Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dr. McCullough, COVID CRIMINALS & COVID’s Purpose

Do Some Critical Thinking Apart from the Official Narrative 

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 30, 2024


I finally remembered to share this Telegram post I placed in my Saved File section from May 28, 2023. (For Telegram users, my Telegram Channel: SlantRight 2.0) It includes a 2:41-Minute video excerpt of Dr. Peter McCullough listing the FOUR COVID CRIMINALS (he is a bit more diplomatic in saying “Coconspirators”) that unleashed an infectious disease (trying to avoid the ire of the stalwart “there is no such thing as a virus” crowd) on planet Earth.


The THING the critical thinker should wonder about:

o   IF there are COVID CRIMINALS, what was the PURPOSE of manufacturing a deadly infectious disease?


o   IF there are COVID CRIMINALS, why was CCP-controlled China chosen as the place of Disease manufacturing?


o   IF there are COVID CRIMINALS, why were inexpensive and effectual COVID remedies vilified and prevented to the most vulnerable (the aged and comorbidity individuals) whose lives could have been saved.


o   IF there are COVID CRIMINALS, WHY DID THE CRIMINALS – then and now – insist and sadly MANDATE what history is demonstrating the most of harmful EXPERIMENTAL inoculations (mRNA Jab) (propagandized as a vaccine) in the history of so-called medical vaccinations?


It is my critical thinking conclusion (call it speculative guessing if you want, but I don’t believe so) the answer is very close to Elitist social-control of the Masses AND a culling (as in DEPOPULATING) the Elitist-considered useless humans (ALERT! American Baby-Boomers!).


Below is the Telegram COVID-19 Up post from 5/28/24 that inspired my critical thinking which includes the video I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel.


JRH 5/30/24


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Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. McCullough Names Four Key Conspirators in the Greatest Crime in Human History

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 30th, 2024 15:33 UTC




Dr. McCullough Names Four Key Conspirators in the Greatest Crime in Human History


Telegram COVID-19 Up

May 28, 2024 10:55 PM


1.) Dr. Anthony Fauci


§  “Fauci was in on it the entire time. He was pretending like he was responding to something that was brand new, but he knew the entire time. In fact, he was part of a conspiracy to cover up where the virus came from.”


2.) Dr. Ralph Baric, Professor of Epidemiology and researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


§  “He’s the one who engineered taking part of a bat coronavirus onto a human coronavirus and making it invade and be lethal.”


3.) Dr. Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance.


§  “He carried the plans from Baric over to China.”


4.) Dr. Shi Zhengli, Senior scientist and researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. “The bat lady.”


§  “She went into the bat caves and handled the bats and harvested the virus, and they published papers.”


Dr. McCullough ended on this note:


“They telegraphed it. They said, ‘It [COVID] is ready to go.’ That’s what these papers say, ‘It’s ready to go. We’ve got it. We created the virus.’ They announced it in broad daylight.”


More Stories on @Vigilant_News:


o   Dr. McCullough Issues Major Bird Flu Warning: “A Perfect Storm is Brewing” ( 4/17/24


o   Alarming News for the COVID Vaccinated: Study ( 5/28/24


Telegram The Vigilant Fox 


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