Friday, February 14, 2014

Talking about Chrislam then Elsa on Islam in Church

Heidi Mundt - German Protester of Imam in Church
Heidi Mund

John R. Houk
© February 14, 2014

Elsa Schieder is a Counterjihad writer and activist. I am privileged to receive update emails from her occasionally. Recently I received an email sharing an essay which is titled on the email as “Good Trust, Bad Trust and Self-Trust”.

She opens the essay with an anecdote about a “Good Trust” situation she was in at a concert she attended. Then she dives into the meat of her essay relating to bad trust and self-trust. The primary theme is a German gal by the name of Heidi Mund that attended an interfaith (Christianity and Islam) concert at a traditional Church in Germany – Memorial Church of the Reformation in the Rhineland city of Speyer, built to honor Martin Luther.

CBN News video on Brave German Woman:
Embed code:

Ms. Mund’s protest centered on the fact that an Imam gave the Islamic call for prayer (adhan) right inside the Church. According to the Wikipedia article I linked to the purpose of the adhan is:

The main purpose behind the multiple loud pronouncements of adhan in every mosque is to make available to everyone an easily intelligible summary of Islamic belief. It is intended to bring to the mind of every believer and non-believer the substance of Islamic beliefs, or its spiritual ideology.

The Wikipedia article continues by telling us the adhan incorporates the Islamic Shahada which is what a person declares as proof of being a Muslim. Once a non-Muslim idiot cites the Shahada then Muslims consider this a conversion moment to Islam. The Wikipedia explanation of the Shahada in the adhan article is a bit deceptive and is obviously there for a Westerner’s reasoning:

There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God. This statement of faith, called the Kalimah, is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam.

The deception becomes clear when the actual translation of the Shahada that is a better translation from the Arabic to English:

The shortest form of the Shahada would be translated:
“There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

Longer versions are common, especially those beginning with “I bear witness” or “I testify,” e.g.:
“I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” (What Is the Shahada? Posted by David Wood; Answering Muslims; 10/18/12 12:01 PM)

There is a big difference between “There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God” and “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”.

This is what the leadership of the Church specifically dedicated to Martin Luther - Memorial Church of the Reformation – allowed to occur. The powers that be in that Church in essence was allowing Islamic proselytizing to occur in the name of interfaith understanding. There is a name for this merging of Christianity and Islam: Chrislam. The website Exposing Chrislam posts an introduction to a Vimeo video of Jack and Rexella Van Impe doing an expose on Chrislam:

The Explosive Growth Of Chrislam

Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe have prepared this powerful video expose to show you how this dangerous trend fulfills Bible prophecy - and threatens to destroy Christianity.

Jack's stand on Chrislam got him booted off of TBN after 23 years of preaching and teaching the bible on that station.

The New World Order's goal is to replace the Christianity of the bible with the dual-headed monster of Chrislam.

I can’t get the Vimeo to play its entire 16 minutes so I looked for a Youtube version. I found several Jack Van Impe videos about Chrislam. Below is a 28 minute video and a 1 hour and 38 minute video. I think the 28 minute video is closer to the Exposing Chrislam Vimeo video:

Now that I had my little talk about the heresy of Chrislam, let’s move on to Elsa’s email about her essay of which a version is also posted on Elsa’s Blog.

JRH 2/14/14
Good Trust, Bad Trust and Self-Trust

By Elsa Schieder
Sent: Feb 12, 2014 at 5:13 PM

I was trusted. My word was trusted.

I went to a concert a few days ago. A well-known local group. Sold-out venue - maybe 1000 people. When I got there, I couldn't find my ticket. I told this to the young man at the door. Wait a minute, he said, and I'll see what I can do. He went backstage, came out with the lead singer - who offered me his elbow, escorted me inside. You're in, he said.

Trust. I was trusted that I was telling the truth.

There's a background to the story. The group plays monthly at a local club that attracts regulars - between 100 and 200 people, I'd say - between ages 18 and 80 (and even over). The group has a visibly good time performing. I've gone a few times with my sister. They're a pleasure to watch and dance to.

I don't know any of the musicians, but I'm sure I'm recognized. There's a warm family atmosphere at the club.

It fits that my word was trusted. It goes with the group. And my guess is that the group attracts trustworthy people. Why would I want to cheat the group by claiming to have bought a ticket when I hadn't?

Anyway, great concert.

Now, bad trust. Into my inbox came a link to a video about someone identified only as a "brave German woman." She had interrupted an interfaith event at a major German church when an imam was doing the Muslim call to prayer.

Why do I bring up bad trust in relation to this incident?

I think the interfaith group trusted that this was a good thing to do, did not ask: what does it mean, when the Muslim call to prayer is done in a church? The answer: it turns the church into a mosque - at least until such time as it is reconsecrated as a church. That's the word from the brave German woman, and the word from a friend who is more of a scholar about these things than I am.

The bad trust goes much further. The Christian organizers seem to trust that such an interfaith event is a good thing - despite the content of the Quran which clearly, over and over, calls for Christianity - and all religions other than Islam - to be destroyed. Islam is to take over the world in a worldwide caliphate, including by violent means. It does't (sic) make any sense to me that any other religion would allow the Muslim call to prayer in any church, synagogue, temple.

And from that I think of self-trust. The woman who called out was impelled to go to the church, a long distance from her home, and then to call out, by a strong inner voice.

My sense is that many of us have felt such an impetus. In the woman's case, she felt it came from Jesus.

In my own, it feels like it comes from within me. A question I can't find the answer to. Something that does't (sic) make sense to me - like the Muslim outcry over the Danish cartoon and the general Western acquiescence. I can remember that inner impetus, that strong inner voice, from when I was seven.

I don't know how it is that those who consider themselves Christian and who organized the event could not have heard something inside themselves insisting, this is wrong, this should not be happening, it must be stopped.

I think of people put to sleep, numbed.

I'm glad the woman was awake and listening. May we all listen to our alive inner voices that get us to face realities.

And now, a small call to action. Not to anything as dramatic as what the brave woman did.

Iran is executing ever more people - one every seven hours, at latest count. Two very brave young men, both sentenced to death, have written a letter about this, and have signed it. They are risking that they will die sooner because of this. What I am asking is that you publicize this letter. Please post it on any Facebook page you have, or on Google+. If you tweet, please tweet about it. Or write a letter to a newspaper. Or anyway, please forward to friends, so they hear about it. The hope is to shame Iran into at least slowing the rate of executions. At the very least, more people will be aware.

Here is the link. Again, please share it any way you can.

In the meantime, all the best to all of us who care and dare,


PS. It should be no surprise to anyone that a major focus of the next set of interviews will be ethics, right and wrong.

PPS. To see this online, here's a link - where you can also see a photo of the brave German woman:

Talking about Chrislam then Elsa on Islam in Church
John R. Houk
© February 14, 2014
Good Trust, Bad Trust and Self-Trust

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Welcome to Elsa's Blog. Thoughts on life, flourishing, living well.  On dealing with hard stuff, like heart break. And other hard stuff, like the truth about Islam. Like hate speech laws against freedom of speech. Like the politically correct West - maybe frozen in fear, anyway very dangerous. Diary blogs, personal blogs, political blogs - blogs about life.

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