Sunday, February 28, 2021

H.R. 5: God-Awful Legislation


Justin Smith correctly expounds on how the Dem-Marxists impending legislation known as the Equality Act further normalizes ungodliness by legal means while destroying the God-given Natural Rights of the Bible-Believing. To wit I share some quotes from the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC):


Leviticus 18:22-25


22 You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination.

23 Neither shall you lie with any beast and defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman yield herself to a beast to lie with it; it is confusion, perversion, and degradedly carnal.

24 Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, for in all these things the nations are defiled which I am casting out before you.

25 And the land is defiled; therefore I visit the iniquity of it upon it, and the land itself vomits out her inhabitants.


Leviticus 20:13


13 If a man lies with a male as if he were a woman, both men have committed an offense (something perverse, unnatural, abhorrent, and detestable); they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


Romans 1:18, 24, 26-28, 32  


18 For God’s [holy] wrath and indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress and hinder the truth and make it inoperative.


24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin],


26 For this reason God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions. For their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural and abnormal one,

27 And the men also turned from natural relations with women and were set ablaze (burning out, consumed) with lust for one another—men committing shameful acts with men and suffering in their own [a]bodies and personalities the inevitable consequences and penalty of their wrong-doing and going astray, which was [their] fitting retribution.

28 And so, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or approve of Him or consider Him worth the knowing, God gave them over to a base and condemned mind to do things not proper or decent but loathsome,


32 Though they are fully aware of God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them themselves but approve and applaud others who practice them.


Jude 1: 4-5, 7


For certain men have crept in stealthily [[a]gaining entrance secretly by a side door]. Their doom was predicted long ago, ungodly (impious, profane) persons who pervert the grace (the spiritual blessing and favor) of our God into lawlessness and wantonness and immorality, and disown and deny our sole Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

Now I want to remind you, though you were fully informed once for all, that though the Lord [at one time] delivered a people out of the land of Egypt, He subsequently destroyed those [of them] who did not believe [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely upon Him].


[The wicked are sentenced to suffer] just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the adjacent towns—which likewise gave themselves over to impurity and indulged in unnatural vice and sensual perversity—are laid out [in plain sight] as an exhibit of perpetual punishment [to warn] of everlasting fire. -- Leviticus 18: 22-25; 20: 13; Romans 1: 18, 24, 26-28, 32; Jude 1: 4-5, 7 (AMPC)


You or I might face a future of jail or a civil suit for standing with God’s Word under the God-snubbing Equality Act.


JRH 2/28/21

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H.R. 5: God-Awful Legislation

The Democratic Party Supports A Deviant Agenda Camouflaged as “Equality”


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 2/26/2021 10:20 PM


The Democratic Party Communists and their "leader", Joe Biden, are quite similar to past Democrats and other anti-American radicals, except they are even more unhinged, deluded and sick in their feverish goals to destroy America and fundamentally transform Her into something unrecognizable. It's not enough to simply attack the Bill of Rights, item by item, but now they find mythical "rights", such as "gay rights" and "transgender rights", that they've fabricated and pulled from some dark nether region of a body orifice, as a part of their attack on everything it means to truly be American and their effort to create a socialist, centralized state. And more than equality under the law, they prefer their Party Members are a protected and privileged class above all others, as seen through the recent passage of the Equality Act on February 25, 2021; that is anything but an act for equality. 


Homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and any other deviant have the same exact rights under the law and the Constitution as anybody else, unless they seek to engage in pedophilia. There already exist numerous Civil Rights protections for men and women, to the degree that nothing more is required or demanded. However, in that the current movement specifically seeks to protect unnatural sexual orientations as a matter of law, in a manner that tramples all over other people's Inalienable God-Given Rights, what they in fact are demanding is privilege above all others and a forced validation of their immoral lifestyle upon Christians and conservatives, thus violating the conscience of most of Conservative America.


The Equality Act, also known as H.R. 5, would redefine "sex" under federal civil rights laws to encompass "sexual orientation" and "gender identity". This is about much more than simply protecting these people from discrimination, since a 2020 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court already does so. 


Call them "progressive" or anything else. Whatever label they have hid under, since the beginning of their miserable Marxist philosophy in 1848, these socialists have advocated for sexual license, by way of "the community of wives", "free love", "sexual freedom" and a host of other immoral pursuits, such as pedophilia, as seen through their numerous associations with the North American Man/Boy Love Association. They saw this as a way to tear apart the core family unit of a father, mother and their children, breaking down the bonds of kinship, in order to reduce the individual to simply being one more cog in the machine of the state, eroding the family in the name of sexual freedom just like they erode property rights in the name of "social justice" and religion in the name of the myth of "separation of church and state". 


[Blog Editor: NAMBLA is an evil perversion that the Equality Act paves the way to yet another ungodly normalization. Consider these difficult to locate articles (some old enough that inherent source links may not function:


o   Democrats on Sex and Children; Media Research Center; no date


o   Homosexuality and ‘Man-Boy Love’: ‘Gay’ Pioneer Harry Hay Defended NAMBLA to the End; By Peter LaBarbera; Americans For Truth About Homosexuality; Posted 9/21/09 (originally posted at CWA 10/30/02)


o   Gay Rights and NAMBLA; By John R. Houk; SlantRight; 10/1/09


o   Pedophilia/Pederasty;  Contact: Peter LaBarbera; Americans For Truth About Homosexuality; 9/17/18


o   Pederasty and paedophilia – What's the difference? And what difference does it make? Part II; By Randy Engel; Renew America; 4/4/19


o   The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children; By StevieRay Hansen; HNewsWire;  9/18/20]


The Equality Act (H.R. 5) passed the House for the second time in two years, by a vote of 224 to 206, supposedly as a needed measure to solidify protections for LGBTQ people in the areas of employment, housing, credit, education and other domains. It was stopped two years ago by the Republican controlled Senate, but things have drastically changed, now that the Democrats control the entire Congress and the office of the president, and this immoral piece of trash actually stands a very good chance of being entered into U.S. law, as one massive insult to our ancestors and all that came before and was put into the making of America, so exceptional in days gone by. 


This God-awful bit of legislation follows on the heels of one more misguided Supreme Court decision, in Bostock v. Clayton County, that stated "the protections guaranteed by the 1964 Civil Rights Act on the basis of sex also extend to discrimination against lesbian, gay, and transgender Americans." And so, the sum of this and H.R 5 amounts to nondiscrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity being codified and inserted into U.S. law, rather than providing for protections under the traditional meaning and category of "sex".


Much as we've already witnessed through several past legal cases, regarding one's religious conscience, this act would also have harsh and significant impacts on retail stores, stadiums and transportation providers, especially if someone chose to refuse service to any transgendered person based on religious beliefs. Essentially, H.R. 5 supersedes and abrogates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was passed to ensure that "laws" didn't infringe upon religious freedom.


Throughout all faiths, religious groups and Social Conservatives are exasperated and worried by this act, that they fear will force people to act in contradiction to their religious beliefs and convictions. They have admonished that faith-based adoption agencies, who hold to the traditional views of what constitutes a "mother and father" may close in large numbers, as they also make note that private schools too may close, rather than submit to hiring staff whose conduct is immoral by their standards and the tenets of their school's faith. 


Many Conservatives have broached an array of numerous possible consequences, should H.R. 5 actually pass into law. Some even note that it could very likely be used as justification to eliminate the existing ban on the use of government funds for abortion. 


Representative Mike Johnson (R-La) observed: "This is unprecedented. It's dangerous. It's an attack on our first freedom, the first freedom listed in the Bill of Rights, religious liberty." 


Equally dangerous, H.R. 5 prioritizes transgender people over women and it endangers women's safety by erasing sex as a distinct legal category, while demanding that heretofore female-only spaces and opportunities designed to increase representation for girls are now open to biological males, to men. Its text clearly states that "an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity."


Sounds like a free pass to the ladies' restrooms and elsewhere for sexual predators, doesn't it?


There's nothing "equal" about this act, any more than it was an equally matched fight in the MMA cage between the transgendered man, now known as Fallon Fox, and his real live lady opponent, Tamikka Brents, when he broke her skull in several places, in 2014. This is the sort of insanity now advanced, advocated and facilitated by the Far Left and the Democratic Party, that is certain to facilitate and entrench transgender youth in girls’ sports, in high schools across America. 


Under the pretense of "fairness", the "Equality Act" would prohibit policy makers from ever acting in any manner that suggests a real difference exists between men and women or to actually guarantee the safety and equality of the sexes. 


Adding jet fuel to the fire, America also recently witnessed a transgendered biological male, posing as female, in Dr "Rachel" Levine, refuse to properly answer a question from Senator Rand Paul, during the confirmation hearing on his suitability for assistant secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services, on February 25, 2021. Paul suggested that current Democratic Party policy favored the government overruling the authority of parents to advance the hormone treatment of children and the "surgical destruction" of their genitalia. 


Paul asked: "Dr Levine, do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one's sex?"


To which came Levine's non-response: "Transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field with robust research". 


Levine also went on to dodge Paul's questioning, when the Senator asked: "Do you support the government intervening to override a parent's consent to give a child puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and/or amputation surgery of breasts or genitalia?"


Never failing to exhibit his true foolish and idiotic nature and flawed moral compass, during one October 2020 campaign event, Joe Biden opined: "The idea that an eight year old child or a ten year old child decides, you know, I decided I want to be transgender. That's what I think I'd like to be. It'd make my life a lot easier. There should be zero discrimination."


I guess a ten year old should be allowed to decide whether to drink alcohol or not, drive a car or not. Sure, what ten year old isn't capable of making perfectly rational decisions for himself?


For decades, Conservative America has seemed unable to counter the mesmerizing Leftist language of the Democratic Party, because they camouflaged evil agendas in pretty sounding phrases, such as "civil rights", a woman's right to choose" and "protecting the children", making it a hard argument to make, but at its heart, this Equality Act aims to advance the rights of transgender people above everybody else's rights and to the explicit detriment of everybody else. It clearly violates religious liberty, by way of its subjective "equality", while it ignores freedom of association and casts aside freedom of religion, in favor of emotionally-driven interpretations of discrimination, regardless of anyone's actual intent or the reality of the matter. 


In general terms, this immoral, junk legislation intentionally blurs the lines between biological sex and gender, something the Marxists have consistently relied upon for decades, regarding their so-called "gender theory". The Democratic Party Communists want to control us all. They don't want us working, living or praying freely, and now, they don't even want us deciding what gender a baby is without their approval. The Equality Act is far removed from anything that barely protects anyone from real discrimination, and it has everything to do with compelling everyone to adhere to their sick, demented, deluded gender ideology. 


Don't be fooled by its name. Reject H.R 5 and every Evil, vile thing it holds. Fight like hell to see it and its lies and false narratives die in the Senate. 


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced by brackets and embedded links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

Friday, February 26, 2021

Dem-Marxist Tyranny & American Patriot Choices


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 26, 2021


Although there was a time, I placed hope in the musings of Q-promises and a number of folks who spoke along similar lines that a Second Trump term was inevitable and that OBVIOUS Election Fraud would be overturned by either a rule-of-law Judiciary or a U.S. Military that would not allow an Election Coup to stand; BUT NONE OF THOSE PROMISES came into existence. I came to the realization that Q and compatriots were bogus.


Frankly, retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney has been a part of those wishful thinking disinformation fellows distributing false hope to American Patriots. SO … I hesitate to share McInerney’s interview which he essentially says America has only two options to survive a Dem-Marxist totalitarian future:




“… Trump, his advisers, and the U.S. military act to return the nation to constitutional government by completely eliminating its domestic and foreign enemies that are ensconced in the U.S. government, the media, the social media, and the business community, all of whom have cooperated with Democratic and Republican traitors and several foreign governments to destroy the republic.”




“… the American people will have to decide whether they will accept tyranny as their new way of life, or will use the Second Amendment precisely in the manner intended by the Founders; that is, too free themselves and their children from tyrants and restore republican government in the United States.”


Option ONE is eerily along the lines by bogus-Q and compatriots. It didn’t happen when it was timely to do so; ergo, I have no confidence in the Military honoring their oath to protect and preserve the U.S. Constitution. (And yet … After Americans engage in peaceful Civil Disobedience which will be met with 1960s-style government violent repression in the same fashion that ‘60s Civil Rights activists were assaulted more by local governments than the KKK; THEN elements of the Military just might align with American Patriots.)


I pray OPTION TWO emerges AFTER peaceful Civil Disobedient American Patriots are assaulted by Dem-Marxist directed police and the Dem-Marxist private paramilitary (Antifa/BLM).


ALSO, a Black Pastor is interviewed calling for a peaceful resistance to Dem-Marxist tyranny. That Black Pastor is Bishop Robert E. Smith.


The vehicle for the McInerney/Bishop Smith interviews is the NOQ Report which embeds the podcast of the Two Mikes.


As a bonus I am posting some interesting from the Mike Adams Health Ranger Report Situation Update from 2/25/21. It’s about an hour and eleven minutes.


Here we go .. use good judgment on what to trust and not to trust.


JRH 2/26/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

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Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: ‘We have a corrupt Supreme Court’ so it’s up to us to act



2 Mikes Interview McInerney


By Michael Scheuer

February 24, 2021

NOQ Report


Today, The Two Mikes again spoke with General Thomas McInerney. As always, the General had a great deal of important information to share. That information, and the realization that the Supreme Court sided with America's domestic and foreign enemies, led to a conversation that concluded that America is at what the General called a "tipping point".


Today, The Two Mikes again spoke with General Thomas McInerney. As always, the General had a great deal of important information to share. That information, and the realization that the Supreme Court sided with America’s domestic and foreign enemies, led to a conversation that concluded that America is at what the General called a “tipping point”.


“All they had to do on the Pennsylvania case was hear the case. That’s all they had to do,” he said. “And then it would be quite obvious. If our position is wrong and they put out the logic, then we’re willing to accept that. But they know that this election is fraudulent. They have to in the Supreme Court.”


The Pennsylvania case is the latest that the Supreme Court punted on. The four leftist Justices were joined by Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh in ruling against the opportunity for the American people to finally hear the truth about the rampant 2020 election fraud that installed Joe Biden into the White House. As a result, our options as Americans are being limited.


“We are at this tipping point, Col. Mike, in which the American people are going to have take these issues because the institutions, the Supreme Court, has failed us,” he said. “That’s their role, to adjudicate on constitutional issues. They won’t even take it up and look at it because they know what the answer is, so we have a corrupt Supreme Court.”


The republic’s most important institutions and Constitution are all but collapsed, and, under Biden, the national government is crafting a tyrannical regime for the United States. What to do? It seems there are only two options.


Option one is for Trump, his advisers, and the U.S. military act to return the nation to constitutional government by completely eliminating its domestic and foreign enemies that are ensconced in the U.S. government, the media, the social media, and the business community, all of whom have cooperated with Democratic and Republican traitors and several foreign governments to destroy the republic.


If this action is not undertaken, the American people will have to decide whether they will accept tyranny as their new way of life, or will use the Second Amendment precisely in the manner intended by the Founders; that is, too free themselves and their children from tyrants and restore republican government in the United States. The latter is gradually emerging as the republic’s last, best chance.


[NOQ uses an Apple embed. I am going to use the Spreaker Version]


Spreaker Two Mikes Podcast: Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: 'We have a corrupt Supreme Court' so it's up to us to act

Listen to "Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: 'We have a corrupt Supreme Court' so it's up to us to act" on Spreaker.

From Two Mikes with Michael Scheuer and Col Mike

Posted 2/24/21


Bishop Robert E. Smith calls on churches to lead against rising tyranny in America



2 Mikes Interview Bishop Smith


By Michael Scheuer

February 26, 2021

NOQ Report


Today, The Two Mikes spoke with the Bishop Robert E. Smith, Sr. from Little Rock, Arkansas. Bishop Smith spoke very clearly about how deeply many of the nation's Christian churches have failed to adequately support and advise their congregants on how to respond to the tyranny and evil being spread by the Democrat administration in a way that is both peaceful and effective.


Today, The Two Mikes spoke with the Bishop Robert E. Smith, Sr. from Little Rock, Arkansas. Bishop Smith spoke very clearly about how deeply many of the nation’s Christian churches have failed to adequately support and advise their congregants on how to respond to the tyranny and evil being spread by the Democrat administration in a way that is both peaceful and effective.


Bishop Smith explained that, as always, the strength of Americans to defend themselves in this time of trial is to keep calm and constantly pray to God, asking for his help to eliminate the Democratic administration that is seeking to kill Christianity, pit Americans against each other, and enslave the citizenry.


The Bishop continues to believe that God will use President Trump to lead American believers to resist and eventually overcome the evil that now is permeating much of the republic. Bishop Smith is a marvelous speaker and has a unique ability to put complicated Christian and political issues in the most understandable terms. His knowledge of the Bible is astounding.


[NOQ uses an Apple embed. I am going to use the Spreaker Version]


Spreaker Two Mikes Podcast: Bishop Robert E. Smith calls on churches to lead against rising tyranny in America

Listen to "Bishop Robert E. Smith calls on churches to lead against rising tyranny in America" on Spreaker.

From Two Mikes with Michael Scheuer and Col Mike



Brighteon VIDEO: Situation Update, Feb. 25th, 2021 - Is FAKE Prez. Biden about to be exposed and removed?

Posted by Health Ranger Report



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Dem-Marxist Tyranny & American Patriot Choices

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 26, 2021


Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: ‘We have a corrupt Supreme Court’ so it’s up to us to act




Bishop Robert E. Smith calls on churches to lead against rising tyranny in America


© 2020 NOQ Report




Thursday, February 25, 2021

Intro to Weaver ‘PSYOP The Steal’


Millie Weaver screen capture


Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted February 25, 2021


What is a PSYOP?


The term is an acronym for Psychological Operation or when plural Operations. A tactic of psychological warfare.


Interesting PSYOP definitions:


o   military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments - sensagent


o   Definition of psyops - military operations usually aimed at influencing the enemy's state of mind through noncombative means (such as distribution of leaflets) – Merriam-Webster


o   Psyops - psychological operations: the use of techniques that are designed to make an enemy or opponent confused or weaker – Macmillan Dictionary


o   Psyop - Intelligence agency term for "psychological operation". A government or corporate-sponsored operation, usually taking the form of a "terrorist attack" or "crazed gunman on a spree", with the intent of panicking the public into demanding more police and laws inhibiting freedom. Psyops are usually carried out by drugging a civilian or group of civilians with aggression-promoting drugs, psyching them up, arming them, and sending them out to commit mayhem. Government-sponsored terrorism. See also blackshirts, conspiracy – Urban Dictionary


Essentially a PSYOP is a mind-game to manipulate a person or persons.


With this framework check out the title of Millie Weaver’s (aka Millennial Millie) latest documentary: “PSYOP The Steal”. The documentary examines the disinformation used by Dem-Marxists to exploit the protest of Trump Supporters on January 6, 2021. The Documentary is not quite 90-minutes in length. It is very informative but be forewarned Millie does not edit out the profanity typically aimed by valueless Dem-Marxists aimed at value-minded Conservative Trump Supporters.


I discovered the documentary via an uncensored media platform that pointed to a Weaver video on Youtube calling itself a watch party for the release of the Documentary that included the obvious reason that “PSYOP The Steal” would not be on the Censorship-crazy Youtube. Here is the Youtube Millie watch announcement:


Youtube VIDEO: Premiere Watch Party: PSYOP THE STEAL

            Posted by Millennial Millie

470K subscribers – February 24, 2021


Special call in guest Michael Yon! This video is too controversial to post on YouTube! To watch the full documentary, go to:


Follow me on Twitch for uncensored content:


It is from the Youtube description that I first went to Weaver’s website to view “PSYOP The Steal”. There she does not depend on any video platform posting her own with this direct video link:


Millie’s “PSYOP The Steal” page has other videos relating to the 2020 election and info leading up to 1/6/21 and it was posted on 2/23/21.



Millie Weaver - PSYOP The Steal Banner


Be sure to examine Millie Weaver’s Millennial Millie content. For the sake of brevity here is the Bitchute version of the Weaver Documentary on nefarious Marxists and RINOs on the date used to make Conservatives appear bad in psyop public manipulation.



Posted by Millennial Millie Mirrors

1715 subscribers - February 24th, 2021 10:40 UTC


Streamed live on February 23, 2021


Exposing The Plan To Siege the US Capitol On January 6th, 2021
What happened on January 6, 2021 was part of a well prepared contingency plan to disrupt President Trump’s chances contest the election results riddled with accusations of fraud. Now Let me reveal some of the "shadow actors" involved in it.




JRH 2/25/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business making yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Favorable Trump Polls May Inspire Future Dem-Marxist/RINO Totalitarianism

 John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 24, 2021


Pro-Trump stat screen capture


First of all, I need to establish my opinion that anything to do with Q-info is a load of crap at best designed to instill false hope against Dem-Marxist rule AND at worst a disinformation program to make Trump supporters look bad.


The title of a Justus Knight/Restricted Republic video thus got my attention: “Biden’s Secret Connection To The QAnon Shaman Exposed In This Shocking Video Confession!


YET second of all, the primary topic of the video are some poll statistics that YOU probably will not hear or read about from Mainstream Media (or is that Lame-stream or Left-stream or Communist-stream) outlets. Those poll stats favor the actually elected 2020 elected President Donald Trump’s future as an American leader if he so chooses.


I have no doubt those stats will inspire more acts of totalitarianism from Dem-Marxists as well as inspire Republican treasonous leaders to cooperate with Dem-Marxist future despotism.


With that … below is the video.


JRH 2/24/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

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Rumble VIDEO: Biden’s Secret Connection To The QAnon Shaman Exposed In This Shocking Video Confession!

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Posted by Restricted Republic 

Published February 22, 2021


February 22nd, 2021 By: Justus Knight


Join now and you heard us right 14 Days FREE! Check it out absolutely for FREE!! ALSO!!…For A Limited Time ++ $5.00 a month for 12 months using coupon code “TRUMP” at monthly check-out!!


Now available on Roku, Apple, Android or Amazon apps (but we recommend you also save to your Home Page in case the Tech-Titans remove another app)!!


On today’s broadcast:


Part 1 – Biden’s Secret Connection To The QAnon Shaman Exposed In This Shocking Video Confession! 2021-02-22JKP1 – Oh, if that was all this information would be bombshell but there is SO MUCH MORE! There is a survey that has imploded the Establishment, but Republican and Democrat…the TRUMP CURSE strikes again and this proved is all! Then the video that destroys the Biden Administration!


Part 2 (only at – Liberal Lies, Corporate Cancel Culture And Hollywood Hypocrisy A Weekend Of Demolishing The Democrats! 2021-02-22JKP2 – Sit back and hold on, we are going to tear apart the establishment. From McDonalds to the Muppets the all out assault on reality continues and we are going to expose every hypocritical turn on the road to insanity! Equality to Equity and Honor to Hypocrisy – the House of Corruption Cards are falling!


God Speed and God Bless,

Justus Knight


MORE TO READ for Social Media locations, support and sources


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Mired In COVOD-19 Idiocy


As expected after the Election Coup committed by Dem-Marxists, the infection of totalitarianism is far worse than the existence of any pandemic. Though I personally am not an anti-vaxxer, Justin’s info that probably has been hidden from you should give ANYONE pause to take a COVID vaccination. (In full disclosure, my wife is a vehement anti-vaxxer.)


JRH 2/21/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via - credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business making yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Mired In COVOD-19 Idiocy

A Justification To Continue State Controls [Means] Go Not Gently Into That Good Night


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 2/20/2021 12:06 AM


Cable news was interrupted this afternoon (February 19, 2021), by our Dictator-in-Chief, Joe Biden and his statement regarding his administration's plans for America and the need for all of us to do our "patriotic duty" and mindlessly don our masks and extend our arms for the new batch of experimental DNA altering vaccines, as he and his administration deny the real science and facts that exhibit a remarkable decline in COVID cases, of late, due to herd immunity. Biden's remarks were simply more fearmongering as a justification to continue state controls on people's behavior, to combat what is essentially a type A or B Flu, noting that he had mandated masks and social distancing for federal buildings by Executive Order; and from the demeanor of this Poser, one could tell he would do more, if he thought he could get away with it.


Toward the end of his remarks, Joe stated: 


"We still need you to wash your hands, stay socially distanced and mask up to help save lives ... That's why, with the authority I have as President [Illegitimate president], I signed an Executive Order, the only authority I have to require this, to require masking on all federal property, on all modes of travel, trains, planes and buses. We've been calling on governors, mayors and local officials to institute mask mandates within their jurisdictions, like Governor Whitmer has done in Michigan. ... Look, I know it's inconvenient. But ... We need everyone to do their part for themselves, for their loved ones -- And yes -- for your country. It's a patriotic duty."


When such a ban was first mentioned, in a phone call between Biden and Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), DeSantis stated


"I will not comply. ... Instituting a travel ban or restriction of movement would be a gross example of federal overreach with no grounding in law or science."


So Ol' Joe wraps himself in the flag even as he hands down his Illegitimate, Illegal Executive Order and attempts to facilitate more tyranny by urging local governments to cooperate in implementing it. It's also quite ironic that as he speaks of the urgency to vaccinate all America, his administration was making preparations to vaccinate Guantanamo Islamic terrorists ahead of American citizens, until a furor arose over it; and even if it was a "safe vaccine" as alleged by Joe, Pfizer is profiting massively from Operation Warp Speed, made possible by President Trump, by sending large quantities of the vaccine overseas, before all Americans who want it are vaccinated.


One certainly has to wonder, given all we know about these petty tyrants, when will they attempt to make this COVID vaccine mandatory? Whenever they do, no one with good common sense should comply.


But wait a minute. According to Dr. Marty Makary, professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, in the February 18, 2021 edition of the Wall Street Journal, COVID deaths in the U.S. are down overall by 77 percent, in large part, due to an increased herd immunity, that has quite likely resulted in 55 percent of all Americans becoming immune to the COVID virus. He noted that the current 0.15 percent population fatality, considerably less than the usual 0.23 percent fatality rate for COVID-19, indicates approximately two-thirds of all Americans have already had the virus and recovered. 


Dr. Makary writes:


"But the consistent and rapid decline in daily cases since Jan. 8 can be explained only by natural immunity. Behavior didn't suddenly improve over the holidays. Americans traveled more over Christmas than they had since March. Vaccines also don't explain the steep decline in January. Vaccination rates were low and they take weeks to kick in. ... My prediction that COVID-19 will be mostly gone by April is based on laboratory data, mathematical data, published literature and conversations with experts." 


Praising the safety measures utilized in producing this vaccine, Biden sounded like a snake oil salesman, a bit too sure, a bit too slick, as he tried to convince the American public with his assurances, saying: 


"It takes more time to check for safety than it does to make the vaccine. That's how fastidious they are. ... And I listened to Dr Fauci. Dr Fauci assured me that COVID-19 vaccines were safe. That's why several weeks ago I went through the rigorous scientific review. That's why I took my vaccine shot publicly to demonstrate to the American people that I know and believe it's safe. That's why Vice-President Harris also received a shot publicly."


Did they? Did they REALLY? The so-called "progressives", these Democratic Party Communists are so intent on destroying the Republic and controlling all the people, that no one can really trust anything they say, especially after all the hoaxes, the known deceptions we have already experienced at their direction. Remember, these are the same folks that subscribe to the Malthusian madness of the necessity to depopulate the world. And curiously enough, his new vaccine has some pretty interesting side effects, including death and sterility in women.


[Blog Editor: The legacy of Malthusian Depopulation insanity still infects the present (not even close to being exhaustive – DO SOME RESEARCH):


o   The Malthusian Delusion and the Origins of Population Control; By PRI Staff; Population Research Institute; 1/1/03


o   Elites ‘Secret’ Meeting Discussed Depopulation; By Media Monarchy;;  5/27/09


o   Eugenics and Malthusian Misanthropy; Posted by winston101; 1984redux; 8/13/14  


o   Paul Ehrlich’s Population Dud; By Hayden Ludwig; Capital Research Center; 4/6/18


o   Is the Global Pandemic a Product of the Elite’s Malthusian Agenda and U.S. Biowarfare? By Max Parry (Originally The Unz Review);; 3/18/20


o   Covid-19 & Depopulation Policy; By Dr. Kevin Barrett (Originally American Free Press); Aletho News; 1/16/21




And at this point, just who in the hell believes anything Fauci says, the known and proven liar that he is?


[Blog Editor: Dem-Marxists always harangue Conservatives to trust the science. THE PROBLEM: The Left’s collective of scientists are collective Globalist/Fascist-Capitalist greedy liars for profit:


o   THE LIST: Fauci’s Many Mistakes and Lies: NIH Director Said One Thing Weeks-Months Ago but Today Tries to Blame President Trump (Video); By Jim Hoft; The Gateway Pundit; 4/13/20 8:24am


o   New Study Demolishes Fauci, Birx and Bill Gates’ Lies; By Kelleigh Nelson; News With Views; 4/28/20


o   Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir; By Torsten Engelbrecht & Konstantin Demeter; Off Guardian; 10/27/20


o   Fauci's 'noble lies' catch up to him; By Washington Examiner Staff; Washington Examiner; 1/2/21 12:00 AM


o   Dr. Fauci needs to be held responsible for COVID-19 mistakes; By Miranda Devine; New York Post; 1/24/21 9:55pm – UPDATED 1/26/21 9:45pm]  


Biden is going along with every single one of the Big Lies coming from the Communist mouthpieces of Dr. Anthony Fauci and anti-American billionaire trouble-maker Bill Gates that seventy-five to eighty percent of all America needs to be vaccinated before America can fully reopen businesses across the nation and resume business as usual. This essentially, according to Biden's own people, has the nation mired in this COVID-19 Idiocy until fall of this year, or, if one hold's Biden to his words at the February 16th Town Hall meeting, until next Christmas. 


The Covid-19 virus has never actually been scientifically isolated or identified, as noted in numerous reports by my good friend, Jon Rappoport and the world renown Dr. Carrie Madej, an internal medicine specialist, who has drawn attention to the transhumanist aspect of the vaccine**[SEE VIDEO] (noted in one of my previous articles). Only small strands of DNA have been identified as possible culprits in this so-called "pandemic", that has larger overtones of a means to advance a Marxist agenda and in which the statistics have been grossly exaggerated to the point of criminal conspiracy. Even if this were more than an extremely severe variation of the flu, everybody needs to bear in mind that the COVID Vaccine is based on a technology that has never been approved for human use before, as it injects viral messenger ribonucleic acid [mRNA] into one's body. While it takes five to ten years to develop most successful vaccines, this one has been rushed through in less than a year, and in that light, one must also note that that scientists have tried for years to develop a vaccine for coronaviruses unsuccessful, as witnessed with SARS and MERS. And now they want everyone to push this COVID needle in their arm, a suspect vaccine at best, in order to combat a virus with a known survival rate of better than 99.8 percent.


**[The Dr. Carrie Madej video:



Posted by StopWorldControl

601 subscribers - September 17th, 2020 03:58 UTC


Dr Carrie Madej explains how the proposed vaccine for COVID-19 can change humanity forever. Human 2.0, transhumanism, AI artificial intelligence.]


At another point, Crazy Joe says:


"We have to keep going. But despite progress, we're still in the teeth of the pandemic. New strains are emerging." 


They need to keep screaming, "But the Virus, the Virus ... It's a new strain of Virus", as though each successive strain will be more deadly than the next. This will be their excuse for a never-ending cycle of more deadly viruses, more severe and intense lockdowns and untold expansive powers taken by the Tyrant Wannabes in order to complete their plans of one-party rule under an all-powerful totalitarian government, headed by the few oligarchs running the machine behind the scenes. 


Whatever this virus is, it was more virulent and deadly in its first days, than one will find in any "new strain", simply because viruses are parasites, and as such, they need the host body to live. And so, the virus learns and adapts to become less lethal and live forever inside its host.


According to the CDC's own Vaccine Adverse Event Reports, a person is three to nine-hundred more times likely to die after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, as the regular flu vaccine. More telling, in India where the population numbers some 1.3 billion people, they have approximately two-thirds less COVID cases, than the U.S., after making full use from the start of a COVID Kit comprised of zinc, doxycycline and ivermectin, at the cost of approximately $2.65 per person, noted on February 17, 2021 by Dr. Kelly Victory


[Blog Editor: There seems to be some minor discrepancies in the Dr. Victory finding and actual development of a COVID kit in India which the Globalist control-the-people scientists have tried to disqualify – vainly in my opinion. Dr. Victory tweets a photo of the COVID kit on 2/17/21. With the claim the kit was for the entire population of India. Actually the kit was approved in an Indian State of Goa BUT with great effectiveness. An apparently Globalist African fact-checker has used the discrepancies to label the COVID kit as a non-starter regardless of proven effectiveness in Goa. A White Paper of medical scientists in India published 8/18/20 confirms Ivermectin effectiveness in combating COVID-19 as a prophylactic. The White Paper is entitled, “White paper on Ivermectin as a potential therapy for COVID-19;” by Agam Vora, V.K. Arora, and D. Behera;  Academy of Advanced Medical Education, Vora Clinic, 302, Soni Shopping Center, L T Road, Borivali West, Mumbai, 400092, Maharashtra, India - Surya Kant Tripathy -  Department of Respiratory Medicine, King George's Medical University, Lucknow, U.P, India –




A group of senior doctors with vast clinical experience met on 19th July’20 under the aegis of Academy of Advanced Medical Education. The panel looked at Ivermectin, one of the old molecule and evaluated it's use in COVID 19 (Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019) management. After critical panel discussion, all the attending doctors came to a conclusion that Ivermectin can be a potential molecule for prophylaxis and treatment of people infected with Coronavirus, owing to its anti-viral properties coupled with effective cost, availability and good tolerability and safety.


Keywords: Antiviral, Coronavirus, Infection, Pandemic, PCR, SARS-CoV-2




No person of sound mind and reason should take this vaccine that is currently being jammed at us like it's the best thing since penicillin and sliced white-bread, because it's not a vaccine, in the truest sense of the word, in that it does not provide immunity to anything. It only reduces the chances of catching a severe case of the virus, so it is actually just a medical treatment, rather than a vaccine. And if one is healthy already, there's no need to take a medical treatment for an illness one does not have.


In December 2020 [Blog Editor: This article approximates Justin’s date: Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: One of the Most Important Experts the World Should Hear About; By James Herer; WEBLYF; ste in link – 12/2020], Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former member of Germany's Bundestag, and Dr. Michael Yeadon, former head of Pfizer respiratory research, delivered a disturbing study that among other things revealed the polymerase chain reaction tests (PCR) used to diagnose cases of COVID was extremely inaccurate, due to its misuse at above the recommended cycle threshold values and bad CDC policy given to state and local health departments. Their study motivated them to call for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, especially the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b, in order to protect the health and life of the human test subjects. 


The study performed by Wodarg and Yeadon showed these vaccines formed "non-neutralizing antibodies" when a person was actually infected by the real "wild" virus, which caused an unnatural immune reaction and an antibody-dependent amplification, that had the potential to be fatal in many people. In the course of their study, all of the cat test subjects died after catching the actual virus. They also found that the vaccines caused spikes occurred in syncytin-homologous proteins essential for the formation of the placenta in humans, and they warned against using this vaccine until researchers could prove the vaccine had no adverse effect against syncytin-1, to ensure it would not result in millions of infertile women, a possible world ending event. 


The CDC's own Vaccination Adverse Effect Reports indicate serious trouble with the vaccine:


"Eleven minutes after first dose of Covid Pfizer vaccine, patient became unresponsive, pale, diaphoretic with possible seizure activity. Patient dropped all belongings, leaned to the left side, with eyes rolling back in her head. Episode lasted about a minute. (VAERS ID: [JOS] 902790 • AGE:31 SEX: F)


Patient received vaccine in afternoon of 12/28. ... The day she received the vaccine, she became ill with fever, chills and nausea and left work at 2am. On 12/31, she developed hemianopia (loss of half of one's visual field). She went to the ER and they did CT scan. She was told it was complex migraine. She left and came Home. On 1/1/21 her vision was back to normal. On 1/3 she suffered bilateral cerebellum ischemic stroke. (VAERS ID: [JOS] 941476  AGE: 45 SEX: M)


Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA on 1/9/2021 -- I suffered a lacunar stroke. Symptoms of left-sided paralysis. The symptoms came and went. I was life flighted to Hospital. Underwent several tests. CT, MRI, ECHO and labs among other tests. I was inpatient Intensive Care Unit for 3 days. Discharged home. The longest event lasted 4 hours. (VAERS ID: [JOS] 977362 • AGE: 56 SEX: F)


Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos, Big-Tech anti-American, championed the lockdowns and the intense censorship that came with them, and he reaped some $70 billion, since all this started. His friend Bill Gates, crony, partner in crime, the Big Reset and the end of America, war-gamed the COVID-19 crisis in October 2020's Event 201, and then, when the real crisis emerged, he cheered on the authoritarian moves by the federal and state governments that followed, as Gates raked in $20 billion. Makes one wonder just how much Fauci and Biden are making for their continued betrayal of America, that is certain to create an uncontrollable Pharmaceutical Behemoth. 


More and more, we find reports and videos shared online that exhibit people having convulsions and seizures and life-threatening collapses, after receiving the COVID vaccine. This is on top of the known 1113 deaths in the U.S. and the UK attributed to the vaccine, as well as scores of elderly nursing home patients in Germany, said to be in good health for their age, who died soon after receiving the vaccine, while others developed severe respiratory troubles. In most cases, the trouble began within 48 hours to two weeks of receiving the vaccine. Death and convulsions demand something more than the current blind-eye shown this vaccine and the Fauci cheer squad attempting to pawn it off on us, like a wooden nickel. 


[Blog Editor: I could not verification of 1113 vaccine related deaths in the U.S. & UK. That doesn’t mean it’s not out there, it means I couldn’t locate it. In looking for the info I discovered different numbers from different websites all seeming to look at Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (or VAERS). A Life Site News headline dated 2/1/21 is an example of varied results I found: “At least 271 deaths, 9,845 adverse events after COVID vaccination so far: CDC data”.]


It would take a huge leap of faith that I just don't have to place any trust in an administration, that has a who’s who list of American Traitors within it ranks sworn to replace our Founding Principles with Marxist gutter-tripe. The powers-that-be especially in the ranks of the Communist Democratic Party have lied blatantly and obviously from the first day, regarding this China Virus, and these Lockdowns and vaccines are essentially one massive experiment on all humanity, with the long-term consequences entirely unknown; and as big warning bells ring on, I can't recall any similar case in history where the truth and morality turned out to be on the side of the tyrants.


Who do you trust?


Americans must resist, refuse and disobey every illegitimate, illegal diktat and decree emanating from this dictatorial Biden regime, as a matter of the utmost urgency, or this will not bode well for the future of our beloved country. Future generations will shudder, as they consider how anyone could have possible held on to a tattered shred of trust in this government, in so foolish a manner, and they will understand that millions of people allowed themselves to be sorely abused by the government, some with nary so much as a thought. 


And for those who are content to so readily offer themselves up, to acquiesce and submit, to this madness, this insanity and the Beast of Government, you are ignorant fools, who should rush right now to your nearest vaccination center to get the jab, bleating all the way and down on all fours. As for me, the only way any of their evil, transhumanist Control Serum enters my body is if they somehow administer it using physical force, for I can assure the readers, I'll create an abattoir in my house and the streets to prevent any such act, pointing the Four Horsemen and the hounds of hell in their direction, as I refuse to go gently into that good night. 


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Embedded links except where indicated by “JOS” are by the Editor. Bold Text indicates Blog Editor complete agreement with Justin Smith.


© Justin O. Smith