Edited by John R. Houk
By Michael Lederman
Posted August 28, 2018
I ran into a couple of posts from the G+ Community
Islam: The
Truth penned by Michael Lederman. I like Lederman’s post
because he believes the information he provides about Islam is educational
rather than confrontational. “Confrontation” is probably what I’m more often
accused of because I can be a bit hostile by detractors of my blog posts.
For you Counterjihadists and Conservatives as well as you
Leftist Multiculturalists and pro-Islam Apologists, prepare to discover the
Lederman Education Program.
(Lederman titles are this Blog Editor’s best guess
according to the essay’s content.)
JRH 8/28/18
Questioning Islam
By Michael Lederman
Aug 21, 2018

Muhammad and His Captives: Massacres, Atrocities, and
An important test of a man's character is his conduct towards those who are
weak or in a vulnerable position. In Muhammad's case, the group to which this
description could be most readily applied was the captives who came under his
control when their tribes were defeated by the Muslims. Muhammad may have been
teaching his followers to call upon Allah as the ‘Merciful and Compassionate’,
but his treatment of those whom his forces captured was often exactly the
opposite of these values. In this section, it will be shown how Muslim forces
engaged in human trafficking, rape, torture and genocide with his full approval
and sometimes active participation. It should be stressed once again that what
is related here comes from highly respected Muslim sources and not from raving
critics of Islam. Full references are provided in case you are interested in
verifying the accuracy of what is being related.
Muhammad ordered the torture of a man who had custody of a treasure.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Khaibar, Muhammad was desperate to get his
hands on some of the wealth of the Jewish tribes that were vanquished by the
Muslims. So desperate, in fact, that he did not shrink from torture as a means
of gaining information. Ibn Ishaq106 relates the following:
Kinana al-Rabi, who had the
custody of the treasure of Banu Nadir, was brought to the apostle who asked him
about it. He denied that he knew where it was. A Jew came, to the apostle and
said that he had seen Kinana going round a certain ruin every morning early. When
the apostle said to Kinana, "Do you know that if we find you have it I
shall kill you?" He said "Yes". The apostle gave orders that the
ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found. When he asked him
about the rest he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to
al-Zubayr Al-Awwam, "Torture him until you extract what he has." So
he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead.
Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama and he struck off his head,
in revenge for his brother Mahmud."
Little more needs to be added to Ibn Ishaq’s account of this
horrible incident and the way in which it gives us an insight into the
character of Muhammad. Suffice it to say that lighting a fire on the chest of a
fellow human being to satisfy your greed is not something that we would readily
associate with a “beautiful pattern of conduct” (Qur’an 33:21107).
Muhammad “married’ a woman on the same day her husband and most of her
family were killed.
As if the fate that befell Kinana al Rabi was not bad enough, Muhammad also had
his wife in his sights. In line with the practice of the Muslim armies, the
women of the Jewish tribe were captured after the Battle of Khaibar. One of his
followers named Dihya came to Muhammad and asked:
“O Allah's Prophet! Give me a slave girl from the
captives.” Instead of scolding Dihya for seeking to enslave a vulnerable
fellow human being, Muhammad says: "Go and take any slave girl.”
He took Safiya bint Huyai. It should be noted at this point
that the man who requested a slave girl was probably not looking for someone to
clean his house. The Qur'an makes it clear that Muslim men are allowed to have
sex with “those whom your right hand possesses” (Qur’an 4:24). What is
in view here is sexual slavery in other words. Encouraged by Muhammad, Dihya
goes and picks a slave girl. It is, however, pointed out to Muhammad that she
was the wife of the, now dead, “head of the tribe of Jews”:
“A man came to the Prophet and
said, ‘O Allah's Apostle! You gave Safiya bint Huyai to Dihya and she is the
chief mistress of the tribes of Quraiza and An-Nadir and she befits none but
you.’ So the Prophet said, ‘Bring him along with her.’ So Dihya came with her
and when the Prophet saw her, he said to Dihya, ‘Take any slave girl other than
her from the captives.’ Anas added: ‘The Prophet then manumitted her and
married her.’” (Sahih Bukhari 8:1:367)
So on the very day when her world is destroyed by the
violent actions of the Muslims (including the horribly violent and gruesome
murder of her husband) and while she was no doubt still deeply in shock she is
‘married’ to Muhammad: The leader of the group who carried out the atrocities
against her and her people. It is clear that she had no say in the matter. This
is confirmed by the fact that Muhammad changes her name to Safiya, a
humiliating word play indicating that she is part of the fifth of the booty
that is due to Muhammad (Qur’an 8:41108). This is related as follows in Sunan
Abu Dawud 2987:
“Qatadah said: When the Apostle
of Allah participated in a battle, there was for him a special portion which he
took from where he desired. Safiyyah was from that portion.”
It is interesting to note that the memory of the shocking
and terrible circumstances under which Safiya was married to Muhammad lingered
on in the Muslim community, often manifesting in questions about her loyalty.
At least some members of the community clearly thought that it would be only
natural for her to take revenge for what was done to her.
Muhammad allowed his followers to rape captive women.
In one of the most disturbing hadiths of the Sahih Muslim collection, some of
Muhammad's followers came to him with a question about the treatment of captive
women. His answer was staggering in its callousness and its implications for
later Muslim conduct during war:
"We went out with Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and
took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were
suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired
ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by
observing "azl" (withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of
semen to avoid conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah's
Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah's Messenger
[Muhammad] (may peace be upon him), and he said: It does not matter if you do
not do it (withdraw before climaxing), for every soul that is to be born up to
the Day of Resurrection will be born.” (Sahih Muslim 3371, see also Sahih
Bukhari 34:176:2229109)
So here we have a group of Muslim men raping captive women while taking care to
withdraw before they reach the point of climax. Instead of furiously commanding
them to stop such vile conduct and taking the women into his protection,
Muhammad cheerfully instructs his followers to do to the women whatever they
desired! To make matters even worse, Muslim tradition states that the following
verse of the Qur’an was revealed precisely to ease the qualms of Muslim
warriors about having sex with enslaved captives:
“Also (prohibited are) women
already married, except those whom your right hands possess” (Qur’an 4:24)
So according to the world of Allah if “your right hand
possesses” a woman, sex with her is totally lawful even if she is married!
Muhammad participated in a massacre where boys were killed simply for having
pubic hair.
In the course of his campaigns, Muhammad came across the Jewish tribe of the
Banu Qurayza. This tribe surrendered to him. After being disarmed, it was
judged that the men of the tribe had to be put to the sword. Muhammad declared
that this was in line with Allah’s judgment (Sahih Bukhari 5:59:447110). He
then proceeded to actively participate in the massacre of these unfortunate
unarmed men. According to Ibn Ishaq111:
“The apostle went out to the
market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then
he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought
out to him in batches.”
At least 600 unarmed males were killed in this way. It is clear that this
massacre did not only include men of fighting age but also young boys. This is
the testimony of a survivor:
“Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi: I
was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and
those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not
were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair.” (Abu Dawud
The common response by Muslim apologists to charges related
to this terrible massacre is to point to the alleged treachery of the tribe and
to say something along the lines of ‘They deserved it’. This assertion
can be challenged, but I will not do so here. I want to, instead, focus on the
fact that boys of around 10-11 (the average age of the onset of male puberty)
were massacred. The following questions should be asked to those who attempt to
defend Muhammad’s actions in this instance:
Points To Ponder
What influence could these poor children have had on the policies of their
elders that would justify their execution?
Why was such an utterly arbitrary measure (looking for pubic hair) used to
decide who will die?
Is this kind of rough justice really what we would expect from a ‘perfect example’?
It’s in the Quran
You can post all the lovely portions of the Quran you like
but we know about Islamic Abrogation and how most of these, if not all, have
been replaced. Now let us not discuss what the Quran says but how Muslims, many
of whom would find you to be less Islamic than they actually show the Quran's
teachings by their actions.
The fighting and killing in Islam. Well, let me tell you something. It is very
interesting, really interesting that in the US we have a different kind of
Islam. Muslim clerics in the US want to present to us a kind Islam, Islam of
brotherly love, Islam of friendship. Is that the Islam in the Quran? It is not!
The Quran is very explicit to tell the Muslims, "Go fight and kill."
And if we see a young man, 20 years, or 18 years in Palestine, and putting a
bomb around themselves, and making a suicidal bomb, and kill himself and kill
some Israelis, it is not an invention of the Hamas, or the Hezboulah, or
anybody. It is the Quran.
The Quran says, "Go fight, fight, fight."
So if we want to see fighting, and the killing, in the Quran, let us read the
words of the Quran. And I will begin with the words in surat Al Anfal, that is
surat 8, and verse 65, "Oh, prophet Mohammed." Listen, Allah
is talking to Mohammed because this is what the Muslims believe. "Oh,
prophet Mohammed. Urge the Muslims to fight." What? "Oh,
prophet Mohammed. Urge the Muslims to fight?"
When Jesus spoke to His disciples, He said, "Love
your enemy. Pray for those who persecute you."
But here, "Oh, prophet Mohammed. Urge the Muslims to
fight," fighting is by inciting Muslims to fight.
And then, we go to another surat, and that is in the Quran,
in surat (Al Bakara, that is surat number 2, verse 216, "Jihad (this is
fighting, holy fighting in Allah's name) is ordained for you, Muslims."
Now, if someone will come and say that those who are fighting, Jews and
Christians are fighting then because they are fanatics, they do not know Islam.
No! When I went on the national TV, years ago, and I said in very plain words,
"If you are a faithful Muslim, you are obliged to fight Jews and
Christians, because Jihad, the holy fighting in Allah's name is ordained for
you, " you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which it
is good, and that you like a thing which is bad for you. But fighting is
ordained for Muslims.
Then we go to another verse, in the very same surat, in verse 244, "And
the fight in the way of Allah (that is in surat number 2, verse 244), and
know that Allah is all hearer, or knowing." Fight in the name of
Allah? Well, in one of my books I said that, if God is almighty then he should
fight for himself. In fact, one time I talked to a Muslim cleric in Egypt, and
he said to me, "If I had the power, I would make all Egypt Muslim."
I said, "But what mean?" He said, "By force, by sword.
Fight in the name of Allah." And I looked at him and I said, "Listen,
your god is so weak!" "What?" "Listen, let us
use our brains for one second, if you will. Who will fight for whom? The weak
will fight for the strong, or the strong will fight for the weak?" He
said, "Of course that the strong will fight for the weak." I
said, "Then, if God is almighty, He doesn't need you to fight for him.
Leave him to fight for himself. He can do it! But to fight for him, this is an
indication that god is weak. Forgive me, but this is my understanding."
But this is what the Quran is saying.
Then we continue, and we will see, in surat(Al Taouba), that is surat number 9,
and verse 29, you see, Allah is telling the Muslims to fight the Jews and the
Christians in particular. Sometimes when I read the Quran I think, why didn't
he insight the Muslims to fight against Bhuddists, Hindus? Why Jews and
Christians? Whose wars? Well, we read in surat(Al Anfal), that is surat number
8, verse 63, no, I think I misplaced that. I'll go back to that surat (Al
Taouba), surat number 29, verse 29,
"fight against those who
believe not in Allah; nor in the last day, nor forbid that which have been
forbidden by Allah and his messenger Mohammed; and those who acknowledge not
the religion of truth, Islam, among the people of the scripture."
Who are the people of the scriptures? Jews and Christians.
"you fight them until they pay the Gizia, the poll tax, the elevated
tax, with willing submission and feel themselves subdued." This is
very clear command for Muslims to go and fight Jews and Christians until they
defeat them. And if the Christian and the Jew want to keep his religion, he
should pay taxes to the Islamic government with his feeling of inferiority. I
am a Christian but I am inferior. You, the Muslim, are superior. I am inferior.
And you are protecting me, so I pay a poll tax, here is my tax. You buy your
religion with taxes?
Well, I commented on that verse in one of my books, and I said, "You
can exchange Islam with taxes." It is very plain. Pay taxes, keep your
Jewish religion or Christian religion. You can exchange Islam with taxes, money
with Islam. And this is here, kill, kill, kill. See, and in many other verses,
the Quran is saying what is the punishment of those who are against Allah and
his messenger, Mohammed: to be crucified, to cut their hands and their legs, or
to be cast away from the society. What kind of religion is that? Killing,
killing, killing.
Killing is not an invention of fanatics. Killing is in the
Quran, and I want to let, to get anybody who is really honest to himself, and
tell him, "Tell me, don't talk about friendship." It is very
interesting to notice one thing, that in one of the verses of the Quran it
says, "Muslims, do not befriend Jews or Christians." Period.
But it came of the invasion of Iraq, of Kuwait. The Muslims forgot all about
And they came to the Christian country, to the US, and said,
"Please, help us." But the Quran said don't befriend them,
don't ask for their protection, don't go to them for help! How come that you
are coming now to the US and England, and France, "Help us!"
Because when it comes to politics, the Quran is forgotten, especially in the
high places. And I want any Muslim to think about it seriously. This is not an
attack on Islam, this is to open the minds and the eyes of the people to think.
And I want people to think. God gave us brains to use it. And if I am not going
to use my brain, I will give an account. If this is light I'd say it is light.
If this is darkness, I'd say it is darkness. But to say that darkness is light
and light is darkness, gray places, it is not that way.
There is killing in the Quran, there is torture in the
Quran; there is much pain for the people living under the Islamic society if
they are Jews or Christians. They are! They are always looked at as
second-class citizens. And they don't have the right to stand up and raise
their head. They are inferior, and we are the superior, and that is it. I don't
think that anybody who reads the Quran could deny what I have said. I mentioned
the verse, verse after verse, after verse. But let me tell you, I didn't
mention all the verse. There are a lot of verses that tell, that is telling the
Muslim, "Go, torture, kill, go, fight, kill."
Michael Lederman photo
from G+ Profile page
©Michael Lederman
Edited by John R. Houk