Friday, October 4, 2019

Manzano Email, West Coast Separatism & Left Coast Secessionism

John R. Houk
© October 4, 2019

I was going through my spam folder to my email address related to my NCCR blog and found an email from a Manuel Manzano (the name could be actual or a pseudonym). To the best of my knowledge – I’ve never heard of him.

I found his email fascinating. The email is about a Leftist secessionist movement in California, Oregon and Washington State. A secessionist movement with the aim of leaving the USA and aligning with Russian and/or Communist China. The concept is being reported by Dave Hodges of whom I only have peripheral knowledge of. Thus I tried to look deeper at Dave Hodges from various search engines. In the search engine realm, Dave Hodges bio info is a bit mysterious in its difficulty to discover.

Hodges’ name is associated with The Common Sense Show which search engine results seem to connect to the same plain as Conspiracy Theorists sch as Alex Jones. To be honest I did not dig deep into looking for info about Dave Hodges. Here are some cross post excerpts from older websites I found followed by the brief blurb from The Common Sense Show about page:

A lone post from in 2008 entitled, “Dave Hodges: Who Am I and What Do I Do?” (there are typos I am not correcting):

My name is Dave Hodges. I teach psychology 101 (dual enrollment), statistics, research methodology, personality theory, abnormal psychology, social psychology, death and dying, learning and cognition. and United States History. In my spare time, I am the head men's basketball coach at Glendale Community College and despite having the worst financial resources in our conference, with no dorms and only meager, partial scholarships, we managed to win 19 games last year and we should be good again this year.

I teach online for Deer Valley Unified Schools, Grand Canyon University and Rio Salado College. I have also written a total of five courses for Grand Canyon University and Rio Salado College in the education and psychology departments at the respective schools.

I used to have my own weekly radio talk show at KBSZ Radio in which I interviewed many prominent and nationally known guests (e.g. Jerome Corsi and Dr. Lorraine Day). In addition, I write an editorial column for Freedoms Phoenix and I fancy myself a self-proclaimed expert on the JFK assassination. I am also a nationally certified mental health counselor and have worked with ex-cons in transition and recovery.

On an activist level, I have been involved in legislative efforts to reform the eminent domain laws in Arizona and some members of the Arizona Legislature and Governor's office know me well and are very familiar with my role as the former spokesperson for the Arizona Coalition to Protect Property Rights. In 2007, I led a successful fight to save the property rights of 2000 of my neighbors from the attempted state-imposed unconstitutional regulations which would have stripped away our property rights.

I have been actively courted by the Republicans, the Democrats, the Libertarians as well as the Constitution parties. I have adamantly refused to run for office despite several requests to do so. The reason? I am too blunt to effectively carry out the roles and duties of a politician and my recent health concerns preclude me from taking on any more responsibilities (doctor’s orders). However, I am not above watching and reporting on those who would use their professional office for their own personal gain. I have been threatened by Senators, mayors, local representatives and members of Westmarc. I take that to mean that I am doing a good job reporting on the foxes as they try to rob the proverbial hen house.

I am nearing retirement and I plan to publish a tell-all book which details, with stunning levels of documentation, those that have and continue to pillage our great country and state for their own personal benefit. Why? Because I care about the America I am passing on to the next generation.

My true professional love comes in the areas of coaching and teaching. I absolutely love the field of online teaching which I have been doing since 1996. I have been coaching since 1979.

I am married and my family lives in our country home north of Surprise where we can see the stars and constellations that city dwellers can only look at in text books on astronomy.

I love my life and hope all of my students will come to the same level of satisfaction that with their professional and personal accomplishments that I have been blessed to enjoy.

The Common Sense Show was evidently on the website Republic Broadcasting News. Here is an excerpt from the about portion focusing on “THE HOST”:

Dave Hodges has been broadcasting on RBN since 2008. He brings a diverse professional background to RBN as he is an established award winning psychology, statistics and research professor as he teaches college and university classes at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Dave is a former head men’s college basketball coach where he retired as the winningest coach in his college’s history. He also has a background as a mental health therapist as well. Known for his hard hitting approach, Dave is an established author as his articles are published on many major websites including Steve Quayle, Jeff Rense, Lew Rockwell, the SGT Report, Activist Post, Zero Hedge, Stan Deyo, Before Its News, Freedoms Phoenix, the Daily Paul and the Daily Sheeple. You can follow Dave’s work at as well as on his Facebook page (Dave Hodges and The Common Sense Show).

Dave Hodges About Page Photo

And now an excerpt from The Common Sense ShowAbout Us” page:

The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.

OK now here is my admission. It is my belief there are credible theories derived from available facts, incredulous theories based on fictitious thinking or info purported as factual yet can be ridiculed for its error AND theories based on credible facts mixed with incredulous idiocy. When it comes to globalism, there are plenty of verifiable facts that identifies a Leftist agenda of an agenda of Marxist Internationalism seeking to end individual Liberty, end Christian Morality, end National Sovereignty (especially U.S. Originalist Constitutionalism) and such related thought that would oppose Globalist Ideals.

AND this is where Manuel Manzano’s email I discovered in my spam folder comes into play.

As noted earlier, the Manzano email looks at a West Coast Leftist secessionist movement designed to weaken the USA to favor a Russia/Communist China agenda. I must note there is no mention of Conservatives in the States of California, Oregon and Washington opining for their own secessionism BUT NOT from the USA. But rather from the Left Wing dominated State governments that are in power due to large populations concentrated in small areas of each State.

California Separatist Maps

California Conservatives:

A group called "New California" has taken its first step towards carving the Golden State in two - issuing a "declaration of independence" which would incorporate most of the state's rural counties - while coastal counties from the northern San Francisco Bay Area to the southern tip of Los Angeles would remain part of the existing state. ("New California" Conservative Movement Declares Independence As First Step Towards 51st State; By Tyler Durden; ZeroHedge; 1/17/18)

Oregon Separatist Maps (which combine portions OR, WA, ID & CA)

Conservapedia on Oregon Separatist Interests:

Eastern Oregon is the eastern region of Oregon. The boundaries of what is considered to be Eastern Oregon vary based on the context. Eastern Oregon is not a formally recognized separate geographic entity. The most common definition of Eastern Oregon is the entire area east of the Cascade mountain range. For some, Eastern Oregon refers only to the eight easternmost counties.


Although Oregon has voted for Democrats in presidential elections since 1988, Eastern Oregon is one of the major conservative parts of Oregon along with Southwest Oregon. It voted for Republican presidential candidates from 1964 to 1984. For example, in the 2012 Presidential election, Mitt Romney received at least 60% of the vote in every county in Eastern Oregon.[1]

Since 2007, Oregon, due to the strongly liberal large urban population near Portland, has offered domestic partnerships, which are similar to same sex marriage.

Liberal Portland versus Conservative Eastern and Southwestern Oregon

The high population density northwest areas of the state (Portland, Eugene, Salem) are very liberal leaning especially in the area of environmentalism. The southwest area of the state (such as the Rogue Valley, Josephine County and Jackson County) and the portion east of the Cascades are very conservative.

51st State of America?

Conservative secessionist movements exist for Eastern Oregon to secede and join the United States as a 51st state.[2] This secession movement is similar to other Northwest secession proposals such as the conservative Jefferson (far Northern California and Southwestern Oregon) and conservative Lincoln (Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington). However, the proponents of this plan have not presented a path forward to achieve this goal, and any such plan would likely not be considered unless liberals were allowed to add another state with reliably liberal voters (such as the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico) in order to balance votes.

… (Eastern Oregon; Conservapedia; last modified 2/17/18 21:16)

WA State – Liberty State Example (a West-East separation)

Washington State Separatist Movements Have Been Going on For Some Time. A few examples:

Robert Brown is a resident of Stevens County in Eastern Washington, but he believes the policies coming out of Olympia don’t reflect what he values.

The issues he considers important are Second Amendment rights, taxation and border security. And Brown is one of the many who have rallied behind the newest movement to split his state into two.

The idea isn’t new, but has most recently been spearheaded by Rep. Matt Shea, R-Spokane Valley. This year, Shea proposed House Bill 1509 to the Legislature to divide Washington at the Cascade crest, establishing a 51st state in Eastern Washington called Liberty.

Public policy experts have noted that the Cascade mountains mark an observable difference between Washington’s more conservative, rural east side and its more liberal, urban west side.

Proposals to split the state date back to 1905, including proposals to simply split apart, or to combine with parts of Eastern Oregon or the panhandle of Idaho.

But Western Washington has a much higher population than Eastern Washington, and thus, more representation in the Legislature.

Because it is less populated, Eastern Washington sends only 33 legislators to Olympia, whereas Western Washington sends 114. This year, just three of the 84 Democrats in the Legislature are from Eastern Washington.

“There’s this constant claim in Olympia that we’re all one Washington and share the same values, but the fact is that we don’t share the same values on a whole lot of things,” Rep. Shea said in an interview.

While state secession is illegal, the U.S. Constitution outlines ways for new states to be added with consent of affected state legislatures and Congress.

This year, Shea is the prime sponsor for HB 1509 to establish the state of Liberty, and House Joint Memorial 4003 to petition U.S. Congress with the same request. Neither of these bills have been scheduled for a public hearing.

Proponents of a plan to split Washington into two states held their first news conference Wednesday evening in Moses Lake – an attempt, they said, to clear up misconceptions about the movement and counter criticism of its most prominent leader, state Rep. Matt Shea, who was not in attendance.

Holaday claimed that splitting Washington would be a win-win scenario for rural conservatives who live east of the Cascades and urban liberals who live to the west. …

… Holaday said she hopes to convince enough Eastern Washington residents that a new state can be formed with favorable votes in the Legislature and Congress.

“When both are a plague to each other because of natural cultural differences, and both would be much happier without the other, there’s only one solution that works very well for both sides,” she said. “And that is the amiable formation of the new state of Liberty that both sides agree would be the best win-win situation.”

My in Washington State separatism exists because I grew up in Eastern Washington in the small college town of Ellensburg.

BUT BACK to the Leftist secessionists who want nothing to do with what made America great. YOU DECIDE how much is accurate, potential or credible. I’ll cross post the portion of the email I sense is from Manuel Manzano. The later portion of Manzano’s is a portion of a Dave Hodges post entitled “The UN Plan to Break Apart and Occupy America Following the Red Dawn Invasion” which is much longer than what Manzano shares in his email.

[Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.]

JRH 10/4/19
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Sent by Manuel Manzano

Sent 9/26/2019 5:09 PM

There are two primary Secessionist movements in the United States and they are CALEXIT and CASCADIA. Both have UN and international backing especially from nations like Russia. 

Through the research of Marilyn Rupar : a major area of military operations is being organized, right now, both inside of Venezuela, off the coast of Venezuela and on the Venezuela-Colombian border. Previous parts of this series have established the fact that most of Latin America supports the Russian-Chinese-Venezuelan contingent which will oppose Colombia-El Salvador and ultimately the United States.

United States military could be drained in the Middle East and then the "real conflict" would commence in South America and eventually spread north to our border and would largely be unopposed because the American military will be rendered inept and weak. This looming Red Dawn Invasion has allies in the form of 5th column forces inside the United States.

Bad-intentioned UN troops are poised for a takeover.

The UN Peacekeeper encountered by John Moore's daughter is part of a 5th column working inside the United States. The location of this encounter is interesting because it is in "Cascadia" (observation will be fully explained later in this article). 

This is a nice-to-know story because of the credibility of John Moore. However the UN Peacekeepers have embedded themselves inside of our country and they have for years (in this case Moore’s daughter responded to an ad to buy a dog that belonged to a UN peacemaker infiltrated in the US like many others)
The UN Plan to Break Apart and Occupy America Following the Red Dawn Invasion

September 25, 2019 - 12:55

Through the research of Marilyn Rupar and myself, we have established the fact that a major area of military operations is being organized, right now, both inside of Venezuela, off the coast of Venezuela and on the Venezuela-Colombian border. Previous parts of this series have established the fact that most of Latin America supports the Russian-Chinese-Venezuelan contingent which will oppose Colombia-El Salvador and ultimately the United States.

In two previous articles, the CSS made the case that the United States military would be drained in the Middle East and then the "real conflict" would commence in South America and eventually spread north to our border and would largely be unopposed because the American military will be rendered inept and weak. However, this looming Red Dawn Invasion force has allies in the form of 5th column forces inside the United States. 

The contemporary anecdotal stories are rushing in and they serve to further validate what we have known for a long time, namely, bad-intentioned UN troops are poised for the takeover.

A  former Q Alert posted at, stated that the United Nations is  preparing for what I have written about in the previous paragraphs.

This does not come from a high level source. Just an everyday average Joe. But a guy that works in the same industry, that always gave a hard time about the tin hat-stuff, recently returned from a Great Divide Concert at which a gentleman just passing by, stopped to mingle with this group of people. They had a couple of drinks, and this guy states, he likes America, he likes the people. He wished he could dance like, the Americans. Laugh. He states he had been fighting beside US troops over past 6-7 years. And this is why I feel I need to tell someone over here in the states a lil something. He said he was from Norway. And he would be back in 3-4 months as a part of UN troops. He said there was nothing he could do. But felt compelled that he needed to say something, just to let such good people know what is coming. He said that they were going to be going door to door taking guns, or shooting to kill. They already had the lists of names, and addresses. I have no reason to not believe the words from acquaintance. It actually pretty much freaked him out. He is rather overwhelmed from the conversation.

John Moore's Daughter

A few years ago as former Green Beret and present talk show host, John Moore, tells the story the revelation of an invasion force was made to John's daughter. His daughter, living in Seattle, answered an ad for a puppy. His daughter visited the home where the puppy was being kept and she met the resident. The resident was asked by Moore's daughter what she did for a living and the resident said "Oh, I am a UN Peacekeeper". Moore's daughter said the home was upscale and was absolutely shocked by the revelation. As John's friend, and my broadcast partner, has wondered out loud, how many "Peacekeepers" are presently in the United States and awaiting orders to spring into action. Moore's daughters revelation is not the only example of what we know to be a multi-national set of multiple sleeper cells inside of the United States. This example is provided as merely one example of what is inside the United States and they are awaiting orders. With the evidence that I have previously presented on the CSS, there is no question that this UN Peacekeeper encountered by John Moore's daughter is part of a 5th column working inside the United States. The location of this encounter is interesting because it is in "Cascadia" and this observation will be fully explained later in this article.

The Moore story is a nice-to-know story because of the credibility of John Moore. However, and as the CSS has reported for years, the UN Peacekeepers have embedded themselves inside of our country and they have for years. 


Why does the Moore revelation raise so many red flags? First, this event begs the question, why would a United Nations Peacekeeper be living inside the United States. What "peace" is being protected? Or, perhaps, what conflict is expected on American soil. The location of the Peacekeeper, is interesting.

There are two primary Secessionist movements in the United States and they are CALEXIT and CASCADIA. Both have UN and international backing especially from nations like Russia. 

In order to understand what is about to happen to the United States and its people, we have to understand that the UN and treasonous subversives from the Democratic Party, which includes every Democratic candidate for President, is seeking to handoff the entire West coast to communist interests. The economic impact, alone, would be devastating for the United States. And the loss of agricultural rich lands in California would cause spot food shortages and huge food inflation for the rest of the country. Here is the story about what is happening to Washington, Oregon and California. 


When I first reported on CALEXIT, the planned exit of California from the union. As Paul Preston and myself have been reporting for over 3 years, CALEXIT had the backing and participation of the Obama administration. Former and disgraced Obama-serving Attorney General, Eric Holder, is the spokesperson. Several members of the Obama administration went to the early CALEXIT organizational meetings. Member of the Chinese military and banking establishment attended along with the Mexican consulate. 

The plan is to have California leave the United States and become a protectorate of Russia. CALEXIT has opened an embassy in Russia as evidenced by this photo. 

This banner, representing the new "state" of California was rolled in a press conference in Moscow, three years ago. This was the beginning of a formation of a CALEXIT embassy to operate on Russian Soil. This is illegal and unconstitutional and why Trump has not arrested everyone connected to this illegal plot to remove California from the United States, is a mystery. The ONLY thing that stopped this from becoming a reality was Paul Preston's formation the constitutionally acceptable movement to form a 51 state and separate from the "blue" communist areas in California by creating its own state. This movement is legally following the path of West Virginia from the mid-19th century.

Besides the CALEXIT threat, Oregon and Washington are also threatening to leave the union with devastating spin off effects. .


Cascadia is a proposed country or region largely would consist of the Canadian province of British Columbia and the US States of Washington and Oregon. Including all parts of the bioregion, Cascadia would stretch from coastal Alaska in the north into Northern California in the south, and inland to include parts of IdahoMontanaNevadaUtahWyoming, and the Yukon. More conservative advocates propose borders that include the land west of the crest of Cascade Range, and the western side of British Columbia.

It is not just Cascadia and CALEXIT that we need to be concerned about. Over the past several years, the CSS has covered multiple and questionable interference on American soil by UN forces.

[T]his is just another case of new information confirming past warnings.

The above photo sent to me was widely circulated in December of 2017 by multiple members of the Independent Media. I was one of many who published this photo and others like it. This led to the publication of a previous article for which key and relevant excerpts are included below:

The following video speaks for itself. The following is one of many UN staging areas. Please note the medical vehicles, but also note the vehicles associated with war. This is on American soil, where our DHS is allowing foreign military entities to act with impunity on American soil. I have learned that this facility is owned by the State Department (i.e. Deep State). What makes sense here is that a catastrophic event(s) is/are coming America’s way in the form of false flag events designed to create a crisis, in which the great purveyors of humanitarian aid, will come like a thief in the night to offer humanitarian aid, followed by gun confiscation, followed by martial law. This is shaping up to be America’s darkest moment. Here is an email from the person that sent me the following photos:

Hey Dave,
This area has been used for storing UN vehicles for at least the last year. If you check out this address on Google Maps you will see some Vehicles there as well. 11841 Newgate Boulevard Hagerstown Maryland 21740. You can’t tell from the pictures but behind the pickup trucks are some armored AMRAP type vehicles. My name is Steven Myers. Please keep up the good work and may God protect and watch over you. (note: Somebody did send me those photos too, look at the top photo at the top of the page).

The following video contains 10 photos sent by Mr. Meyers. These vehicles are, again, a combination of medical and military assault vehicles. As I stated earlier, I am getting similar reports out of Alabama, Georgia and Texas.

Rawlins, Wyoming: UN Command and Control with EMP Proof Communications

I previously published a series of articles about the strange "UN" goings on in No. Colorado and So. Wyoming. Both Paul Martin and myself have received voluminous reports about foreign/UN troop activity in the region. Some of these reports led me to file the following report in December of 2017 along with photographic evidence of UN EMP proof communications equipment, as identified my expert, in this region. Here is the previously published report:

Over the past 18 months, the small town of Rawlins, Wyoming has come to my attention because of its intimate association with DHS and the UN. Further, this small town of under 10,ooo people has played host to some very large scale bioweapon response drills as well as testing the efficacy of the Federal authorities to be able to respond to a terrorist chemical attack. I have taken the following photos to military personnel who tell me this is a United Nations operation. The particular equipment you are looking at is designed to operate and persevere through an EMP attack. Most recently, Paul Martin and myself have received an identical communication from the Rawlins area.

Now we see UN EMP proof communications in this very bizarre place. It is clear that the UN plans to use EMP weapons against the United States.

What an optimal environment for the UN to operate in.

It Is Not Just In Wyoming

Of course, in the past 96 hours, in this time of high emotion, we are bound to see some emotional and even exaggerated reports of perceived threats because so many people are afraid of what lies ahead. However, I am getting MULTIPLE reports of potential danger to America and the vast majority of these reports are rational and make sense. It is as if there is too much smoke for there not to be a fire. Here is an example of what I am talking about based upon an email I received on April 17, 2018:

Dave, I live in Florida and seen those UN White Vehicle parked in a de-activated US Coast or Naval Air Station in Green Cove Springs, FL. This base is located South of Jacksonville, FL. That base has a railhead and a water/seaport (St Johns River) at that location. Those vehicles estimated around 200 were brought in on rail or water. Once it made the news local and national they were moved overnight either by water or rail. I’m ex-military and understand pre-positioning of equipment and how it is stored. I also figured they may have used a “Roll On and Roll Off Ship” to move that many vehicles so quick. Sony  

And it is not just Hagerstown, MD, Wyoming, CALEXIT, and Cascadia. We need to be also concerned with LA Raza and the American Southwest. 

LA Raza

Whites not allowed! These are the battle cries of a movement designed to recapture lost Mexican territory as a result of the Mexican War. Now there is a decided effort to return the previously ill-gotten land and our top governmental officials think that this is a good idea/ One has to look no further than S. 744, sponsored by John McCain at the behest of President Obama, to realize that the passage of this bill would have meant the end of a sovereign America. And now, Obama is promising to accomplish the same with the stroke of his Executive Order (EO) pen. Just what will that mean for the American people when Obama takes the law into his hands? Perhaps America’s greatest domestic strength lies in taking in immigrants and assimilating them into our country as Americans. However, what Obama wants and is in the midst of doing is nowhere near what we bargained for as a nation. There are two groups who have repeatedly called for the seizure of several states and make them into an independent country, and these two groups are La Raza and MEChA.

The concept of Aztlan has been sanctioned by the UN. This is the same UN that is transporting military grade vehicles within the United States. These groups have historically taught that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as “Aztlan”, a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. MEChA’s  founding principles are contained in these words in “El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan” (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan): 

“In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. … Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. … We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada. Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we…should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot…Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas … It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny.” (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006). Miguel Perez of the Cal State-Northridge’s MEChA chapter stated: “The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest

Another version of the same La Raza Plan

La Raza: Reclaiming the Southwest

This goes back to the La Raza elements in CALEXIT. 

And it is not just Maryland, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, California, Oregon, Florida, and the entire American Southwest, this plot to break up America comes from United Nations in a post-World War II carving up of America courtesy of the UN which, today, is advocating for the unrestrained entry of immigrants into the country. 

The above map is the UN plan to divide America in the event of a World III gone bad for the United States in which America is carved up like the proverbial Thanksgiving turkey. Do you feel like you’re watching a bad episode of The Man in the High Castle?


Still think Red Dawn is not real? Do you still think are not be going to be attacked? In fact, in the part of this series, you will come to understand the true purpose of the FEMA camps. 

All of these plots have UN-backing. They imply the use of EMP weapons as a prelude to a Red Dawn invasion. The goal is to take down the United States. And if we pay attention to the events of the world, The unfolding war in Iran and the planned war in Venezuela are all a part of the lead up to the destruction of the United States. This is why Steve Quayle and myself have been saying for years that the US will not be around in the end days. The US must be taken down and as many Americans, as possible, must be murdered in order to destroy the American beliefs in freedom and self-determination that the rest of the world does not possess.  They are coming and your future has already been planned out. 

In the next part of this series, we will show the foreign support for the occupation of the United States, with a population 90% less that it currently has. 

About the Author

Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty. 

[Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.]
Manzano Email, West Coast Separatism & Left Coast Secessionism
John R. Houk
© October 4, 2019
Manuel Manzano Email
The UN Plan to Break Apart and Occupy America Following the Red Dawn Invasion

The Common Sense Show Homepage

Blog Editor numerous spelling & grammar errors corrected by spellcheck from the original post online and in email.

1 comment:

  1. John, thank you for your very informative article. I've lived in California all my life except for 10 yrs and I'm 65 y.o. I have always paid attention to politics and the military. I've never heard of Calexit or Cascadia plan except by Dave H. I listened to him for awhile some years ago but soon figured out he might well be of the ilk of Alex Jones, as you say. He does seem to run with the same crowd. I have heard of New California, which does sound like a good plan and it goes along with the population distribution of libs and conservatives. The first plan, where Calif is 3 states with the entire coast being liberal is completely stupid and bears no resemblance to the actual demography of conservatives or liberals. The far north of Calif is called the Deep North, including the coast. There are mostly libs in this area butif you go inland like 3 miles you will see it is strongly conservative loyalists. It is still the Wild West up here with 2nd amendment rights being deeply cherished. Men teach their sons to hunt and fish, even liberals do. New California makes sense to me and unless we get Newsom recalled and all the other Dems out of office, it's probably what will need to happen to again re-establish California as the conservative stronghold it was for so very long, in fact, all my life until about 10 or 12 yrs ago. Great article, thank you, nice to know about these kind of things.
