Monday, May 20, 2024

YOU Observe Perilous Days YET There is Victory in Jesus

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

May 20, 2024


If you are an American Patriot and a Bible-dedicated Christian, you probably have a sense we are living during perilous days. Elections are rigged. Patriots who went to DC to protest the 2020 rigged elections are still being tracked down and arrested. Those already arrested had to choose between pleading guilty for exercising the FIRST AMENDMENT Rights or being severely punished by stacked-Leftist Juries. And many are still languishing in jail while being mistreated for their beliefs while incarcerated. Bible-Believing Christians are being prosecuted and jailed for peacefully praying in front abortion (baby-killing) clinics. An ungodly Woke Culture is being imposed by Bureaucratic laws and Corporations devoted to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI – SEE: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) and Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG – SEE: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) among other imposed Anti-Patriot/Anti-Christian ideologies.


Frankly, I view as alarming the amount of Church Denominations (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox & Independent) that have embraced WOKE ideologies as some sort of upgrade of “outdated” Biblical principles.


With all this pessimism of peril in mind, I want to share a post I finally read from my Elijah List subscription (I can sense the -gasp!- of mainline heresy accusers. GET OVER IT). The post offers prophetic message (as in speaking “edification and exhortation and comfort”) from Victoria Boyson posted on 5/17/24. It is entitled, ‘Victoria Boyson: "We Are Entering the Days of Our Enemy's Terror!"


If you are one who to tends to lean toward pessimism more than good news, I encourage you to line yourself up Matthew 18: 18-20 (NKJV) and seek an encouraging outcome despite perilous observations:


18 “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.


19 “Again[a] I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”


If you have a RED LETTER Bible, you know Jesus said the above verse.


JRH 5/20/24


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Victoria Boyson: "We Are Entering the Days of Our Enemy's Terror!"

Victoria Boyson (Elijah List Photo)


By Victoria Boyson, Houston, Texas

May 17, 2024

The Elijah List


If you want to know your future, watch as the fear rises on your enemies. Through their reactions, you will see that God Himself has entered into our midst and will rise and be found in every place on the planet. He will make Himself known in the bars and brothels. He will reveal Himself to Muslims, Buddhists, and satanists alike. He will not be boxed, caged, or tamed. He will roar over the nations, and He will not stop until you feel Him as He wants you to feel Him.


Do you sense the fear of the armies of darkness? Frantically, they try to destroy what God is releasing. Almost screaming, they wail out the destruction of the Lord's people. They are terrified. I've never in my life seen or sensed such fear from the armies of darkness. Truly, our enemies can see and feel something SUPERNATURAL building in the atmosphere, and they are terrified.


A Special Surprise


Our Father has a special surprise for you! It will be much, much more than you could have ever even imagined it would be. I can hear many of you in the spirit asking God, pleading with God, to use you. He is smiling at you with all His love, because He sees you in your future and He sees how effective you will be for His Kingdom. It will be much greater than what you've expected or even asked Him for. He will release to you flood-waves of His power and miracles to reap a harvest for the Kingdom!


God wants to give you a miracle that is so huge and bold and strong that your enemies will fear your God because of how they see Him manifest in your life. Everywhere you go, your God will pour His favor and blessing on you to scatter the darkness and bring in the harvest. Those who watch your life will see who the one supreme God above all other powers is, through the miracles and glory they see. Your enemy's supporters will come over to your side because they will clearly see that you are on the winning side.


Even as I wrote this, there was a large, powerful storm moving all around our property, but it was barely sprinkling where I was. Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "That is what it will be like for MY children. Though the storm of darkness thunders and rolls all around you, it will NOT stop you! It may threaten, but it cannot touch you. It cannot hurt you, because My hand rests on your life, and you look to Me for protection. I WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN! I will prove My faithfulness to you, and your soul will be built up in the HOPE of Me. Truly, I will convince you of My power and love for you, and as I do, those around you will see it happen and will also be convinced of Me!"


Atmosphere Quietens (Elijah List Photo - Photo via Freerange Stock)


Right as I finished typing those words, the atmosphere around me got very still and quiet. The storm passed over me, but did not touch me.


We are entering the days of our enemy's terror because the Church has awakened, and it has beheld a glimpse of the power it possesses THROUGH PRAYER! Indeed, we have felt how we can impact nations through intercession, and God has joyfully responded to our pleas for our nation and the nations of the world.


The Supreme God


When Joshua took over as leader of the tribes of Israel after the death of Moses, he sent spies into the city of Jericho. It was there that they met a prostitute named Rahab who revealed to them the impact of the miraculous on those living there. Through her they discovered the fearful climate that riddled the city:


"'I know the Lord has given you this land,' she told them. 'We are all afraid of you. Everyone in the land is living in terror. For we have heard how the LORD made a dry path for you through the Red Sea when you left Egypt. And we know what you did to Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan River, whose people you completely destroyed. No wonder our hearts have melted in fear! No one has the courage to fight after hearing such things. For the Lord your God is the SUPREME GOD of the heavens above and the earth below.'" (Joshua 2:9–11, emphasis added)


With mouths gaping open, the world marvels at the acts of God made manifest in our midst! They cannot understand it, and are desperately trying to reason out how it is NOT the effects of our prayers. But, truly, they know it cannot be denied that God is moving mountains and nations by the requests of His Beloved. It is astonishing to see the enemy's response to simple God-breathed prayers. Whether they believe in Him or not, those caught in darkness are utterly astonished and panic-stricken at their loss of control. They cannot win, no matter how hard they try!


Honestly, a great company of those held in darkness do believe in God, His ability to answer prayers, and the power of the Church, yet they are still trying everything they can to stop Him. It must make Him laugh. They will not stop what God is doing in the hearts of His people. No, God will have His way, and no person or demon will stop Him, for He is ALMIGHTY!


God, our Father, will perform such incredible works of His power ALL OVER THE WORLD, because He LOVES the lost, and He is unwilling for them to stay lost! He will reveal His miraculous power THROUGH US, for He wants to show the world that He is REAL and it is HE who has the power, not His enemies.


He Will Roar over the Nations


I see by the Spirit mountains of arrogance crumbling, and those held in their bondage being freed from their oppressors. I see the eyes of the lost suddenly opened as they, realizing their great need, run to find anyone who can lead them to Jesus.


If you want to know your future, watch as the fear rises on your enemies. Through their reactions, you will see that God Himself has entered into our midst and will rise and be found in every place on the planet. He will make Himself known in the bars and brothels; He will reveal Himself to Muslims, Buddhists, and satanists alike. He will not be boxed, caged, or tamed. He will roar over the nations and He will not stop until you feel Him.


Roaring Lion (Elijah List Photo - Photo via Pixabay)


The Lord will roar and consume those wicked things that have tried to hinder His Church. He will roar and destroy the oppression that's plagued the governments of this world, and He will humble those who've attempted to strip His Church of the power to declare His Word! They will know it is Him. There will be NO DOUBT Who is behind all the miraculous deliverance that is literally wiping out years of work the enemy's labored after. Truly, satan will lose some of his greatest workers, for they will turn to the Lord's side and will tell us all how truly terrified the enemy is of us. 


What a GLORIOUS AGE WE ARE ENTERING! Every Kingdom-minded saint should rejoice every time they watch the news; it is unmistakable evidence of the enemy's fear!


Redemption from Doubt


You don't believe me? Sounds too good to be true, you say? You will see HIM move on TV!


God is not unaware of the skeptics. No, He will reach into their very hearts and reveal Himself to them until they melt under the power of the real knowledge of God.


No, you are not invisible to Him. He sees your struggle to know Him and believe in Him. He sees you lashing out at anyone who has faith, but He also sees your heart and how you use to trust Him when you were a child, and He will never forget how you use to think about Him and pray to Him. He wants to return you to that loving relationship He once had with you. He's spared your life so He could turn you back to Himself. And He will.


Falling Fire


Get ready, saints of God! The fire is about to fall. It is already kindling and awakening His Kingdom partners, those seemingly little saints who know Him in the secret places and have watched as He's moved mountains at their request. All of Heaven waits with baited breath for their next request. With the giddiness of a child at summer break, Heaven is awaiting a prayer from you!


Such unexplainable joy fills Heaven. It's impossible to put it into words such joy that could make a human being burst, as millions of saints from the beginning of time ring out the songs of joy over America and the WORLD! No wonder Hell is SO scared!


The power of redemption, of salvation, and of death-destroying LIFE is lying in wait to strike at the earth, unraveling all of the enemy's handiwork and releasing your sons and daughters back to you—back to their heavenly Father who's never let them go.


"As you call Me," says the Father, "I will respond. As you request, I will answer you. As you turn to Me, I will deliver you. Turn to Me and tell Me again that you trust Me, that you love Me, that you are Mine. Believe in ME!"


Victoria Boyson
Victoria Boyson Ministries



Victoria Boyson is the founder of Victoria Boyson Ministries and Women of the Spirit. She is dedicated to raising up an army of powerfully equipped Believers who will revolutionize their world and bring in the harvest. Victoria is passionate about the Church operating in the extraordinary authority Christ won for them and to awaken Believers to their victorious reality. Through revelations of the Holy Spirit and the Word, she and her family are breaking down strongholds which have kept the Church from fully realizing the Great Commission. Victoria travels and speaks throughout the US. Based out of the Houston, Texas area, she lives with her husband and together they have 4 grown children. She is the author of Revolution: The White Horse Rider, God's Magnum Opus: The Value of a Woman, Awakening: The Deep Sleep, His Passionate Pursuit: God's Passion to Captivate Your Heart, and The Birth of Your Destiny.


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