Saturday, July 16, 2022

mRNA Science Contradicting Govt. Science

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© July 16, 2022


On a personal I am incredulously mystified so many people are bending over for the government line that mRNA Jabs are safe and effective. ESPECIALLY when there is soooooooooooo much documented evidence to the contrary!


I am AGAIN embarking on sharing the science that repudiates the so-called safe and effective (an EMPHATIC LIE!) science.


First up is a Daily Mail exposé showing medical/science personnel at the NIH and CDC are leaving in such droves over bad-science decisions that those so-called protect-the-people science agencies are experiencing staffing problems: Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they're embarrassed by 'bad science' - including vaccinating children under 5 to 'make their advice palatable to the White House,' doctors claim; By MANSUR SHAHEEN U.S. DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR FOR DAILYMAIL.COM; Daily Mail; PUBLISHED: 17:09 EDT, 14 July 2022 | UPDATED: 19:37 EDT, 14 July 2022


I subscribe to Steve Kirsch’s Substack Newsletter. In a post dated 7/16/22 under the title, “Excellent SHORT educational videos on the COVID shots: The CDC should be distributing these videos because they help people understand how the COVID shots work and the science behind them. But I seriously doubt that will ever happen, are various links to videos showing actual science behind mRNA Jabs. I encourage to check out all the science provided there, but I am sharing two Rumble videos from the Channel called CanadianCovidCareAlliance. Since the Canadian government is hammering Canadian dissent with way more tyranny than Americans currently are experiencing, I’m a little surprised the RMCP hasn’t gone full Gestapo on those operating the Rumble Channel. Here two titles I’m sharing:


o   Stop the Shots – 7/15/22


o   The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good – 12/16/21


Next up: I’m sharing Vaccine Impact’s 7/15/22 post with a self-explanatory title: “Funeral Home Whistleblower: Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Vaccine Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves.”


AND LAST a Dr. Mercola post dated 7/16/22, which I have noticed has already been picked by many websites willing to expose Medical Tyranny under the title, “Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax by 2028?” Here are some paragraph subtitles I hope inspires you to read the science:


o   SARS-CoV-2 Has Been in the Works for Decades


o   COVID-19 Shots Are an 'Act of Bioterrorism'


o   Martin: 100 Million May Die Due to COVID Shots


o   Why COVID Shots May Change Your DNA


o   Fraud Removes Big Pharma's Liability Shield




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Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they're embarrassed by 'bad science' - including vaccinating children under 5 to 'make their advice palatable to the White House,' doctors claim [Blog Editor: There are videos in this post showing a pro-jab bias to contrast the premise of the article, I’ll only be posting the video-link]



PUBLISHED: 17:09 EDT, 14 July 2022 | UPDATED: 19:37 EDT, 14 July 2022

Daily Mail


§  The NIH and CDC are reportedly facing staffing shortages as low morale drives away employees


§  Decisions like the closure of schools and then requiring face masks once they reopened led to many questioning leadership


§  Lately, the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children four years old of younger has confused some in America's top medical agencies


§  Bari Weiss' 'Common Sense' Substack reports that data from both Pfizer and Moderna's clinical trials for jabs in under-5s show limited effectiveness 



Dr. Marty Makary (pictured), a public health expert from Johns Hopkins University, is a critic of both school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic and in vaccines for children aged four and younger


Two of America's top health agencies are reportedly hemorrhaging staff as poor decision-making, described by staff as 'bad science,' has led to low morale.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are both suffering staff shortages, according to Dr. Marty Makary, a top public-health expert at Johns Hopkins University, writes at Common Sense, the Substack run by former New York Times columnist, Bari Weiss.


Major decisions made by the agencies that hurt morale included support for masking in schools, school closures during the pandemic and the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children four and under.


Both agencies, along with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been mired in controversy throughout the pandemic for inconsistent messaging and for decision-making that didn't seem to line up with available science.


'They have no leadership right now. Suddenly, there's an enormous number of jobs opening up at the highest level positions,' an anonymous NIH scientist told Common Sense.


Schools became a battleground of the COVID-19 pandemic in America.

When the virus stormed the world in 2020, many officials immediately shut things down - schools, retail stores, entertainment venues, restaurants - out of an fear of the unknown.


Initial data showed children suffered limited risk when they contracted the virus, though, and that it was mainly the elderly and severely immunocompromised that bore the virus's burden.



The CDC and NIH are facing staffing issues after low morale and poor decision-making from leadership led to many leaving the agencies, Common Sense reports




Despite the evidence, the CDC still recommended schools stay closed until the end of the 2019-2020 school year.


While individual school districts were allowed to make decisions for themselves - and many Republican leaning counties did quickly reopen schools -  many major metropolitan areas under Democratic control kept schools closed for extended periods of time.


Earlier this year, Makary told that the decision to keep schools closed was one of the worst made in the pandemic, specifically citing that minority communities who disproportionately lived in these areas were set the furthest behind academically.


'CDC failed to balance the risks of COVID with other risks that come from closing schools,' an anonymous CDC scientist told Common Sense.


'Learning loss, mental health exacerbations were obvious early on and those worsened as the guidance insisted on keeping schools virtual. CDC guidance worsened racial equity for generations to come. It failed this generation of children.'


When schools did reopen, many required children to remain masked at all times outside of lunch periods, following guidance from the CDC.

COVID tsar Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly warned that lifting mask mandates from children was 'risky,' while simultaneously saying it was time to return back to normal. That was in February.


On July 13, Fauci flip-flopped again, recommending that masks still be work in indoor public gatherings while telling Americans they shouldn't let the BA.5 COVID-19 variant 'disrupt our lives.'



On July 13, Fauci flip-flopped again , recommending that masks still be work in indoor public gatherings while telling Americans they shouldn't let the BA.5 COVID-19 variant 'disrupt our lives.'


Makary, however, warned masks may've harmed kids' social and emotional development as they couldn't properly read human emotions or the facial expressions of covered faces.


The decision that seemed to raise the most commotion was the authorization of COVID-19 jabs for children aged six months to five years old.


CDC Director Rochelle Walensky signed off on those vaccines in June, after a panel of advisors to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention voted 12 to 0 in favor of COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as six months on June 18.


'We now know, based on rigorous scientific review, that the vaccines available here in the United States can be used can be used safely and effectively in children under five. Vaccinating children is a critical opportunity to protect them against hospitalization and death from COVID-19,' she said. 


Officials at the FDA and CDC authorized COVID-19 vaccines for children aged six months to five years old, despite little evidence that the shots were effective, according to Makary. Pictured: A young girl in New York City receives a COVID-19 vaccine on June 21




Makary criticized the data submitted by Pfizer and Moderna to receive the green-light, saying it was lacking: Pfizer's trial included under 1,000 children and didn't show any efficacy against infection, he reports.


Moderna reported just a four percent reduction in infection in their trial of around 6,000 children.


'A more honest announcement would have been: 'We approved the vax for babies & toddlers based on very little data. While we believe it’s safe in this population, the study sample size was too low to make a [conclusion] about safety. Note that studies were done in kids w/o natural immunity,'' Makary told about the decision in June.


'The public has no idea how bad this data really is. It would not pass muster for any other authorization,' an FDA official said.


Amid the many controversies the agency was facing at the time, the CDC announced in April that it would reevaluate its structure and processes in the hopes of developing better processes to communicate with Americans.


It is unclear what changes, if any, were made as a result of the evaluation. 


Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd

Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group



Rumble VIDEO: Stop the Shots


Posted by CanadianCovidCareAlliance

Published July 15, 2022


Before you allow your small child to be injected with a COVID-19 shot, stop, and do some research. You owe it to them to make sure you are not exposing them to an unacceptable risk, for little to no benefit.



Rumble VIDEO: The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by CanadianCovidCareAlliance

Published December 16, 2021


BREAKING: Pfizer's own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm. Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more. For the PDF of this presentation visit:



Funeral Home Whistleblower: Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Vaccine Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves



Hazel Ribnik (10 months old) Gets Moderna Jab


By Brian Shilhavy - Editor, Health Impact News

July 15, 2022

Vaccine Impact


Funeral home director John O’Looney (UK) was interviewed by Maria Zeee (Australia) yesterday, where he discussed that hospitals were directly cremating babies who allegedly died after a COVID vaccine, most of them prenatal, rather than going to a funeral home.


He states that he has never seen anything like this in his professional career as a funeral director, and that the only reason as to why hospitals were doing this was to prevent this information from reaching the public.


Mr. O’Looney became a whistleblower early on in the vaccine roll outs, as he had bury so many young, previously healthy people in their early to mid-20s shortly after receiving COVID-19 vaccines, and his embalmer was seeing things in the arteries of those who were vaccinated that he had never seen previously.


Rumble VIDEO: John O'Looney - Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves

[Posted by mariazeee

Published July 14, 2022 


John O'Looney is a brave Funeral Home whistleblower who has been raising the alarm since early on in the pandemic.


He joined us to discuss the findings from his embalmer which are in line with what Dr. Jane Ruby, Richard Hirschman and others have found - long, fibrous strands inside people who have been injected.


During our interview, John revealed shock information regarding hospitals covering up baby deaths by cremating the babies themselves.




He referenced another funeral director in the UK named “Wesley” who did an interview some months ago, and we have previously published that interview as well:


Rumble VIDEOS: UK Funeral Director: 10X Newborn Baby Deaths after COVID Shots - Refrigerators Full of Dead Babies

[Posted by HealthImpactNews

Published November 7, 2021


A UK funeral director who has been in practice for over 3 years and is identified as "Wesley" was interviewed by a group called "Resistance GB."


He claims that last fall was one the lowest periods of seeing deaths for all funeral directors, but when the COVID-19 shots were introduced, deaths started dramatically increasing.


It started with the elderly, but then by April they were seeing large numbers of people in their 30s and 40s. Many of them were dying of myocarditis.


Now, they are seeing unprecedented numbers of newborn babies, and they are piling up in hospital refrigerators. Some are full term, some are pre-term, he claims.]


Meanwhile, another 141 cases of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in the 6 months old through 4 years old age group were added to the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) database today.


What I have done is put the first 137 cases that were reported after the FDA authorized these shots for the babies in June on page 1, with all the new ones added today for this pediatric age group then on page 2 and 3 (go here.)


As we reported last week, the damage being done to these young brains that are creating seizures and hallucinations is truly horrifying, where the most common side effect being reported is “Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome,” which the Cleveland Clinic defines as:


Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare and life-threatening reaction to the use of any neuroleptic medication. Neuroleptics, also known as antipsychotic medications, treat and manage symptoms of many psychiatric conditions. (Source.)


There is also extensive damage being done to their digestive tracts, with diarrhea and vomiting being reported, as well as pancreatitis and colitis, and many other gastrointestinal issues.

Other side effects being reported among these babies and toddlers include anaphylactic shock, dementia, depression, lupus, Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, seizures, meningitis, and all sorts of rashes. (Source.)


I can barely bring myself to read these case report descriptions and the horrible things that are happening to these poor babies being injected with these toxic shots.


This is one, for example, from a 14-month-old female baby in Illinois, VAERS ID 2356042:


This spontaneous case was reported by a patient family member or friend and describes the occurrence of DISORIENTATION (Disoriented) and VOMITING (Throw up 4 times in a row like a lot) in a 14-month-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. Patient had no allergies with medications, food and other products. Patient was immediately monitored by her pediatrician after the adverse events. No concomitant medications were reported. No treatment drugs were reported.


Or this one of a 2-year-old girl, VAERS ID: 2329230:


Patient developed sudden onset hallucinations (visual, possibly auditory) and psychosis beginning 6 hours after vaccination and lasting for 7 hours, then fell asleep. Reawakened with more hallucinations/psychosis 16 hours after vaccination (6 am today) lasting for another 1.5 hours. Transported to Pediatric ED where psychosis/hallucinations resolved.


The most common reason for recording a case to submit to VAERS for this age group, by far, is “medication error,” where the pharmacist or doctor injected the baby with the wrong dose, either an adult dose, or a dose for an older child.


Such gross incompetency among medical staff should not surprise us, since most of the good, ethical doctors have quit or been fired over their refusal to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, or inject others with one. The ones remaining are either vaccine zealots, or worse, they know full well that these vaccines are killing and harming children, but they fear losing their job more than standing up for what is right.


Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.


If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done? (Proverbs 24:11-12)




Copyright 2022 Health Impact News

Vaccine Impact HOMEPAGE



Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax by 2028?


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

July 16, 2022


Rumble VIDEO: 700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin

[Posted by Greg Hunter's

Published June 28, 2022 






Ø David Martin, Ph.D., presents evidence that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines, but bioweapons that are being used as a form of genocide across the global population


Ø The spike protein that the COVID-19 shots manufacture is a known biologic agent of concern


Ø Martin believes the number that may die may have been revealed back in 2011, when the World Health Organization announced their “decade of vaccination”


Ø The objective for the decade of vaccination was a population reduction of 15% globally, which would be about 700 million people dead; in the U.S., this may amount to between 75 million and 100 million people dying from COVID-19 shots


Ø When asked what timeframe these people may die in, Martin suggested “there's a lot of economic reasons why people hope that it's between now and 2028”


Ø The projected illiquidity of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs by 2028 suggests the “fewer people who are recipients of these programs, the better;” Martin believes this may be why people 65 and over were targeted with COVID-19 shots first


In this revealing interview with Greg Hunter of, David Martin, Ph.D., presents evidence that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines but bioweapons that are being used as a form of genocide across the global population.1


In March 2022, Martin filed a federal lawsuit against President Biden, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services alleging that COVID-19 shots turn the body into a biological weapons factory, manufacturing spike protein. Not only is the term "vaccination" misleading when referring to COVID-19 shots, it's inaccurate since they are actually a form of gene therapy.2


"And we are not only not going to be sued for, you know, any libel or misinformation, we are actually holding people criminally accountable for their domestic terrorism, their crimes against humanity and the story of the coronavirus weaponization that goes back to 1998," Martin says.3


SARS-CoV-2 Has Been in the Works for Decades


Martin has been in the business of tracking patent applications and approvals since 1998. His company, M-Cam International Innovation Risk Management, is the world's largest underwriter of intangible assets used in finance in 168 countries. M-Cam has also monitored biological and chemical weapons treaty violations on behalf of the U.S. government, following the anthrax scare in September 2001.4


According to Martin, there are more than 4,000 patents relating to the SARS coronavirus. His company has also done a comprehensive review of the financing of research involving the manipulation of coronaviruses that gave rise to SARS as a subclade of the beta coronavirus family.

Much of the research was funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci.5 Martin explained:6


"I think it's important for your listeners and viewers to remember that it was 1999 when Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill decided to start weaponizing coronavirus they patented in 2002 — and you heard that date correctly, that's a year before the SARS outbreak in China.


The first time they patented what they called an 'infectious replication defective chimera' of coronavirus. And let's unpack what that means.


Infectious means that it actually is more lethal to the target. Replication defective means its damage is primarily to the target and not to the target's family or friends or community or anything else. And in 2002, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented the replication defective infectious coronavirus chimera, which then became the first instance of SARS.


And it was perfected in 2013 to 2016 during the gain of function moratorium, where the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill was given an exemption from the gain of function moratorium so they could continue to weaponize the virus to the point where in 2016, Ralph Baric published a paper in which he said the Wuhan Institute of Virology virus one, coronavirus, was 'poised for human emergence,' so they knew this all along.


You know, they knew it was a bioweapon since 2005. They knew it was effective at taking out populations, harming populations, intimidating and coercing populations. And they did that all very intentionally for the purpose of destroying humanity."


COVID-19 Shots Are an 'Act of Bioterrorism'


According to Martin, the spike protein that the COVID-19 shots manufacture is a computer simulation of a chimera of the spike protein of coronavirus. "It is, in fact, not a coronavirus vaccine. It is a spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin, and that toxin has been scheduled as a known biologic agent of concern with respect to biological weapons for the last now decade and a half," he said.7


Rather than being a public health measure as they were widely campaigned to be, COVID-19 shots are an act of bioweapons and bioterrorism. Martin shared that in 2015, Dr. Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance that funneled research dollars from the NIAID to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for coronavirus research, stated:8


"We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage, to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process."


Daszak, who Martin refers to as "the money launderer in chief," "actually stated that this entire exercise was a campaign of domestic terror to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon. And that is their own words, not my interpretation," Martin said.9


Martin: 100 Million May Die Due to COVID Shots


Both Pfizer and Moderna's COVID-19 shots contain nucleic acid sequences that are not part of nature and have not been previously introduced to the human body. This amounts to a genetic engineering experiment that did not go through animal studies or clinical trials.


However, already people are dying from the shots and, Martin states, "many more will" due to issues such as blood clots, damage to the cardiovascular system and problems with liver, kidney and pulmonary function.10


An onslaught of reproductive and cancer cases related to the shots are also anticipated. "The fact of the matter is an enormous number of people who are injected are already carrying the seeds of their own demise," Martin said.11 As for how many may die, Martin believes the numbers may have been revealed back in 2011, when the World Health Organization announced their "decade of vaccination":12


"Based on their own 2011 estimate, and … this is a chilling estimate, but we just have to put it out there … When the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chinese CDC, the Jeremy Farrar Wellcome Trust and others published The Decade of Vaccination for the World Health Organization back in 2011 their stated objective was a population reduction of 15% of the world's population.


Put that in perspective, that's about 700 million people dead … and that would put the U.S. participation in that certainly as a pro rata of injected population somewhere between 75 and 100 million people."


When asked what timeframe these people may die in, Martin suggested "there's a lot of economic reasons why people hope that it's between now and 2028."13 This is because of "a tiny little glitch on the horizon" — the projected illiquidity of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs by 2028.


"So the fewer people who are recipients of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the better," Martin said. "Not surprisingly, it's probably one of the motivations that led to the recommendation that people over the age of 65 were the first ones getting injected."14 Other populations at risk are caregivers, including health care providers, and others in the workforce who were forced to be injected, such as pilots.


“Why is it that we're suddenly having 700 flights a day being canceled because, allegedly, airlines don't have pilots? … the dirty secret … is there a lot of pilots who are having microvascular problems and clotting problems, and that keeps them out of the cockpit, which is a good place to not have them if they're going to throw a clot for a stroke or a heart attack," Martin said.


"But the problem is we're going to start seeing that exact same phenomenon in the health care industry and at a much larger scale, which means we now have, in addition to the problem of the actual morbidity and mortality, meaning people getting sick and people dying.


We actually have that targeting the health care industry writ large, which means we are going to have doctors and nurses who are going to be among the sick and the dead. And that means that the sick and the dying also do not get care."15


Why COVID Shots May Change Your DNA


It's been stressed by the media and public health officials that COVID-19 shots do not alter DNA. However, Martin brings attention to a little-known grant from the National Science Foundation, known as Darwinian chemical systems,16 which involved research to incorporate mRNA into targeted genomes. According to Martin:17


"Moderna was started … on the back of a 10-year National Science Foundation grant. And that grant was called Darwinian chemical systems … the project that gave rise to the Moderna company itself was a project where they were specifically figuring out how to get mRNA to write itself into the genome of whatever target they were going after.


That could be a single-celled organism, it could be a multi-celled organism or it could be a human. And the fact of the matter is Moderna was started on the back of having proven that mRNA can be transfected and write itself into the human genome."


It is completely unknown what the short- or long-term effects of the spike protein analog that's inside people who received COVID-19 injections will be. But with respect to alteration of the genome, Martin states that data show mRNA has the capacity to write into the DNA of humans, and "as such, the long-term effects are not going to merely be symptomatic. The long-term effects are going to be the human genome of injected individuals is going to be altered."18


Fraud Removes Big Pharma's Liability Shield


The 2001 anthrax attack, which came out of medical and defense research, led to the passage of the PREP Act, which removed liability for manufacturers of emergency medical countermeasures.


This means that as long as the U.S. is under a state of emergency, things like COVID-19 "vaccines" are allowed under emergency use authorization. And as long as the emergency use authorization is in effect, the makers of these experimental gene therapies are not financially liable for any harm that comes from their use.


That is, provided they're "vaccines." If these injections are NOT vaccines, then the liability shield falls away, because there is no liability shield for a medical emergency countermeasure that is gene therapy. Further, lawsuits that can prove the companies engaged in fraud will also negate the liability shield. Martin states:19


"One of the convenient things about the PREP Act is the immunity shield from liability actually is only as good as the absence of fraud. Because if there was fraud in the promulgation of the events, leading to an emergency use authorization, then all of the immunity shield gets wiped out.


So the reason why it is so important for conversations like the one we're having to actually be promoted and be advanced is because the pharmaceutical companies — and this includes Pfizer and Moderna and J&J — know they are perpetuating a fraud. The great thing about this is when that fraud is established, 100% of the liability flows back to them.


… when a fraud was the basis for a fraud, then we actually have a number of other legal remedies that allow you to pierce that veil. So in the end, there's no question … and it's quite evident based on the current mortality and morbidity data that given the fact that when it comes to biological weapons and bioterror each count comes with $100 million penalty. That's what the federal statute gives us.


The penalty for corporate domestic terrorism, when you have per count $100 million a pop liabilities — that is an existential threat that takes a company like Pfizer or takes a company like Moderna out of existence. And that is what we're working for every day."


If you'd like to follow the progress of the ongoing legal cases seeking to expose the truth — that a criminal organization is seeking to obtain control over the global population via the creation of patented bioweapons marketed as novel viruses and injections — you can find all the details at, a website compiled by Martin and colleagues.20


Sources and References


1 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022

2 Europe Reloaded March 23, 2022

3 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 1:21

4, 5 Substack July 24, 2021

6 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 9:52

7, 8, 9 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 3:26

10, 11 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 6:22

12 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 7:58

13, 14 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 12:40

15 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 13:38

16 National Science Foundation, Darwinian Chemical Systems

17, 18 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 17:21

19 Rumble, Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog June 28, 2022, 52:01

20 Prosecute Now


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© 1997-2022 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.

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