Thursday, October 2, 2014

Islam is Evil’s Con

Islamic Web of Deception
Just as Dajjal made a comment worthy of a post based on Louis Rene Beres’ essay “The Jihadists’ Promise: Power over Death” another comment was made by Uncle Vladdi along similar lines.

JRH 10/2/14
Islam is Evil’s Con
[Arbitrary Editor’s Title]

Also Muslims aren’t allowed to challenge whatever Muhammad said (33:36) (OR ELSE)!

And the nuttiest part is that their idolatrous alibi-excuse justification for their crimes, “allah,” is described in the Qur’an as being the one who deliberately forced the so-called “infidels” to reject his oneness, thus creating and objectifying both the ‘criminal’ infidels, and their scared muslim executioners. “Allah” has no morality, and islam does not believe in free-will self-reliance, in fact using the predeterminism excuse of eternal relentless force and perpetual victimology (extortion) to pretend the muslims are as much “allah’s” helpless slaves and victims as their own victims are.


9:120 promises Muslims that any hardship endured in aid of trespassing against disbelievers will be imputed to them by allah as a righteous good deed.

Here’s islam’s “holy Message from god” as exemplified by the collective words and deeds of its Founder:

“I will save humanity by lying to, extorting, torturing, robbing, burning out of their homes, kidnapping and ransoming, enslaving, raping and murdering everyone who even only verbally disagrees with me – and you can, too!”
          – Muhammad –

Moe’s last speech to his followers on Mt. Arafat:

“I descended by allah with the sword in my hand, and my wealth will come from the shadow of my sword. And the one who will disagree with me will be humiliated and persecuted.”

Muhammad was really only a con-man and bandit-king, an arch-criminal who always blamed “god” for his own penchant for committing crimes. If Moe got away with committing a crime (and he tried them all, enthusiastically, more than once, but instead of ever showing contrition, bragged about how much fun it was to commit them, and advised everyone else to join in the fun, too), then it was held to be “obvious” that “god” wanted him to get away with having committed those crimes!

Sura 48:20: “Allah has promised you abundant spoils that you will capture, and He has hastened for you this, and He has restrained the hands of men from (defending themselves from) you, that it may be a sign for the believers, and that He may guide you to a Straight Path.”

Islam specifically endorses backwards, evil behaviour: “might makes right, us versus them, and the ends justify the means.”

But in reality, the means really only ever define the end’s results: when you lie, murder and otherwise steal to get your way, in the end you aren’t a great success; you are still really only a lying, murdering thief!

The ‘theological’ notion of Allah’s “oneness” is CRUCIAL to their main criminal, might-makes-right alibi, that “we aren’t responsible, and no one is ever really a criminal anyway, because we’re really all only victims:

“The Allah Made Me Do It!”

“In fact, I didn’t do it at all – only the allah did it! Whee!”

[8.17] So you did not slay them, but it was Allah Who slew them, and you did not smite when you smote (the enemy), but it was Allah Who smote, and that He might confer upon the believers a good gift from Himself; surely Allah is All-Hearing, Knowing.

Sura 4:77: “Those who whined “Hold back your hands (from attacking)” were corrected:

“War is compulsory for us – the good and bad both come from allah!”

As Muhammad himself put it, “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari 4.52.220).

So, islam is not a “religion” (at all, much less one “of peace”) nor is it a “race” (at all, much less one of “Poor, Oppressed, People Of Colour”)!

Obviously, islam is ONLY an ancient, ongoing extortion-racket CRIME-syndicate, and the only “religious” part in it, is where they say:

“God told us to commit these crimes!”



Such immoral relativism fits exactly into the current “liberal” criminals’ mindsets, as well.

In islam, “allah” is always to be regarded as both unknown, and ultimately unknowable.

When one’s description of one’s version of a god is generally only “Everything!” then it is also specifically only “Nothing!” Existentialism IS Nihilism.

Islam gives them no real answers at all; even Muhammad, whose highest desire was to live, die and live and die again and again for “allah,” confessed on his death-bed, when asked what he thought his reward would be, was officially recorded to have been “I have absolutely no idea.”

Beyond that, The Qur’an is what you’d get if Hitler had written the bible.

The Qur’an is a clearly-written hate-crime expressing a permanent death-threat: it tells it’s moslem mind-slaves that they are in fact SO “superior” to all the non-members of their war and plunder cult, that it’s not only their right, but also their holy duty to their god, to extort, enslave, and murder all the non-moslems in the world, simply for the “crime” of not being moslems!

The Qur’an “came from” the Bible the way monopoly money “came from” real legal tender! It’s a cheap knock-off/forgery!

The Qur’an is ONLY a series of repetitive self-serving campaign speeches by Muhammad. Pretty-much every sura says exactly the same thing, so there’s no way it can be “taken out of context “nor misinterpreted!

Most obviously, it can be summed up as:

“This Book says Muhammad says Gabriel says Allah says that MUHAMMAD IS ALWAYS RIGHT!”

(Whereby your average muslim is encouraged to believe that, if he pretends to believe Moe’s stories, he gets to “be always right!” too – “inshallah” – and by repeating the magic words “allah Akhbar!” [allah is greater] i.e.: “than your silly “logic,” so die anyway, infidels!” the literally loopy lunatic’s circular tautology is completed and he never has engaged in any ‘painful’ thinking for himself, ever again)!

“O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble… Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.” (Quran. 5:101-102)

Muslims aren’t allowed to challenge whatever Muhammad said (33:36).



Islam slanders the idea of a good God, by asserting (in each and every chapter header in the Qur’an) that “god” is a violent destructive beast who has personally destroyed a lot of the abandoned ghost-towns in Arabia. This is speculation presented as fact (the towns were destroyed by tribal conflict or economic necessity); islam is founded on a lie.

“So, obviously” it continues, “god” will get all the muslims, too – unless and until they at least try to get all the non-muslims for allah, first! Their “god” is nothing but a capricious, “unknown and unknowable” conscious scary Pain; something to be feared and obeyed, but never admire nor loved. Basically, “allah” is only Satan.

…other than that, each and every chapter says:

1) “Some stuff (like the mountains, desert, sky, and those ruined ghost-towns all over Arabia) exists, “So obviously” only one god created it all!”

2) Because this one god ONLY wants to be feared and obeyed, never reasoned with nor loved, he only hates it when his creations dilute their fearful obedience of him with other (‘false’) gods (even though he actually causes their disbelief & disobedience in the first place)!”

3) Therefore, before Muhammad, he sent down ‘other’ prophets and apostles to warn their peoples of the consequences of their unbelief and, when they failed to listen to their prophets, this GOD DESTROYED THEM ALL! (Hence all those ruined ghost-towns all over Arabia).

4) Therefore, FEAR allah and OBEY Muhammad, or GOD WILL DESTROY YOU, TOO (And then burn you in Hell forever)!


This drivel can be dummied down as:

“Some stuff exists, so OBEY MUHAMMAD! (Or Else)!”

There is absolutely NO ‘theology’ nor spiritualism in islam!

(Unless you consider “allah’s” schizophrenia – where he orders all his angels and jinn to bow down to his little clay idols (men) yet hates it when men bow down to clay idols. Even Iblis – “allah’s” conscience & psychiatrist – saw through this nonsense)!

Because if they don’t convert, enslave, or KILL all the non-muslims “for allah,” then allah will GET THEM too (and burn them in Hell forever) ALL muslims have declared war on ALL of mankind – on ALL non-members of their life-fearing, death-worshipping war-and-plunder cult!

Here’s islam’s “holy Message from god” as exemplified by the collective words and deeds of its Founder:

“I will save humanity by lying to, extorting, torturing, robbing, burning out of their homes, kidnapping and ransoming, enslaving, raping and murdering everyone who even only verbally disagrees with me – and you can, too!”
– Muhammad –

Muhammad was really only a con-man and bandit-king, an arch-criminal who always blamed “god” for his own penchant for committing crimes. If Moe got away with committing a crime (and he tried them all, enthusiastically, more than once, but instead of ever showing contrition, bragged about how much fun it was to commit them, and advised everyone else to join in the fun, too), then it was held to be “obvious” that “god” wanted him to get away with having committed those crimes!

So, simply and precisely because of their “THOU SHALT KILL!” cultural indoctrination, muslims are still from between four and several hundred times more likely to engage in murder and all other crimes, than everyone else in the world!
Edited by John R. Houk
All links are by the Editor. You may notice that many words that should be grammatically capitalized have not been so. I am assuming this was intentional by the author to pejoratively diminish Islam. I don’t have a problem with this.

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