the government tells you AND especially from an Obama Administration led government.

Before cross posting the emotional video of a California protestor I need to revisit Finicum’s murder by State and Federal authorities.

Officially Finicum’s shooting was ruled justified rather than homicide. And you got to know there are many Conservatives that have swallowed the justified shooting ruling hook, line and sinker. You may have even seen commentary and transcripts of police vs. Finicum verbal exchanges leading up to Finicum being shot to death.

The thing is someone inside the same truck Finicum was in wisely took a cell phone video of the police vs. Finicum verbal exchange. If you listen to the cell phone video and line it up with the FBI released video, you will get a vastly different perspective of the Official account given by authorities.

So this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to cross post an article posted at Fellowship of the Minds. The Fellowship of the Minds first places the case of the Official account and follows it with the cell phone video which is simultaneously lined up with the FBI released video. It is quite enlightening and I pray you are not too stubborn to understand the truth.

Following the Fellowship of the Minds post I’ll cross post the G+ Constitutionalist Group of the lady emotionally protesting the murder of LaVoy Finicum.

JRH 4/30/16
Police shot Oregon protester Lavoy Finicum 3 times in back

March 10, 2016

Last December, Ammon Bundy and armed militia members gathered in Burns, Oregon (about 280 miles southeast of Portland), to protest the jailing of local ranchers, father and son Dwight and Steven Hammond, for lighting fires on federal properties in 2001 and 2006 in order to scale back invasive plants and to protect their private lands from wildfires. (Ammon is the son of Nevada rancher Clive Bundy who had an armed standoff with federal authorities in 2014 over grazing rights. That matter was settled peacefully, after the Bureau of Land Management backed off and left the scene.)

After a peaceful rally in Burns, Ammon Bundy and the militia protesters took over a facility at the Mahleur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns.

On January 27, 2016, the feds put an end to the standoff by shooting dead Robert “LaVoy” Finicum multiple times at close range, and arresting other protesters, including:

o   Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Brian Cavalier, Shawna Cox and Ryan Waylen Payne, who were arrested at a traffic stop on their way from Burns, Oregon, to a community meeting with ranchers in John Day, Oregon.

o   Joseph Donald O’Shaughnessy (Captain O.) and Peter Santilli, who were arrested in Burns.

o   Jon Ritzheimer reportedly turned himself into police in Peoria, Arizona.

Yesterday, March 9, 2016, county prosecutors ruled the killing of Finicum “justified and necessary” despite the fact he had been shot three times in the back.

Below is a tweet, by RT anchor/correspondent Simone del Rosario, of an autopsy report’s sketch showing three gun wounds on Finicum’s back:

Here are excerpts from Les Zeitz’s report for The Oregonian/Oregon Live of the dramatic events that led to Finicum’s death:

As Robert “Lavoy” Finicum powered his Dodge pickup over Devine Summit on the state highway north of Burns, he spotted the police van idling on a U.S. Forest Service road.

Finicum glanced over at the state trooper in the driver’s seat as he went past.
He pointed a finger at him, as if to say “I see you” and kept going.

That likely was the moment Finicum realized he and his group wouldn’t make the community meeting planned that evening in John Day.

Less than 30 minutes later, Finicum was dead and four other leaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover were in handcuffs.

Police knew the leaders planned to travel to John Day in Grant County to the north on the only direct highway there – U.S. 395.

They devised a traffic stop by state troopers to allow FBI agents to arrest the group on federal conspiracy charges. By midday, some members of the arresting team positioned themselves on Forest Service Road 2820, which branches east off the state highway toward a snow park near the summit of Devine Ridge. Another team set up roughly two miles north on the highway, prepared to act as a roadblock.

“The sheriff is waiting for us,” Finicum yelled out the driver’s window to the officers and agents staged behind his truck.

He puts his hands out the window and invited police to shoot.

“Back down or you kill me now,” he said.

He repeated twice more that he was going to meet the sheriff.

Ryan Bundy, 43, of Mesquite, Nevada, seated behind Finicum with a .38-caliber pistol and two rifles within reach, yelled out the window: “Who are you?”

Finicum echoed him. “Yeah, who are you?”

“Oregon State Police” came the reply.

“I’m going over to meet the sheriff in Grant County,” Finicum said.

Police continued demanding Finicum turn off the truck and surrender, according to officer statements to investigators. But they didn’t move against those in the truck as they waited for a trooper posted at McConnell’s Jeep to bring a launcher with multiple pepper spray rounds.

Those in the truck talked about what to do next.

“If we duck and you drive, what are they going to do?” [Shannon] Cox asked Finicum. “Try to knock us out?”

He noted they still had “50 ass miles” to go to reach John Day. He turned up the volume on country music that had been playing on the radio
“Who can we call?” Bundy asked.

“Sheriff Palmer,” Finicum responded.

As Bundy and Cox tried to get a cell signal, Finicum continued yelling at police.

“You want a blood bath?” he asked. “I’m going to be laying down here on the ground with my blood on the street or I’m going to see the sheriff.

[…] Finicum instantly stepped out of the truck, his hands out to his sides at about shoulder height. Investigators concluded that an FBI agent on the highway clipped off two shots, one that went wild and one that pierced the truck roof and shattered the left rear passenger window. A shell fragment struck Bundy in the shoulder.

The trooper who had made it to the tree line had drawn his revolver and now commanded Finicum to get on the ground.

“Go ahead and shoot me,” Finicum said.

“Get on the ground,” the trooper yelled back.

Finicum continued yelling “Shoot me” and “You’re going to have to shoot me.”

He turned his attention from the trooper in the woods to two troopers coming up behind him, including the one who had fired at the truck. As Finicum shifted direction, the trooper in the woods holstered his gun and drew out his Taser X2, which can be effective from 25 feet but works best at about 15 feet.

Finicum at least twice reached with his right hand toward the inside of his left jacket, where he had a loaded Ruger SR9 semi-automatic pistol that had been a gift from his stepson.

He then turned back toward the trooper approaching with the Taser. He again reached for his jacket.

“It was consistent with drawing a handgun,” the trooper with the Taser told investigators. “He’s going for a gun and I can tell you right now, uh, I was very uncomfortable.”

He continued ordering Finicum to stop.

“He had the drop on me at this point,” the trooper said.

One of the troopers who had been coming up behind Finicum saw the same motion – “consistent with grabbing a firearm” is how he described it to investigators.

“I need to take action to stop him from being a threat” to the trooper with the Taser, he later told investigators.

He fired two rounds, both striking Finicum in the back. At the same instant, another trooper nearby fired a single round into Finicum’s back.

[…] Fifty seconds after Finicum left his truck, the shooting was over.”

You can hear and see Finicum yelling to the police in the video below of cell phone footage from inside Finicum’s truck (lower left corner) synced with aerial footage taken by the FBI. Finicum was in the driver’s seat, while Ryan Bundy, Victoria Sharp and Shauna Cox were in the back seat.

Posted by The Oregonian
Published on Mar 8, 2016

In a video shown at a Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office press conference today, the aerial FBI video of the LaVoy Finicum shooting has been synced with a cellphone video Shawna Cox recorded from within Finicum’s truck.

Do you think Finicum had goaded police to shoot him? Was shooting him in the back justified? How could the police have de-escalated the situation?

H/t ZeroHedge

[Blog Editor: Below is the passionate interview with the Burbank California protestor I found on the G+ Constitutionalist Group. Please take note that even though the audio is similar to the previous post’s official version, the intonation gives an entirely different perspective. The government lied! The witness accounts are the truth!]

Hat Tip: BIG DOGGS -Discussion  -  4/29/16 7:07 AM G+ Constitutionalist Group

The Real Deal!!! #LAYVOY # Oregon An American Awakening!! 

Posted by James D.
Published on Apr 28, 2016
Another Perspective of LaVoy Finicum Murder
John R. Houk
© April 30, 2016
Police shot Oregon protester Lavoy Finicum 3 times in back

About Fellowship of the Minds

We are Conservatives in the undying tradition of America’s Founding Fathers, deeply concerned about the sorry state of our country and the ruinous path our government, political, and cultural elites have taken. That is why we have formed this fellowship, this blog.

Despite our very different backgrounds, we share a deep love for God and country. We work on this blog for no pay. We do this as a public service and a labor of love.

We closely follow political, cultural, and economic news and commentaries on a daily basis. We will sift through the daily news and post the important ones you need to know, together with our unapologetic nonPC editorial comments. We will also alert you to political action: Calling your representatives in Washington, D.C.; rallies, marches, and demonstrations.

We believe that bloggers can and are making a difference. The new technology of the Internet has made us extremely well-informed about politics and what politicians are doing. No longer must we depend on the intermediaries of professional media or the supposed “expert” opinions of professional pundits. In fact, a former CIA officer calls bloggers the Paul Reveres of the 21st century who READ THE REST

Friday, April 29, 2016

We Choose to Fight

God’s thoughts on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender lifestyle from the long winded Amplified Version of the Bible:

Unbelief and Its Consequences
18 For [God does not overlook sin and] the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness suppress and stifle the truth, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them [in their inner consciousness], for God made it evident to them.

21 For even though [a]they knew God [as the Creator], they did not[b]honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools,

24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their own hearts to [sexual] impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], 25 because [by choice] they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], 27 and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing.

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, 29 until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness. They are gossips [spreading rumors], 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors [of new forms] of evil, disobedient and disrespectful to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful [without pity]. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do them, but they even [enthusiastically] approve and tolerate others who practice them. (Romans 1: 18-19, 21-22, 24-32 AMP)

It’s in God’s Word! That works for me and anyone continuously striving to live the Christ-life.

Justin Smith tackles the Leftist (he prefers “Progressive” or “Liberal”) slow cultural destruction of America through the Mainstream Media, Major Corporations and Leftie politicians railing against fine States of the Union like North Carolina who have made the state law of the land to not allow men in a woman’s bathroom or women in a woman’s bathroom – YUCK! – transgenderism.

JRH 4/29/16
We Choose to Fight
Sir Lady Java

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 4/28/2016 12:00 PM

Couched in the concept of "rights" for deviants, queers, perverts and transgendered individuals, President Obama and the anti-American far left Progressives are using "bias laws" (bathroom laws), like the one passed in North Carolina and proposed in Tennessee and Georgia, in their immoral agenda to subvert the traditional American family, Christianity and the U.S. Constitution. If Obama and the courts and a few million supporters of the LGBT deviant minority are allowed continued success in granting non-existent "constitutional rights" through their own unreasoned moral distortions and prejudiced arguments, our unalienable God-given rights will soon be denied, and the State Leviathan will emerge as the final arbiter of U.S. law, granting and eradicating one's rights upon a whim.

This battle has been ongoing, since at least 1967, when Los Angeles police arrested a transgender performer, Sir Lady Java, at the Red Foxx Club. The ACLU defended this deviant [ACLU version & “Bad Samaritan” by Jerome Corsi pg. 141] in the name of "the freedoms of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people," suggesting that the majority community should reject viewing any type of bizarre gender-based sexual activity as deviant.

America has been bombarded by a systematic public relations campaign to change U.S. attitudes towards queer (LGBT) lifestyles, and if one were to believe the New York Times and President Obama's views on recent events, one would think that most Americans were either homosexuals or transgendered. The Progressive radical leftist agenda cannot succeed, unless Progressives can force the public, through the media and government coercion, to accept deviant, perverted and aberrant behavior as the cultural norm, which goes against every aspect of our American Heritage.

On April 4th, Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia proved himself to be a feckless coward, when he vetoed House Bill 757 due to pressure from Disney, Apple, Time Warner and other corporations and possible loss of millions of dollars of future business. His action helped the Progressive cause to destroy the moral fabric of our society and harmed the real fight for liberty in America.

In North Carolina, this battle grew after the Democratic City Council, in Charlotte, passed a nondiscrimination ordinance in February that allowed transgendered people to use men's or women's bathrooms. They took this path, despite Gov. Pat McCrory's warning that if they changed "basic restroom and locker room norms," he would support a state law overriding them.

In Orwellian fashion, "gay rights" groups, representing approximately 5% of America [ 2/26/14], and "mainstream media" outlets, like the New York Times, did their best throughout April to paint the moral majority, who supported heterosexual norms for religious reasons as "bigots". The NYT quoted one LGBT supporter saying, "The religious right has always been there ... in the national political discussion, where hateful bigotry is allowed to stand ... ".

We are "bigots" for objecting to grown men urinating next to our small daughters, our sisters and our wives. But Progressives don't care that many gentle women will be uncomfortable with a man who thinks he is a woman exposing themselves to urinate in front of them.

Just as any American patriot would do, many of North Carolina's leaders have refused to buckle under financial threats from Pres. Obama, the N.B.A. and corporations like PayPal. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest said, "If our action in keeping men out of women's bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, it was worth it."

Forest added on April 11th: "Either we in North Carolina capitulate or we stand and fight back. We have chosen to fight back."

North Carolina State Representative Phil Shepard, a Republican and a Baptist minister, delivered the following biting response to critics of the bill: "Our values are not shaped by the N.B.A. or Bruce Springsteen or some opinion poll. We're standing strong."

One can only hope and pray that a similar law, recently tabled by Tennessee State Representative Susan Lynn, will be revisited and passed during Tennessee's next legislative session. And hopefully similar legislation will also pass in a majority of states, and the people will stand strong in the face of this baseness and moral turpitude.

If Americans accept the Progressive argument, steeped in the philosophies of Freud and Marx, that all sexual practices are equivalent behavior resulting from impulses ingrained at birth, then nothing, regardless how extreme or bizarre, can be ruled to be learned or an aberration of human nature. If God is merely an idea created by human beings, then no God exists to set limits on acceptable human practices. If moral behavior is determined through an individual's presumed "rights", then what moral bounds exist?

What's next -- the pedophilia/NAMBLA agenda [SlantRight & Breitbart]?

How did America arrive at this destination, where gay men are seen as some sort of heroes for forcing conservatives and Christians to serve them?

"For we have spent enough of our past lifetime ... when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries ... they think it odd that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you." 1 Peter 4:3-4

In 1799, Jedidiah Morse preached: "The foundations which support the interest of Christianity, are also necessary to support a free and equal government like our own ... Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with them."

The fight for freedom and individual liberty is constant -- never ending -- and the Moral Majority and most Americans will fight fiercely against the Far Left's Marxist-styled attacks on God, family, our Judeo-Christian beliefs as professed in the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. We will not be forced to bow and kiss the ring of the illiberal Progressive's politically correct theology, we will not be forced to think in any manner opposed to our own conscience and free will, and we will not be forced to believe someone is a woman, if they are a biological man -- no matter how much lipstick Obama smears on Bruce Jenner.

LGBT "rights" end where Christian rights begin, with the First Freedom and Religious Liberty.

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
All links as well as text embraced by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hillary the Liar & the KKK

John R. Houk
© April 27, 2016

American Action News has found a video that may or not be from the Ku Klux Klan endorsing, wait for it … crooked Hillary Clinton for President.

Vocative claims the spokesman in the video is Will Quig, Grand Dragon of the California KKK.

I have no doubts the Clinton campaign will refute any acceptance of a KKK endorsement; nonetheless there are some half-truths in the video.

The age old political party of KKK choice is the Democratic Party:

History reveals that the Republican Party was formed in 1854 to abolish slavery and challenge other racist legislative acts initiated by the Democratic Party.

Some called it the Civil War, others called it the War Between the States, but to the African Americans at that time, it was the War Between the Democrats and the Republicans over slavery. The Democrats gave their lives to expand it, Republican gave their lives to ban it.

History reveals that Democrats lynched, burned, mutilated and murdered thousands of blacks and completely destroyed entire towns and communities occupied by middle class Blacks, including Rosewood, Florida, the Greenwood District in Tulsa Oklahoma, and Wilmington, North Carolina to name a few.

After the Civil War, Democrats murdered several hundred black elected officials (in the South) to regain control of the southern government. …

Congressional records show that Democrats were opposed to passing the following laws that were introduced by Republicans to achieve civil rights for African Americans:

** Civil Rights Act 1866

** Reconstruction Act of 1867

** Freedman Bureau Extension Act of 1866

** Enforcement Act of 1870

** Force Act of 1871

** Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

** Civil Rights Act of 1875

** Civil Rights Act of 1957

** Civil Rights Act of 1960

** And during the 60's many Democrats fought hard to defeat the 1964 Civil Rights Act

** 1965 Voting Rights Acts

** 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act [Bold text and bullets by the Blog Editor]

… It was also the racist Jim Crow practices initiated by Democrats that brought about the two landmark cases of Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v. The Board of Education.

At the turn of the century (1900), Southern Democrats continued to oppress African Americans by placing thousands in hard-core prison labor camps. According to most historians, the prison camps were far worst than slavery. The prisoners were required to work from 10-14 hours a day, six to seven days a week in temperatures that exceeded 100 degrees and in temperatures that fell well below zero. …

History reveals that it was three white persons that opposed the Democrat's racist practices who started the NAACP. Dr. Martin Luther King, several Civil Rights leaders and many historians reported that during the first two years of his administration, President John F. Kennedy ignored Dr. King's request for Civil Rights. The chronicles of history reveal that it was only after television coverage of riots and several demonstrations did President Kennedy feel a need to introduce the 1963 Civil Rights Act. At that time, experts believe the nation was headed toward a major race war.

History reveals that it was Democratic Attorney General, Robert Kennedy that approved the secret wire taps on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and it was Democratic President Lyndon Johnson that referred to Dr. King as " that nigger preacher."

… You get the Dem Party picture – READ ENTIRETY (The Racist History of the Democratic Party; By Wayne Perryman; History News Network; 2/14/04)

California KKK spokesman Quig claims Hillary’s views that disagree with KKK ideology is simply political hype to get votes to be elected. In other words, Hillary is lying for political gain. Hillary is a proven liar!


Hillary Clinton has a long history of tall tales.  Some designed to make her appear brave, such as her lie about coming under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996.  Others connectED her to someone famous, such as her claim to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary.  Except that Sir Edmund, at the time of Hillary Clinton's birth, was simply Ed, an obscure New Zealand beekeeper.

Mrs. Clinton lied about a video causing the Benghazi terror attack and is now doubling down, denying she lied to the victims' families about the video, blaming her fabrication on the "fog of war."  There's also her emails, which she lied about to Congress and the American people.  These aren't the inconsequential fabrications about whom she was named after, but serious false statements involving loss of American life and compromised U.S. foreign policy and national security.

But lying is not a recent phenomenon for Mrs. Clinton.  William Safire, of the NY Times, wrote in 1996 that Hillary "is a congenital liar."  He noted a string of deception beginning in Arkansas and following her to the White House – cattle futures, Travelgate, Whitewater, lost billing records, and missing FBI files, to name some of her most prominent deceptions and cover-ups.

Going even farther back in history to the 1970s, Hillary Clinton was fired from her staff position on the Watergate House Judiciary Committee over "lies and unethical behavior."

Is a pattern of compulsive lying by a presidential candidate a legitimate concern?  Are Mrs. Clinton's lies about Benghazi and emails part of a longstanding pattern?  Are they READ ENTIRETY (Is Hillary Clinton a compulsive liar? By Brian C Joondeph; American Thinker; 1/26/16)

More articles documenting crooked Hillary, the liar:

Hillary Clinton’s million little lies; By Michael Walsh; New York Post; 11/26/15 2:26pm

If you did a little looking yourself, I am confident a treasure trove of Hillary can be discovered by you too.

How the KKK is Helping Hillary

Source: Vocativ
Vocative Date: Apr 25, 2016 at 6:11 PM ET

Posted by Vocativ
Published on Apr 25, 2016

A Grand Dragon of the California Klan claims to have raised about $20K for her campaign.

Hillary the Liar & the KKK
John R. Houk
© April 27, 2016
How the KKK is Helping Hillary
American Action News
203 S. Union St., Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
(571) 293-0941

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Hijra: Conquest Of The West By Colonization

Blog Editor Intro to Fatouros Post on Ann Corcoran
Editor John R. Houk
Intro date: April 25, 2016

Ann Corcoran

Dee Fatouros sources The Counter Jihad Report in turn sources the Center for Security Policy (CSP). How’s that for a Counterjihad pedigree? The key for all is the expertise of Ann Corcoran who blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch. Corcoran has recently released a book entitled “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America”.

The term “Hijra” has many Arabic spellings and apparently meanings depending on the part of the Muslim world is culturally from. The original meaning refers to the Muslim false prophet Mohammed – Courtesy Wikipedia:

The Hegira or Hijrah (Arabicهِجْرَة), also romanized as Hijra and Hejira, is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in 622 CE.[1] In June 622 CE, after being warned of a plot to assassinate him, Muhammad secretly left his home in Mecca to emigrate to Yathrib, 320 km (200 mi) north of Mecca, along with his companion Abu Bakr.[4] Yathrib was soon renamed Madīnat an-Nabī, literally "the City of the Prophet", but an-Nabī was soon dropped, so its name is "Medina", meaning "the city".[5]

The Hijrah is also often identified erroneously with the start of the Hijri calendar which was READ ENTIRETY at Wikipedia

Wikipedia also provides a brief page of other meanings and Western World uses of the word “Hijra”.

Ann Corcoran focuses on a meaning that use migration as a form Muslim Jihad to conquer the Western World for Islam. This Hijra Jihad sounds something a bit similar to the Muslim Brotherhood agenda for the West in a discovered document entitled “The Project”: The Patrick Poole explanation and the IPT PDF that includes the English Translation after the original Arabic.

READ THE Fatouros explanation of Ann Corcoran’s position that watch her on a Youtube video which Fatouros posts afterword.

JRH 4/25/16
The Hijra: Conquest Of The West By Colonization

Posted by Dee Fatouros
April 24, 2016

Ann Corcoran has been a leader in sounding the clarion regarding what has happened to and what is really behind our so called "refugee resettlement program".

There is much information and some pertinent links as well as her concise 4 minute video at the end of this post.

Citizen awareness concerning this issue is vital to the survival of our American way of life.


Washington, DC — Last week, the chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, wrote the Department of State demanding that it halt the resettlement of refugees in the city of Spartanburg in his district. In his letter dated April 15, 2015, Congressman Gowdy objected to the “lack of notice, information and consultation afforded to me and my constituents” and posed seventeen pointed questions, including (as paraphrased by Politico):

o   Why and when was his district approved [as a refugee resettlement site]?

o   What steps were taken to notify local government officials and whether they approved the plan, and where funds for the office and the refugees will come from?

o   When are the first refugees expected to arrive?

o   What benefits are they entitled to?

o   How many will be resettled?

o   What is their country of origin?

o   Who is responsible for housing, employment and education services for them?

Rep. Gowdy was particularly concerned about the security implications of this immigrant migration. He asked: “Do any of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area have criminal convictions? If so, for what crimes has each been convicted?” And “Please explain the background-check process performed on refugees scheduled to be resettled in Spartanburg.

The necessity for such congressional oversight has been underscored by an important new monograph by Ann Corcoran entitled, Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America, which was published today as part of the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series. Ms. Corcoran documents that Muslim immigration as a form of jihad via colonization called hijra dates back to the time of Mohammed. In fact, she quotes hadith sources that assert that migration is a religious obligation for Muslims to spread Islam and build the Islamic state. She also cites longtime Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi, who once said that Europe would be conquered without guns and swords, but with Muslim migrants overrunning the continent. A powerful new documentary by Martin Mawyer called “Europe’s Last Stand; America’s Final Warning” illustrates just how accurate this prediction is proving to be.

As practiced today, the hijra strategy is an important part of a covert, pre-violent “civilization jihad” pursued by the Muslim Brotherhood. The UN High Commission on Refugees – which, like the rest of the United Nations, is dominated by the dictates of the Islamic supremacist organization known as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – is complicit in the process of bringing Muslim refugees to America. Interestingly, no Muslim refugees are ever resettled in wealthy, low-population density Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia.

Particularly troubling is the evidence that Ms. Corcoran compiles concerning the secrecy surrounding this U.S. refugee resettlement program. She provides estimates of how many Muslim immigrants have been quietly resettled in American communities with no local input. And she discusses the State Department’s primary targets in the United States for Muslim resettlement and showcases models to be found in communities that are resisting this program.

In her book, Ms. Corcoran recounts her personal trajectory from typical, uninformed citizen to a national authority on refugee resettlement policies and programs, the focus of her highly acclaimed blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch. It began in 2007, when large numbers of Muslim Meskhetian Turks were quietly resettled by the U.S. State Department in her hometown in Western Maryland, prompting her to research intensively what was afoot.

Although the author and other concerned local residents succeeded in that instance in blocking the dumping of immigrants that are, as a practical matter, unlikely ever to assimilate, the episode led Ms. Corcoran to the discovery of a frightening pattern: Across the United States, the federal government is attempting stealthily to relocate Muslim immigrants into unsuspecting and often unsuitable rural communities. She found that the affected locals, and even states, are totally by-passed in a resettlement process effectively driven by the United Nations, with U.S. agencies playing a clearly subordinate and non-sovereign role.

In addition, Ms. Corcoran has documented how U.S. officials stubbornly refuse to answer affected communities’ questions about Muslim resettlement. In fact, the State Department went so far as to stop holding townhalls and meetings in Washington, DC to discus after local community representatives began to attend.

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said of the new Civilization Jihad Reader: 

Ann Corcoran’s report is required reading for anyone worried about the threat to America from the global jihad movement. She has provided shocking details of how a stealth effort by jihadists to advance their stated goal of “destroying Western civilization from within” is being abetted by the U.S. government. 

It is to be profoundly hoped that Ms. Corcoran’s analysis will raise awareness of this problem and that, especially with the concern being expressed by influential legislators like Congressman Trey Gowdy, it will help force U.S. officials to halt a dangerous refugee resettlement program. Her suggestions about what average citizens can do to catalyze such changes amounts, moreover, to a real public service.

An excellent site for further reading and information can be found at, Center For Security Policy.

For further information on the threats shariah poses to our foundational liberal democratic values, see more titles from the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series at

Center for Security, Jihad Reader Series

Citizen researcher: Get “the plan” for your community before it goes to Washington

Ann's Book Release: Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America [Blog Editor: Here is the CSP pdf link]

Posted by securefreedom
Published on Apr 20, 2015

Buy Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America on


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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Saudi Arabia: The Golden Chain and The Missing 28 Pages

There are a lot of voices on both the Left and Right side of aisle calling for Obama to declassify the infamous 28 pages of a report that may link Saudi Arabia in some fashion or another to the al Qaeda attack on American soil on September 11, 2001. The Saudis are now saying they either don’t want the declassification or at the very least not allow the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) Bill to become law. JASTA would allow surviving victims of the 9/11 attack to sue Saudi Arabia in civil court for any culpability in financing the al Qaeda attack.

Authors Millard Burr and Rachel Ehrenfeld of the American Center for Democracy (ACD) have posed further incrimination against Saudi Arabia that beyond the 28 pages. Evidently a Bosnian police raid on a Muslim charity group in Sarajevo turned up some evidence of fund raising for Usama (or Osama – depending who you read) bin Laden’s al Qaeda. That Burr and Ehrenfeld suggest that evidence points to numerous Saudi families of wealth that were sugar-daddies to al Qaeda. Al Qaeda called these sugar-daddies the Golden Chain. The problem: The U.S. Government has made much of that evidence classified just as the 28 pages. Here is a teaser paragraph from the Burr-Ehrenfeld essay:

How much of the Sarajevo material remains classified and unpublished is debatable. However, like the missing Congressional report, substantial material that covers the genesis and expansion of al Qaeda in the 1990s has never been released. What we do know is that one note taken from the Sarajevo hoard that surfaced at the trial is a bin Laden note saying: “we took very huge gains from the country’s people in Saudi. We were able to give political power to the Mujahideen, gathering donations in very large amounts…”

Just think if there are some names on the 28 classified pages that are also on the Golden Chain. That could finally reveal just how involved the Saudi government or policies that can be associated with wealthy Saudis that are today considered legitimate global business partners. A civil trial could then open some cans of worms that the Intelligence communities of both the USA and Saudi Arabia that might lead to some criminal investigations. AND there you have it – My guess is neither the U.S. Government nor the Saudis want those cans of worms opened. What do you think?

Just a brief aside: I heard on Fox News that Obama might declassify some of those 28 pages today. However, Google is fairly silent on the today thing. Google searches do point to former Senator Bob Graham reporting that a partial declassification of the 28 pages (e.g. AP, Fox News and Esquire) Hmm … Do you think the U.S. Intelligence community might be pressing Obama on what the public can see?

JRH 4/24/16

Saudi Arabia: The Golden Chain and The Missing 28 Pages

April 23, 2016 6:32PM

The American media, which continues to concentrate on a bill making its way through Congress that would allow American citizens to sue the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for losses suffered as a result of the 9/11 attacks, paid no attention to the Golden Chain.

The victims claim that the release of the 28 pages missing from the 9/11 Commission Report is of crucial importance to their case. Those pages, they say, would show the interrelationship that ties the hijackers to the Saudi regime itself and therefore would offer a damning indictment of the Kingdom. But President Obama, like President Bush before him, refuses to make it public. And the Saudi Royal Family that vehemently denies funding al Qaeda threatened that if the 28 pages are released, they would sell more than $750 billion of Saudi investments in the U.S.

Of equal if not of greater importance than the missing 28 pages, is the forgotten investigation of the Bosnia-BIF office. Crucially, among the boxes and files was found a note ostensibly written by Osama Bin Laden that lists a “Golden Chain” of twenty Arab plutocrats who were and remain suspected of financing international terrorism, including the funding of al Qaeda.


The Golden Chain was established about the time of al Qaeda’s founding in 1988. Bin Laden’s notes on efforts to recruit wealthy Saudi Arabian families who could fund his group were also found at Sarajevo. Much of the information derived from the Sarajevo came to light during the 2003 trial of an al Qaeda financier, Enaam Arnaout, in Chicago.

In March 2002, a search of the Benevolence International Foundation (the BBosanska Idealna Futura, or BIF) in Sarajevo, Bosnia, would provide the West with the most significant trove of information ever to be found on the Genesis and growth of the al Qaeda organization.

In fact, Bosnian investigators unearthed an intelligence mother lode: Not only did they seize weapons, false passports, plans for making bombs, jihadist videos and literature, their search also yielded material of great historic value. On a computer file titled “Tareekh Osama” (Osama’s History), there were found documents, letters, and photos relating to the birth and early days of al Qaeda, some of it in bin Laden’s handwriting. Included in the haul was an organizational chart, and notes on al Qaeda activity reportedly prepared by bin Laden, and his mentor Sheikh Abdallah Azzam. The file had been kept by Bin Ladin confidant Enaam Arnaout, who clearly obviously thought the BIF office in Bosnia was safe from intrusion. Ironically, before 9/11 Arnaout and the BIF were under investigation in the United States for operating the charity as a racketeering enterprise. One that provided material support to al Qaeda. Following 9/11, it seemed only a matter of time before Arnaout would be indicted.

Why the raid took place when it did, and who sponsored the raid (in Sarajevo and Washington), remains something of a mystery. As a result of the Dayton Accords, Bosnia-Herzegovina had been governed by a unique tripartite power-sharing arrangement since 1996; a rotating presidency allowed Muslim Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats to share power. Importantly, in 2002 Alija Izetbegović, the powerful Islamist Muslim Brother, was no longer first among equals. The West’s bete-noire had stepped down after serving as Chairman of the Presidency from October 1996 through October 2000. Thus, given the power structure that existed in Sarajevo in early 2002 (and in the aftermath of 9/11 2001), it is posited that the CIA either took part in or at least was instrumental in, the raid on the BIF location.

Incredibly, the trove of information discovered in that raid was given publicity in Bosnia itself. No effort was made by the Bosnia intelligence agency to tailor, redact, or eliminate information found in the Bosanska, and thus, the information itself proved to be a bombshell both inside and out of Bosnia. Unlike Washington where the most astounding intelligence is immediately classified secret and squirreled down some intelligence rat hole, the Bosnian services shared their find with the world. And in an order issued on 6 March 2003 by the Supreme Court of Bosnia, the computer files that had been seized were delivered to the U.S. Embassy. The documents were then translated into English. Later, some appeared in a trial of a BIF official Enaam Arnaout.

Included in the files were “scanned letters” between Arnaout and bin Laden (using their nom de guerre) and letters concerning other al Qaeda principals. The letters revealed that al Qaeda leaders were paid, and weapons for the group were purchased from funds provided by Muslim charities. There were also letters authorizing the purchase, and purchase orders for rifles, RPGs, mortars, and other weaponry, with instructions to distribute the weapons to camps operated by al Qaeda.

Other memoranda provided a chronology of events from the founding of al Qaeda in Khost to the movement’s activity in Peshawar, Pakistan, during its first months of existence. There were reports on al Qaeda activity in the various jihad on-going in Bosnia, the Sudan, and Chechnya. An article published in 1988 in Arab News outlined bin Laden’s activity and included a photo of Arnaout and Bin Laden walking together at “Masada”, an Arab-Afghan camp for mujahideen.

In the search of the BIF’s Sarajevo offices, “law enforcement authorities” discovered conclusive evidence that tied the BIF Chief Executive Officer Enaam Arnaout to al Qaeda, and to its leader Osama Bin Laden. One letter even allowed Arnaout to sign an authorization on bin Laden’s behalf. Though the Sarajevo documents remained secret for months, they included the minutes of an 11 August 1988 meeting during which bin Laden discussed the creation of what would then be known as the al Qaeda. It is recalled that in the decade following the founding of al Qaeda 1988 only a few hundred jihadists had been permitted to take the oath of allegiance (the baya’t) to Osama bin Laden. Arnaout was thus a member of a very select body of mujahideen.

The evidence unearthed in Sarajevo was sufficient to charge Arnaout with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Arnaout, who was born and raised in Syria and was a member of a Saudi family of Albanian heritage, was also an American citizen and had been a resident of the U.S. since 1992. Thus, in the end, there would be no escaping U.S. justice.

Concerning the BIF, a “charity” incorporated in the State of Illinois in March 1992, the arrest of Arnaout was soon followed by the closure of BIF operation in Canada and Bosnia, and then by most of its offices located overseas; namely, in Pakistan, Bosnia, Yemen, Sudan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Dagestan, Soviet Georgia, China, and Ingushetia (moved from Chechnya).

In December 2001, and shortly after 9/11 but before the indictment of Arnaout himself, BIF funds had been blocked in the USA, Canada, and Bosnia. At that time, it was reported that the US government had in its possession substantial evidence proving that the Arnaout-bin Laden intimate relationship dated from the mid-1980s. The relationship was in fact fixed well before the creation of the al-Qaeda organization in August 1988 in Khost, Afghanistan.

Given the evidence uncovered at the BIF office in Sarajevo (and, reportedly additional evidence of BIF’s terrorist ties discovered by Bosnian police in a later raid on local charities on 3 June), it was not surprising that Arnaout was soon indicated in the United States.

See UNITED STATES of America v. Enaam M. ARNAOUT, a/k/a “Abu Mahmoud”, a/k/a “Abu Mahmoud al Suri”, a/k/a “Abu Mahmoud al Hamawi”, a/k/a “Abdel Samia”, U.S. v. ARNAOUT, No. 02 CR 892, 231 F.Supp.2d 797 (2002), U.S. District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division. November 22, 2002, Patrick J. Fitzgerald,, United States Attorneys.

The Trial

On March 2003 the Chicago trail [sic] of Enaam Arnaout was truncated just before it began == much to the dissatisfaction of most observers. Arnaout had been charged with racketeering conspiracy, providing material support to organizations engaged in violent activities, money laundering, mail fraud and wire fraud. He faced a possible 90-year sentence. However, before the charges could be tried Arnaout pleaded guilty in federal court to a single count of illegally funding and supplying military assistance to mujahideen in Bosnia and Chechnya.

The federal case, which focused on the Arnaout-Bin Laden relationship, was blown to smithereens when a federal judge ruled that evidence was spotty at best. Prosecutors dropped all charges after Arnaout pled guilty to a single felony count. For reasons still not clear, the government settled for a penalty less than the twenty years that Arnaout could have received. As an editorial in the New York Sun put it, “The government’s decision to accept a plea to a single, and relatively minor, count [transpired] so as to avoid a risky trial.” Nonetheless, federal prosecutors were “unwilling to credit [Arnaout] for cooperating.”

True or false, and despite the congressional testimony of then-FBI Director Robert Mueller before a U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on 14 September 2006, the Arnaout imbroglio was not one of the FBI’s finest hours.

Indeed, in February 2006, a federal judge had reduced the Enaam Arnaout sentence from 11 years and four months to 10 years, after the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that his original sentence was improperly enhanced.

The Golden Chain

The Golden Chain was established about the time of al Qaeda’s founding in 1988. Bin Laden’s notes on efforts to recruit wealthy Saudi Arabian families who could fund his group were also found at Sarajevo. Much of the information derived from the Sarajevo came to light during the 2003 trial of an al Qaeda financier, Enaam Arnaout, in Chicago.

How much of the Sarajevo material remains classified and unpublished is debatable. However, like the missing Congressional report, substantial material that covers the genesis and expansion of al Qaeda in the 1990s has never been released. What we do know is that one note taken from the Sarajevo hoard that surfaced at the trial is a bin Laden note saying: “we took very huge gains from the country’s people in Saudi. We were able to give political power to the Mujahideen, gathering donations in very large amounts…”

Within the Sarajevo trove, there was found the essential minutes of a meeting held on 11 August 1988 during which Bin Laden initiated actions that established a jihadist movement loyal to himself. A week later the organization was officially established, and a copy of the oath of allegiance taken by some 40 participants was included in the file. The minutes of that seminal conclave end on 20 August.

Also recorded were bin Laden’s “own statements on the efforts to recruit members from Saudi Arabia for his network and to raise money.” Also included in the Bosnia find was a letter on Saudi Red Crescent/Peshawar letterhead and with it a note added by Osama Bin Laden to his money-manager Wael Jalaidan citing “an extreme need for weapons.” (John Solomon, “Bosnia Raid Yields al-Qaida Donor List,” Miami Herald via AP, Feb. 19, 2003.)

Many questioned why bin Laden, a member of one of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest family, searched for funds outside his fortune to fund al Qaeda. But Osama was not rich enough to fund the expensive jihad he had in mind. Though the bin Laden family was wealthy, Osama could not easily access the $300 million that some analysts felt he had squirreled away. His accounts were blocked in the United States and Saudi Arabia, and his family was watched closely and warned not to assist him financially. Still, during his stay in the Sudan (1991-1996) he probably invested more than $50 million (including $30 million deposited in the al-Shamal Bank). But when bin Laden departed the Sudan in 1996, he had little to show for his investments. By the admission of those al Qaeda members who knew him best, his personal wealth had been squandered. To carry out his jihadist agenda he had to continue to call on wealthy Gulf plutocrats, viz., the Golden Chain, to finance al Qaeda.

Included in the US government indictment of Enaam Arnaout on 9 October 2002 (02 CR 892) was an interesting memorandum, “Clarifying the Mujahideen’s situation to the world and keeping the spirit of Jihad alive.” (Exhibit 17, Department of Justice, “Government’s Evidentiary Proffer Supporting the Admissibility of Coconspirator Statements” in the case of USA v. Arnaout, USDC, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, filed 29 January 2003.) Of even more explosive power, however, was a memorandum that appeared as Exhibit 5: With regard to that piece of evidence the Justice Department noted: “Among the recovered files was a copy of a 1988 handwritten draft listing wealthy financiers of UBL’s mujahideen operation in Afghanistan, referred to within al Qaeda as the ‘Golden Chain.'” The information presented on lined paper and translated from the Arabic by the U.S. Department of Justice was headed by a verse in Arabic from the Koran: “And spend for God’s cause.” (“Government’s Evidentiary Proffer Supporting the Admissibility of Coconspirator Statements” in the case of USA v. Arnaout, USDC, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division) filed on January 29, 2003.)

The Golden Chain memorandum, it included twenty-five names, including twenty very wealthy Saudis. (N.B: at the time of the discovery only two names on the list remained unidentified.) Of the twenty Saudis, six were bankers, and they were tied to the big three of Saudi banking: the National Commerical [sic] Bank of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Bank, and Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corp. Ther[e] twelve Saudi businessmen on the list, and the bankers owned or controlled sixteen of the top 100 Saudi companies. The list included eight individuals charged by the families of victims of 9/11 with being complicit in aiding and assisting al Qaeda. Also included were the names of two former government Ministers.

After each name, there was a second name, in parenthesis, of the al Qaeda operative who received money from the donor. “Osama” appeared after seven entries. The donors [sic] names included Saudi Arabia’s most prominent citizens including the bin Laden family, the al Rajhi, Sharbatly, al Naghi, bin Mahfouz, and Adel Faqih. The corporate net worth of the Golden Chain, as calculated more than a decade later accounted for more than $85 billion, or approximately 42% of Saudi Arabia’s GDP.

Whether or not bin Laden personally wrote the Golden Chaim memo, it is indisputable that he was in a position to know the family fortunes of the individuals named. In some cases, they were allied directly or tangentially with his family. They included Saleh Kamel, head of third largest Saudi company, and Suleiman Abdulaziz al Rajhi, head of 4th largest Saudi commercial bank. The “bin Mahfouz” family was in charge of Saudi Arabia’s most important bank. Also on the list, Abdel Qader Faqeeh (Adel Faqh) head of Savola Group, the 13th largest Saudi company. Mohammed al-Issa was head of the powerful al-Issa group, itself the 20th largest Saudi Company. Issa himself was a board member of the Saudi Research & Marketing Company (along with Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi, Saleh Abdullah Kamel, Abdullah Bin Khaled bin Mahfouz, among others.) He was also Deputy Chairman of the Arab Cement Company whose shareholders included the Binladin Group, the bin Mahfouz and the al Rajhi, and whose chairman was Turki Bin Abdulaziz al Saud. That the individuals listed would be asked to assist Osama bin Laden in his jihadist mission is not surprising. It was all one big happy family.

Wael Julaidan, the al Qaeda moneyman and former Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, and of the well-funded Rabita Trust of Pakistan, was charged with collecting donations from four wealthy individuals. Mohammad al-Amin Khalifa, Osama’s wealthy brother-in-law, was another collection agent, who was known to have close ties to bin Laden’s two money men, Julaidan, and Yasin al-Qadi.

As could be imagined, the list which included such luminaries as “bin Mahfouz,” created a furor in Saudi Arabia, where the memorandum appeared to implicate a score of the Kingdom’s wealthiest citizens. Nearly all were either indirectly or directly involved in the Royal Family’s charity organizations as founders or board members.

Years later, following the September 2001 attacks on the U.S., the “9/11 Commission” issued a report in which a chapter devoted to “The Foundation of the New Terrorism, acknowledged that Osama bin Laden sought financial assistance from wealthy Muslims in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, and that “the eventual success of the jihad in Afghanistan depended on an increasingly complex, almost worldwide organization.” Unfortunately, the report was long on implication and short on names.

The Golden Chain list included names of persons who were friendly to the Afghan-Arab movement and later to bin Laden himself. The Golden Chain gained importance after 1990 — when Osama bin Laden escaped house arrest in Saudi Arabia and a year later emerged in the Sudan. Indeed, the name al Qaeda came into vogue and the need for funding expanded after Osama move to the Sudan and al Qaeda’s expanding activities first in Somalia, and later in the Balkans.

Why then should anyone believe that any individual whose name appears on the Golden Chain memorandum, and who, like Khalid bin Mahfouz, claims he “never knowingly made any donation to al Qaeda or any organization or person acting on al Qaeda’s behalf or to any other terrorist organization,” is telling the truth?

It is unknown if any of those whose names appeared on the Golden Chain memo has ever been interrogated, charged with a crime, or chastised by the Saudis. It is safe to assume that In the Dessert Kingdom, where jihad is paramount and ‘silence is golden,” the Golden Chain members have little to worry about.
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