Tuesday, September 7, 2021

We Swore We Would Never Forget


Twenty-years ago seems like yesterday when it comes to the Islamic Terrorist attack of 9/11 on American. I remember the hot anger I felt after realizing the attack came due to the hatred of American Liberty and Religious Liberty. And I am saddened I have grandchildren who are clueless toward foreign and ideological attacks that take American lives. Justin Smith revived those memories.


JRH 9/7/21

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We Swore We Would Never Forget

September 11th In America, Then and Now 


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 9/6/2021 5:11 AM


Twenty years ago on September 11th 2001, Americans endured the worst attack against our homeland anyone had ever witnessed in our entire history, and many of us had hot tears of anger streaming down our faces, as the horror of it all evoked a wide array of emotions, from fear to sorrow to anger. And we swore we would "Never Forget". We swore to hunt down the perpetrators of this [JOS] heinous terrorist attack against America, the Al Qaeda, and eradicate them and to proceed to ensure that nothing similar would ever occur. 


All these years later, I recall watching the jet airliners crashing into the Twin Towers, in real time, on the television, questioning the moment of the first impact until I saw the second jet flying low turn toward the second tower like a heat seeking missile, and I still have the sensation of the hot tears of anger on my cheeks as the Towers fell that fateful morning as I understood I had just witnessed murder most foul. I remember the thousands of our fellow Americans, innocent people just going about their days business, trapped in the World Trade Center's towers and waiting for a rescue that didn't come, as scores of people leaped from the towers to their deaths to escape the inferno that followed. I recall hearing the messages saved for all posterity that were sent to loved ones in recordings and phone calls from the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 filled with love, hope and sadness, with some noting the likelihood of their death.


[Blog Editor: I found a Youtube audio of three calls from UA Flight 93 to loved ones:


Youtube VIDEO: Flight 93 Phone Calls


Posted by WILLIAM WOOD 731

Posted Jul 30, 2017


3 passengers call loved ones during the highjack.]


The strongest, richest, most modern and powerful country in the world, America was vulnerable that morning precisely because of its strength, its new found love of the society killing multiculturalism and its respect for all its people and visitors. So when those Sons of Allah showed up from Saudi Arabia, the United Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon, nobody told them they couldn't attend flight training. Nobody told those terrorists in training who followed they couldn't enroll in our universities to study chemistry and biology and those things necessary for waging bacteriological warfare, even when they suspicioned they might try to dose our reservoirs and unleash a horrible and deadly disaster on us. Our strength was also the weakness that allowed them to attack our science and technology by hijacking jets to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, American symbols of wealth, modernity and power.


Now, twenty years later, those of us who recognized the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as an escalation of the war against America and, in fact, against Western civilization by Islam and its allies, and swore we would "Never Forget", are angry to see so many Americans have actually forgotten or no longer care. We're angry that after four previous U.S. presidents swore to destroy Al Qaeda, even going so far as to suggest they had destroyed Al Qaeda on several occasions, a feckless, criminally negligent, treasonous and cowardly Biden regime has allowed the Taliban and Al Qaeda to come back even stronger and better armed than before and exponentially better positioned to wreak havoc and commit more acts of terror against America and Europe than it was in 2001, a basic betrayal of everything that has gone before us and a betrayal of the memory of all the victims of the September 11th attacks.


We should Never Forget September 11th 2001, and we should never forget Biden's betrayal of the [JOS] memory of the two thousand nine-hundred and seventy-seven Americans who were murdered by Al Qaeda terrorists, as six airplanes loaded with Americans and Afghan SIVs are [JOS] currently being held hostage by the Taliban at Mazar-i-Sharif, about 426 miles north of Kabul and 255 miles south of Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The Taliban are refusing to let them leave, to gain more concessions and money from the Biden regime, even though they have been cleared by the U.S. State Department and an airport is on standby to receive them in Qatar. 


There are no tears today, but I'm angrier than I've ever been over the past few week's events and now this new development, of which all could have been prevented, if only we had competent people in our government and our military leadership, who didn't now actually think they could cooperate with the Taliban in the future, suggested by General Milley in a recent news conference. However, all America will shed a flood of tears, if our stranded Americans die at the hands of the Taliban or Al Qaeda, due to some new miscalculation by the idiots of the Biden regime, especially so close to the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks.


It's purely surreal that America has gone from declaring it would totally defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda, very nearly completing the job at one time, to appeasing them, emboldening them, strengthening them and even begging them for their cooperation, as the Taliban flag now flies over what was once the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan.


Imagine sitting on that tarmac in Mazar-i-Sharif in fear for your life and wondering if anyone is coming to rescue you, to save your life, not knowing if you will be taken off the plane and executed and the next hour or minute might mark your last moments of earth. Any harm or deaths of Americans at this point will fall directly on Biden and his regime, to be remembered for all time as another miserable betrayal.


We've arrived at this destination largely from a misshaped and erroneous understanding of Islam and the Middle East and Central Asia. Although many of the seemingly so-called "moderate" Muslims might have jealously eyed the modernization of the West, they desired to attain a modern Islamic society through Islamic led initiatives on national and global stages, and ultimately they've always hated the West, our freedoms and all America represents, despite any propaganda to the contrary. They hate the West still today, simply because it exists and largely due to the defeats it has handed Islam, from Malta to Spain [Important Battle & lengthy Reconquista] to Vienna on and near September 11th over the centuries; especially the defeat by the Polish King Jan III Sobieski who claimed his victory at Vienna on September 12th 1683 a victory for Christianity and gave thanks to Our Lady of Czestochowa, the Black Madonna.


[Blog Editor: Of interest:


o   Six Battles That Turned Back Islamic Conquest; By JEFF SANDERS; PJ Media; 10/30/16 5:32 PM ET]


There's also the other aspect of this dynamic, in the alliance that has existed between America's Communists and many in the Democratic Party and the adherents and numerous advocates for Islam in America, largely since the 1970s but especially with the creation of the [JOS] Muslim American Society in 1993 and several other organizations such as the [JOS] Islamic Society of North America. These traitors have attempted to raise the supremacist dogma of Islam and Marx to the same level with our Western and Christian virtues and principles, demanding they be made equal; but they never mention any other religion in the same vein of thought, not for the Buddhists, Hindus, Confucianists, Greek and Russian Orthodox or anybody else. At the same time, they rail against "the American imperialists" and "the Israel occupation" and spit on the memories of many fine men and women who fought to regain or safeguard the Freedom and Liberty they currently enjoy, during two world wars and numerous lesser conflicts just as deadly and bloody. Yes, the American Leftist bastards have become the good ally of the Islamic bastards who want to kill or enslave you and me, the normal average American patriot, in the name of their contrived, false "god" Allah.


[Blog Editor: KNOW the enemy of Freedom & Liberty – The RED (Marxist) and GREEN (Islam) AXIS:


o   THE RED-GREEN AXIS: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America; By James Simpson; Center for Security Policy; © 2015 (65 pages)


o   Knowing your enemy: The ‘Red-Green Axis of evil’ shows its face in Washington; Posted By TUW Media – By Leo Hohmann; The United West; 3/19/11




Isn't it sad and reprehensible to see? The American Leftists have waved their rainbow flag for the past two decades to protest every honest step any administration has ever made to keep America safe. But hypocrites that they are, the world never sees them wave their rainbow flags to condemn Islamic terrorism and those who use suicide bombs and remote controlled bombs and improvised explosive devices to kill Americans and Westerners, or the imams and mullahs who preach jihad and "holy war" against America, while smiling and hiding behind a facade of peace.


More the rule seen across Islam than the exception, George Habash, the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated in the 1970s that their revolution was not confined to Palestine and was a world-wide initiative. He called the entirety of Western civilization the enemy of Islam, including America, as he kept true to Islamic doctrine that call for continued jihad until everything outside of the House of Islam has been defeated and absorbed by Islam [Blog Editor: I could not locate Habash’s specific thought that Western Civ was the enemy of Islam, But follow the asterisk (*) below this paragraph showing Justin’s Habash is definitely close]; further noting in a [JOS]1972 interview (see pages 131 &132 of Force of Reason) conducted by the impeccable, world renown journalist, Oriana Fallaci, that "the entire Arab Nations must go to war against Europe and America ... that from now on there will be no peace for the West." 


*[‘Habash saw no contradiction between this ideological shift and his national identity. In this regard, he considered  there was a perfect harmony between “my Arab nationalism, my being Christian, my Islamic culture and my progressive Marxism … I am a Marxist, leftist by culture, the Islamic heritage is an essential part of my thought structure, Islam is the most important component of Arab nationalism, and Arab nationalism is an essential part of my being.” He considered dialectical materialism to be the essence of Marxism.’ -- George Habash; Palestinian Journeys]


Although I am a Christian, I lay no particular claim to being a very good one. I especially have trouble with the precepts of turning the other cheek and forgiveness, when faced with particularly egregious and heinous violations against me or mine and all that I love.


America and every president involved in the Afghanistan Theater spent far too much time worrying about the politics of the thing, instead of going into the country and turning its landscape red with the blood of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, killing everyone in their families, everyone who they ever called "friend", anyone who ever conducted business with them, and even their goats and sheep. Instead of showing them any mercy, we should have made damned certain they were completely and definitively defeated, in the manner of Nagasaki and Dresden, and saved the mercy and benevolence for last. 


Trying to fight a war with one hand tied behind our back and as a supporting force to the Afghan national Army is exactly why we are now faced with another dismal situation as we look to soon commemorate and honor those who died on September 11th 2001, whether they were the innocent civilians caught in a freak twist of fate or the good men and women of the first responders, the policemen and firemen, who answered the call that day and tried to save as many people as they could. 


September 11th draws close and on the morning of, I'll recall that the CIA had forewarning of the attack and failed to see the urgency in making certain the FBI and our military were fully apprised and aware of the possibility that such an attack was imminent. I'll remember the passengers of the four airliners that were transformed into bombs, and especially those little children, like the four year old little girl, [JOS] Juliana Valentine McCourt, whose tiny body was destroyed when United Airlines Flight 175 slammed into the South Tower and disintegrated. I'll remember the heroes of Flight 93 who fought the Islamic Jihadi terrorist and prevented the airliner from being flown into the White House. I'll remember those people working in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and all the firemen who died trying to save them, and I will light a candle and say a long prayer for them all.


I've never forgotten that from start to finish nearly an hour and a half had elapsed. By 10:03 A.M., nearly 3,000 innocent Americans -- loved ones, friends, and neighbors -- were dead. 


I've never forgotten that a unified cry of "Allahu Akbar" was heard reverberating throughout the Islamic world that day, as Muslims laughed, rejoiced and celebrated the catastrophe, misery, pain and grief that fell upon America, in much the same manner as they celebrated the Taliban's recent victory over the U.S.


I've never forgotten nor forgiven, and I never will. I understand who and what killed our people on September 11th 2001; and just as sure as I am that they will come for us again, I know history and America isn't through with them yet. 


And in the meantime, I'll be praying for the living and our fine American souls currently held hostage in Afghanistan, in hopes that some group, any group, is able to effect their deliverance and the safe release and safe passage home for them, in a manner that seems to be beyond Biden and his useless anti-American regime, that brays one meaningless assurance after another, placing the onus on the trapped Americans and making it clear that Biden has essentially washed his hands of the entire sorry, sordid affair. I'll pray that America won't find another occasion in the coming days to cry hot tears, or tears of any kind, due to one more American death at the hands of Al Qaeda or the Taliban, on September 11th 2021 or any other day in the near future. 


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Justin embedded links are indicated by “JOS”. The other embedded links are by the Editor. Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold emphasis indicates my agreement with Justin.


© Justin O. Smith


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