Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Make Boehner Happy – True Conservatives Leave the GOP

T-Party Believes In
John R. Houk
© December 24, 2013

About a week ago Speaker of the John Boehner (R) criticized Tea Party Conservatives for hampering the Democrat/GOP budget deal. Now I have mixed feelings on this budget deal. I feel with a neo-Marxist President the only kind of budget that will pass and be signed is a compromise budget. Hence a compromise was good.

However, Boehner’s personal attack strategy on Tea Party Conservatives is a demonstration of the Republican Establishment – mired with Left-Center and Crony Capitalist Conservatives – has decided to minimize true Conservatives possibly to the point of excising their existence from the GOP.

Boehner may consider himself a Conservative and this budget deal may be the best compromise for the U.S. government to move on; however he should of attacked what the GOP had to give up and begin ramping that up as a 2014 election issue. Instead Boehner attacked the Less-Government/Fair-Taxes element of the GOP know as Tea Party Conservatives.

It is my opinion that the Tea Party Movement will only have a significant influence on the Congressional Budget path if they withdraw from the Republican Party. This would mean the multitudinous separate and local Tea Parties would have to find some kind of unity through some kind of federation and/or centralization. Critics of this will tell you this is guaranteeing a Democratic Party majority in both Houses of Congress and another Dem President in the probable likes of another Alinsky devotee in Hillary Clinton.

I say so what!

When the Republican Party broke into the national scene in America in 1856, it neither won Congress or the Presidency. Republicans were considered too radical by the political establishment of its day because they represented the Abolition Movement (i.e. the abolition of slavery and full citizenship for former slaves). The irony of those days the Democratic Party won the Congress and the Presidency in 1856 and it was the Democrats that favored slavery and the status quo on a national basis. Today the Dem Party strategy has switched from status quo Capitalism (including the Southern slave culture) to Socialist utopianism. Part of that power base is to convince America’s poor and minorities that the Dems have their interests at heart by creating a system which the government takes care of people. In essence the Dems have managed to make the poor and minorities dependent on government hand-outs as part of a survival mode. The irony is the Dems have created a pseudo-slave class which continued votes keep their masters in power. When Boehner criticizes the Tea Party instead of admitting temporary compromises he is upholding the Dem Party slave-class system to perpetuation.

America needs another Lincoln to STAND UP to discharge the status quo and render the Establishment Republicans and status quo Dems irrelevant now as Lincoln did to the Dems and to what was left of the Whig Party to win political power in 1860.

It is time to stop calling Establishment Republicans RINOs (Republicans in Name Only). Let us call them Republicans and the Tea Party start another National Political Party that will eventually gain the hearts of American voters. A Tea Party paradigm might cause a bit of civil strife for a while as did the 1860 Dems in starting the Civil War, but good designs will always triumph over the evil designs of the Socialistic slave mentality.

If you are a Tea Party Conservative this Boehner speech should embolden you rather than to lay down to walked upon by the Republican Establishment and the Socialist/Marxist leaning Democratic Party:

You should read this December 19 op-ed written by Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots located of all places in the New York Times. Martin is more specific than I in itemizing the bad parts of the budget compromise and the Tea Party advocacy for less government which Obamacare for all its good intentions is a socialist paradigm destined to further enslave American dependence on government overreach.

JRH 12/24/13
John Boehner’s Betrayal

By Jenny Beth Martin
December 19, 2013
New York Times

WOODSTOCK, Ga. — THERE’S a political axiom that says if nobody is upset with what you’re doing, you’re not doing your job. We’ve seen this proved time and again in the liberal attacks on conservatives like Sarah Palin and Dr. Benjamin Carson, who provide principled examples to women and minorities and are savaged by the left for doing that job so well.

But cheap-shot politics isn’t relegated to Democrats. Last week the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, attacked conservative groups who criticized the budget deal, hashed out by Representative Paul D. Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin, and Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, for failing to reduce spending and for raising taxes.

“They’re using our members and they’re using the American people for their own goals,” he said, calling the opposition “ridiculous.”

In one way, Mr. Boehner is correct. The goals of groups like ours are those that congressional Republicans once espoused: smaller government, less spending and lower taxes. Alas, those who demand such things today from their elected officials face unfounded attacks.

Make no mistake: The deal is a betrayal of the conservatives who fueled the Republicans’ 2010 midterm shellacking of Democrats.

It raises discretionary spending above $1 trillion for 2014 and 2015. It reneges on $63 billion of sequester cuts. Its $28 billion in deficit reduction over the next decade is a pittance compared with the $680 billion deficit piled up in 2013 alone. And it raises taxes, particularly on airplane passengers through new travel fees.

Perhaps most troubling is that the deal locks in spending for President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, ensuring that the worst parts of Obamacare will continue unfolding to the shock of increasing numbers of Americans.

But the budget plan is about more than taxes and spending. It was a slick means by which Senate Republicans could appear to oppose the deal while in fact allowing it to sail through the chamber.

Take Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, the minority leader, who opposed efforts to defund Obamacare earlier this year while claiming to do everything possible to stop it.

After attacking conservative groups for their efforts to prevent the funding of Obamacare, Mr. McConnell, who is facing a primary challenge in his 2014 re-election race, is now seeking to portray himself as a conservative darling, championing fiscal austerity by voicing opposition to the budget proposal. (My organization has not endorsed a candidate in that race.) Doing so gives him some nifty talking points that align with most conservative groups, but it is little more than parliamentary sleight of hand.

Consider how he handled the vote on the bill. To defeat a filibuster, its supporters needed 60 senators to win cloture and move to a final vote. Instead of rallying his troops against the vote, Mr. McConnell allowed a handful of Republicans in battleground states — who needed to be seen as supporting the bill — to vote for cloture, while he and the rest railed against it, casting themselves in the role of budget hawks.

With cloture accomplished, a dozen Republicans were then free to vote against final passage if they need wiggle room when they’re confronted on the campaign trail next fall by voters demanding action on government spending. Mr. McConnell and many Senate Republicans used the vote to manipulate the system, allowing them to cast themselves as deal makers or principled conservatives, depending on their audience.

This is not principled policy making; what we’re seeing is simple gamesmanship that raises legitimate questions about which values Republicans truly hold and which are merely interchangeable with those of Democrats.

The job of Tea Party groups and other conservatives is pretty simple: to inform Americans about the need for restraint in spending, tax relief, pro-growth economic policies and individual liberty — and to support the men and women who pledge to promote these positions. To the extent that the speaker of the House and Senate Republicans are attacking such groups, it looks as if we’re doing our job.

But after this budget vote, our job expands to include informing Americans about who keeps their word in Congress and who does not.

When establishment Republicans call spending increases spending cuts, deny that raising taxes is a hike, and champion deficit reduction that doesn’t scratch the surface of our nation’s debt, it suggests a detachment from the facts. But when those who voted for them criticize their elected officials for not keeping their promises, and are then attacked for doing so, it suggests that Kurt Vonnegut was right in observing, “A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”
Blog Editor: While I was typing this out I was amused by a Mark Levin criticism of Rep. John Boehner posted on Youtube from a Levin radio broadcast.

Make Boehner Happy – True Conservative Leave the GOP
John R. Houk
© December 24, 2013
John Boehner’s Betrayal

Jenny Beth Martin is a co-founder of Tea Party Patriots.

A version of this op-ed appears in print on December 20, 2013, on page A33 of the New York edition with the headline: John Boehner’s Betrayal.

© 2013 The New York Times Company

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