Saturday, May 27, 2017

2 Thoughts on ‘Dangerous Times’

The commenter Yurki1000 has taken a prophetic Christian route with thoughts to the post “Dangerous Times” posted at the NCCR blog. Yurki approaches “Dangerous Times” as in the signs of the times indicate the Last Days are soon coming, maybe indeed, here right now.

Below are the edited versions or those worth thoughts.

JRH 5/27/17
2 Thoughts on ‘Dangerous Times’

By Yurki1000
Posted 5/27/17

Thanks John. Again we see we are in the Last Days. I see: There will be a Chaos. Then there will be an “Order Out Of Chaos”.

Note particularly the statement that lawlessness will increase. Anarchy is what they pushing through with the controlled media. Restraint is being removed from the earth. Both fallen angels and mankind will become increasingly lawless. The result will be great destruction, death, societal chaos, and an increase of all manner of depraved behavior.  

These things have been planned from long ago. They are prophesied in the Scripture. satan has been working toward this moment for many centuries. his goal is to bring forth a New World Order that is actually a very ancient world order. he would reestablish Babel/Babylon upon the earth. Babylon is symbolic of satan’s kingdom, even as Zion is symbolic of the kingdom of JESUS CHRIST- Romans 9:33: just as it is written, "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED (Ordo ab Chao or Order out of Chaos... - A motto of the Jesuit Masonic; Posted by Natasha Stop White Genocide In SA; White Genocide in South Africa #StopWhiteGenocideInSA; 9/17/16)



[Blog Editor: Global Watch Weekly apparently doesn’t have an embed for this video. The link title is actually “The Post Human 2045 Agenda”. The theme of the roughly 4-minute video is a transhumanist path to immortality or perhaps transforming human nature into godhood. Freaky stuff!]

[Blog Editor: Global Watch Weekly apparently doesn’t have an embed for this video. Video uses Saddam Hussein as an example of a shadow elitist group pulling strings that lead to war for the elitists’ mysterious purposes. I am not a complete believer in this scenario of direct elitist power but more in elitist manipulation through influential politics and media propaganda.]

Decoding an Agenda Shrouded in Symbolism?

World Empire - Final Destination has simply changed the metrics regarding the value of understanding the world we live in from a biblical perspective. It is frightening, challenging and potent.

It focuses on an agenda whose goals are both short and long term. These goals affect all levels of society. Lawmakers and enforcers. Religious and political leaders. Moviemakers and media moguls. Industrial giants and pharmaceutical murderers.

The 21st century one world government agenda shrouded in symbolism, is fully decoded.

No Apologies: Controversial and Uncompromising

My name is Reece Woodstock, the lead production manager on this eagerly awaited, unique release called "World Empire - Final Destination".

Before I explain about this new report let me provide you an initial warning.

The contents of this report is highly controversial and uncompromising. In fact its one of the most controversial reports we have ever come across. If you are the sort of person who likes to feed on the same old diet of rehashed bible prophecy information and staying in your comfort zone, then this report simply isn't for you. There is plenty of rehashed material available on the internet to go around.

However if you are seeking for new insights, new innovative information and ... READ THE REST

[Blog Editor: It is my humble opinion that when one tosses the fishing line with the bait – if you are seeking for new insights, new innovative information” - then you need to be very-very careful on what you nibble on. No offense Yurki, that’s my opinion.]


Transhumanist ideas of becoming gods and having eternal life through technology certainly display an extreme level of vanity. Not just the simple human vanity of wearing nice clothes and putting on makeup to look good – but to be gods – therefore, rejecting and replacing God, entirely. This is the Luciferian doctrine.

The Transhumanist idea that they call Pragmatic Morality, is simply a recycled and renamed version of the oldest deception in the world – that there is no good or evil.

Here is how this concept applies to the beliefs of the cult of Transhumanism:

“Ethics and morals must serve, or at least not stand in the way of, boundless self-actualization. They should be tools and guidelines for successful living, not instruments of senseless repression. Like the flesh, traditional morality is something to be overcome. There is no ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’; just efficiency and inefficiency; intelligence and stupidity; winners and losers. There is only rational self-interest, and those too timid and ignorant to pursue it. This simple yet profound realization forms the bedrock of an empowered worldview, and is a key step towards achieving enlightenment and transcendence.”

The Dawn of a New Humanity  

Transhumanists like the man in this video are part of a massive global awakening of transhumanist evangelists seeking to confront and ridicule what they perceive to be old and outdated religions which seek to keep mankind in darkness.

They argue they're not proposing anything radically new or different, because we have already set out on the path to a post-human future, in that we are using technology to enhance and extend our human capacities, for example, cell phones, the internet, medical prostheses, glasses, dentures an so on.

It Starts With A Promise

If you could enhance your intelligence, significantly extend your lifespan, or overcome a moral flaw with the help of surgery or pharmaceuticals, would you do it? What if you could make these same improvements in your children before they are even born? Herein lies the question at the center of the growing movement known as transhumanism: if technology could enable you to enhance your life in some way, would you do it, even if it meant losing part of your humanity in the process?

Every human being alive today has been physically altered or enhanced in one way or another. We see the most common examples around us every day. Things like prescription glasses, contact lenses, hip replacements, knee replacements, heart valve pumps, etc. Nearly everyone has received vaccines which enhance our normal physical ability to stave off a wide variety of diseases. Everyone has been touched by some form of physical enhancement. I would also say very few Christians today would argue against every form of enhancement in existence since many of them actually improve the quality of life and the longevity. However it is helpful to take a close look at the degrees of physical enhancement so that we can logically determine when we have gone too far.

Michael Cook, editor of MercatorNet, an online magazine focused on bioethics and the dignity of the human person, states regarding transhumanism:

“It is the desire to use technology to go beyond, to transcend, the current condition of humanity to give human beings greater intellectual, physical, and even moral powers, We use glasses; we wear dentures; we take caffeine; we have pacemakers. This is true, but the nub of transhumanism is extending human capacities, not just repairing defects in the way we are now.....The central idea of transhumanism is that the destiny of our species is completely, wholly, up to us,....There is no sense of the divine providence, God looking after us, which is so characteristic of Christian thinking. So now that we have the technology, it is time to take responsibility for our evolution. Until now, the evolution of man has been random, but from now on, man can take responsibility for choosing what powers he can have.”

2045 - The Search for Immortality

The popularization of transhumanism began with the Global Futures 2045 initiative in February of 2012 (originally known as Russia 2045) in which the first congress was held in Moscow. There were over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines who met to develop a strategy for transferring a human's individual consciousness to an artificial carrier through cybernetic technology within the next three decades.

Headed by Russian multimillionaire, Dmitry Itskov, the aim of the initiative is simply for man to achieve a state of godhood where even if the body dies the consciousness is preserved in another tangible vessel known as an Avatar. The movement's significant partnerships with Humanity+, immense research into Cryogenics, Nanotechnology, Human cloning and Artificial Intelligence, and significant backing from spiritual leaders such as the Dalai Lama has READ THE REST

Image from here:



John 3:3 (CJB) “Yes, indeed,” Yeshua answered him, “I tell you that unless a person is born again from above, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

John 11:25 (CJB) Yeshua said to her, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life! Whoever puts his trust in me will live, even if he dies;

Romans 10:17 (CJB) So trust comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through a word proclaimed about the Messiah.

Edited by John R. Houk
Text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Jyrki Soini

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