Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Elitist Dream of Depopulation

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 3, 2023


Depopulation is the Elitist dream to maintain a society controlled by the few that benefits ONLY the wealthy Left-Wing few. A depopulation agenda is NOT a new conception but is an Elitist fantasy that can be traced to many decades past.


For Elitists the masses only exist to serve the privileged few. AND THE IRONY is THE PRIVILEGED are not a group of greedy Capitalists as portrayed by Globalist Left-Wing Elitists, rather THE PRIVILEGED are a billionaire class of an combination of Marxist-Fascist-Corporatists who ultimately desire to manage a One World Government that mandates/dictates the rules of servitude for the masses who are to serve the few.


For the few to rule, the ruled population must be limited to a manageable size. HENCE the DEPOPULATION AGENDA.


The depopulation agenda must be sold to the masses as something that benefits the masses under lies of bettering the Earth’s existence via Climate and Health – a pack of deceptive lies.


The Exposé shares the Club of Rome’s (COF) [This page on COF has an enormous amount of information but not necessarily organized well – so if you got the time, good exploring] part in this depopulation agenda as expressed by author Dennis Meadows who wrote “The Limits to Growth” in 1972. The Meadows book and those who promote it, are those who try to convince their readers and listeners they are doing something to benefit mankind and the Earth. So tell me, if you are among the depopulated, will you feel the benefit?




JRH 5/3/23

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Author of ‘The Limits to Growth’ promotes the genocide of 86% of the world’s population


Dennis Meadows - Author of 'The Limits to Growth' – THE EXPOSÉ photo



May 2, 2023



Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, is an honorary member of the Club of Rome and a member of the World Economic Forum.  If you thought his ideology had softened and become less anti-human since the publishing of his book, you’d be wrong.


Here’s a 2017 video of Meadows musing over his hopes that the coming inevitable genocide of 86% of the world population could be accomplished peacefully under a “benevolent” dictatorship.  He said:


“We could [ ] have eight or nine billion, probably, if we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart … and [people have] a low standard of living …  But we want to have freedom and we want to have a high standard of living so we’re going to have a billion people. And we’re now at seven, so we have to get back down.  I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow and that it can be done in a way which is relatively equal, you know, so that people share the experience.”


Youtube VIDEO [link begins video at about 2:46 mark of 10:46 minute length]: Dennis Meadows Interview p4/4 (A 'peaceful collapse' & many revolutions...)


[Posted by We Love Earth

Posted on Sep 4, 2017


MORE DESCRIPTION (of pro-Climate Change junk)]


As will become apparent at the end of this article, it is no coincidence that Meadows’ words echo the words in the 1995 Global Biodiversity Assessment first presented at the United Nations climate change conference COP1 which stated:


An ‘agricultural world’ in which most human beings are peasants, should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people … In contrast, a reasonable estimate for an industrialised world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion.


Global Biodiversity Assessment, UNEP, 1995, pg. 773


What the advocates of this ideology seem to omit mentioning is that, according to Worldometer, the population of the world is currently over 8 billion which doesn’t stack up with their fear-mongering predictions. There’s a good reason they avoid real-world scenarios because their models are a sleight of hand, they manipulate the data.


While many are now familiar with the manipulation of predictive modelling by Neil Ferguson during the covid-19 crisis, a network of powerful Malthusians have used the same tactics for the better part of the last century to sell and impose their agenda.


Malthusians are the disciples of Thomas Malthus (1766 – 1834).  Malthus promoted the mathematical thesis that population levels will always tend towards geometric growth, while agricultural resources will tend to arithmetic growth resulting in relatively forecastable “crisis points.” Malthus believed that social engineers representing the British Empire must use these “crisis points” to scientifically manage the “human herd.” Malthus believed that nature bestowed upon the ruling class certain tools that would allow them to accomplish this important task – namely war, famine and disease.


Established in 1968, the Club of Rome quickly set up branches across the Western world with members whom all agreed that society’s best form of governance was a scientific dictatorship.


It is a globalist non-governmental organisation (“NGO”) that convenes meetings between heads of state, members of royal families, business leaders, international financiers, academic scholars, laboratory scientists, and administrators of global governance institutions, such as the United Nations (“UN”), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”), and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”). Modelled after the “Round Table” structure of the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (“RIIA”), and the Council on Foreign Relations (“CFR”), the Club of Rome facilitates meetings where delegates plan the global economy through public-private stewardship of the world’s natural and human resources in accordance with the Malthusian ecology of sustainable development.


In 1972, the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth published the results of computer-simulated forecasts calculated by a team of statisticians recruited from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”).   It was the culmination of a two-year study undertaken by the MIT team under the nominal heading of Jay Forrester and Dennis Meadows.  The Limits to Growth is arguably the most influential book about “sustainability.”   It became the bible and blueprint of the new anti-humanist movement that birthed today’s Green New Deal agenda.


The Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth is not only Malthusian in principle, but a survey of its bibliography reveals that it is also backed by extensive citations from an array of Malthusian-eugenicists and affiliated institutions that have been dedicated to population control.


A 2012 article celebrating the book’s 40th anniversary stated: “It is worth revisiting Limits [to Growth] today because, more than any other book, it introduced the concept of anthropocentric [human caused] climate change to a mass audience.”  It’s worth revisiting Limits to Growth for other reasons as well.


One reason is that The Limits to Growth was the first of its kind to fuse global temperature with economic variables like population growth, resource loss, and the under-defined category of “pollution.” By utilising linear equations to extrapolate trends into the future, Meadows and his co-authors, one of whom was his wife, had set the stage for two major fallacies:


§  The fabric of physical space-time shaping the discoverable universe is intrinsically non-linear and thus not expressible by any form of linear equations regardless of the computing power involved. Human creative mentation is most explicitly non-linear as it is tied to non-formalisable states of existence like inspiration, love of truth, dignity, and beauty which no binary system can approximate.  The Club of Rome programmers ignored these facts and assumed the universe was as binary as their software.


§  The data sets themselves could easily be skewed and re-framed according to the controllers of the computer programmers who aspired to shape government policy. We have already seen how this technique was used to drive fallacious results of future scenarios under the hand of Imperial College’s Neil Ferguson and the same technique has been applied in ecological modelling as well.


Another reason to revisit The Limits to Growth is to highlight the influence it had and still has on supranational organisations.  For decades, New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard – who called for one-fourth of the human population to be culled to usher in a New World Order – championed transhumanism and Malthusian sustainable development, which is the crux of The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  Hubbard’s Malthusian overpopulation theories were partly inspired by The Limits to Growth. In fact, in Hubbard’s Book of Co-Creation, there are multiple passages which warn of Malthusian “limits to growth” that could lead to ecological catastrophes. She also met personally with Club of Rome co-founder, Aurelio Peccei who prompted the World Economic Forum to adopt the Malthusian tenets of The Limits to Growth at the World Economic Forum’s Third Annual Meeting in 1973.


Last, but not least, we have Club of Rome member and author of Limits to Growth, who manipulated his predictive modelling, hoping that a dictatorship will slowly and “peacefully” cull 86% of the world’s population.


No one should be celebrating The Limits to Growth or the agenda it’s promoting because it’s promoting your demise.


Sources for this article include:


§  Dennis Meadows [Club of Rome] ‘6 billion People Have To Go’, Why Not News, 21 April 2022


§  The Club of Rome and the Rise of the “Predictive Modelling” Mafia, Unlimited Hangout, 21 November 2022


§  Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030, Unlimited Hangout, 3 March 2023


§  The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits, Unlimited Hangout, 28 June 2022




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