Friday, January 6, 2023

Are YOU Ready to be Manipulated by Technocratic Diktats?

John R, Houk, Blog Editor

© January 6, 2023


Yesterday while sharing on various Social Media Platforms I belong to, I came across a Bitchute video posted by In4mation. The pseudonymous In4mation shares on multiple platforms as I do. This particular video was borrowed from The Epoch Times TV and is narrated by Roman Balmakov (sadly, In4mation failed to include source info in the borrowing).


I am grateful In4mation “borrowed” because Epoch-TV can be a bit stingy on embed shares.


In4mation does not share the Epoch-TV description. Ergo, before I cross post the Bitchute version, here is the Epoch-TV title, narrator and description:


‘Operation Jigsaw’: Google’s 4 New Secret Methods of Online Censorship | Facts Matter


By Roman Balmakov

January 2, 2023


Google has a new initiative called “Info Intervention.” It’s a plan couched in the idea of keeping people safe from misinformation and harmful language—and the way to do that is to control ever more what we are able to see and say online.


Their official website bills this new initiative as a “set of approaches, informed by behavioral science research and validated by digital experiments, to build resilience to online harms.” This new initiative has Google essentially using the exact same methodology on the user that Pavlov used on the dogs during his experiments. However, while Pavlov was trying to get the dogs to salivate, Google is trying to make their users question anything that goes against what their fact-checkers determine to be misinformation.


This new “Info Intervention” initiative is being led by one of Google’s subsidiary companies—a company called Jigsaw. It is under complete Google management, and its mission statement is to “[apply] technological solutions, from countering extremism, online censorship and cyber-attacks, to protecting access to information.”


Episode Resources:


🔵 Moonshot:


🔵 Info Interventions:


🔵 Jigsaw:


Before I post the Bitchute version of the video, I feel compelled to offer some of my thoughts.


Balmakov talks of Google’s motivation is to expose Conspiracy Theory Misinformation. This is a Globalist-Leftist program. Thus you should be aware the Google-thinking is Leftist ideology is true-think and anything contradicting the Left is wrong-think.


Balmakov highlights Left-think enemies White Supremacists and Extremists. Which sounds like a great group to target and expose. The Problem is in Left-think definitions. For the Left White Supremacism encompasses more than bigoted racists such as Neo-Nazis (which is actually Leftist Extremism), the KKK, Skin Heads and the such usually labeled as White Supremacists. For the Left, if YOU are pro-Originalist Constitution, an American Patriot (American Exceptionalism, MAGA proponent, a Biblical Morality proponent and so on), anti-Illegal Immigration, Limited Government and such Conservative notions; THEN YOU are a White Supremacist Extremist.


THINK ON THAT! As you watch Roman Balmakov explain how OPERATION JIGSAW plans to program the American Sheeple into compliance.


Then as a bonus, I want to share a lengthy yet VERY important insights from the Substack-site A Lily Bit on Klaus Schwab-WEF intentions to transform the entire culture of the World into subservience to the diktats of a Technocratic Society. A hint: You will be told how to live, think and believe – AND BE HAPPY ABOUT IT!


And if this not upsetting enough, you should read a relatively short essay from Victor Davis Hanson:


o   The Coup We Never Knew: We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew; By Victor Davis Hanson; American Greatness; 1/4/23


JRH 1/6/23

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!



Posted by In4mation

First Published January 5th, 2023 01:01 UTC



Schwabian Cyberpunk

I read Klaus Schwab's book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution", so you don't have to.


By Lily

January 6, 2023

A Lily Bit


Since the turn of the century, we have been in the midst of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). Klaus Schwab, the Forum's founder and CEO, describes this as a technical revolution accompanied by nothing less than a dramatic transformation of human civilization that “will radically affect the way we live, work, and engage with each other.” This transformation will usher in an entirely “new chapter in human development.”


The availability and fusion of new, “quite astonishing technology,” according to Klaus Schwab, is a distinguishing aspect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This, he claims, will eventually result in “the blurring of the boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological domains.” This mostly pertains to the application of bio- and neurotech, implantable technologies, and the Internet of Bodies (IoB).


The Cyborgization of Society: How the WEF seeks to turn you into a spineless drone


These are technologies that are less concerned with the human surroundings and more concerned with transforming the human person itself, having a long-term impact on its being and identity. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution—according to Klaus Schwab—we are facing “a metamorphosis of the human being the likes of which we have never encountered before”.




Schwab clearly can hardly contain his excitement about the impending technological breakthroughs and mechanization of man he predicts. He anticipates that humans would soon begin “integrating digital technologies into our bodies.” The new technology may “actually become a part of us” in the process. This, he claims, will blur the distinction between technologies and living beings. He builds his technocratic ideal of a new human being, alluding to the “cyborg” metaphor, and predicts that in the future there will be “strange hybrids of digital and analog life that redefine our very being.”


Schwab's statements speak of the traditional dream of a new, more ideal human being. This is a long-standing dream. It is nothing novel or special. A diverse range of intellectuals often aspired for a more perfect human being, while remaining confident of humanity's unending growth. This conviction in development was sometimes accompanied by an unwavering faith in scientific advances and, later, in the potential connected with the widespread application of technology.


The new man of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on the other hand, differs fundamentally from prior ideas of man created by Friedrich Nietzsche, or even Karl Marx, for example. Moral ideals, character structure, and societal conditions have all been replaced by technology. Humans are supposed to progress simply through the successful application of new technologies, rather than through education, upbringing, practical experience, or revolutionary action. According to the World Economic Forum's stated intention, the human being emerging from the future economic transition will predominantly be the result of new technology. This transhumanist future vision seeks to perfect and further perfect man through the application of new technology processes and technological interventions in his body. It promotes an elitist and repressive technocratic image of man, the repercussions of which cannot even be estimated at this time.




According to the World Economic Forum, neurotech is at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. After all, they provide for “unique insights—not only into how the brain interacts with its physical and social environment, but also into novel ways of experiencing life.” They could also assist to “advance the industry of mechanizing the human body” by tackling a variety of neurological illnesses and physical limitations.


It is not uncommon for the military to provide the required financing for neurotechnologies and other cutting-edge research. There, they are initially placed in the “defensive context,” and then their results are used. As a result, the human brain—particularly “in the border area of war and security”—is the focus of attention. According to Schwab, crossing a national border may need a comprehensive brain scan in the future to assess a person's security risk.


Employers will be increasingly interested in using neurotechnologies to boost performance, as well as to evaluate job applicants and monitor staff. The usage of biometric technology in the workplace, as well as tracking via radio frequency identification (RFID), may lead to “employers directly or indirectly monitoring the brains of employees” in the future. Increased use of brain-monitoring gadgets is also on the horizon for the retail sector. This would allow firms to see through key consumer decision-making tendencies and more readily encourage consumers to behave in a desired manner.


Fundamentally, neurotechnologies are proving to be ideal for affecting people's awareness and thinking. Furthermore, such technology can aid in decoding ideas, repairing “errors” in the brain, and “enhancing” its function. In a society driven by algorithms and pervasive data collecting, access to even a person's most private thoughts cannot be ruled out.




The World Economic Forum also sees biotechnologies as having a great potential for increasing mechanization of humans. They provide critical tools and techniques for fundamentally reframing man's connection with nature. Recent advances in biology, particularly genetics, have been remarkable. For example, there has been significant advancement in gene editing. Researchers from Yatsen University in Guangzhou presented the world's first scientific publication on modifying the DNA of human embryos in April 2015. As a result, it is now possible to “precisely modify the DNA even in living embryos.” All of this, Schwab explained, "means that in the future, designer babies with exceptional features or illness resistance can be born.”


The Forum then sees the next logical step as the broad application of synthetic biology, which results in the production of designer creatures. This would eventually usher humanity into “a whole new age of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology.” This should allow one to create organisms for oneself. “They can be customized by writing their DNA. Ultimately, this is about nothing less than interfering with future generations' genetic code,” according to Schwab.




Computer technology will no longer be worn or carried around on the body (wearables), but will instead be implanted directly into the human body with implantable technologies. This will largely help to increase communication as well as to identify people and track their behavior, in addition to medical needs. In this regard, Klaus Schwab refers to “active implantable microchips that break through our body's epidermal barrier and generate exciting alternatives.” These range from “possibilities for maximizing and enhancing human capabilities” to “integrated therapeutic systems” (human enhancement). Small computers will be integrated into the human body in this manner and “gradually become a physical part of us.” It is thus an issue of technological intervention in the body, which will essentially result in the merger of man and machine. The goal is to enable purely technological further development and optimization of the human being, which should contribute to an increase in performance.


The World Economic Forum has been discussing an Internet of Bodies (IoB) in its publications for several months. Recent technological advancements have heralded the IoB's new era. This period is distinguished by an unparalleled number of networked devices and sensors that can be attached to the human body (non-invasively), implanted, or otherwise introduced into the body (invasive). Invasive technologies include digital pills, the first use of which was allowed in the United States in 2017. They have microscopic sensors that are linked to a medicine, activated in the patient's stomach, and provide data.


The Internet of Bodies makes it fundamentally possible to generate massive amounts of biometric and behavioral data. The human body will be changed into some kind of “technology platform” as a result of this process. However, not everyone will be able to pay the sometimes prohibitively expensive technical optimization of their physical and mental processes, which will inevitably lead to additional discrimination against specific groups and hence a widening of society's already existent social divide. In this event, “a gap is likely to grow up between all those who technically enhance their bodies and those who are left behind,” according to Schwab.




The Earth is currently “on the verge of major structural transformation,” the World Economic Forum continues. As a result, the globe is more polarized “between those who embrace change and those who resist it.” The resulting “ontological inequality separates those willing and competent to adapt from those refusing to adapt,” thereby defining who will succeed and who will lose in this process. While the victors would gain from “some forms of radical human optimization,” such as genetic engineering, the ‘losers’ would not—I am so sad! The resultant tensions promote the creation of “class conflicts and other disagreements unlike anything we have ever known.” As a result, there is a significant risk of “greater fragmentation, exclusion, and social instability in a hyperconnected world of increasing inequality.” Klaus Schwab sure did read his Cyberpunk.


In 2016 Schwab wrote that there is a “dearth of a cohesive, optimistic, and unified narrative that highlights the prospects and challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” However, he believes that the existence of such a narrative would be necessary if various people and communities are to be encouraged to play an active role in defining it while avoiding “a broad social backlash against the basic changes.” Under such conditions, the Fourth Industrial Revolution's present potential cannot be efficiently and thoroughly harnessed. In numerous instances, politicians lack the essential leadership and awareness of the changes that are occurring. Furthermore, “the required institutional regulatory structure is either insufficient or non-existent.” Aha, thanks Klaus. And who again told you that you are supposed to come up with that narrative?




With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting constraints on public life, the digital transformation of society has found its "impetus," as Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret write in their book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” which I have analyzed for you here:


‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’ is the Perfect Manual for Tyranny: I read Klaus Schwab’s infamous book, so you don’t have to. Here’s what I found.


As a result, they regard the pandemic as a “fundamental turning point” in global development. They claim that the time has finally come for a paradigm shift. In the following decades, “a new world with a new normal may develop.”


The World Economic Forum's organizers regard the crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carry out a “Great Reset” of the capitalist economic order. They are concerned with the global implementation of far-reaching economic and social reforms, which will result in a fundamental upheaval of the entire previous economic and lifestyle system. They rely on enhanced centralism with strong authoritarian elements in the measures they intend to implement to build their technocratic agenda. Within a global regulatory framework (global governance), “‘bequeathed’ actors must consider themselves as elements of a globally ramified power system that can only succeed through increasingly cooperative forms of engagement.”


Concerning the worldwide ‘catastrophe’ caused by the pandemic, Schwab and Malleret believe that it is precisely deep, existential crises that “carry the promise for change.” They even have the nerves to say that the Corona pandemic is similar to World War II in terms of transformative force because “both have the potential of a transformative crisis of previously unknown dimensions.” Just as the Second World War caused a “fundamental transformation in the world order and the world economy,” the “moment for a paradigm shift” has arrived today. The pandemic expedited this transformation by acting as a catalyst for technology changes that had already begun before the crisis, Schwab continues.


The thesis of the close relationship between a crisis and later social change dates back to economist Milton Friedman, who died in 2006 and was one of the most important economists of recent decades.


“Only a crisis, genuine or perceived, leads to meaningful change. What happens next in such a crisis is determined by the ideas that are in circulation.” — Milton Friedman


This speech by Friedman is referred to by Naomi Klein as the key strategic ideology that would become a kind of chant for his movement: the shock doctrine. He claims that the strategy entails “using periods of communal traumatic experience to compel dramatic social and economic change.” Here's how the shock doctrine works:


An initial disaster shocks practically the whole society, softening it for the transformations that will follow. “Shocked cultures frequently accept things they would otherwise strongly reject. Companies and politicians would take advantage of people's fear and disorientation as a result of the ‘shock’ to impose an economic shock therapy. A severe collective trauma that either temporarily suspends or completely stops democratic activities is required for this to be implemented without restriction.” This necessitates authoritarian settings and the focused deployment of the state's regulatory agencies.


A cabinet strategy paper on COVID-19 containment, initially confidential, adopts and applies Friedman's shock strategy. The study was written by a group of academics, the bulk of whom were economists, and it is likely that it influenced the federal government's decision to impose the lockdowns, which restricted the economy and fundamental rights. Instead of presenting individuals with real information and educating them to build trust and alleviate existing worries, the scientists took an entirely different strategy. Thus, they openly support a policy whose purpose must be to instigate terror in the peoples’ minds through a "desired shock effect.”


Schwab and Malleret saw the shock effect of a crisis on people as a wonderful opportunity for social reform to occur. The Corona pandemic, for example, is “a huge shock” that “brings with it the uneasy confidence that it will have both unexpected and extraordinary implications.” Despite the difficulty of the changes ahead, Schwab believes the pandemic will hasten a systemic transition that was already underway before the crisis. These include “increasing technological power” and rapid automation. For many individuals, this means that the technologization of their lives will accelerate quickly, as a result of which “life as they have known it up to now will rip apart at the seams with alarming speed”. At the same time, however, “the technologization of life provides an opportunity, and this is also the real meaning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”




In the aftermath of the Corona crisis, representatives and supporters of the World Economic Forum see a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to implement a comprehensive mechanization of man, as well as the system change they forecast and consider essential, in an accelerated and non-violent manner worldwide. According to Schwab, the drastic system transformation envisaged necessitates people constantly adapting to the changes that are occurring. However, it is unclear “how the constant integration of technology into our lives will influence our idea of identity and whether it would damage key human capacities such as self-reflection, empathy, and sympathy.”


Furthermore, governments face a genuine risk of combining technologies to undermine civil society organizations and citizen groups that demand for transparency in government and economic activity. Finally, constraining such organization’s' independence and operations through laws and other measures further reduces the space for civil society. As a result, the instruments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution enable “new types of surveillance and new control possibilities that run antithetical to healthy, open communities.” Additionally, as the digital world developed and evolved, the Corona pandemic improved options for human observation and control.


In this context, “contact tracing,” which was supposedly critical in countering COVID-19, appears to be on track to becoming “a facilitator of mass surveillance.”


Corporations, in particular, have become increasingly interested in tracking their employees' health. As a result, it is reasonable to expect increased surveillance of dependent employees in the future. This could be attributed to concerns about their health and safety. According to Schwab and Malleret, technical surveillance tools will most likely stay in place even after the pandemic. This is evident, they write because “employers have no reason to remove a monitoring system once it has been installed, especially if one of the indirect benefits of monitoring is to check worker productivity.”


Technical solutions implemented to contain a pandemic, on the other hand, are also ideal for expanding a surveillance state. They can also be employed as political surveillance technology, allowing for greater human control as well as additional coercive tactics. Schwab and Malleret even advocate for “a global surveillance network” in their book. According to them, “once released,” “the genie of technical monitoring” will not be “put back into the bottle” in the post-pandemic period and will thus be with communities for a long time. Hooray.




Both authors also predict that “the number of those who are unemployed, concerned, dissatisfied, indignant, unwell, and hungry today (will) increase considerably” following the pandemic. They also note that “two types of people” will confront a “particularly bleak employment situation”: “young people entering the pandemic-ravaged labor market for the first time and workers who may be displaced by machines.”


There will also be personal tragedies, as well as the hatred and despair of people from all walks of life. The emergence of social unrest must thus be seen as one of the most serious threats, with such a development—in their opinion—even “generating to social breakdown and political collapse” in extreme situations. However, history has shown that prospects of eliminating current inequities “are unlikely without accompanying severe social disturbance.”


To be sure, governments and corporations had employed “increasingly sophisticated technologies to monitor and occasionally control citizens and employees” in earlier years. However, the potential offered by the Corona crisis could have a considerably greater influence on individual rights and liberties, making it a “watershed moment in surveillance history.” Such a scenario would result in the growth of authoritarian tendencies and more repression. Perhaps some individuals will soon discover that “their country has suddenly turned into a place where they no longer want to live,” as Schwab and Malleret rightfully worry.


Overall, it “all comes down to individuals and values,” summarizes Klaus Schwab. That is why it must be feasible to create a future worth living in because “in its worst, dehumanized form, the Fourth Industrial Revolution does certainly have the ability to turn people into machines without a heart or a soul,” says Schwab. Furthermore, there had never been a moment “that arrived with more promise, but also with such immense looming doom.” As a result, the utopia of mankind's technological perfection may lead sooner than predicted to a dystopian society that offers no future worth living for humans.


The yearning for a new, designed human being did not emerge accidentally, but rather as a result of a protracted historical evolution. However, such a growth is not predetermined nor necessarily imperative for humanity. As a result, it is correctable. Nobody has to accept it as fate. We've been warned!


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