This is a link that takes you directly to the Daily Mail video entitled “Family of Christian couple killed over Koran demand justice”.
Here is an eyewitness account of the atrocity of burning husband/wife Sijjad Masih and Saima Bibi for no other reason than being a Christian accused of blasphemy for allegedly desecrating a Quran:
Camera man Malik Abdul Aziz, who witnessed the killing, has described first hand the brutal attack that unfolded.
He said about 1,500 people gathered from nearby villages after being stoked up by local clerics who announced the couple had committed blasphemy over the loudspeakers of their mosques.
'They started beating the couple with sticks and bricks chanting slogans of 'We will lay down our lives for the honour of the prophet' and then tore off their clothes.
'The couple were screaming, begging for mercy and saying they have not committed any sin.
'The mob dragged them for around 20 yards and laid them on top of the brick kiln oven and kept them there till they were burnt,' he added. READ ENTIRE ARTICLE (Christian couple 'burned to death by Pakistani mob had legs broken to stop them fleeing and wife was wrapped in cotton so she'd burn faster'; By Darren Boyle and Sam Webb and Annabel Grossman and Corey Charlton; Daily Mail Online; 11/10/14 12:01 EST – UPDATED 11/10/14 12:18 EST)
Saima Bibi (Left) and Sijjad Masih
My God! Now the Christians living in the area are now hiding or have become Internally Displaced Persons ALL out of fear for being Christians with Muslims acting on Islamic Supremacy hypocrisy of hating on Christians to perpetuate the atrocities committed on burned to death Christians.
Shamim Masih reports further on the Muslim idiocy.
JRH 11/18/14
JRH 11/18/14
Where are UNHCR and David Miliband?
By Shamim Masih
Sent: 11/18/2014 4:48 AM
ISLAMABAD: In Joseph Colony over 160 Christian homes were destroyed and those arrested were quickly released on bail with no further progress reported on their trial. The sole Christian charged, Sawan Masih and was given the death sentence in a rare display of speed justice. More than 300 Christian families remained in the streets for a couple of months. The same number of houses was burnt in Gojra and Christian displaced families were left to wander in nearby
streets. And during the most recent incident in Kot Radha Kishan [Link], where we have seen the horrifying case of the killing and burning of a young Christian couple left six Christians displaced families. And ten Christian families in the village Check no.59 can be targeted at any time. Many Christian displaced families of the Rimsha case [Link] are still living in tents in H-9 sector Islamabad.
According to UNHCR [United Nations High Commission for Refugees], around 35 million uprooted people are living in a state of flight from conflict and persecution, while many other millions have been displaced by natural disasters.
An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who is forced to flee his or her home but who remains within his or her country’s borders. They are often referred to as refugees, although they don’t fall with the current legal definition of a refugee. IDPs are among the most vulnerable victims of [religious] conflict [in Pakistan]. Like refugees, they have fled fighting or human rights abuses but, unlike them, they have not crossed an international border. UNHCR’s original mandate does not specifically cover IDPs, but because of the agency’s expertise on displacement, it has for many years been protecting and assisting millions of them, more recently through the “cluster approach.” UNHCR has the lead role in overseeing the protection and shelter needs of IDPs as well as coordination and management of camps.
Mr. Miliband, who is President [Link] of International Rescue Committee (IRC), which is a global humanitarian aid, relief and development NGO which offers emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees and those displaced by war, persecution or natural disaster. Mr. Miliband is on his visit to Pakistan and has been meeting with high level leadership of the country.
Going by past instances, the members of minority communities are persecuted and prosecuted in Pakistan. Thousands are forced to live in utter destitution, without adequate access to food, jobs, healthcare, and education. But we have seen that neither UNHCR nor IRC has ever bothered to take care of these [Christian] IDPs, while it has been assisting millions of other [religious minorities]. Is [not this] the biased attitude of UNHCR and IRC towards Pakistani Christians?
As citizens, they retain all of their rights and protection under both human rights and international humanitarian law. Unfortunately prosecution is on [but] perpetrators are set free. The administration and the judiciary are responsible for this unjust state of affairs. If the perpetrators of previous incidents of religious extremism such as at Gojra, Kasur, Joseph Colony and the blasphemy case against minor Rimsha have been held accountable, no one would have dared to commit such crime again. Transgressors of law do so with impunity and are further encouraged the when they are evicted with any penalty. I don’t see any future for Pakistani Christians, when they are prosecuted in their own country and ignored by the UN and the West as well.
Be Blessed,
Shamim Masih
Daily Khabrian – in Urdu ( description – in English) & Channel - 5 (A project of Khabrian Group of papers)
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Edited by John R. Houk
Text or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.
© Shamim Masih
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