Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A 9/11 Memory Lane

Past Perceptions Changed by Present Observations 

By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 12, 2023


I actually started working on this post in a timely manner on September 11. Unfortunately health issues associated with the Common Cold – you know…one of those common illnesses seemingly eliminated by the CCP Virus between 2020-22 – distracted me with a bit of slumber. So, here I am on 9/12, adding a paragraph above material I wrote on 9/11/23. Due to the Common Cold, my original intention was to make my thoughts short and the addition of more erudite thinkers to better complete a more changed outlook I have formed about that fateful day that has changed how Americans live. On 9/12 with some updated editing added, I continue with thoughts that memory lane took a little longer to type than anticipated.


Twenty-two years is a long time ago. Even so, I still remember getting a phone call from a friend telling me to check the news on TV. What I don’t remember is the reason my wife and I were snoozing on a Tuesday morning on  September 11, 2001. It had to be a day off from work.


I turned the TV on to the local Fox affiliate, I was not yet addicted to  Cable News (which BTW, an addiction that ceased in 2020), I saw live imagery of what was being reported as a passenger jet airliner having crashed into one of the towers of World Trade Center (WTC). At that moment there was no reported info of a terrorist suicide hijacking.


Then slowly it became reported several airliners had been hijacked and the details began to emerge of information that Al Qaeda was responsible.


THEN – glued to the news at this point – I saw on live TV a second Jet crash into another WTC Tower. It was at this point I began to feel a sense of infuriation that Muslim terrorists were allowed to attack U.S. soil.


THEN I recall the news reporting that a Jet crashed into the Pentagon Building. Interestingly, I do not recall any video showing a Jet impact as what occurred in NYC. The news on TV only showed or reported on the aftermath of a hijacked Jet airliner crash.


THEN I heard the report of a fourth hijacked Jet crashing in a field in Pennsylvania apparently after the passengers attempted to confront the Muslim terrorists.


Admittedly these somewhat sketchy details from memory are from 22-years-ago from watching live news.


I was full on board with an emerging saying that went something like: “Everything I know about Islam, I learned on 9/11.”


Yet regardless of the infuriation, I actually was not satisfied with knowing Islam through 9/11. I was a Religious Studies Minor at a secular University, so I had a clue on what to begin reading up on in regard to Islam. AND I earned my Bachelors in History focusing a lot on European and Middle Eastern history (earned in 1981).


I’m a devoted Christian. I examined the Islamic revered writings of the Quran, Hadith, Sira and some of the more radical commentaries (e.g.: Sayyid Qutb; Reliance of the TravellerA Review and The PDF; Jihad Watch - Islam 101; to name a few).


AND YET hindsight has began to show as bad as Islam is from a Christian perspective, the attacks on 9/11 quite probably were orchestrated by a narrative. On a personal level I’m still not fathoming how this narrative has taken advantage of Islam’s hate of all things non-Islamic. But many of us on the WE-THE-PEOPLE side have long realized thanks to the CCP Virus, our government has lied to us for a long time to execute a control surrounding an intended narrative.


There are many – including me – that suspect American Intelligence recruited Islamic nutjobs devoted to hate who probably had no idea they were being managed by American Intelligence. And thus Islamic Terrorists with limited flying skills mysteriously crept through the scope of the powerful nation of the world to hijack passenger airliners to commit murder/suicide.


Meaning our government or at least clandestine powers within the government were willing to kill their own citizens for what? It looks like increasing future citizen control and endless wars and probably other nefarious unconstitutional scenarios yet to be revealed.


And that speculation can be pondered from the two Substack posts that ponder the past from the revelations in the present that keep rolling on as more and more lies keep unravelling.


So take a look.


JRH 9/12/23


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Building 7: The 9/11 Conspiracy Evidence Even Normies Can't Deny

I've never been a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. It's not because I believed the official narrative, but I always thought the rabbit hole was too deep. That may be, but we should explore it nonetheless.



September 11, 2023

America First Report


[Blog Editor: Rucker uploaded The Reese Report video to his Substack under the title, “Building 7 The 9 11 Conspiracy Evidence Even Normies Can't Deny”. On two of my blogs I’m using Reese’s Bitchute version. On my Substack I’ll try my first video upload like Rucker.]



There are so many conspiracy theories out there regarding the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001. Some of them make sense. Others have been disseminated to discredit ALL 9/11 theories; the CIA is highly adept at burying the truth by mixing in a bunch of lies. But whether one is a total skeptic, a full-blown 9/11-Was-An-Inside-Jobber, or anywhere in between, the Building 7 irregularities are often the wakeup call that makes everyone wonder what the government is hiding.


It's clear that Building 7 did not fall because of debris fire. Greg Reese's video above demonstrates that in five minutes. But is it enough to make people question the entire narrative? They should. It's been a best practice for a long time in the United States of America to question everything.


Why 9/11 Truth Is Still Important


As noted, the CIA is very good at distorting truths. But they also know they can't keep every secret hidden forever, which is why they allow the release of new evidence periodically. It's better to let the air out of the balloon slowly rather than just popping it. The more air they let out, the less noise the balloon will make when it finally pops.


There has been a ton of evidence about 9/11 dropped over the years, evidence that would have blown up the entire narrative if it came out all at once in the four or five years following the terrorist attack. But being 22-years removed from the event, many if not most of the conspiracy theorists have moved on.


I was not someone who dove too deeply into the events. As I recall I watched a documentary or two about it sometime last decade but I abandoned it know that nothing would be done about it, at least not in the short term. My interest has been renewed over the last year as we see the aftermath and connect the dots. A lot of what we're seeing today with rising globalist tyranny is a direct or indirect result of 9/11 and everything that happened after it.


For example, many of the Covid lockdowns and mandates launched by oppressive state leaders and DC bureaucrats were only possible because of laws passed as a result of 9/11. If it weren't for the changes made during the "War on Terror," many states would have had to pass legislation to enact their lockdowns. And while some would say a lockdown is a lockdown, I would argue that being able to hold state legislators accountable would have allowed the people to better protest them. Some of the lockdowns and mandates would have started slower and ended faster if it weren't for post-9/11 changes.

This is just one of the reasons I believe the terrorist attack was part of a much larger plot that began before the turn of the millennium and continues into today. It wasn't just about radical Islamic terrorists killing thousands of Americans. It was about building on the foundation of the New World Order. As we see totalitarianism rising worldwide, the implications are clear.


This, perhaps more than anything else, is why I want people to be "red pilled" into looking at 9/11 more closely. It marked the beginning of the current phase of globalism that is engulfing us all.


Waking Up Normies


Whenever I call on people to share the truth with as many "normies" as possible, there are a lot who say or at least think that it's the responsibility of these normies to do their own research. More importantly, they say that the sheep being led to slaughter are doing it to themselves and do not deserve our intervention.


I am a firm believer that regardless of what's coming in the near future, we NEED people to be awake and alert. It's important that as few Americans as possible are beholden to government because when the crap hits the fan, only the unbeholden will be in a position to be our allies. It doesn't matter how patriotic or freedom-loving someone is. If they didn't prepare, if they continued to trust the powers-that-be all the way up to the point of the crap hitting the fan, then they'll be stuck under the thumb of the globalists.


Those people, patriotic as they may be, will not be our allies.


To make people question the UniParty Swamp, the Deep State, and the Globalist Elite Cabal is to give them the reasons they need to break free. 9/11 in general and Building 7 in particular are important possible pathways through which normies can be made to start asking questions about the whole agenda. What they're doing to us today ties back to what they did to us on 9/11. What they did to us on 9/11 ties back to what they were setting up for the previous century. What they were setting up the previous century ties all the way back to what the serpent launched when he tempted Eve.


There are no coincidences.


If Reese's video above is too "fringe" for some of your friends and family (or perhaps it's too fringe for you), then here's a video of a lucid eyewitness who was IN Building 7 at the time.


Youtube VIDEO: Barry Jennings WTC 7 (Explosions) Interview - building 7


[Posted by seattlepatriot1776

Posted on Aug 31, 2011




As a Bible-believing Christian, I know that true freedom only comes with complete submission to God's Will by accepting Grace through belief in Jesus Christ. With our undeserved salvation secured, the machinations of the adversaries are understood as temporal. But just because we submit to God does not mean we should willingly submit to the Powers and Principalities. We must fight the good fight for as long as we're here on earth, and that means expanding our ability to act. That's why we must prepare.


I know 9/11 conspiracies aren't for everyone. Some think they're just too old. Others think they're just too crazy. I believe most who have been concerned over the years have simply moved on because it seems clear there will be no accountability delivered nor changes made. But if we ignore how we got here, I believe we are ill prepared to deal with what's happening, and more importantly what's to come.


The adversary has spent a very long time setting up the evil plans that are now engulfing the nation and the planet. It behooves us to do what we can while the windows of opportunity are still open. It starts with knowing and sharing the truth.


© 2023 JD Rucker

America First Report HOMEPAGE

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Behind the Smoke: Ten Unanswered Questions About 9/11

Exploring the Unseen: Are Neocon Elitists the Puppet Masters of 9/11?



September 11, 2023


Ghosts of 9/11” - Original artwork by Sam Kephart using prompts with


In the annals of American history, the 9/11 attacks stand as a turning point… a moment of collective shock and grief that has forever changed our world.


Yet, two decades later, many questions about the events leading up to that fateful day remain unanswered.


These questions, some suggest, point to a more sinister narrative – one where a shadowy international cabal of neocon elitists orchestrated the attacks to further their global domination and to promote a global “War on Terror” agenda that was used to pump-up global arms sales and to introduce “Big Brother” type surveillance systems:


1. The Unexplained Collapse of WTC 7: Why did World Trade Center Building 7, which was not directly hit by any plane, collapse in a manner consistent with a controlled demolition?


2. The Pentagon Mystery: How was it possible for a Boeing 757 to maneuver at ground level and hit the Pentagon, leaving a hole much smaller than the plane's wingspan?


3. The Hijackers' Skill Level: How could the hijackers, with limited flight training, manage to execute complex maneuvers and accurately hit their targets?


4. Operation Northern Vigilance: Why was a significant portion of the U.S. air defense diverted to a training operation in Alaska on the morning of 9/11?


5. The Absence of Interception: Why were the hijacked planes not intercepted by fighter jets, as was standard protocol for such situations?


6. The Collapse Speed: Why did the Twin Towers collapse at free-fall speed, a phenomenon usually associated with planned controlled demolitions?


7. The Missing Black Boxes: What happened to the black boxes from the planes, which could have provided crucial data about the final moments of the flights? [In the weeks following September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center site, none of the four recorders on the two hijacked aircraft were recovered in the building rubble.]


8. Foreknowledge of the Attacks: Why were some individuals and organizations seemingly aware of the attacks before they took place?


9. The Insider Stock Trading: Why was there significant AND unusual trading activity on the stock market in the days leading up to 9/11, specifically with companies directly affected by the attacks?


10. The PNAC Document: Why did the Project for the New American Century, a neoconservative think tank, predictively state a year before 9/11 that a "new Pearl Harbor" would be beneficial for their agenda?


While these questions alone do not prove the existence of a conspiracy, they do highlight significant gaps and inconsistencies in the official narrative of 9/11. They suggest that there might be more to the story than what we've been told – a darker tale of manipulation and deceit, spun by those who stand to gain the most from global unrest and conflict.


As we remember the tragedy of 9/11, let’s also remember the importance of questioning, of seeking truth even in the face of adversity. For it is only through relentless inquiry that we can hope to peel back the layers of this mystery and expose the real puppet-masters behind the scenes.


The implications of these unanswered questions are far-reaching and deeply unsettling. If a cabal of neocon elitists was indeed behind the events of 9/11, we’re not merely dealing with a singular act of terrorism but a vast, orchestrated plot to manipulate global events and seize power.


This perspective requires us to reevaluate our understanding of not just 9/11, but of global politics and power structures as a whole. It suggests that we live in a world where the true puppeteers operate from the shadows, their machinations hidden behind a veil of secrecy and misinformation. It prompts us to question who we can trust, who holds real power, and what they intend to do with it.


However, it's crucial to approach these questions with a discerning mind. Conspiracy theories, while enticing, can often mislead and obfuscate. Yet, dismissing these questions outright without seeking answers would be equally misguided.


As we continue to search for the truth about 9/11, let's strive for a balanced approach. Let's question, investigate, and demand transparency. Let's not accept easy answers but dig deeper to uncover the reality of that tragic day. Only then can we hope to understand the true extent of the 9/11 background and context story… and ensure that such a tragedy is never repeated.

In an era of misinformation and hidden agendas, the pursuit of truth is more critical than ever. As we remember 9/11, let's honor the victims and their families by seeking the full truth, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable it may be. For it is only through unflinching truth that we can hope to achieve justice and prevent such orchestrated atrocities in the future.


The questions surrounding 9/11 are not just about the past, but also about our future. They serve as a stark reminder of the world's complexities and the covert forces that may shape our lives.


The quest for truth behind 9/11 is a journey that we must all undertake. It’s a journey currently fraught with uncertainty, but one that holds the promise of enlightenment.


As we delve into the unanswered and/or poorly questions surrounding that fateful day, let’s do so with open minds, resolute hearts, and an unwavering commitment to uncover the truth. For it is in the truth, no matter how difficult, that we find the strength to build a future free from fear and manipulation.


… [Blog Editor: The rest of this Substack post examines relevant headlines such as this one: Audit the Pentagon - Trillion$ Still MIA Since Pre-9/11.] READ THE REST


© 2023 Samuel Robinson Kephart HOMEPAGE


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